Read Nasty Bastard (Grim Bastards MC Book 4) Online

Authors: Emily Minton,Shelley Springfield

Nasty Bastard (Grim Bastards MC Book 4) (22 page)

“I can’t believe you were ever married to the stuck-up motherfucker,” I growl, thinking about the look on his face when he saw my cut.

He drove here in a forty-thousand dollar car, acting like he owned the damn world. I don’t know shit about clothes, but I’m guessing his suit cost more than every fucking thing I have in the closet combined. The watch on his wrist probably cost more than my Harley. Seeing him flash his money around like that pissed me way the fuck off.

I like my life the way it is, wouldn’t change it for all the damn money in the world. Still, if he has so fucking much of the shit, why in the hell did Gidget and Parker end up at Stone’s old shack? That shit ain’t right. Granted, the boys and I fixed the place up before we moved. We didn’t have a lot of choice; there was no way my family was living in a dump. The three of us love the place now, but it was a piece of shit when they came back to town.

“I was young and stupid. I ended up married to the right man in the end, though. That’s all that counts.” She’s trying her best to get me to calm down, has been since the motherfucker called, but I just can’t let it go.

“Why now?” I ask, trying to force my body to relax. “Why show up out of the fucking blue like he did?”

She looks up at me, sadness clear to see in her eyes. “I’m sure it was an afterthought. If he came to Nashville without seeing Parker, everyone would know what a douche he is. He has his image to think of.”

“When he leaves again and doesn’t come back, it’s gonna hurt Parker,” I say, running a hand through my hair in frustration.

The sadness clears from Gidget’s eyes as she goes up on her toes and places a kiss on my lips. “This isn’t gonna hurt him, not for long at least. Parker has you to come home to. Any pain he feels will vanish the minute you give him a hug.”

I close my eyes and pull in a few deep breaths then wrap my arms around my woman. She’s perfect, absolutely fucking perfect. Opening my eyes, I look down at her and smile. Her long black hair is pulled back in some kind of messy bun, and she’s not wearing any makeup on her face. Her legs are covered in faded denim that probably has a hole or two somewhere. Without looking, I know her feet are bare. Something about the laid back look has my dick waking up to take notice.

She has on a tight Harley shirt that’s damn near the same color as her eyes. It’s cut low enough for me to see the swell of her breasts and the top of her scar. For weeks after her bandages were removed, that scar mocked me. It made me feel like I failed her. Now, I’ve grown accustomed to it. Like the scar on my face, it’s just there. It doesn’t change who she is or how I feel about her. Every time I see it, I remember how lucky I am to still have her in my life. I could’ve very easily lost her that day.

Reaching down, I grab her hand and bring it up to my lips, placing a kiss just below the ring I gave her all those years ago. I wanted to replace it when I made her my old lady. I wanted to get her something new, something bigger and better. She refused, though, saying nothing could ever be better than what she’s already got.

“You know, we have the house to ourselves for the next few hours,” she says with a sexy as hell grin. “I think we could find something better to do than stand out on the porch and talk about my ex-husband.”

“What do you have in mind, baby?” I ask with a smile of my own.

She steps back and turns to walk in the house. Calling over her shoulder, she asks, “Do you want to get nasty?”

I don’t hesitate in following her into the house, working on my zipper before I’m even through the door. “Fuck yeah, I do.”

A few hours isn’t much time, so I’m not gonna waste a minute. Halfway through the living room, I toss my cut on the couch. My shirt lands just inches away from it. She pulls off her shirt, tosses it toward me, and laughs. The sound of her laughter has my cock throbbing in anticipation of what’s to come. By the time we reach the bedroom, she’s down to nothing but her bra and panties.

She stops just steps from the bed and turns to look at me, her eyes landing on the bulge in my pants. “I do believe you’re just as excited about this as I am.”

“Fuck yeah,” I growl, kicking off my boots. “I’m tired of trying to keep you quiet while we fuck. I’m looking forward to hearing you scream.”

Parker’s room is just across from ours, so we have to be careful that sounds don’t carry to him. Not that it’s taken any enjoyment from being with my woman, but being alone is gonna be fucking sweet. Gidget can be as loud as she wants, and I can get as nasty as I want.

She has her panties off and is crawling onto the bed before I can even get my jeans off. “In a hurry, baby?”

Gidget simply nods, spreading her legs to give me a glimpse of her hot little pussy. A thought pops into my mind as I kick my jeans away. Walking over to the dresser, I open the top drawer and pull out the blindfold. Next, my hand wraps around the silk scarves she brought home last time she went shopping with Trix. Finally, I grab her favorite toy and head to the bed.

Climbing in beside her, I start issuing orders. “Put your hands above your head and hold them there.”

She does as she’s told, her beautiful blue eyes locked onto me. First, I tie her left hand to the bedframe then her right. Next, I lift her head enough to put the blindfold in place. Her breathing accelerates in anticipation when I lean down to pull a nipple deep into my mouth. My teeth sink into the tender flesh, not quite drawing blood but giving her a pinch of pain. By the time I grab a toy, her hips are rolling against the bed. The gentle hum of it being switched on brings a moan from her lips.

Kneeling between her spread legs, I run my hands down her body, teasing her by rubbing the toy against her nipples. Continuing on my journey to where my cock is yearning to be, I place the egg shaped vibrator against her swollen clit.

“That feels so good, Layton,” she moans, lifting her hips to cause more friction. “But I want you inside me.”

I can’t hold back my groan as I run the fingers of my other hand through her wet folds. Sinking one inside, I hook it enough to make her squirm. Her hips are thrashing about on the bed, so I pull my hand away and slap the side of her leg hard enough to sting.

“Keep your ass still, or I won’t give you what you want,” I warn, leaning down to blow a warm breath against her clit.

She immediately stops movement of her hips, and I reward her by sliding my finger back where she wants it. Adding another, I glide them in and out of her slowly. I use my other hand to roll the toy back and forth over her over sensitive clit. It’s fiery red and standing up, begging for my attention.

“Please, Layton,” she pleads, thrashing her head from side to side. “I need you to be inside me, honey.”

Wiggling my fingers, her juices gush all over my hand. “Can’t you feel me, baby? I am inside you.”

I continue rotating the vibrator on her clit as I pump my fingers in and out. Leaning down, I run my tongue through her heat. Her flavor bursts into my mouth, causing me to lose my patience.

“Open up,” I command, pulling my fingers away from her. As soon as she opens her lips, I slide them inside. “Taste yourself, baby. That taste is why I can never get enough of you.”

Her mouth locks around my fingers, and she lets out a breathy moan. “It’s not nearly as good as you.”

I pull away from her, leaving the toy in place. Wrapping my hand around my stiff cock, I slide the head through her juices then place it at her entrance. I can feel the vibrations through my cock, causing my balls to draw up in pleasure. Unable to hold back a second longer, I plunge deep inside her.

“Fuck me hard,” she begs, lifting her hips to meet my thrust. “Really hard, Layton, please.”

“You never have to beg for that.” Tossing the toy on the bed, I stroke in and out of her, balls deep with every downward glide.

Within seconds, I can feel her pussy clamping down on me and know she’s near the edge. I slow just enough to reach up and untie her hands. Picking up the toy, I place it in her hand and give her permission to join the game.

She rubs it around her clit for a minute before lowering it where it throbs against my thrusting cock. “Fuck, Gidget. Keep doing that, baby.”

I pound into her as a tingle starts at the bottom of my spine. I can feel it coming and want her right there with me. Burying my head against her throat, I bite down just enough to add an edge of pain to her pleasure. That’s all it takes to push her over.

She screams my name as her pussy convulses tightly around my cock. A few more thrusts and I follow her over the edge. Before I can even catch my breath, she starts to giggle. Pulling up my head, I look at her and cock my brow.

“What the fuck do you find so funny?” I ask, while rotating my hips to prolong the pleasure.

She smiles up at me, her baby blues shining with happiness. “I was just thinking about how much I love getting nasty.”

Epilogue Two

Three and a Half Years Later

Pushing my rounded body from the bed, it takes a minute for my legs to be steady enough for me to take a step. I only make it a foot or two before a gush of liquid pours out of me and hits the floor. Confusion fills me for a few seconds as my sleepy mind tries to understand what just happened. When a hard cramp hits my lower stomach, the reality of the situation hits.

Staring at the mess on the floor I call out for Layton. He doesn’t respond, doesn’t even blink an eye. “Layton, you have to get up. I’m having the baby.”

He blinks his eyes a time or two before turning to look at me. “Are you sure? You’re not due until next week.”

“Oh yeah,” I mumble, trying to keep the pain from my voice.

Immediately, he jumps up and rushes around to my side of the bed. When his bare foot slides through the puddle surrounding me, his face loses all color. “Fuck, baby. I think you’re right.”

I merely cock my brow in a mocking fashion and walk around him to my dresser. Before I can get there, another pain crashes into me. Just like that, I realize that the back ache I had before going to bed was labor. Now, I’m hitting the final stages.

“I’m gonna change my clothes. You need to get dressed then wake up Lettie and let her know what’s going on,” I order, trying to stay as calm as possible. The look on his face is enough to let me know that he’s freaking out enough for the both of us.

Lettie has been staying with us for the last week. She wanted to be here when I went into labor, so we wouldn’t have to worry about finding someone to take care of Parker. I didn’t mind her staying here, but didn’t think there was any reason for her to uproot her life. I was in labor for hours with Parker, so I figured I’d have plenty of time. With things moving so fast, I’m glad she forced the issue.

Layton is dressed in a flash, and a few seconds later, Lettie is in the room helping me change out of my wet clothes. I’m grateful for her help; I hadn’t accomplished much by myself. After that, Layton leads me to the truck. As he is helping me up into the seat, another contraction hits and the urge to push becomes overwhelming.

“Fuck, baby,” he says, placing his hands on my stomach. “Are you gonna make it to the hospital?”

I nod my head and pray I’m right. “Yeah, but we need to hurry.”

Layton cuts the normally twenty-minute drive down to fifteen. By the time the orderly is pushing me up to labor and delivery, my contractions are coming one after another. It only takes one look at me for the nurses to start rushing to get me in a room.

As soon as a nurse checks me, she’s on the phone with the doctor. “Get up here now. She’s already crowning.”

Her words let me know that my carefully planned delivery, including an epidural, are all out the window. This child will be born without the aid of pain medicine. A part of me wants to scream, tell them to give me something, but I know it’s too damn late. I’ve tolerated it this long; I’m just gonna have to deal with it the rest of the way.

I start to push before the doctor even gets into the room. By the time he takes his spot between my legs, he says it shouldn’t be much longer then starts telling me to push. Again and again, I do as I’m told, not sure how much longer I can keep this up.

Layton’s hand holds mine tightly as he whispers words of encouragement. “You got this, baby. I don’t know anyone that’s stronger than you, baby.”

“I don’t remember it hurting like this when I had Parker,” I whisper through my parched lips.

“You’ll forget this, too, as soon as you hold your baby in your arms.” The doctor chuckles and gently pats my leg.

His chuckle pisses me off. I want to ask what the hell he would know about it, considering he’s never pushed out a baby before, but I hold my temper. I’ve been involved with enough births to know he’s right. As soon as our child is laid in my arms, I’ll forget every bit of pain I’m feeling right now and be ready to have another baby.

Another pain rips through my body, pulling a scream from deep within my lungs. They are coming back to back now, letting me know it won’t be long. Leaning forward, I push with all my might. It feels like my insides are being torn in two. When it starts to recede, I pull in a deep breath and close my eyes.

"You’re doing fucking awesome, Gidget," Layton says, sounding a hell of a lot more relaxed than he looks.

His skin is white as a sheet, with just a touch of green around his lips. He actually looks like he’s might pass out at any minute. Even through all the pain, laughter bubbles up in my throat. I hold it back, though.

The minute we found out we were having a baby, I told him I wanted him with me during the delivery. For months, he flat out refused to even consider being in the room. He claimed that he had seen enough of my blood to last him a lifetime. He told me he didn’t know if he could handle seeing anymore. A few weeks ago, I broke down and begged. Once the tears started, he unhappily relented.

When the next pain hits, the doctor shouts, “Push, Mrs. Roundtree.”

Digging my nails into Layton’s hand, I use every bit of energy I have to push. By the time the contraction eases, I’m too tired to even scream. Instead, a guttural moan slips past my lips. Flopping back onto the bed, my entire body aches with fatigue.

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