Nathaniel Teen Angel (9 page)

Read Nathaniel Teen Angel Online

Authors: Patricia Puddle

Tags: #Teen Paranormal

“Oh, yes we had. You see, this afternoon when Tom was helping you with your homework, I possessed his body and kissed you.”

She bit her lip and a slight look of belief crossed her eyes, but she wasn’t convinced. “That’s nuts.”

Nathaniel clasped her hands in his. “Tom was formatting a word document for your assignment and when I stood next to him, I accidently possessed him.”

She shook her head. “That ... that can’t be.”

He kissed her fingers. “I’m so sorry, honey. You see, the moment I touched you for the first time and kissed you soft lips, I fell completely in love with you. And when you kissed me back, it felt like nothing I’ve ever known. It was magical and I couldn’t let you go. I thought you were kissing me. I didn’t know I was in Tom’s body. I believed you wanted me as much as I wanted you, so I kept on kissing you. But the moment I realised my wings were burning, I flew out of the house so you didn’t get hurt. Once I knew you were alright, I managed to fly to the beach and dive into the ocean. After putting out the flames, I was washed onto the shore, but when I scrambled out, my back was bleeding and my wings were gone. I had no clothes, so I stole some from a guy in the public change rooms, then I came back here to make sure you were alright. Please, Eloise, say that you believe me?”

After glancing at his bare chest, she looked into his eyes. “Okay, prove it.”

“I thought I just did. How else can I prove it? Oh, I know. Your favourite breakfast is blueberry pancakes.”

Nope, not good enough.”

He rubbed his chin. “You ran away from school when you were five.”

Standing on her tiptoes, she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Kiss me.”


She raised a brow. “That kiss Tom gave me was my first kiss and it was bloody amazing. He’s kissed me since, but I felt nothing, so if it was you, I’ll know. So, kiss me.”

Grinning from ear to ear, Nathaniel scooped her into his arms, then he carried her into the guestroom and tossed her onto the bed.
Ah, so it was
kiss she’d quivered for, not Tom’s.

She gazed up at him, her eyes smouldering and her lips slightly parted, begging to be kissed. Oh crap, the way she was looking at him was making him feel like the sexiest man alive and he
wanted to do more than kiss her, but he couldn’t give into her, not yet. She’d tricked him and brought him to his very knees and he wanted revenge. Diving on top of her, he held her wrists against the pillow and stared into her eyes.

She gulped and he could feel the pounding of her heart next to his. She was so
unbelievably sexy, he wanted nothing more than to ravish right then, but he wasn’t giving in to her that easy. Holding her gaze he grazed her lips with his, enticing her mouth and tormenting her heart. Her lips quivered, seeking his, urging him to kiss her, but as much as he wanted to, he turned away and buried his face in her hair.

She groaned and wriggled her hands, trying to free them, but he held them tight. He knew she’d reach for his curls, then he’d weaken and devour her mouth. He’d waited so long for this moment, he was determined to savour it and enjoy every second. And she owed him those three little words. Well if it took him all night and the next day, he would wait to hear them.

He nuzzled her neck and kissed her ear until she trembled beneath him, then letting go of her wrists, he
laid his head on her firm flat belly and rested his hand on her hip. She was so curvaceous, he was tempted to run his hands over her breast and down to her thighs, but he knew he couldn’t do that.

Then just like he thought, she grabbed his hair and tugged on his curls, sending pleasure shivers from his neck to his toes, but he still wouldn’t give in. He just lay there with his cheek against the silk of her dress, enjoying the warmth and feel of her body.

She dug her fingernails into his head and scratched his scalp, giving him goose-bumps. She obviously wasn’t going to give in, but neither was he. He was determined to keep this up all night if he had to. He needed to hear her say she loved him because he’d know in an instant if she was lying. She’d known for hours that he was an angel, but she hadn’t let on. The way she figured it out was amazing, but it still didn’t make sense that she’d guess his whole name when he’d erased her memory of him. Then a horrible thought crossed his mind and his whole body stiffened. Was the whole thing a trick? After all, Eloise was a descendant of a fallen angel. Had Lucifer got to her? Was she trying to tempt him to sin so he’d be damned to Hell forever? He’d heard her say it was love at first sight, but that could have been part of her plan. Was she in cahoots with Devlin? Had
tricked him into Tom’s body? He bolted upright and stared at her. There was only one way to find out.

Resting on her elbows, she stared up at him, her eyes wide. “Nathaniel, what’s wrong?”

He pinned her arms to the pillow again. “Where is it?”

Squirming beneath him, her eyes darted across his face. “What are you talking about? You’re scaring me.”

Nathaniel leaped off the bed and marched out the room. As he strode into her bedroom, she came running in behind him.

“What are you doing? Are you crazy?” She pushed his arm. “Answer me, Nathaniel.”

Waving her away, he stomped over to her dressing table and rummaged through her jewellery box. “Where is it, Eloise?”

She threw her arms out. “Where is what?”

His face burning and his fists clenched, he turned to face her. “You know very well what I’m talking about.”

Recoiling back against the door, she gulped. “No, I don’t, but if you’re going to hurt me, I’m warning you. I will kick your ass. I am stronger than I look, you know.”

As he leapt towards her, she dived for the door, but he caught her hand and spun her to face him. “Eloise, where’s your crucifix?”

She tried to wrench her arm away, but he held it tight. “Get off me. You’re scaring me. God, I should’ve listened to my parents and not brought a stranger into the house.
was I thinking?”

“Listen, Eloise, I’m not going to hurt you. Just
, tell me where your crucifix is.”

She glared at him. “After the way you’ve just carried on, why should I?”

“Okay, have it your way.” With his heart breaking into a trillion little pieced, he ripped his crucifix from the chain on his neck and held it in front of her. If she
a demon he’d know for sure.

Her eyes wide, she stared at the cross. “Nathaniel, what are you doing?”

Tears streamed down his cheeks and he moved the crucifix towards her throat, but when he saw the fear in her beautiful eyes, his arm fell to his side and he dropped the cross on the rug. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t hurt the only girl he truly loved with his heart as well as his soul, not even if she
one of Lucifer’s demons. Bowing his head, he dropped to his knees and covered his face with his hands. She’d won. She’d beaten him, and so had Lucifer. There was no point getting his wings back now. It was obviously too late to save her soul—but then if he remained on Earth as a human, he could still be with her—that’s if she even wanted him. She’d probably already chosen Devlin and all this was part of their plan. Unable to control his emotions any longer, he rocked on his heels and sobbed into his hands. All the suffering he’d gone through to be with her was all for nothing. It seems Devlin and Lucifer had won after all.


Chapter Twelve


Kneeling down in front of him, Eloise held his head between her hands and kissed his forehead. “Oh, Nathaniel, please tell me what’s wrong. If I’ve done
to hurt you I’m
sorry,” she sobbed. “I love you so much, I could truly die.”

As her tears splashed onto his chest, his heart leaped with tremendous joy and he blinked up at her. “

She looked deep into his eyes. “Yes,
. I love you with all of my heart, Nathaniel, my Angel of Fire.”

Overwhelmed with happiness, he pulled her into his arms and squeezed her tight. “Oh, Eloise, you have no idea how I’ve longed to hear those words.”

She sobbed into his chest. “I wanted to say them before, but I was afraid you’d laugh at me.”

He tilted her face.
“Why would I laugh at you, darling? I told you that I loved you.”

She sniffed. “Some boys just say that to get what they want. They rarely mean it.”

“And you thought I was like that?”

“I wasn’t sure.” She sat up. “You’re so mysterious, Nathaniel, I didn’t know what to think. Anyway, why did you want me to show you my crucifix?”

He raised a brow. “Why didn’t you want to show it to me?”

Gazing at him, she shrugged. “Because you were acting so odd and angry. Anyway, it’s under my pillow.”

With a burst of pure delight, Nathaniel jumped to his feet and lifted her into his arms. He was so thrilled she wasn’t a demon, or conspiring with Devlin, he twirled her around and around. “I’m so sorry I upset you, sweetheart, please forgive me?”

She clung onto his shoulders and smiled. “You don’t have to apologise. I’m just happy that you love me.”

“More than you’ll ever know.” He kissed her cheek, then with one hand beneath her thighs and the other around her tiny waist, he carried her to her unmade bed. As she gripped onto his biceps, he gently lowered her onto the mattress, then laid down beside her.

“I’m sorry I didn’t show you this,” she said, holding up her stone crucifix. “My chain broke, but my grandfather is fixing it.”

Nathaniel gasped. “Is that your father’s dad?”

She nodded. “Yes, why?”

He shrugged. “Just wondered, but promise me you’ll always wear it.”

“I promise.”

Reaching down, he pulled the quilt over their legs. “Now, come here, babe. I want to shower you with kisses because that’s all I have.”

“But that’s all I want,” she said, slipping her arms around his neck and kissing his cheek, then she whispered in his ear. “My God, you smell good.”

He chuckled, wondering what God would think of that, then holding her waist, he brushed his mouth lightly across hers. “Nothing smells as good as you, babe.”

She gripped his head, pressing him closer and crushing her lips to his. He couldn’t believe he was in her bed and she was kissing him as a man. It was beyond crazy, but he was enjoying every second of it. With one hand on her hip and the other around her shoulders, he rolled her onto her back and parted her lips with his trembling mouth. Kissing her like this and holding her warm body in his arms was more arousing than he’d ever imagined. And her hands, holy crap, they were all over him. She was caressing his chest, his arms, his shoulders and his waist. Holy Heaven, she was driving him wild and she knew it. He didn’t know how much pleasure a man could take, but he was tingling from his head to his toes. He’d never experienced anything like it and he didn’t want her to stop. She made him feel sexy and loved, and she was so darn sensual, he didn’t know how he was going to survive a whole night with her.

As they held each other tight, it was as if nothing or nobody ever existed but the two of them. He felt so complete with her in his arms. He kissed her eyelids, her cheeks and her heart-shaped mouth. She was his destiny and he yearned to stay with her forever, though he knew that could never be. Well, he couldn’t think about that
, his time with her was too precious to waste. Pulling her closer to his chest, he hoped she’d fall asleep in his arms, but instead she ran her fingernails from his spine to his waist, sending thrills to places he never knew existed. He’d never experienced anything so electrifying in his entire existence and he was sure if she did it again, he’d lose control.

As his legs began to shake, he buried his face in her hair and clung onto her shoulders. “Eloise,
, you’re driving me crazy.”

“But I want to drive you crazy,” she whispered, tousling his curls and sliding her
bare thigh in-between his.

Oh, God, now he was in trouble. His whole body was
aching for her and his manhood seemed to have a mind of its own. Though he was loving every sensation, he knew if he didn’t move away from her, it would be too late.

She squeezed his biceps. “Kiss me, Nathaniel.”

Lifting his head up, he gazed down at her delicate face. Her lips were swollen and wet and her eyes were licentious. Unable to resist her, he gripped her chin and brushed his lips across hers as he murmured into her mouth, “Oh, Eloise,
did you make me love you so much?”

Holding his face, she whispered, “Because you’re beautiful and sweet and your body’s to die for.” Then kissing him softly, she ran her hands from his chest to his belly, then caressed the bare skin above his waistband.

As his pulse pounded in his ears, he grabbed her hands and yanked them away from him as electric dynamite soared through his veins and exploded in his abdomen like a meteor storm. Trembling with ecstasy, he released her wrists and kissed her mouth as he sank into a place where everything was still. There was no Earth, no universe, no pain, just Eloise in his arms as he floated into oblivion.




When he opened his eyes, Eloise was sleeping quietly beneath him.

Jesus Christ!
What just happened? He’d never felt anything as powerful and intense as that in his entire existence. Heck. No wonder angels fell to Earth. It was fucking amazing. Glancing down, he prayed he wasn’t naked, then he sighed with relief to see he was still wearing the torn denim jeans.

Eloise opened her eyes and gazed up at him, her lids heavy from sleep. Smiling dreamily, she stretched her arms and glanced at the clock. “Oh, I must have dozed off. It’s past midnight.”

Blushing, he covered her with a blanket and prayed she hadn’t noticed what had happened. It was far too embarrassing. But not wanting to waste a single moment with her, he stroked her face with his fingers, enjoying the feel of her soft smooth skin. “I guess we both fell asleep.”

She played with his curls. “Oh, Nathaniel, are you really my guardian angel?”

He kissed her forehead. “I’m afraid I am.” Though he wondered if he’d ever get his wings back now.

“Well, I love you no matter who you are.”

He took her hand in his. “And I love you with all of my soul, Eloise.”

She pressed her hand to his chest. “But what about your heart? Don’t you love me with all of your heart as well?”

“It’s the same thing, baby.”

She scowled. “No it isn’t. Your heart is a living pumping organ, and your soul isn’t.”

His face burned at her choice of words and he wondered if she was being facetious, though knowing how naive she was, he doubted it. He kissed her cheek. “But if you have a heart, you also have a soul.”

She caressed his chest
. “Well, angels have a soul without a heart, but you’re an angel and a man, so why can’t you love me with your heart and soul?”

After drawing her into his arms, he stroked her hair. “Oh, baby, I do love you with both.” He’d just loved her with his body too, but he wasn’t about to tell her that.

Running her fingers along the muscles on his chest, she gazed up at him. “Well, now that you love me, you can take me to the party on Saturday night.”

His mood dropped. “I’m sorry, honey. I can’t.”

She sat upright. “What do you mean, you can’t? You don’t have a home to go to. You lied about that, so now I know the truth, why can’t you stay in Creed Valley?”

He stared at her. She’d been so happy a moment ago and the last thing he wanted was hurt her. Nor did he want her to feel the heartache that he felt. It was far too devastating. Wanting her to be happy, he decided not to tell her what was going to happen. There was no point. Her memory of him would be erased anyway.

He smiled. “Okay, baby, I’ll take you to the party, but first I’ll have to find a place to stay.”

A huge smile spread across her face. “Oh, Nathaniel, I love you so much and I can’t wait to show you off to my friends. I’ll ask my mum if you can stay here until you find a place. She’ll probably be happy to have you here, especially while she has a sore leg.”

Nathaniel chuckled. “I don’t think so, Eloise. She thinks I’m an intern, remember?”

“Okay then, I’ll ask one of my friends if you can stay at their place, but I’m sure we can get through to my mother’s soft side. Anyway, don’t worry, I’ll think of something, but please promise me you won’t change your mind?”

“I won’t. But you’d better go to sleep soon. You have school in a few hours, remember? I’ll get going back into the guest room.”

As he threw his legs over the side of the bed, she pulled him back. “Oh, Nathaniel, please stay with me, just for tonight.” She looked up pleadingly through her long dark lashes. “We can keep our clothes on.”

He raised a brow. “On one condition.”

“What’s that?”

“No more kissing. It’s too distracting and I don’t want you sleeping in.”

She grinned cheekily. “Okay, it’s a deal.”

After turning the stereo down low, he headed to the bathroom, then he hurried back and hopped into her bed.

As she snuggled up next to him, she peeked under the covers. “You must’ve splashed water on your jeans when you washed your hands. They’re damp. Why don’t you hang them over a chair to dry and change into

He clicked the light off before she saw him blush. “It’s okay, babe, it’s not bothering me, and I don’t think it’s safe to wear pyjamas when I’m in bed with you.”

“Why’s that?”

He wrapped his arms around her. “Never mind. Just go to sleep like you promised.”

“Can we leave the music on all night? Or will it keep you awake?”

“It’s fine, Eloise. I’m used to it. I’ve lived here with you all your life.”

She giggled. “That’s so funny. I can’t believe you know everything about me.” Then she gasped. “Hey, did you see

He smirked. “Yep, everything, though I chose not to see certain things.”

She held her mouth. “Oh my God!”

“Go to sleep, Eloise.”

“You’re worse than my mother.”

He shook his head. “No, I’m not. No one is worse than your mother for nagging.”

As she started to chuckle again, he put a finger to her mouth. “Shhhh.” Then as
One Direction’s
song, ‘
’ played softly from the radio, Nathaniel pulled the covers around her shoulders and nestled beside her. He could at least have this one night in her arms.

Hitching closer to him, she slipped her hand around his waist and kissed his shoulder, then as she rested her head on his bare chest, she whispered, “I so love you, Nathaniel.”

“I love you, too, sweetheart,” he said, kissing her brow. Then with tears in his eyes, he stroked her hair until she drifted off to sleep.

As she breathed quietly, he could feel the warmth of her breath on his chest. He gazed down at her. The full moon had lit up the room and he could clearly see her pretty face. Mesmerised by the perfection of her, he brushed a curl from her brow. Seeing her like this was blowing him away, especially the way her hair fanned over the pillow. She looked like a beautiful mermaid washed in from the sea.

Being with Eloise like this wasn’t helping him and he realised Michael was right. It would be impossible to guard her if he didn’t get his memory of tonight erased. He would be jealous of every guy she ever dated. No way would he be able to guide her now without longing for her, yet knowing he could never have her. And the thought of another man marrying her one day would be too unbearable if he was left with these feelings inside of him. But he still wanted to grab Devlin by the throat and tear him apart. If he hadn’t got involved with Lucifer, none of this would’ve happened. What sort of friend would do that? And the thought of Devlin falling to Earth and being able to date Eloise was more than he could stand. Wrapping his arms proactively around her, he closed his eyes, then thinking of the kisses they’d shared together, he drifted off to sleep.

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