Nerds Are From Mars (19 page)

Read Nerds Are From Mars Online

Authors: Vicki Lewis Thompson

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #contemporary romance, #Literature & Fiction

“I hope it has to do with sex, because that’s what we’re about to have.”

“How can we have sex and look at the lights at the same time?”

“I’m so glad you asked, because I have an answer. Turn on your side and face the lights.”

Excitement strummed her nerve endings. Brains and creativity were a powerful combination in a lover. And when that brainy guy was equipped like Nolan, well, a girl had to thank her lucky stars, literally.

His body enveloped hers from behind and he slipped a hand between her thighs. “So wet, Darcie.”


“Shift a little bit for me. Like that. Good.”

And it was. So very good. He entered her slowly, filling and stretching her gradually until they were locked together once again, but this time with his body spooning hers.

He slid one arm under her head, and used his free hand to fondle her breasts as he began to rock gently back and forth. “Can you see the lights?”

She had trouble deciphering the question as pleasure rocketed through her with every firm thrust. Oh, yes, he’d asked if she could see the city lights. “I can. Can you?”

“Sort of.”

“That’s . . .” Her womb contracted. “That’s not fair.”

“Your idea. Your treat.” His breathing grew harsh in her ear. “And I’m . . . not exactly . . . suffering.”

“Glad to hear it.” Each firm stroke brought her closer, yet not quite close enough. She whimpered with yearning.

As if he’d sensed what she needed, he moved his hand from her breasts, down her belly, and completed the journey by sliding his finger into her moist crevice and massaging her trigger point. She came within seconds, her climax hurling her headlong into a torrent of sensation.

He cupped her, pressing down as he maintained a steady rhythm with his cock. Her spasms ebbed, but then . . . she gasped as he rocked his hand back and forth and she began the climb all over again. It was a shorter climb. He’d caught her on a precipice halfway down and coaxed her back to the peak.

Delirious with pleasure, she cried out again and again as her body gifted her with yet another mind-shattering climax. The lights of the city blurred and blended into a kaleidoscope of color as she lay panting, cradled against his warmth.

At last she recovered enough to realize . . . “You didn’t come.”

“Not yet.” He nuzzled her shoulder. I’m an old fashioned guy. If you can give up the lights for a few minutes, I want some old-fashioned sex.”

“Oh, Nolan, you don’t even have to ask. Do with me what you will. I’m putty in your hands.”

He carefully withdrew. “You’re a lot of things, Darcie, but putty isn’t one of them. Okay, you can roll to your back, now.”

She flopped over and smiled as she stretched out and opened her thighs to him. “It’s only an expression.”

“One that doesn’t work for you.” He moved between her thighs and leaned down to brush his lips against hers. “No one could mold you into something you’re not.”

“They almost did.”

“Yeah, but they didn’t. You’re strong, Darcie. And the sexiest woman I know.” He thrust deep and rested his forehead against hers. “I never want to leave this room.”

She wrapped her legs around his hips and her arms around his broad back. “Then let’s just stay here until the condoms run out.”

Lifting his head, he gazed down at her. “The way you affect me, that won’t take long.” He eased back and pushed home again.

“Then we’ll send out for more. We’ll live on room service and sex.”

“Don’t think I haven’t thought of it.” He rocked his hips again.

She arched to meet him. “Don’t think I wouldn’t say yes.”

“Would you, Darcie?” He began to thrust in earnest. “Would you stay here with me and let me make you come over and over?”

“I would.” She matched his rhythm, lifting her hips in time with his, increasing the pace as he did. “I would gladly stay here, naked and willing, always ready for . . . this.” She gasped as he bore down and her body answered, aroused once again by this amazing man.

“And I would always be there to please you . . . with my mouth . . . my hands . . .” He groaned and pumped faster. “My cock . . . Darcie, I’m going to come. Come with me, sweet Darcie.”

“Yes . . .”

.” He plunged into her with a bellow of satisfaction.

“Yes!” Her orgasm welcomed him, undulating over his pulsing cock. She held him tight as he shuddered and pressed his mouth to her shoulder. When he nipped her there, she sucked in a breath. “Nolan? Did you just bite me?” Although he’d surprised the heck out of her, she found it thrilling.

“Yes.” He kissed the spot.


He lifted his head and looked into her eyes, although surely he wouldn’t be able to see her very well. “I wanted . . . I needed . . .”

“To mark me?”

He blew out a breath. “Yes. It was the most illogical urge, not at all civilized, but I . . . Darcie, whatever this is between us, it goes really deep.”

She swallowed. “I think so, too.”

“But you said it yourself. We’re both lone wolves, afraid of too much intimacy.”

She stroked his warm back. “I’d say biting me is kind of intimate.”

“Yeah. I think that’s why I did it. I wanted to leave you with a reminder. I don’t want you to forget . . .”

“You? Not likely.”

“Not just me, but this. Being here, as close as two people can be. How this feels, with me deep inside you.”

Once again, tightness gripped her throat. He was so vulnerable. So was she. Neither of them knew quite how to handle that. “I won’t forget.”

“Want to bite me?”

She laughed. “Yes, I believe I do.” She put her arm around his neck and pulled him down. “Come here.”

He obligingly lowered his shoulder toward her waiting mouth.

She’d never bitten anyone before, at least not that she remembered. She didn’t know how much pressure to exert, but she must have done it too hard, because he yelped. “Sorry.” She kissed the spot the way he’d done.

He chuckled and balanced on his forearms, putting his shoulder once more out of reach. “It didn’t really hurt. I was just teasing you.”

“Oh, yeah?” She tried to pull him back down. “Then let me try again.”

“Nope. One bite to a customer.” His grin flashed.

Her eyes had adjusted to the dim light and she could make out the shadow of his dimples. She pressed the tip of her finger against one. “I like these.”

“Yeah, well those dimples are what sometimes get me carded at the liquor store, so I’m not all that fond of them. Plus women look at those dimples and put me in the
cute but not hot
category, especially combined with the glasses.”

“That’s awesome.”

? How so?”

She cupped his face in both hands. “You don’t want that kind of woman. You want the kind who thinks you’re smart, and funny, and incredibly, undeniably hot.”

He leaned down and kissed her forehead, her cheeks, and her nose. “Do you happen to know anybody like that?”

“Actually, I do.”

He placed more kisses on various parts of her face. “Then if you could give her a message, tell her I’m available anytime, anywhere.”

“How about now?”

He eased away from her. “Give me two minutes. I’ll be right back. Tell her to wait here.”

“Hurry back. I promise you she’ll be waiting.”

True to his word, he was back in less than two minutes. “Oh, my goodness, look at that. You must be the woman who thinks I’m smart, funny, and incredibly, undeniably hot.”

“I am.”

He crawled under the comforter with her. “What can I do for you, sweet lady?”

“I was thinking we could cuddle and look at the lights.”


They arranged themselves as before, only this time he gathered her close with touches that were sensual, but not sexual. She discovered there was a difference. They lay snuggled together, his chin resting on the top of her head so he could see the lights, too.

He sighed. “I love it when we have sex, but this is great, too.”

“Yeah.” All tension was gone from her body, and yet she was aware of him, energized by his presence, and happy. So happy.

“I asked you if you’d stay here with me, but we can’t really do that. It was only a fantasy.”

“I know.”

“But if I could, I would.”

“Me, too.” She felt her heart expanding, letting him in.

“Even if I’d be worried about my space.”

“Same here.”

His voice grew drowsy. “It’s too bad we can’t do it. It would make a great experiment.”

She desperately wanted to laugh, but he wouldn’t appreciate it and she’d spoil the mood. He couldn’t help thinking of everything as an experiment. He was hard-wired to do that. But she wondered if he understood that hanging out together in this hotel room would be researching a subject that had eluded scientists for centuries. The experiment would be all about love.

Chapter Sixteen

Nolan hadn’t meant to fall asleep, but a plethora of good sex and a warm Darcie to cuddle with had sent him straight off to dreamland. Weak sunlight through a cloudy L.A. sky brought him awake with a start. At first he had trouble figuring out why he was lying on a mattress on the floor next to the window. He never did things like that.

But then he propped himself up on one elbow and glanced over at Darcie, her rich brown hair fanned out in a colorful ripple as she slept. Oh, yeah, now he remembered. Darcie Ingram had arrived and rocked his world right out of its rut.

He eased back down as gently as possible. Judging from the light coming through the floor-to-ceiling windows, it was past eight. Normally he’d be up, shaved, showered, and dressed for the day by now, especially because he was a significant part of Space Expo’s program.

The organizers had paid his expenses to be here, although he hadn’t cost them anything for transportation. All-in-all, especially compared to the movie stars, he’d been a cheap date. Even so, he’d agreed to be here and circulate during the conference. He couldn’t simply disappear.

On the other hand, Darcie lay naked beside him, and leaving this bed and attending to his duties at the conference might mean the end of this interlude. He wasn’t willing to make any sudden moves and chance having that happen. The past twenty-four hours had been way too sweet.

Yes, he fully intended to pursue this relationship. She’d agreed to tour the lab later today, and he’d considered inviting her up to his house to spend the night before she drove back to Ojai. But come tomorrow morning, he had to report to work. She could well have obligations, too.

He couldn’t shake the thought that once they checked out of this room, nothing would be the same. Recapturing the mood might not be all that easy. So he stayed where he was and did his best to forget about the conference that was continuing without him. Surely he wasn’t
important to the proceedings.

He gazed at the ceiling, which was out of focus, but with ceilings that wasn’t a huge problem. And he listened to her breathe while he sorted through his memories of Darcie Ingram, version 2.0. He thought of the teenaged Darcie as an early rollout, exactly as he’d been. They’d both had a chance to fix the bugs in the system.

This Darcie – who had abandoned her need to fit in and had embraced the free spirit she’d suppressed in her younger years – was someone he could relate to, especially now that he wasn’t as much of a socially inept nerd as he’d been back in high school. He was still learning about life and so was she.

Maybe, with a large dose of luck, they could explore the possibilities together and create something significant and lasting. They just had to make a successful transition from this weekend to real life. He didn’t kid himself that it would be a piece of cake.

For starters, though, they didn’t have to rush out of this room and straight down to the conference floor. He had no presentations this morning, so if he didn’t show up for the first session, so what? Others would be sleeping in after the big banquet the night before, including Blackstone, who’d been drinking heavily.

Nolan couldn’t help comparing his conscientious approach to his job to Blackstone’s cavalier behavior. Blackstone had always been casual about work, even in college. Yet his team was outstripping Nolan’s team. Either Blackstone’s people were more talented, which Nolan doubted, or long hours and hard work weren’t necessarily the answer to success.

He thought of Darcie’s suggestion that he should start using his intuition more. She could be right. Maybe Blackstone had leaped ahead through using his intuition. If so, Nolan should take a page out of his book. Just because the guy was a bastard didn’t mean he had nothing to teach workaholics like Nolan.

So, yeah, he wouldn’t worry about bouncing downstairs so he could be on time for the first session. He’d probably been a chump all these years because he’d assumed he should do that. Any other guy with a sexy woman like Darcie lying in his bed would stay put. Nolan needed to grab a clue.

Now that he’d decided that, he rolled to his side and studied her. Maybe he should gently wake her with a kiss. Or should he sneak out of bed and shave first? He touched his chin and winced. Couldn’t kiss her with that bristle going on.

As he debated whether to slide quietly out of bed and head to the bathroom for a quick shave, her eyes opened. At first her blue gaze was filled with confusion. He recognized that look. He’d been confused at first, too.

That emotion cleared and warmth replaced it. “Good morning, Dr. Bradbury.”

“Good morning, Ms. Ingram.” So far, so good. Maybe he could make love to her without bringing her tender skin into contact with his sandpaper jaw. Then he could shave later, and maybe they’d shower together. If they did that, he figured he’d miss the second session, too. Oh, well.

“You look rakish with a beard.”

“I do?”

“You could grow one. Think of all the trouble that would save when you’re living on Mars.”

“Guess so.” But suddenly the idea of living on Mars was problematic. He couldn’t imagine being there, so very far away from Earth, if she couldn’t come, too. But it would be dangerous. Survival wasn’t guaranteed. He would risk that for himself, but for her? That wouldn’t be so easy to do.

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