Never Enough: A New Adult Romance (16 page)

“So you’re fuck buddies then?” Jude asked, his dark eyes twinkling as he stopped in front of me.

“What the hell have you been telling these guys?” I asked Jonathan, frustrated my personal life was up for grabs. I liked my private life private.

“That you’re moving on,” Jonathan told me, unrepentant for sharing my personal shit with Asher and Jude.

“We’re happy for you,” Jude said, brushing his shoulder length brown hair behind his ears.

“Yeah, bro. It’s about time,” Asher piped up before adding. “Heard she’s coming today too. Can’t wait to meet her.”

The way he said it made it sound like he was going to swoop in and take her from me. I didn’t like that thought at all. I knew Asher would never intentionally hurt me, but he was a good-looking fucker and girls gravitated toward him unintentionally. What if Temperance ended up liking him more than me? He didn’t have the same baggage as me. He could offer her something I couldn’t.

Jonathan seemed to read my mind because he stopped right near me and said lowly, “She’s all yours, man. Don’t worry.”

I shot him a look that told him mind his own business even though his words were a slight relief.

As we were setting up our equipment, a familiar feminine voice floated over all of us, causing the four of us to stop what we were doing and glance up. Temperance strode into the large space looking like a freaking sex god and I immediately regretted telling her about practice tonight. I could basically see each guy, including Jonathan beginning to salivate over her.


“Hey guys,” Temperance said sweetly as she stopped in front of us. We all stood there stupidly while she fidgeted with her outfit that was way too revealing. Her tight jeans looked painted on and her shirt was way too tight. I was totally going to start bringing a sweatshirt for her whenever we went out so guys would stop eye fucking her. 

To make it worse, I could see Asher and Jude trying desperately not to look at her chest, but to no avail. Their eyes traveled over her torso as Asher blew out a breath.

“Shit,” he muttered, glancing over at me. I could see the appreciation in his eyes and I bit back a possessive growl. Frowning deeply, I took a step toward her. She was mine. At least for the time being.

“Well, we’re glad you’re here,” Jonathan managed to say, smiling widely at her. At least he managed to play it cool. He wasn’t eye-groping her as obviously as Jude and Asher were.

“Yes, we are,” Jude said, finally extending his hand and introducing himself. “I’m Jude.”

“Nice to meet you,” Temperance replied, seemingly not knowing that he’d just been admiring her tits.

“And I’m Asher. I play the drums,” Asher said, letting his hands linger way too long on hers. Touchy bastard.

“Nice to meet you too,” Temperance said sweetly as she removed the large encased cello from her back and set it on the floor. “I’m really excited to be here. Thanks for letting me come and check you guys out.”

Asher and Jude’s eyes met and I knew what was going on in their heads. That I was one lucky bastard and that if she ever left me, they’d be the first to swoop in. Bro-code be damned.


“Well, should we get started?” Jonathan asked, his eyes meeting mine. He knew that if I didn’t get my mind on something else I’d end up punching Jude and Asher in the face.

I nodded and helped Temperance carry her cello over to the mic Asher had set up for her. I was glad she was finally away from my friends’ groping eyes. She looked so damn good I had to tell her.

“You look really hot,” I whispered in her ear and watched as she flushed deeply. If we were alone I’d end up taking her right then and there.

“You look nice too,” she replied, glancing over her shoulder to make sure we were alone. When she was satisfied that we were far enough away from prying ears, she whispered, “I actually really want you right now.”

Holy hell. Those words. I instantly became hard.

“I actually…you know…touched myself in the car before I came inside,” she added shyly and I nearly came in my pants. How the fuck was she so sweet and yet so dirty? The things that came out of her mouth made me crazy.

“Shit, Temperance. You can’t say that to me,” I said, adjusting my now hard cock in my pants. If I was going to make it through practice I needed her to tone that shit down. Or else I’d have to excuse myself and rub one out outside.

“I wanted you to know,” she said, glancing up at me with those big green eyes. “I wanted you to know that I was thinking about you while I did it.”

Jesus. Christ.

“So you guys ready?” Jonathan asked, cutting off our conversation. I didn’t feel like being here anymore. I just wanted to take her home and screw her silly.

I didn’t want to be a total caveman so I grunted, “Yeah.” I hoped my erection wasn’t visible through my jeans because if the guys saw it they wouldn’t let me live it down. I felt like I was a fifteen-year old guy all over again. One dirty word from Temperance and I was as erect as a flagpole. What the hell? This was going to be a long fucking night.


Practice went better than I thought it would. Temperance ended up listening to a few of our songs before deciding to jump in. And when she did, she was phenomenal. I knew she played the cello. I’d even heard her practicing a few times, but it was always classical music coming from her room. It was never anything contemporary. So even though I’d never doubted her skills, I wondered what a great addition she’s make to the band.

I didn’t doubt it any longer. The way her cello harmonized with Jonathan and at times with me, made all the difference. Our songs went from good to great. And when Jonathan told us we had a show in two weeks, I knew that without Temperance we’d be half as good as we could be.

I knew she liked us and could tell she was surprised at how good we were. She probably thought she was walking into a metal band because of the music I usually listened to. Little did she know the music we played was softer and a lot more ethereal than she was expecting. I could tell she liked it because her eyes darkened when she looked at me and I knew I was so getting laid once we were alone.

I had been worried she was going to get all sentimental on me once she heard the lyrics to the songs I’d written, but she didn’t. She actually didn’t act much different, which was a relief. The only thing I noticed was how her gaze would linger on me a little longer and the look in her eyes was a little more intense. I just attributed it to her being incredibly turned on.

“That was amazing,” Asher said after we played our last song. He walked up to Temperance and threw his arm around her shoulders. I could tell he had a huge crush on her already and I stifled the urge to peel his hands off her.

She smiled shyly. “Thanks, I wasn’t really quite sure what I was doing.”

“Could have fooled us,” Jude said. “You were amazing.”

“Thanks,” Temperance said, blushing. She looked so damn adorable. If only my friends knew what came out of that mouth I’d have competition. Any of these guys would probably be willing to give her what she’d most likely come to want. I just couldn’t give it to her. Being in a relationship with someone wasn’t something I could justify away.

“So you going to join us on stage in a few weeks for our show?” Jonathan asked her.

She plucked at the end of her shirt. “Yeah, if you guys want me.”

“Hell yeah we do,” Asher said loudly before glancing at us. “Right guys?”

The three of us nodded as Jude pulled beer out of the cooler and passed it around. Temperance took one, but didn’t open it. I was glad. Watching her mouth move over the neck of the bottle would have pushed me over the edge. I was already close to losing it.

I cracked open my beer and took a long swig. Even though it was cold outside, playing always left me thirsty. The cool liquid was a balm to my dry throat. I hadn’t been much of a beer drinker until I traveled around Europe with Sophia. It was there that I developed a taste for it because it was cheaper than soda or water.

“You guys want to hang out here or take off?” Jonathan asked, lowering himself onto an old couch Asher had picked up from Goodwill last month. Usually I’d want to stick around, but all I’d been able to think about since Temperance arrived was getting her home.

“I think he wants to leave,” Asher said.

“Don’t blame him,” Jude muttered and I shot him a look. They were so unsubtle it was embarrassing.

“I’m ready to go,” I said quickly, hoping Temperance didn’t want to stay. I didn’t know if I could make it another few hours without having her. I could feel a headache beginning to form behind my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose.

Temperance caught the movement and nodded. “I’m ready too.”

Thank the Lord, sweet Jesus.

The four of us watched as Temperance walked to the other side of the room and bent over to pack up her cello.

“Fuck, man. She’s hot, like seriously hot. If I were you, I’d never leave my room,” Jude said.

“That’s what I said,” Jonathan said.

“No wonder you’ve been in a better mood,” Asher chimed in. “Lord all mighty.”

“Stop checking her out,” I warned.

None of them listened, their eyes glued to her ass. I didn’t blame them. She looked damn good in those jeans.

“Heard she has a tattoo under those clothes as well,” Asher added after a moment.

Hell yeah she did. Just thinking about that ink on her skin made me want to throw her over my shoulder and carry her home.

Temperance took that moment to peek over her shoulder and much to my annoyance, Jude and Asher didn’t even bother to divert their gazes, causing her cheeks to darken. I hated that other guys were checking her out, but at the same time I felt a little bit thrilled that she was mine for the moment.

“Alright. Enough,” I interjected. The commentary was getting on my nerves and I really just wanted to get Temperance alone.

If we only had a moment, then I wanted her now.

Chapter Fourteen


I woke up, a heavy ache between my legs. This was happening more frequently now that Damien and I had been having sex. It was almost as if I couldn’t get enough of him, as if I knew that this was going to be over soon and I had to get my fill before the end.

I was insatiable. Maggie called it being repressed for so long. I just called it Damien. He was way too addicting and after tonight, I think I was a little bit in love with him.

Just hearing those beautiful words that Damien had written caused my heart to swell enormously. They were beautiful lyrics of love and loss and hope. How I never saw the artistic side of Damien before was amazing. And it was detrimental. How was I ever going to go my separate way when I felt like this?

Shit, shit, shit.

It had all been fun and games before I realized he felt deeply, cared deeply and was amazing in bed. Who was I kidding? I wasn’t just a little in love with him. I was a whole lot in love with him. And I did my best to hide it. I doubted he’d even caught on, which I was grateful for. I didn’t need this to end prematurely because I scared him off by being too emotional.

I just needed to remember this was just sex for him. Nothing more. If I kept my expectations realistic then I’d be less disappointed when it was all over.

Damien pressed up against me, his hard cock brushing against my lower back. The ache between my legs intensified and I realized that even though we’d just had sex a few hours ago, I needed him again.

Once we had arrived home, Damien wasted no time in carrying me upstairs and taking me on his bed. I was glad Deidre was gone because I was way too loud. I was pretty sure our neighbors were going to start complaining if I kept that up. Then afterward he pulled me into his chest and fell asleep. I snuggled into him, loving how he smelled, loving how warm he was. Everything about him lulled me to sleep.

And now I was so turned on I could barely breathe. I couldn’t wait. I needed him desperately.

Turning onto my side, I brushed my hand across his taut stomach. I could feel him tremble in his sleep at my touch and I loved the power I held over him. Even if that power was only found when we were having sex. I wondered for just a moment how amazing the sex would be if he loved me back before pushing the thought away.

My fingers wrapped around his hardening cock and I stroked him until he groaned in his sleep. I loved waking him up like this. The surprise and eagerness in his eyes made it totally worth it. So I pushed myself up, just as his eyes started to open and positioned myself over him.

“Hi,” I said softly, as I sank onto him. I watched his eyes darken as his hands flexed on my hips.

“You’re going to kill me, Tempie,” he said, my nickname rolling off his lips. He’d never called me that I loved hearing it coming from his mouth. It made me fall in love a little more.

“That’s my plan,” I replied as I exhaled heavily. Having him inside of me was what I’d been craving since I woke up and now that he his throbbing cock was thrusting inside of me, I started to lose control. I dug my fingernails into his chest and he hissed.

“Take me harder,” I demanded.

And he did.


“Did I tell you how fucking amazing you were tonight?” Damien asked, his voice brushing softly across my skin. Man oh man. If only he wouldn’t say stuff like that. It just blurred the lines between us. Despite loving the praise, it would only make it harder in the end.

“No,” I replied. “You didn’t.”

“That’s because I was too busy thinking about those dirty things you were saying to me earlier. Your mouth is pretty damn amazing,” Damien said, his thumb brushing across my lips. My eyes fluttered closed and my chest constricted.

“I’m glad you like it,” I managed to say.

“I do, Tempie,” he breathed, pressing a kiss to my shoulder. I wanted this whole conversation to mean something, but I knew it was just Damien being sentimental after sex. If we were just out and about, I was pretty sure he wouldn’t be as open about his feelings. I wasn’t complaining though. Having only part of him was better than nothing. Or so I kept telling myself.

“So why don’t you sing your own songs again?” I asked. “Because I’ve heard you singing before and you don’t have a bad voice.”

“You’ve heard me singing?” He sounded slightly embarrassed and it made me smile.

“That doesn’t matter…answer my question,” I said playfully, kissing the tips of his fingers, which were still running across my lips.

“I just don’t sing anymore…I used to but I don’t anymore.”

“Is it that girl?” I couldn’t help but ask. “Is she the reason you stopped?”

His fingers froze before moving away from my mouth. “I used to sing to her. She always encouraged me to sing. I just don’t like singing in front of a lot of people. It would take a special person to get me to sing my shit in front of an audience.”

I appreciated his openness, when so often he was closed off. So I grabbed his hand and brought his fingers to my mouth. I bit down on his thumb playfully, causing his breath to slide across my skin.

“Thank you for sharing with me, Damien.” I said softly, my tongue flicking out across his skin.

“If this is what I get for sharing…Jesus,” he breathed. “Remember when your fingers were in my mouth?” Damien asked, his voice low and sensual. My mind immediately flashed to when I had given him a massage and my fingers ended up tangling with his tongue.

“Yes. How could I forget?”

He chuckled behind me. “You’re telling me. I think I masturbated thinking about that day a few times. You’re better than porn, Temperance Cole.”

My name on his lips was like lemonade on a hot day. I turned and slid my leg over his. “Yeah? It was just a massage,” I said, feigning innocence.

He pulled me into him, our bodies fitting together like puzzle pieces. “Yeah right. You planned that.”

I glanced up at him. “I didn’t. I really was just trying to be nice.”

“Then what changed? How did you go from being nice to having your hands all over me?”

“I liked how you felt…so I explored.”

His eyes closed slowly. “Shit.” I watched as his chest rose and fell until he finally opened his eyes and asked, “And at the coffee shop when you went down on me…Jesus, just thinking about it is getting me hard again.”

My stomach fluttered and I suppressed a grin. I loved that I could get to him like that. “What about it?”

“Was that planned? Or was it spur of the moment?”

I ran my hand over his taut chest as I replied, “Planned in the sense that I knew I was going to do something to you that day. Were you glad I did?”

His hand moved up my back to massage the back of my neck. “Hell yeah I am. Anytime you want to do that I’m game.”

“Maybe I’ll take you up on that offer. I really liked having you in my mouth,” I replied, my eyes meeting his.

“Shit, Temperance. How can you be so sweet and sexy at the same time? I’m serious. It baffles me.”

“You think I’m sexy?”

“Of course I do and so does every other guy out there. Didn’t you see how the guys were looking at you tonight?”

“Who? Asher and Jude?”


“I thought it was because I had something on my shirt…”

He cut me off with another small laugh and my chest ached. I loved being the one to make him smile. “Temperance, they were checking you out.”

“Oh,” I said, trying to wrap my mind around what he’d just said. Guys had never been particularly interested in me. I was surprised Damien had even made a move on me. If it weren’t for that kiss in his truck, I would have assumed he was indifferent. That kiss had broken all kinds of barriers between us. It had made almost everything possible.

He tilted my chin up so he could gaze deeply into my eyes. “Do you really not realize that’s what was going on?”

I shook my head, my fingers tracing the ink on his skin. I still hadn’t been able to read it in its entirety yet. I wanted to ask if he’d sit still so I could see exactly what they said, but I also ignorantly wanted to give him time to suggest it himself. “Guys have never really shown interest in me. I’ve always been the weird girl, the one who spends all her time playing cello and has little time for anything else.”

“But you weren’t a virgin, so obviously someone was interested in you,” he said and I could tell by how he said it, he regretted the comment immediately.

“Interest would be a strong word. It was more like an experiment.”

“An experiment? Christ. He was one lucky bastard, that’s all I can say.”

“I doubt he thought so. I was pretty ugly back in high school. I’m actually positive you wouldn’t have looked twice at me.”

His brow furrowed as he regarded me. He was probably one of those cool guys on campus that every girl wanted and every guy envied. I on the other hand was a total nerd. No one noticed me, let alone went out of their way for me.

“Well, high school is behind us and I noticed you, right?”

“Only after I got on my knees,” I replied, half jokingly. He didn’t seem to think it was funny.

“No, that broke my resolve to stay away from you. I’ve wanted you since you first walked out of our bathroom with just that skimpy towel on. It was then that I was able to see what amazing legs you had.” His hand that had previously been resting on the bed moved and swept over my thigh. “I’m glad you wear clothes that show off your amazing body, even if my friends do drool all over you.”

I hit him playfully. “Yeah, sure. Stop being a dick, Damien. Drool? Pfft.”

He grabbed my hand tightly. “Jesus, Temperance. How can you not see? They were practically undressing you with their eyes.”

“Really?” I said, still not totally believing him.

“Yes,” he ground out. 

“Wow, I had no idea,” I replied, my self-esteem rising a notch. “That’s kind of cool actually.”

Damien didn’t seem to think so. I felt his muscles bunch beneath my hands, as he muttered, “Not cool. Not cool at all. Don’t forget we’re exclusive.”

The elation I had been feeling suddenly disappeared, replaced by a sinking feeling in my stomach. Why did he always think I was going to go out and screw other guys? Didn’t he know how amazing he was and that I wanted no one else? He obviously didn’t trust me. He seemed more concerned with me screwing other guys than who I was as a person.

I removed my hand from his chest and pulled away from him. I stared at the ceiling, trying to pull it together. Falling for Damien was probably the stupidest thing I’d ever done, but it was hard to leave when my heart insisted I stay just a little longer. This was so not going to end well.

I heard the covers rustle next to me and I could feel Damien’s eyes on me. “Shit, what did I say?”

I forced a smile on my face, despite him not being able to see it. My mom told me that even if it was fake, a smile could make you come across as sounding genuine. “Nothing.”

“Bullshit, Temperance. What happened? What did I do?”

I peeked over at him and he looked concerned, so I decided to be honest with him.

“I’m tired of you thinking I’m going to go sleep with other guys. I wouldn’t do that.”

He ran a hand over his face. “I didn’t say that…”

“Yeah, but you implied it. I don’t know who you think I am, but I’m not that kind of girl.”

“I know. I know you’re not,” he said softly.

“Did that girl cheat on you or something? Is that why you keep thinking I’m going do that to you?”

He took a deep breath. “No. She didn’t.”

“Oh,” I replied, not understanding why he kept thinking I was going to go out on him. So I didn’t say anything else, just continued to stare at the shadows moving across the ceiling. Maybe the reason he felt so possessive of me was because he felt something more for me. Maybe this was more to him than just sex. I felt myself begin to hope.

His hand slipped into mine and despite hating myself for it, I loved how his hands engulfed mine, how strong he felt with such a simple touch. In that moment, I felt cherished and protected, despite knowing it most likely meant nothing on his end.

“I’m sorry,” he nearly whispered.

His apology had my heart sputtering in my chest. I hadn’t expected that.

“I’m just jealous as hell,” he muttered, causing my breath to come in uneven spurts. What did that mean? Did he want more of me? I just couldn’t help it. I had to know.

“But this is just sex, right?”

I said it as casually as possible, hoping he’d tell me no, that it was so much more than that. He didn’t. Instead he squeezed my hand before slipping his fingers from mine.

“Yeah, just sex.”

My heart dropped. I knew I had a tendency to always think optimistically, but now my hopes were crushed. This is what it would always be for him. Just sex. Nothing more. I wasn’t sure if I’d be okay with that long term. I was really starting to fall for him, but it was obvious he wasn’t going to go there with me. I just didn’t know what to do, let alone think, so I turned on my side and tried not to cry.

We lay like that for a few moments, the air in the room suddenly cold with unspoken words. I shivered from the heavy realization that this was how it was going to be, that this is all I’d ever have, when suddenly Damien was pulling the sheets up over me. The bed dipped as he scooted toward me, placing his warm body behind mine.

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