New Alpha-New Rules (16 page)

Read New Alpha-New Rules Online

Authors: By K. S. Martin

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance

“He didn’t take it
well did he?” Cindy said quietly. Sidney shook her head.

“Don’t worry about
it. You have us and Curtis now.” Harper went back to folding the socks.

“He’s really
pissed.” Sidney finally said. “And I probably should have kept that permission
bit to myself.”

“Sid, what were
the chances of you mating with any of them? Slim to none right?” Sidney nodded.
“So what are you supposed to do? Are you supposed to sit in your house alone
for the rest of your life? You can’t help who you fall in love with and besides
who is Max to stand in the way of your future. A good Alpha would have wished
you well and sent you on your way.”

“He did, but he’s
still mad. I expected that he would be, there are still hard feelings over you.
They’re afraid that all of the females will come over here.”

“If all of the
females want to, they’re welcome. We have plenty of hot single males.” Harper
giggled. Cindy gave her a soft shove. “What? We do. I think we should load them
up and parade them through the park.” She winked at Sidney who chuckled. “Now
that I think about it, Lee and Tanya would be perfect together.”

“You’re going to
start a war.” Cindy said laughing. She piled two stacks of tee shirts into a
basket. Sidney grabbed a stack of underwear and loaded it into another basket
with all of the socks. “There. Done for the day.”

“Really?” Harper
asked. Cindy nodded and picked up a basket. Harper reached for the other but
Sidney beat her to it.

“Not on my watch
kid.” Sidney smirked. “Take care of the pup.”

“Is it true?”
Cindy asked her eyes moist. Harper shrugged.

“It could be but I
don’t know for sure.”

“Three jelly
biscuits at breakfast. That’s all I got to say.” Sidney laughed and carried the
basket up the steps. Cindy followed and Harper brought up the rear. When she
got to the landing by the front door she saw Ryder and the pack outside on the
porch. They had plans open and were discussing. She wandered outside.

Chapter 20

“I’m thinking over
there.” Ryder pointed toward the pond past the barn. Nicole looked where he was
pointing and nodding. “Four bedroom.” She nodded again and Will scratched his

“Does this have a
basement?” He was studying the plans.

“No, it’s on a
slab. The three bedroom has a basement. The four will be faster to put up.”
Will nodded. “Good.” Ryder handed a sheet of paper to Lee. “Go order all of
this at the lumber yard, schedule the cement trucks and don’t forget the

“Got it.” Lee
grinned and took off at a jog toward the where the vehicles were parked. Harper
put her arm around Ryder’s waist and he leaned down to kiss the top of her

“We’re going to
start digging the foundation. Do you want to grab a shovel?” Harper shook her
head thinking about what Sidney said. What if she was pregnant? What if Sidney
were right? Were they ready for that this soon? Harper’s mind drifted with the
possibilities and the responsibilities. She was gazing up into Ryder’s eyes now
with his finger cupped under her chin. “Hi.” He said softly.


“Tell me what’s
going on. What were you thinking?” He led her away from the group and they
walked out toward the open field that Will and Matt were planting. He stopped
and pulled her in close to him when they were too far away for anyone to hear.
“What’s in that beautiful head that’s distracting you?”

“I ate three
biscuits at breakfast.” He shrugged. “That’s a lot.”

“I’ll still love
you if you’re fat.” He grinned down at her.

“Sidney thinks I’m
pregnant.” Harper said so softly that she wondered if he’d heard her.

“Have you changed
your mind?” Harper shook her head before he finished the question. “Then what’s
the problem? Are you having trouble wrapping your head around it?” A breath
rushed out of her suddenly.

“I think so. I
think that’s exactly what’s wrong with me.” Ryder chuckled and hugged her

“It’ll be okay
baby. Everything will be okay.” His hand slid around to her belly and he gave
her a light pat. “It’s only been a day but I hope that she’s right. No one will
know for a while. In the meantime, there is no shoveling for you. The first
three months are a big deal. You need plenty to eat, plenty of sleep and plenty
of sex.” Harper laughed and swatted him. “Hey, you’ll be more relaxed with
plenty of sex or was that for plenty to eat.” Harper felt her cheeks burn and
shook her head. “Believe me you won’t turn it down. I hear that pregnant
she-wolves are a force in the bedroom.” He kissed her lips then her cheek.
“Come watch us dig a big hole and don’t forget you have lunch duty.”

“I know and it’s
an easy shift too. Nicole already put the beans on.” Ryder led her back to
where the pack was already measuring and digging. They would dig down several
inches and make sure that the ground was flat. Ryder explained then they would
frame it out and put in long steel rods to secure the cement. Harper found it
fascinating. She’d never watched a house go up before and looked forward to
watching. She sat in the grass and watched Ryder work the earth with his
shovel. He stripped his shirt off and tossed it to her. She immediately held it
to her face and his eyes flashed at her. His strong tanned back muscles worked
in the morning sunshine. She watched his arms bulge and shrink as he dug then
tossed the dirt aside. Fingers snapped in her face suddenly.

“Harper.” Sidney
laughed. Harper looked up at her. “Yeah you, come on, time to get lunch ready.
You’ve looked at him long enough.” Sidney pulled her to her feet and tugged her
toward the porch. “Corn bread, think corn bread.” Harper finally chuckled.
“Good, you’re with us again. I know it’s fascinating watching them work because
I’ve been in the attic but they like to eat too.”

“I know. I just…”

“Haven’t had a
mate worth looking at until now.” Sidney winked and let go of her as they
entered the kitchen. “Funny, I don’t smell beans.” Sidney looked around.

“Me either.” Harper
went to the crock that sat next to the stove. It wasn’t turned on.

“Think she did it
on purpose?” Harper shrugged.

“Sandwiches again.
Damn it. Ryder wanted beans.”

“We can turn them
on ‘high’ now and have them for dinner.” Sidney flipped the switch. “We’ll
explain what happened and it’ll be fine.” Sidney said pulling plates out of the
bag. Harper went to the fridge and saw that they were nearly out of lunchmeat.

“Shit. What now?”
She held up the package that was almost empty. Sidney blew out a breath. Harper
pulled her cell phone from her pocket and dialed her favorite pizza place. “Hi,
I’d like to place an order to go.” Sidney shook her head and put the plates on
the counter with the napkins. Harper finished the call and Sidney pulled her
keys from her pocket.

“You buy, I’ll
fly.” Sidney grinned.

“I need to tell
Ryder then we’ll go.” Harper went out to the yard where they were digging.
“Where’s Ryder?” She asked Evan who was digging closest to her. He just
shrugged and went back to straightening a corner. “Can you guys tell him that
we went to get pizza?” Evan nodded. Harper texted Ryder anyway and followed
Sidney to her car.

“I hope we don’t
bother you guys tonight.” Sidney winked and Harper giggled. “Curtis is inspired
about building the walls. He was done with one of them when I came down for
lunch and was starting on the other. I can’t thank you enough Harper for all of
this.” Harper shook her head.

“If you hadn’t
dragged me to the bar, neither of us would be here now.” Harper pushed a box of
tissues off the seat and onto the center console. “So thank you Sid.” She
fastened her seatbelt and waited while Sidney started the car and fiddled with
the radio. Lee was pulling in as Sidney backed out. He lowered his window and
waved at her.

“Do you know where
Ryder is?” He called across the yard. Harper threw her hands up.

“I haven’t seen
him. We’re going to get pizza for lunch, tell everyone half an hour.” She waved
and he waved back as Sidney pulled away from the house and headed toward town.

“You know if I
hadn’t hit it off with Curtis, that’s a good looking wolf.”

“I guess. I don’t
look at any of them like that. They’re like brothers. You’ll feel the same in
the morning when Curtis has put your hormones to rest.” Sidney smiled and
sighed. “Sidney I do believe you’re smitten.”

“I am. You
wouldn’t believe how good his skin tastes.” Harper scrunched her nose.

“I believe that
Ryder has better tasting everything.” Harper giggled when Sidney stuck out her
tongue. “It’s going to be okay. Isn’t it Sid?” Sidney nodded and turned off of
the highway into the parking lot. “I don’t know how I’m going to smell this all
the way home. I’m starving.” Harper’s stomach grumbled on cue and Sidney

“You’re definitely
pregnant.” Sidney muttered and turned the car off as she climbed out. Harper
slid out and stood. Across the top of the car she saw Jake with a knife to
Sidney’s throat.

“Nice and easy.”
He growled.

“Well, well,” Arms
banded around Harper like steel and she was filled with instant disgust. “It’s
good to finally hold what’s going to be mine.” Ellis hissed in her ear. Harper
struggled to get free but couldn’t overpower him. Sidney was doing the same.
Harper saw Sidney try the self-defense moves they learned at the bar they’d
both worked in years ago but it didn’t help. Jake’s fist flew up with an upper
cut connecting solidly with Sidney’s jaw. Harper watched the light go out of
her eyes. “You want some of that too? I’m happy to oblige. You she-wolves have
been overstepping for too long now. You all need some discipline.” She felt
Ellis’ hot breath on her neck and went stiff as a board. There was no need to
provoke him into touching her any more than he was. “Now get in the truck.”
Ellis turned her around and shoved her into his old crew cab. Jake put Sidney
in the bed and climbed in after her. Ellis fastened her wrists with a cable tie
he found on the floor. “Your Alpha should mind his pack better.” Ellis said
flashing his eyes at her. Harper couldn’t help the laugh that came out of her
suddenly. “What’s funny?”

“You. Do you think
for a minute that I will mate with you?” Harper shook her head. “How long do
you think it will take my mate to find you and end you? He promised that he
would and I haven’t seen him break a promise yet. You’re as good as dead if you
don’t let us go right now.”

“You’re Alpha will
have the whole pack to battle. We’ve already met and agreed that those Green Valley
pricks are not taking our females.”

“You didn’t want
Sidney. None of you did, so let her go.” He sneered and shook his head. “She
deserves a shot at happiness.”

“Somebody will
want to fuck her for fun I’m sure.” He spat. “Hell, I may even have her suck me
off as penance for taking you to that bar.”

“Max won’t allow
that.” Harper hissed.

“Max isn’t in
charge anymore. He and his family pulled out this morning. He was lucky to make
it out alive. The pack is pissed that he didn’t protect what’s ours and that he
gave a she-wolf up without a fight. Jake’s the new Alpha. New Alpha, new
rules.” Ellis put the seat belt across her lap and clicked it. He slammed the
door and climbed in the driver’s seat then started the truck. Within minutes,
they were pulling up behind her old house. He was right. There was a new Alpha
and there were new rules. Ryder would kill them both. He wasn’t the kind of
Alpha that wouldn’t take the right to protect seriously. Especially now that
she may be carrying his pup.

“Why are we here?”
Harper asked.

“This is my house
now. You’ll fill it with our pups. I’ll give you everything Bronson wouldn’t
and you’ll be the best mate in the territory.” She gagged. “Or you’ll be the
one with the most bruises. Your choice.” He got out and came back to her door
then opened it. Jake was unloading Sidney, she was still out cold. Harper’s
mind raced. What should she do? She couldn’t fight a full-grown male. Ellis was
shorter than most wolves but he was no less powerful. Jake was bigger and she
certainly couldn’t over power both of them. “I’m going to cut your tie and take
you inside. You’ll behave or you’ll suffer. Got that?” Harper did her best to
look timid and nodded. “In the house.”

“What about
Sidney?” Harper watched as Jake tousled her friend’s lifeless body around. She
was worried what they would do to her since this was all her fault as far as
they were concerned.

“Jake will bring
her, now go on, and get me a beer.” Harper went to the door and went inside. He
didn’t follow her and that surprised her. She pulled her phone out as soon as
she was on the other side of the door and texted Ryder.

-Help Ellis has me
at my old house hurry

Her fingers flew
over the buttons tapping the hurried message, pushed ‘send’ then she shoved the
phone back in her pocket where he wouldn’t see it. She was bent over in the
fridge when he came inside. “Do you want a can or bottle? This isn’t cold
either.” She rose up to look over the door at him. “The fridge is still broken.
All of this food is probably bad Ellis. Can you fix it?” Ellis was never smart,
at least she didn’t think so, and she hoped to distract him. He was handy
though and loved to fix things, maybe a broken fridge would occupy him. “Are
your tools here somewhere?” He rubbed his jaw and headed to the living room, a
second later he came back carrying the familiar green box.

“Get out of the
way.” He set the box down on the floor and grabbed the side of the fridge to
turn it around.

“Do you need
help?” Harper pulled on the front just as she’d done at least twenty times
before. “I really think it’s time to replace it Ellis.” She said again just as
she had twenty times before hoping to keep him occupied until Ryder could come
after her. Jake kicked the door open then and brought Sidney inside.

“What the hell are
you doing Ellis?” He took Sidney into the living room.

“I’m fixing the
damned refrigerator because I hate hot beer.” Harper tried to get past him but
he put his hand on her thigh. “You stay here.”

“I want to check
Sidney, please?”

“Come right back
and hand me that screwdriver first.” Harper handed it to him and went to the
living room. She glanced outside and everything looked perfectly normal out
there. She heard a pup shriek, he was chasing a ball. Everything was too
normal, it seemed.

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