Read NFH 02 Perfection Online

Authors: R.L. Mathewson

Tags: #mathewson neighbor hell love romance funny witty contemporary modern laugh sweet

NFH 02 Perfection (26 page)

"Maybe we could go grab a cup of
coffee somewhere and get to know-"

He held up his hand, stopping her
before she made an even bigger fool out of herself. "Please

"But, I was only-"

"Don't beg."

"I wasn't. I was just-"

"Begging?" Trevor guessed, sighing. "I
know, but you're going to have to accept that this would never work

She frowned up at him. "I wasn't
begging. I was just going to suggest that we should-"

"Look," he said, reaching for the
door, "this is just getting sad. I'm just going to go before things
get out of hand."

"You bastard," Hank hissed as Trevor
stepped past him, but he didn't really care. He was more insulted
than anything. What the hell was the man thinking bringing a woman
like that to meet him? Did the man think he was so desperate that
he'd consider sleeping with a woman like that? It was really
insulting, he thought as he climbed onto the couch behind Zoe and
pulled her back against his body. She of course rewarded him with
an elbow to his gut, which he manfully took since she turned in his
arms and cuddled up quite nicely against him.

A half hour later as he dozed off he
wondered why Hank brought him a woman like that when he clearly had
standards. Then he remembered that the man was a fucking moron and
that explained everything.


"God, you feel good, baby," Trevor
whispered harshly against her ear and she would have loved to
return the compliment, but at the moment she'd lost the ability to

She was however able to moan and
scream just a tad bit, which he seemed to really enjoy making her
do if his little groans of approval were any indication. As he did
that lazy little circular thrust thing that he knew she loved and
she spread her legs wider for him and ran her hands over his body,
loving the way he felt against her.

"Time for a little change up," Trevor
announced softly as he pulled out of her and started kissing his
way down her body.

Zoe made a desperate grab for him.
"No. No, change up isn't necessary," she said, panting as she
gripped his large biceps and attempted to pull him back up where he

Trevor sighed heavily. "Oh, but I'm
afraid it is," he said, pressing a wet kiss to the slope of her

"No, it's not," she said, desperate
for him not only because she felt empty without him and wanted him
right back where he belonged, but because it was early Sunday
morning and bright sunlight was streaming into the room and to be
honest a lot of light wasn't exactly her friend during moments like

Even though Trevor acted as though he
loved her body and was desperate for her she wasn't stupid enough
to believe that he'd feel the same way if he got a good look at
her. It wasn't as though they hadn't had sex during the day, but
she usually kept some of her clothes on or they kept it
straightforward and simple in bed. There was a reason why she
became more adventurous at night. Soft lamp light was a hell of a
lot more flattering than the bright sunlight and helped soften some
of her less than flattering features.

"It really is," Trevor said, flicking
her already painfully hard nipple with that talented tongue of his.
"Just lay back, Zoe, and let me show you how necessary it is," he
said in a deeply seductive voice that any other time would have her
nodding dumbly, but right now she really needed him to get back up
here before she died of embarrassment.

"But I really liked what you were just
doing. Let's go back to that," she said, trying to drag him back
up, but he wasn't having that.

Chuckling, he easily broke away from
her hold and started heading south. "You'll like this too. Trust
me," he said, shooting her a wink and a killer smile that would
normally have her licking her lips and nodding eagerly, but it was
daylight and the man was about to see things that up to this point
she'd been able to downplay with soft light.

Swallowing nervously she did her best
to sit up, but it was kind of difficult with him hovering over her.
"You know what I'd like more?"

"What's that?" he murmured absently as
he leaned forward and took one her nipples into his mouth, sucking
it between his lips without mercy as he flicked it with his tongue,
making it really difficult for her to remember why she wanted him
to stop.

He released her nipple with a loud
"pop". "Now, just lay back and let me do my work, woman," he said
against her skin as he started to head south and suddenly she
remembered quite clearly why she wanted him to stop.

When he pressed a kiss to her soft
stomach she practically flew away from him. She grabbed one of her
large baby pink pillows and hugged it tightly to her body as she
squirmed back until her back hit the wall.

Trevor looked stunned as he sat back
on his haunches, but no less aroused, Zoe absently noted as she
worried her bottom lip. No doubt he thought she was crazy right
now, but that was okay with her. As long as he didn't get a good
look at her less than ideal body that was more than fine with her.
In fact she was more than willing to encourage that little
misconception at the moment.

"Is your stomach still upset?" he
asked, frowning as he moved closer to her. He cupped her face and
pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Are you feeling okay?"

Since she'd started eating normally,
well normal but healthy, two days ago she'd been dealing with a
constantly upset stomach. It usually went away with a little ginger
ale, a warm bath, and a little rest. Although her stomach had been
upset earlier when she'd woken up it was fine now, but since
telling him that wouldn't exactly help her out she decided to


"I see," he said, nodding. "Are you
feeling sick?"


"I guess I should leave you so that
you can relax," he said with a simple shrug of his shoulders as if
it was no big deal, which was actually pretty insulting. Was having
sex with her boring? She didn't think so, but apparently he did
with his "whatever" attitude. After she bought some really thick,
dark curtains to block out every bit of sunlight and hung them up
today she'd show him that sex with her was anything but

"I'll get out of your way after I wash
up," he said with another shrug that she really didn't appreciate
one damn bit. A second later he was climbing off the bed and
pulling the condom off his slowly deflating erection while he
walked towards the bathroom and she decided she didn't like it one

She tossed the pillow aside and
started for the bathroom with every intention of shutting them
inside the small bathroom with the thankfully dark curtains drawn
and showing him for the next few hours that sex with her was
anything but boring.

"Are you feeling better?" Trevor asked
as he stepped out of the bathroom.

"No?" she said, scrambling back on the
bed and yanking the baby pink top sheet up and over her breasts.
She wished she could cover herself with the blankets and comforter,
but they were on the floor at the foot of the bed where Trevor had
shoved them off a half hour earlier.

"Oh," he said as he absently scratched
his chest. "Have you seen my boxers?"

"Weren't they in the bathroom?" she
asked, shooting a look past him towards the half-closed bathroom
door. Since he'd stumbled into her room first thing this morning
and headed straight to the bathroom as he informed her around a
rather loud yawn that she'd better be ready for him by the time he
came back out she'd assumed his underwear was in the

"Nope," he said as he searched through
the pile of blankets on the floor. He stood up a moment later,
frowning as he looked around the room. "They're probably on the

"No, I don't think they're
on the-
hey, give that back to
!" she squealed as she tried to grab the
sheet as he yanked it off her and tossed it behind him, leaving her
completely naked.

"Now, let's just see what you're
trying to hide from me, shall we?"


"You bastard!" Zoe hissed, kicking out
as she tried, unsuccessfully, to escape his grasp and dive under
her pillows, but he simply stood up, pulling her right along with

"So what exactly are you trying to
hide, hmmm?" Trevor asked as he tightened his grip around her
ankles when she almost unmanned him. Getting hit in the balls once
this weekend had been more than enough for him so he kept her
dainty little feet as far away from his boys as he could

Not that she'd done it on purpose, not
like a few women in his past who hadn't taken his rejection well
had. No, on Zoe's part it had been a complete accident, plus he
wasn't done with her yet so she had yet to hear his "You're just
not good enough" speech. Not that he would ever give Zoe that
little speech. Hers would be more along the lines of "I've finally
worked you out of my system" or "We should probably end this since
I'm getting married in a few hours." Since she hadn't received
either speech yesterday morning when she rammed her knee into his
balls he knew she hadn't meant it.

The poor thing had woken up on his
couch and his arms a tad bit disoriented and a bit desperate for a
bathroom or a trash can. He'd just woken up as Zoe sleepily
announced that she wasn't feeling so good. He'd done his best to
untangle them from the comforter so that he could carry her to the
bathroom, but he hadn't moved fast enough, because just as he freed
her feet her little knee came up between his legs as she made a mad
dash for the bathroom.

Although he'd been more concerned with
her, he did appreciate the aspirin and ice pack she'd brought him a
little later when he'd still been unable to move from the fetal
position. She'd been so sweet and attentive and he'd felt like an
asshole. He'd given her food poisoning with that sub he'd bullied
her to eat and so for the next few hours he hadn't been able to do
enough for her. Not that she complained. Actually, she seemed a bit
surprised by all his attention, which kind of annoyed him. Did she
think he was really a heartless bastard that he'd give her food
poisoning and not take care of her?

Okay, any other woman and he would
have probably shrugged it off and left her alone, but this was Zoe,
his little tenant. The idea of her hurt or unhappy ate at him. It
was the same reason his ever ready erection, well when she was
around at least, had gone down quickly when she'd announced she
wasn't feeling well, even though he was pretty sure that she was
lying and he'd still been desperate for her.

The reason why she was lying became
pretty damn obvious when she dove for that sheet as he stepped out
of the bathroom. He nearly sighed with irritation when he realized
there were still a few issues they had to deal with, but deal with
them they would. He wanted all this bullshit done with so that they
could focus on their little arrangement without any of the drama or
bullshit that was hindering her focus on him.

"Are you hiding a tattoo of my name
declaring your undying love for me?" he mused, actually liking the
idea of his name somewhere on her body, letting every asshole in
the future know that they'd never rate.

His response kind of surprised him,
especially since the few times a girlfriend had gotten herself
inked with his name had actually irritated the shit out of him. He
hadn't appreciated their little games to try and tie him down or
earn a declaration of love from him, or try to guilt him into
getting their names tattooed on him. He'd never hesitated in
telling them to have a nice life after that, but the idea of having
his name on Zoe actually turned him on so he decided to ignore her
little snort of laughter.

"Hmmm, is that it?" he asked, scanning
her soft pale back and ass. Actually, he wouldn't mind seeing his
name on her beautiful ass. Then again the idea of having his name
just below her navel or on her breast was just as hot.

"No, now can you let me up?" she
asked, renewing her struggles to get away from him.

"Not until I figure out what you're
hiding," he said, releasing one ankle so that he could reach down
and give her bottom a squeeze.

"I'm not hiding anything so stop
groping my ass, you pervert!" she snapped as she renewed her
struggle, but thankfully was careful not to kick out at him, which
he and his balls truly appreciated.

"But I like your ass," he pointed out,
palming the other cheek.

"I think everyone in the neighborhood
knows how much you like my ass! Now let go of me!" He chuckled at
that little accusation, knowing that she was probably right. Over
the past couple of months he may have had a problem with keeping
his hands to himself when they were outside taking care of the yard
or taking Toby for a walk. It was all her fault of

"I guess whatever you're hiding must
be on the front," he said, ignoring her threats to kick his poor
balls again and flipped her over onto her back. He sighed heavily
when she made a lame ass attempt to cover herself, but surprisingly
or rather not surprisingly she wasn't trying to cover the naughty
bits that he loved so much, but her soft slightly round stomach and
thighs that he fucking adored.

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