No Direction Home (Sweet Home Colorado) (14 page)

His father
sighed. “You’re right. That’s where the old man made a mistake, and I’ll be damned if I repeat it. I lost my son once and I won’t risk it again.”   His father's eyes gleamed with excitement. “If you’re sure of this, then we’ll buy you out.”  He sighed. “As Mom said, we only want to be a part of your life. We’d love to have you here full-time, but if it can’t be, then we’ll take what we can get.” 

Seth's heart leapt in his chest
. They cared about his feelings and what he wanted out of life. “It’ll work out best for us this way.”  Seth rubbed the back of his neck, easing his tense muscles.
This time things will be different. I’ll make sure of it.

“But are you still going to work on that ranch?
” his father asked. “You can afford to buy your own spread now.”

“Eventually, I’d like to have
my own, but I’ll stay on at the Cactus Rose until Nana can replace me. It’s the least I can do for the lady who took me and Jamie into her home. She’s treated us like family.”

His mother spoke up
. “She sounds like a lovely person. I’d like to meet her sometime.”

“I can arrange it
. And after I get my own place, I’d like for you and Dad to come visit for a spell. I'd like to show you around. It’s a beautiful place. It has lots of tall aspen trees, sun-filled valleys and mountain streams.”  A smile spread across his mother’s face. “You’d love it there in the springtime, with the blue Columbine and orange Paintbrush blooming in the high mountain meadows.”

“Oh, you can count on it
. Soon as you're settled, we’ll come for a visit.”  Her eyes sparkled with true happiness.

When they came to visit he’d have his own home, his whole family together
—and with any luck, Grace would be part of it.



Chapter Thirteen





Hospital smells assaulted Grace’s nose reminding her of many painful stays in them
. She walked down the pale green corridor searching for Joey’s room and Nana. Joey had his surgery that morning and the doctors had told Nana he could have visitors this evening.

The long interview process had been waived because of Nana’s past experience with foster children and the extreme need for Joey to be placed in a home
. She and Nana would tell the boy together he’d be coming home to live with them. Grace gripped the present she was carrying close to her chest. She hoped he liked books. Nana stood outside the young man’s room.

“Oh, I’m
so glad you’re here,” Nana whispered to Grace. “He’s having a tough time. He had a reaction to the anesthesia and can’t keep anything down.”

Grace could see pools of worry reflected in her eyes
. She put her arm around her grandmother’s shoulder, wanting to offer comfort. “Can they give him something to take away the nausea? If you like, I can wait to meet him at another time.”

“I already told him you were coming.
”  Nana pushed her glasses up on her nose and sighed. “They gave him a shot of something that’s supposed to help.” 

“I don’t mind waiting
. Why don’t we go grab a coffee while he’s resting?”

“Okay, let’s do that
. The nurse said it would make him sleep. The poor boy needs his rest.”

Grace stepped onto the elevator in silence, wrapped in thoughts about the child in the hospital
bed and how they could help him.

Sipping a diet Pepsi, she glanced around the hospital cafeteria
. “This is a busy place.”  A steady stream of doctors, nurses, and patients’ family members stood at the cafeteria style counter, loading up the gray metal trays with drinks and food. The noise of people talking mingled with the clatter of the trays and silverware.

” Nana replied. “We like to pride ourselves on our fine cafeteria being open twenty-four hours a day.”  She smiled. “This is the only hospital for miles and we have an excellent trauma center. It’s the best this side of Denver.”

She smiled
. “I guess Cedar Falls has everything a person could need.”

“Yes, we like to think so.
”  Nana shifted in her chair. “I talked with Seth, again last night. He should be home in the next few days. He’s willing to help us with Joey.”

Grace’s ears perked up at the mention of Seth’s name
. He had been gone two long weeks and he had been on her mind a great deal lately. As casually as she could manage, she asked. “Did he get everything taken care of in Texas?”  She raised her eyes to find Nana watching her.

“Yes, he said he can’t wait to get back to Jamie and the mountains.
”  She studied Grace. “He asked about you. I think he misses you, too.”  A gleam of hope glistened in her eyes.

“Why would he miss me?
”  Grace rubbed the moisture on the side of her glass with her finger tip. Biting her lip, she looked away. “He barely knows me.”

“I may be old, but I’m not blind
. I saw the way the two of you were looking at each other when you came home the other night.”   She grinned. “There’s something special there.” 

“You’re imagining things.
”  Awkwardly, she cleared her throat. “We’re just friends.” 
Maybe more if she had the courage to pursue it.
In work, writing her book, she found a mindless solitude that helped camouflage the deep despair of loneliness but when she wasn’t working thoughts of Seth invaded her every waking moment. She was mixed up. She kept telling herself she didn’t need anyone, but being alone with him in his arms had made her feel safe and cared for.

“Maybe, maybe not.
”  Nana brought her hand up to cover her smile. “I like Seth. I’d like to see you two get together.”

Grace nearly choked on her drink
. She’d been thinking nearly the same thing, but she didn’t want Nana or anyone else to know how vulnerable she was when it came to Seth. What if she was fooling herself that she had imagined he had feelings for her? He could very well be using her, conning her instead of Nana. Nana patted her on the back. “Seth would be good for you. He’s a good man.”

Grace tried to regain her composure
. “There’s nothing between Seth and me. We’re becoming friends and that’s it.”  She sighed. “And weren’t you listening to me the night I got home? I told you that I don’t need anyone.”  She didn’t mean to be rude, but Nana should drop the subject.

“I know you don’t think you do, but honey, everybody needs somebody.
”  Uncomfortable with the fact that Nana had spoke the truth, she only half listened as she struggled with her conscience.

Ida, the social worker, walked up at the perfect time to end the conversation
. “It’s good to see both of you. Grace, you’re pretty as a picture. We’ve missed you around here.”

Shifting her thoughts away from Seth, Grace glanced at Nana’s friend
. “Thanks. It’s good to see you, too.” 

“Join us.
”  Nana pushed a chair out for her. “Joey is resting.” 

“Yes, I know, I was just up there
. He’s sleeping comfortably for now. The nurse said they think they have the nausea under control.”  Ida leaned across the table toward Nana. “The poor boy has been through it. I’m glad you’ve agreed to take him in. A home like yours is exactly what he needs.”


Joey Henderson opened his eyes to see three women sitting around his hospital bed.
Just what I need. More people to gawk at me in my misery.
“What do you want?”  The social worker and the white-haired lady were back with another woman.

Ida stood and walked to his bedside
. “Hi. How are you feeling?”

He frowned at her
. “How do you think? Like crap.”  Not feeling like talking, he rolled his eyes and stared at the ceiling, trying to ignore them.

“You remember Mrs. Sanderson
. Well, this is her granddaughter, Grace. She wanted to meet you. Remember, you’re going to live with them when you leave the hospital.”

He swallowed a sob and glanced at the pretty blond lady with books in her hand
. Hell, another stopover. Nobody really wanted him around. All they cared about was the money they’d make by taking him in. Then, when he was too much for them they’d ship him out.

“Hello, I’m sorry you’re not feeling well
. I brought you some books.”  Grace laid them on his bedside table. “I hope you like them.”

”  He muttered. “Reading is all I can do.”  His eyes were dry, but he was on the verge of crying, because of the awful pain in his leg. Knowing she could hear the anguish in his voice, he didn’t care. Cringing at the thought of breaking down in front of these strangers, he swallowed the lump in his throat.

Nana patted his hand
. “Is your leg hurting?”

“Duh, what do you think
? They just got done cutting on it.”  He frowned, squeezing his eyes shut and turned toward the wall, not wanting to talk to anyone. He wouldn’t admit it, but all he really wanted was his mom and dad. The ache from missing them so much had left him hollow and empty inside.

The old lady ignored his sharp tongue and leaned over and kissed the side of his forehead
. “I’ll come and see you tomorrow. You rest now.”  She motioned toward Ida and Grace to come with her. “Come on ladies, it’s time for us to let Joey get some rest.”

Only now that they were gone did he dare to relax
. A tear slid down Joey’s cheek, wishing his parents were there, instead of the old lady.


Jamie sat on the steps of the big country porch when Grace drove up the driveway. “What are you doing, little girl?”

“Travis let me wait out here
. My daddy is on his way home from the airport.”  Her eyes sparkled with joy. “I can’t wait to see him.”

Grace's heart pounded faster at the thought of Seth coming home...tonight
. Every fiber in her body warned her against him. She had let her guard down. It wouldn’t happen again. After letting him kiss her, she wasn’t quite sure how she should act when she’d see him. Oh, well, it’d all come out in the wash, as Nana always told her. “Good news, but you know it’s a long drive from the airport. Wouldn’t you rather wait inside with me?”

“I guess
. It is getting cold.”  She shivered. “Could we make him some cookies?”

“Let’s look in the kitchen and see what we can find
. If there are enough ingredients, we’ll make chocolate chip cookies.”

“Goodie, he loves cookies.
”  She clapped her hands together in excitement as they went through the big oak door.

Grace hung her coat on the brass coat rack and rummaged through the cabinets in the kitchen
. “It looks like we have all the stuff we need to make them.”

“Nana lets me put in the eggs.
”  Jamie opened the refrigerator and brought her two from the side door. “Here.”  She carefully laid them on the counter.

Grace placed the mixing bowl with the other ingredients on the counter next to the eggs
. Together, they started pouring things in the bowl. “Can I stir it?” Jamie asked with wide-eyed innocence.

. I need all the help I can get. It’s been ages since I made cookies.”  Grace handed her the wooden spoon and held the bowl while Jamie pushed the mixture around it.

They were laughing and putting the second batch of cookies in the oven when Seth appeared in the doorway

“Daddy, you’re home.
”  Jamie squealed in delight and ran and jumped into his waiting arms.

“Hi, Pumpkin.
”  The tenderness in his expression touched Grace’s heart while she watched the interaction between father and child. “I’ve missed you.”  He held his daughter tight in a bear hug for an instant and pushed her back. “Let me look at you. I bet you’ve grown an inch.”

“Oh, Daddy.
”  She giggled. “Did you bring me anything?”

He set her on the floor
. “Well, let me see. Frowning, he put his hands in his pockets, pulling out nothing. “Maybe it’s in here.”  He unzipped the travel bag sitting on the floor and pulled out a blond china doll dressed in a frilly pink dress. “This is from your grandma.”

”  She watched with rounded blue eyes. “She’s beautiful.”  Seth handed her the doll. Jamie hugged the doll with both arms. “I want to play with her. Thanks, Dad.”  She ran out of the room.

Grace’s heart beat in an unsteady rhythm when Seth moved across the room toward the island counter
. This was the first time they'd been alone since watching the stars together. She started tidying up the space, still uncertain how to respond to him. Somehow she had to keep it casual between them. Keep her hormones in check and keep her hands off of him.

“How are things going?
”  He picked a piece of cookie dough out of the bowl and nibbled on it. When she glanced at him, his eyes were blue as the Colorado mountain sky on a hot summer day. Her heart thumped dangerously in her throat as she found him watching her.

. We enjoyed having Jamie while you were gone.”  Keeping her hands busy, she wiped off the work area. “This Friday night, we have a pajama party planned for her with seven little girls from her class. I hope you don’t mind.”

He kept gazing at her, still chewing on the cookie dough
. “Nana mentioned that. I don’t mind.”  His voice was low and purposefully seductive. He grinned, moving closer to her. “Thank you for taking such good care of my daughter.”

To put distance between them, Grace took the sponge to the sink and rinsed it out
. “It was our pleasure. She’s a delightful child,” she remarked, pleased at how nonchalant she sounded. She could do this. She turned back to face him. “She said she'd never had a sleepover and Nana and I thought it would be fun.”

“You’re a brave woman to take care of all those girls for the night.
”  He laughed. “Jamie told me all about it when I talked to her on the phone the other night. You’ve made her very happy.”  His steady gaze continued to make her nervous. Feeling self-conscious, she glanced at the counter top.

He picked up the travel bag from the floor
. “Thanks again. You made my being away much easier on her.”  His voice had lulled her into a more relaxed mood and he caught her off guard when he leaned over and kissed her cheek.

Stunned, she drew back and leaned against the counter, touching her cheek
. The warmth of his kiss lingered on her fingertips while she watched him walk out of the kitchen.

He turned and winked at her
. “You’d better check your cookies.”

She turned around to see white smoke rolling out of the oven, the smell of burning cookies filling the air
He had distracted her and she had forgotten about the cookies. Blushing from the roots of her hair down to her toes, she could hear Seth laughing as he walked down the hallway. Quickly, she pulled the burned cookies from the oven and dumped them in the trash. She stood motionless in the middle of the kitchen. What was she going to do about all these bottled up feelings about Seth? She had to put some distance between them to figure out what she wanted. At least the man had a sense of humor.       

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