Read No Way Out (The James Family Book 2) Online

Authors: C. M. Steele

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

No Way Out (The James Family Book 2) (5 page)

“Simon, you’re a terrible man.”

“Why, babe? Did I change your mind about staying?”

“I didn’t say I was leaving. I just need time before I give you babies. I want everything Simon and security in our relationship is what I need most.”

“Fine, that’s what you want, you got it. I’ll do anything to show you I want you to stay.” I pumped into her, my need to own her taking over. I thrust in and out, my cock pulling almost all the way out before I slammed it back in. I’m sure she had to feel that in the pit of her stomach. Before long, I had her coming again while emptying into her womb.

Chapter Ten

From my sitting position in his massive king-sized bed, I watched as Simon got ready for work, trimming his growing beard to just a bit more than a five o’clock shadow. I pouted at the injustice. He told me that he’d let it grow throughout the week but now that he was back to work, he had to look more professional. That was the only reason I agreed. He couldn’t walk around like a biker at the office. Although, I’d like to see him in a leather jacket. Fuck, my pussy was feeling lonely this morning and it was all his fault. I’d spent the weekend orgasming my brain out and now I was going to have to go the whole day without any loving.

He stood in front of the mirror on his dresser looking back at me. His smile told me he knew why I was upset. “Sweetie, if you’re good, maybe I could come home for lunch.”

I smiled back at him because that sounded like a fantastic idea. Before I met him, I didn’t have a horny bone in my body, since graduation it was like my freak flag was ready to fly. My only response was a rub of my thighs and a nod.

He was in a black suit that looked tailor-made just for him. I wanted to slither off the bed and into his arms.

“Babe, I’ve got to go to work. You need to stop looking at me like that.”

“Fine. I’ll stop. I have to pee anyway. Have a good day, handsome.”

I hopped out of the bed and went into the bathroom, refusing to look back as he said goodbye while walking out the door. He didn’t even kiss me goodbye. I was so disappointed. Freshening up, I put on a pair of jeans and a cute tank with a pink sweater.

Simon hadn't been gone more than 10 minutes before my phone rang. It was my brother Steven. We hadn't spoken all weekend and I wondered if he was just worried about me. I answered the call and was in for a shocker... He’d just gotten out of jail.

"What's going on Steven?"

"Damn it, she had me locked up last night. She claims that I beat her ass. Didn't have a damn scratch on her, but I was still taken into custody because they were afraid I'd hurt her for real."

My brother was a cop with the Chicago Police Department. This incident could end his career. I knew he didn’t have it in him to do anything to her. He was too soft, even though he was a police officer.

"I can't believe that shit, bro. Please tell me you're going to be leaving her. That bitch is nuttier than shit." I knew I hated the broad for a reason, and it wasn't just because she hated me. She was downright no good for my brother. Why he was with her to begin with confused the hell out of me.

"I thought you were coming back last night. What's going on?"

"I've been hanging out with Nat,” I lied. I didn’t think it was time to tell him about wanting to stay in Seattle.

"Sis, I really need you to come home. They're not letting me in the house until she feels safe. It's my fucking house."

"Where are you at now?" I hoped he wasn't holed up in some seedy motel. We didn’t have money to be living up at the Marriot or something.

"A friend is letting me stay at his place. Can you please hurry up and come home?" The pleading in his voice was my weakness. It wasn’t something I’d ever heard from him before.              

"I'll take the next flight out,” I said.

My brother had been there for me from the start; I couldn't just leave him hanging.
But what about Simon?
I asked myself.

I didn't want him to see my family drama. They were the quintessential American family— I came from the wrong side of the tracks. I just had to leave.

I called Nat, but she didn't answer. After leaving a message, I contacted the airport and took the last seat on the flight. The family was busy with other things when I snuck out. I left the estate through the guard shack asking them not to say anything. Thankfully, they didn't give me any shit. I had called a cab before I left the house, so it was waiting for me when I walked out the gates.

The entire flight home I thought about what I would say to Simon about running. Nothing but the truth would be acceptable to him, but I couldn't tell him that. The perfect family didn't need to be tarnished by my ilk. I left him a goodbye note, but I knew he'd be my only love.

As the flight landed in Chicago, I stared out the window. It didn't feel like home anymore. Trepidation and pain marred the reunion with my brother.

Steven was waiting for me at the luggage pickup, and he wasn't alone. Alongside him was a lanky man who carried himself like he was gay. The first words out of his mouth and I knew I’d hit the nail on the head.

"OMG! I love your curls!" he practically squealed. Flamboyant was his game. I didn't think my straight-laced brother would have close gay friends, especially one that screamed "look at me! I'm gay and fabulous!"


"Sorry, Emmy. This is Tad."

"Hi, Tad." There was an awkward silence for a moment before I asked, "Can we get out of here and you can tell me all about your bitch issues?" I looked at Tad and added, "all of them" with a raised brow.

"So how did you meet?"

"He came into my bestie's salon looking for his tramp of a wife, but she wasn't there and we got to talking."

"Oh, okay." I just realized that after all this time, my brother was a closeted homosexual. I had a bone to pick with him. It wasn't about him liking the dick because I couldn't blame him on that front, but he kept it a secret for so damn long.

“We need to go back to Tad’s place. I’m not going home until she’s gone.”

“What? Isn’t it your house? I have shit there. I’m not going to let that bitch tell me what I can or cannot do. Fuck her.”

“Been there, done that, but I just want to have a nice day then we can go over after lunch. I’m too angry to see her still.”

“That’s cool. I’m feeling a little hotheaded to see her right now too.”

“I can tell, girl. Does it have anything to do with all those vampire bites on your neck?”

“Wait, Emmy. You’re seeing someone?”

“Well, you saw him briefly at the graduation. He’s Nat’s brother-in-law.”

“Uh-oh, a bridal hookup.” Tad was fanning himself like a fool.

“It wasn’t like that, Tad.”

“Okay, whatever. So when’s the wedding then.”

“I don’t think there will be one. He’s going to be pissed that I left him without saying anything.”

“Or maybe he’s going to come here and give you a good spanking for trying to get away.” Tad winked at me. If Simon did come after me, that would be a miracle. One I would love to see.

Chapter Eleven

I called her around ten in the morning but when she didn’t answer, I panicked. The next call was to the house. My mother picked up the phone.

“Hey, Mom. Have you seen Emmy?”

“No, I just walked in the door. I was at my monthly charity planning meeting.”

“Damn, I can’t get a hold of her.”

“I’m on my way up there now.”

I hope to hell she decided to take a nap because the alternative wasn’t something I could handle. My mother knocked but there was no answer. She walked in and I heard her sigh. “What’s going on, Mom?”

“Son, she’s not here. I think we made a bad impression on her. She probably thinks we’re just a bunch of snobs.”

“No, it’s not that. She didn’t feel up to par when it came to our family.”

“She left a note.”

“Please read it, Mom.”

“Dear Simon, I’m sorry, but I can’t do this anymore. Our worlds are too far apart. You’re a wonderful, brilliant, loving man. Goodbye, Emmy.”

I sat there stunned. Leaning back in my chair not knowing what to do, my anger rose every second. She’d played me. I thought she wanted to be with me. I thought we worked out her fear, but she only waited until she had an opportunity to run and took that shit.

“Son, if you love her, I would take the plane. I can have it ready in an hour.”

“Thanks, Mom. I think my woman needs some sense talked into her. If she keeps it up, I’m going to have to lock her in her room.”

“I’ll pick up some locks if you need me to.”

“Thanks, but I’ll handle that. Don’t need to make you an accomplice.”

My family knew that she was the one. After the little incident with Vanessa, they liked her even more. They understood how intimidating our family could be to those who lived outside our world. Everyone thought that we didn’t fight or want to punch each other, but I’ve wanted to deck my brother a number of times over the years and my parents have had their fair share of arguments.

I packed up my documents and went to see my father in his office. Knocking on his door, he opened it, reading my expression. “What happened, Simon? Did we lose a client?”

“No. Emmy pulled a runner.” I informed him angrily.

“Do you need the jet?”

“Ha. Mom’s got it handled.”

“Sometimes women can be big pains in the asses. We love ‘em, but society gives them fears that aren’t always real.”

“Thanks for understanding.”

“How long will you be gone?”

“About two days at the most.”

“Okay, see that you hand off anything important to me before you go. I know that your mind is all on her and getting her back.”

“Thanks again, Pops.”

“That’s okay. Just bring me another daughter-in-law so we can have some grandbabies running around soon.”

“Challenge accepted.” I left his office feeling like nothing could stop me.

It didn’t take long before I was at the airport and my fear kicked in. What if she meant it? What if she really didn’t want to be a part of my life? I couldn’t think like that. Focusing on my goal, I would have my woman with me by the end of the night.

It was around late afternoon when I got to the city, and she had a two-hour jump on me. Luckily, I had a personal jet and made it to Chicago in nearly half the time. One thing I hadn’t considered was her address. Once I got off the plane, I called Cam, and Nat was able to get it for me. I rented a car and plugged in the address on my Google Maps; twenty minutes and I would be at her brother’s house.



The place was nice but small. Now I knew why she had let money issues get in the way. This was like the size of our pool house. It wasn’t a big deal to me, but it clearly mattered to her. I knocked on the door and knew that should anyone try to stop me from getting to her, I’d choke them. Once the door opened, I was shocked to see a bimbo standing before me.

“How can I help you, handsome?” she said full of sexual innuendo.

“I’m Simon James. I’m looking for my woman, Emmy,” I stated blandly.

“I’m Claudia, Emmy’s sister. Why don’t you come in and wait?” I followed her in, not feeling comfortable, but the sky just darkened and I felt the first drop of rain.

The inside was decorated like they had millions. I wondered how much she had Emmy’s brother in the hole for. She looked like the type. “Do you want to get something to drink?”

“Water, please.”

“You sure? I can’t get you something stronger.”

“Absolutely. So where’s her room at? I need to talk to her.”

“Actually, she’s with her brother. They’ll be back in about an hour. She’s a very lousy girlfriend, so I was afraid if you knew she wasn’t here, you’d leave her for good.”

How dare she talk about Emmy like that? I wanted to gut the bitch but didn’t feel like leaving since it just started to rain outside. “I’ll wait until she gets here.”

We were in the living room when she sat down next to me on the sofa. It was a little too close for my liking, so I got up to look out the front window.

I could feel her behind me again. Damn, the viper was all over me. “So what do you do, Simon?”

“I’m an investment banker.”

“Oh, wow. Emmy landed another wealthy man. She loves that bankroll.” I knew she was lying and it only served to prove that this bitch was out to get Emmy. My woman had an issue with wealth, so I doubt she dated a guy who had money before. I needed to get away from her for a minute.

“Excuse me, Claudia, but where is your restroom? It was a long flight.”

“Oh, it’s this way. She escorted me upstairs to the master bedroom. I thought it was strange, but then she added, “Our other bathroom is being renovated.”

I gave her a simple nod and walked into the bathroom alone. I thought she was going to follow me in there, too. Not trusting her, I locked the door behind me and took a quick piss. After washing my hands, I called Emmy’s phone. She didn’t answer, but I needed to talk to her.

I sent her a text.
Emmy, stop playing and get back to your brother’s house. This skank of your sister-in-law is working her charms. Your brother needs to lose this one.

Claudia had added more perfume and gloss on her lips.
What a whore!
I tried to walk to the bedroom door, but she stopped me with a hand on my arm.

“Simon, you don’t need to leave so soon. It’ll be a while before they come back. We could get nice and cozy during this storm.” She brushed her breasts against my arm but I just pushed away.

“Listen, Mrs. Watts. You’re a fucking whore. I don’t understand what a man like Steven would want to do with you. I have Emmy and there isn’t a woman in the world that could ever change that. She’s the only woman I want. I don’t care how much you try to throw your pussy at me; I’ve got all I’ll ever need in her. And another thing, if you say one more bad thing about her, I’ll find a way to destroy you by any means necessary. Now, excuse me. I’ll wait in my car.”

I moved past her and opened the door. Emmy, Steven, and some other guy were standing on the opposite side along with an officer. “Emmy,” I growled. Instead of coming into my arms, she pushed past me and slapped the shit out of Claudia. I had to pull her off the broad because the claws were out and my kitten had gone bat shit crazy.

“Emmy, come on. I don’t want you to get arrested. Did you forget you arrived with a cop?”

“Technically two, but she tried to steal you from me. You’re mine, damn it,” she hissed. I turned her around and looked her right in the eyes.

“You’re right, Emmy. So if you try to leave me again, I’m going to spank the shit out of you.” I didn’t care that we had an audience, I was claiming her— especially if any of these fuckers were into her. My lips crushed hers.

I heard a cough behind me when I lifted Emmy and wrapped her legs around my waist. I turned and it was the cop looking at us. “Is there a problem officer?” I felt possessive of my little princess.

“Yes, actually, excuse me.” He walked past us and I didn’t see the female officer behind him. They approached Claudia and said, “Mrs. Watts, you’re under arrest.” Then they cuffed her.

“What? What for?”

“You’re being charged with filing a false police report and fraud.”

“Well shit, I want a lawyer.”


Once Claudia was removed from the house, I pulled Emmy out of the bedroom, not saying a word to the others. Since the house was small, I assumed the next bedroom was hers and bingo, it was. I locked the door behind me because she and I needed to get shit straight.

“Emmy. See, those words and shit just saved your ass back there. What you pulled on me was fucked up,” I hissed, stripping her clothes from her body angrily.

“I didn’t want to leave.”

“But you did. Why? Was it that bad?”

“Nothing was that bad, but my brother needed me.”

“So why didn’t you just call me and I would have come with you?”

“Because he was arrested last night. I didn’t want another difference in our family’s background rearing its ugly head. I was embarrassed.”

“Don’t do that to me again. If you run from me anymore, I won’t be responsible for my actions. That being said... Get on the bed on all fours.”

After she had gotten into position, I undid my belt and pulled it off. My whole world had been fucked up, and now it was time to make it right. Folding it, I ran the leather down her pale flesh. I felt her tremble.

“Is there someone else?”

“What? No!”

“It’s really hard to believe you since you left me after you said you wouldn’t.” I palmed her round bottom softly. I slid the belt down her backside but felt her quiver.

“Please don’t hit me with that,” she begged.

“I’m not. I just wanted you to feel scared like I did when I realized you had gone. Your leaving tore me apart this morning; I sure as hell didn’t appreciate it in the least.” I placed the belt to the side then cupped my hand, smacking her ass one time. She yelped then preened, moaning for more. I slapped her other cheek, turning it a bright pink. “Do you like that, princess?”

“Yes,” she hummed.

I was still very angry at her, but her need for me was too much to dismiss. I tossed my shirt onto the floor and dropped my pants to my knees. Lining up my cock with her pussy, I kneeled behind her. I tested her pussy and it was soaked. My woman loved to have her ass spanked, just not too hard. Replacing my fingers, I pressed the head of my cock at her entrance. I caressed her cheeks before working into her heat, closing my eyes as I pushed my way in and absorbed her warmth. Her sheath gripped my dick, holding it tight. With a moan of satisfaction, I began to work her pussy, stroking in and out until she started bucking back crying out my name.

“Simon!” Her body rode her wave of pleasure, bending down onto the pillow. She gripped it hard and shook out her orgasm. With a few more thrusts, I collapsed on top of her coming deep in her heat. That reminded me of something...

“Did you stop taking the damn pills like I told you to do?”

“I forgot to take them.”

“Good. Continue forgetting.”


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