Nordic Lessons (26 page)

Read Nordic Lessons Online

Authors: Christine Edwards

Tags: #oslo, #biker, #norway, #Alpha Male, #bondage

Impatient, I take his black Hugo Boss boxer briefs down with the rest.
Oh yeah, he’s eager.

I give him a naughty smile and wrap my palm around his silken heat. His breathing immediately becomes ragged as I lower down to take the delicious head between my lips. A low groan floats down to me, and I start to work his perfect cock in and out of my mouth. He’s always seeing to my pleasure, and I want to return the favor, to make it so unbelievably hot for him this time. I increase the tempo on his delicious thickness and his legs spread out wider beneath me. His muscles have gone rigid. He’s close ….

“Oh! Mikkel!”

I’m hauled up and pivoted around in mid-air by impossibly strong arms.

He growls against my spread legs, “Wanna taste that sweet pussy when I let go in your mouth, baby. Now, let’s get these damn fine panties off of you before I rip them off.”

I shudder with excitement and shimmy out of my panties. The second they are off my legs, he clamps down on my upper thighs, spreading me wide, and sets in on my already drenched sex. The power and precision of his tongue are astonishing.

“Master, ooh!” I call out before I do my best to keep it together, lowering my body over his to work his straining cock once again. I lick his heated sex, twirling my tongue around the sensitive head.

The second I take him fully into my wet mouth he lets loose a rough groan that vibrates through my wet channel.
So close ….

I take him as deep as I can manage, feeling him nudge against the back of my throat. Pleasuring him like this is such a turn on. The throbbing ache in my pussy increases as I fight a losing battle to focus. I’m pumping his shaft up and down; he’s getting bigger and I can taste the salty pre-cum. I fondle his tight balls and sigh as he growls loudly against my core.

A strangled moan escapes me as his hot tongue forces its way deep inside me right before he pulls it out, only to replace it with two skilled fingers. He pushes up on my thigh and that wicked tongue of his sneaks lower and begins sucking sweetly on my throbbing clit. His shaft is deep in my mouth and I suddenly lose it, coming completely undone on top of him. I buck wildly as the perfect contractions tear through me like a hurricane. At the same time he grabs the back of my hair in his fist and begins working my head up and down on his swollen cock. I suck hard, still shuddering and pulsing as he yells out beneath me, his warm cum flooding the back of my throat.

Falling over to my side in a blissful heap, I tilt my head to stare at him.

He’s panting hard, struggling to catch his breath. “Jesus Christ, Elora. I’ve never come that hard. Thought I was gonna black out for a second.”

I giggle and run my palm against his strong leg. “My ultimate goal is to please you.”

“You did far more than that. I hope you know how much I care for you. Come up here to me.”

I crawl up and nestle into the warm enclosure of his open arms. He rolls slightly over me to stare into my face. With a light brush of his lips against my forehead, he whispers, “
Jeg elsker deg så mye
I love you so much.

He touches his lips to mine, pulls back and says in English, “I love you so much. God, I would have lost it if they’d taken you.”

“Mikkel, I’m so in love with you too. You once told me that you’d never let anything harm me. I believed you then and I believe you now. The police have both of our statements and Dag’s in custody. I have full faith in the Oslo court system. Let’s just put it behind us as best we can.”

“Yeah baby. You’re right.”

I glance over at the clock, “Oh no! If we don’t hurry, we’re going to be late. You, you bad man! You and all your sexiness!” I scramble out of bed and race for the walk-in shower as his rich laughter echoes through the tranquility of our bedroom.


We’re the final couple to arrive at the dimly lit Brazilian steakhouse. He leads me over to a long table where our boisterous group is already getting the party started.

Alreck raises up a full pint glass to Mikkel. “I won’t even ask what held you two up. Sure as hell wasn’t the weather.”

I blush deeply as Mikkel laughs. We take our seats across from him and immediately I notice a stunning woman sitting between Alreck and Lisetta. She’s petite, with a tanned complexion and gleaming, dark hair. Her uncommon, pale eyes sparkle, and she’s grinning at me.

“Hello, you must be Vail then?” I ask.

“Yes. Hi, Elora. I’ve heard a lot about you from Lisetta. So nice to finally meet you.”

I watch Alreck’s long arm slide possessively over her shoulders and she leans into him, clearly comfortable with his open affection. It’s immediately obvious that he adores her.

Alreck lifts his chin as the waiter sets down Aquavit for Mikkel and a glass of white wine for me. “Went ahead and ordered drinks for you, brother. Elora, you want something different, just let the waiter know.”

“No, this is lovely. Thanks, Alreck.”

He dips his chin and smiles. God, sitting across from these two is mesmerizing. They are both uniquely gorgeous. The way they move together, it’s as if they were designed for each other.

“Elora.” Lisetta’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

She is dead serious as she tells me, “Together we’re going to put Dag away for a very long time, Elora, so he can’t do harm to another woman again.”

I can’t help it, I start to tremble and the tears flood my eyes. I take a deep breath through my nose and Mikkel pulls me into his side. I reach for my glass, drink deeply of the oaky chardonnay and say quietly, “Absolutely Lisetta.”

She nods and says, “Now that that’s out of the way, let’s forget the past and enjoy our evening.”

I look down toward the end of the table to see Alexander with a stunning blond at least five years younger than he. I smile and arch a brow in question.

Knowingly, he grins and makes the introduction, “Elora, this is Andrea. Andrea, my sister Elora. Andrea is a work colleague of mine.”

“Pleased to meet you, Elora.”

“You as well, Andrea.”

My brother breaks into a sinful grin. “And in case you’re wondering, no, this is not our first date. We’ve been seeing each other for the better part of a year now.”

My eyes shoot wide open in surprise. This must be serious, because to my knowledge, Alexander has never dated a woman longer than a few weeks. “That’s wonderful news, Alexander.”

He smiles, covering her left hand in his. Suddenly, I’m taken aback by the amount of love that the four couples here at our table have for each other. It all could’ve ended so differently if my brother hadn’t gone with Mikkel that day. I realize in this moment that I’m going to embrace life with everything I’ve got. There truly are no second chances.

Alreck’s richly accented voice calls out, “All right, everyone, I have an announcement to make.”

Bern lifts up his tall beer and jokes, “Yeah, yeah, we’ve all heard, you’re finally going to make an honest woman out of Vail.”

“Shut the fuck up, Bern.” Alreck’s lips twist into a smile as he continues, glass raised, eyes focused on Mikkel’s. “Vail and I have made the decision to move back to Norway—that is, if my brother here could still use my help around the garage?”

Mikkel’s body locks into place and his arm tightens around me. Clearly, he wasn’t expecting this to happen. He’s silent for several seconds, staring into Alreck’s liquid blue eyes, before I hear him clear his throat to say, “Of course, Alreck. Always, brother.”

They stare at each other for several seconds, and an unnamed emotion passes between them. Vail beams as she lays her head against the arm of Alreck’s black sweater.

Mikkel continues, his laughter barely contained, “But I’m warning you in advance, Alreck … you fuck anything up, and I’m taking it out of your wages.”

Alreck’s sculpted lips form a beaming smile as he says, “Yeah, we’ll see about that, boss man.”



Relentless Beauty

hey chose the perfect day for it. The warm May sun is filtering down through the high trees, causing the water on the lake to shimmer like diamonds. Alreck’s motionless as he stands beside me, but I can tell that he’s nervous. So much so that I can nearly feel the energy vibrating off of him in waves as she comes into view at the top of the high stairs that lead down to the dock.

Holy fuck … she’s so unbelievably gorgeous.

I lean in close and whisper to him, “After all the shit you went through to get her, don’t you dare pass out now.”

He doesn’t respond, and when I lean forward a bit, I see why. His gaze is intent and laser focused on the petite angel who’s making her way toward him. I can understand why he’s in a daze, because she looks like something out of a mythical legend. Pale, lilac-colored wildflowers are strewn through her upswept hair, the same color as the flowers in the generous bouquet she holds delicately in her hands. The dress, held up by thin straps on her bare shoulders, begins in a tight bodice then flows down and out to countless layers of diaphanous material that trails far behind as she seems to float like a magnificent vision straight toward us.

My eyes catch Elora’s bright ones just as Vail passes by the small gathering seated in white chairs on the lawn in front of the dock. She’s watching Vail with a radiant smile of joy on her face. I breathe deeply, struck by how fortunate we all are to have survived the crazy-ass events of the past year. I hope that I’ll somehow be able to pay back karma for sending me Elora and bringing Alreck back into my life. I’m one lucky bastard, and don’t I know it? It’s only been two weeks since Dag was sentenced to twelve years in Halden prison. During the emotional trial I secretly wished we were in America where he could get life or at least something close to it for the shit he pulled. Here in Norway, the maximum sentence for any crime—regardless of how violent—is twenty-one years. They are firm believers in ‘rehabilitation.’
that bullshit
. It doesn’t matter, because I’ll have twelve years to sort out that jackass’ post-prison rehab program. For now, it’s a relief that Lisetta finally has a semblance of closure. Elora is thriving. Her complex, colorful paintings adorn the walls of our home. It seems that nearly every week she’s changing them up, due to constant demand from the three galleries that are selling that shit like mad. My woman’s healthy and happy which makes me deliriously happy, enough said.

Vail comes to a stop a foot away from Alreck, having chosen to walk solo out of respect for her deceased father. Her mom is in the front row, tissues already out.

The priest speaks the traditional vows in Norwegian. Alreck told me that he started teaching her Norwegian the minute he showed up in California last summer. She says her vows to him with delicate precision. Impressive. When it’s over, I can’t resist the full-blown smile that spreads across my lips. Alreck lowers his huge frame down to cup her face before giving her a long, heated kiss. The small group of guests break into congratulatory whistles and shouts. He looks over at me, and his smile is blinding, filled with such pure, undiluted joy that I can only stare in awe and smile right back at my brother before clapping him once on the shoulder. I’ve never seen him so happy in his entire life.

I can’t wait to hold Elora, to feel her ….


Vail gives a small cry as Alreck scoops her high up into his arms in a sideways carry. I’ve never seen him in a suit before today and I have to admit, the big bastard looks damn handsome. I watch them make their way down my long dock, Vail held firmly in Alreck’s steady embrace. I shake my head and smile at Lisetta, the maid of honor. She gently wipes tears of joy from her pink cheeks. I wrap my arm around her shoulders and lead her down the dock. Pink and white rose petals float in the air around us.

“You good?”

“Yes, oh God, I’m so happy for them, Mikkel!”

“I know, sweet cousin, I know.”

As we reach the end of the dock, we see that they are surrounded by family and friends. I hug Lisetta tightly before handing her over to an eager Bern. I overhear him telling her in his quiet way how beautiful she looks in her long lavender gown.
Good man.

Now to my beauty ….

She’s turned to the side, standing patiently, waiting to congratulate Vail and Alreck. I drink in her body, so sexy in her sleek, blue-gray dress and silver heels.
Damn, she’s so going to get it hard from me tonight.

I tag her small hand and begin making my way up the steps toward the house. She’s caught off guard, sputtering, “Wait! Hold on, I haven’t told them congratulations yet!”

Without turning her way, I murmur, “Later.”

Curiosity and interest thread her melodic voice as she says, “What in the world … Mikkel?”

I slide open the door on the back deck and lead her quickly through the living room, down the hallway toward our bedroom. Once inside I let go of her hand and cross to the closet, where I crouch low to open my fingerprint safe. When I have what I want, I secure it, stand and turn around to face her. A healthy flush spreads across her cheeks, and her chest is rising and falling with excitement, yet she remains silent, eyes tracking back and forth between my face and the two leather boxes in my hands.
Good little sub, waiting so patiently. I’m already making a mental note to reward her ….

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