Oath Of Seduction: Seducing Sharon (17 page)

Read Oath Of Seduction: Seducing Sharon Online

Authors: Marly Chance

Tags: #love_erotica

She was shocked. He’d actually done it. She went still from surprise.

She heard his low chuckle. “Very good,
.” He raised his hand and delivered another couple of smacks. He wasn’t hurting her, but she felt her bottom begin to grow warm. With a sense of embarrassment, she felt the wetness between her legs grow, too. She squirmed.

The hand on her back grew heavier as he kept her in place. “You still think you have some choice, I see. Perhaps I should make myself clearer.” She felt a tug on each side of her panties as he released the strings. Then, cool air brushed against the warm cheeks of her bottom as he lifted the back of the panties away. She was exposed.

She felt his rough hand lightly caress one pink cheek. Suddenly, he moved his hand up and he began lightly spanking her again. The minor sting of his hand was nothing compared to the heat blooming inside her. She couldn’t understand it. She was trembling with excitement and nerves.

Suddenly, he stopped. His hand lightly traced her bottom. His voice sounded husky, but it was still firm. “At this moment, you are wondering what I will do to you. What you will let me do to you.”

His hand moved lower and he trailed one finger along the wetness of her thighs. “You are so wet.” Her body tensed as he lazily drew that finger upward toward her sex. He teased her swollen lips and then probed gently inside. With a moan, she went limp.

“That’s it,
. I can feel your walls clinging to me. Tighten around my finger.” He brought the rest of his fingers under her and began circling her clit. It was exquisite torture. She felt him pressing and playing with her. The finger inside her began moving in and out. She let out a whimper of need. It felt so good, but she wanted his hard cock in place of his finger.

Bringing her head up and turning, she could see his hard cock straining within his pants. “I want you inside me.”

He withdrew his finger from inside her and trailed it along her swollen lips again. “Do you?” His finger left a trail of wetness in its wake as it slowly climbed upward between the cheeks of her bottom. Reaching the tight bud of her ass, he lightly touched the knot of nerves. “Where?”

Oh no. She was not into anal sex. No way. Her body tensed instinctively. She made a strangled sound of protest.

He laughed. “Nervous,
? I am in control here, remember? You have no control. I can fuck you any way I like.” He continued to tickle that tight ring of nerves with light strokes of his wet finger.

Her sudden twisting motion away from him nearly sent her sprawling to the floor. She landed on her knees and began to stand up. Her panties fell away, and she was naked, standing in front of him. Like lightening, he grabbed her hips and brought her forward to his mouth. Her knees wentweakas she felt the stroking heat of his tongue across her clit. She closed her eyes and her head went back. It was too much. He sucked and circled, and probed delicately until she was moaning with the pleasure. Suddenly, the incredible sensations stopped. She opened her eyes.

Liken stood and looked at her with the eyes of a hungry predator. She took an instinctive step backward in surprise. He smiled. He took a step forward and then grabbed her. His movements were rough, but the hands on her arms were gentle as he turned her and walked her around to the back of the chair. Pushing her facedown over the back of it, he put one hand on her back to hold her down.

The rustle of his clothing as he unbuttoned his pants was the only sound in the room. With no other warning, his hard cock thrust into her aching sex. He began pumping in and out of her roughly. She felt her whole body catch fire. She began to push her hips back against him to meet his strokes. He brought one hand down into stinging contact with her bottom. His voice was firm. “No.”

She stopped in surprise, but let out a moan of protest. He brought one hand forward and began to toy with her right nipple. His rhythm remained ruthlessly steady even when he said softly, “You will not come until I allow it.”

The tug on her nipple was a passionate torment. She ached with it. She was growing frustrated at the slow rhythm of his thrusts. She arched her back to take him deeper. She wanted more, damnit.

He knew what she wanted, but he was the one in control. He had the nerve to laugh. “No,

She felt another stinging tap. Anger was beginning to mix with need. “Faster. Go faster and deeper.” She wasn’t sure if it was a demand or a plea.

He responded by slowing and gentling his thrusts. “Ask me nicely and I will consider it.” His mocking tone deliberately provoked her.

She could feel her temper straining and struggled to rein it in. “Go to hell. I don’t want this anymore. Let me up.”

Suddenly, he thrust his cock all the way into her, in one hard thrust. Buried to the hilt, he brought his arm from her nipple down to her sex. He found her clit and began teasing it. “What is wrong,
? Will you beg me to continue or to stop?” His mocking tone said he knew she wouldn’t ask him to stop.

She wanted to demand that he stop immediately, but he was filling her and pressing against her clit with such skill. “Bastard.” She muttered it.

He laughed again. “Your language is deteriorating, Sharon.” He gave her a couple of hard, deep thrusts in reward.

She moaned and pushed against him, fighting for each stroke of his cock. The war waged for some time. She was getting desperate for release. Frustration, passion, and anger were raging inside her. Each time she grew close, he would pull back and then change rhythms. It was maddening.

She spat angry words in between strokes. “You’re driving me crazy. Cut it out. I mean it. You fucking tease.”

His only response was another slap to her bottom as he continued the torment. His hand on her hip moved and he trailed one finger between the cheeks of her bottom. Drawing moisture from below, he circled her tight bud with teasing strokes.

She went hot and then cold. He wouldn’t. She had no sooner thought it, then she felt a gentle probing pressure as his finger dipped inside her a small way. It was foreign and scary, and she was ashamed to admit, exciting. It didn’t hurt, but she felt the last shred of her control snap away. She let out a scream of sheer frustration.

As if he had been waiting for that sound, he merged with her in one hard push. The feel of his pleasure mixing with hers sent her right to the edge. She was terrified he would stop. “Don’t stop.”

His voice was dark with need and sex. “Ask me to fuck you harder.” It was an order.

“Please fuck me harder.” Need was clawing at her. She was completely out of control.

“Swear you’ll never leave.”He ruthlessly pounded his cock into her sex.

“I swear it.”She almost screamed the words.

“You’re mine. I can do anything, have anything I want.” His thrustsbecamefaster and she was moaning over and over.

“Yes, anything…”

He spoke through gritted teeth, “Then come for me.” His finger on her clit pressed inward as he arched his spine to add strength to his thrusts. Her scream echoed loudly as she shattered into a million pieces. Her lower body clenched and pulsed around his cockand his still embedded finger.With a loud groan, he lost control and found his own release. He fell forward and leaned against her back, his big body covering hers. His hands came around her to gently stroke her breasts.

Sharon lay beneath Liken, too exhausted to move. She felt hollow inside, as if someone had come in and swept everything away. It was strangely peaceful. She felt totally vulnerable and exposed in a way that had nothing to do with her body’s nakedness. She loved Liken and needed him and had no defenses against it.

She felt tears on her face and realized with a sniff that she was crying. She had lost all control, acted like an animal, and the world hadn’t ended. Liken was still holding her, pressing gentle kisses to the side of her neck. She felt his feelings run through her. His tenderness, his warmth, and his love wrapped around her. Realizing he did love her brought on a flood of fresh tears.

Liken grew aware that Sharon was crying beneath him. He quickly rose up and turned her over with concern. Tears were streaming down her face. Looking horrified, he picked her up in his arms and carried her to the couch. “Sharon, did I hurt you?”

She shook her head and tried to say no, but only sobbing sounds came out. She ducked her head into his chest and wept. Liken wrapped gentle arms around her and tried to understand. He was relieved he hadn’t hurt her, but he couldn’t understand why she was crying. Sharon never cried. She had come to his planet and confronted massive changes without shedding one tear. Now, suddenly, she was sobbing as if her heart was broken. He thought about scanning her thoughts, but remembered his promise.

With dismay, he wondered if he had pushed her too far too fast. Rubbing her back as she sobbed in his arms, he ached at the sight and sound of her tears. He whispered, “
, please… you are killing me with your tears… I am sorry… Please tell me what has hurt you. I love you. I cannot bear to see you hurting.”His words of comfort continued, in both Shimerian and English, but Sharon was too shattered to respond.

Finally, she pulled away from his chest and tried to get herself under control. She felt free suddenly. She knew she was naked in the arms of a nearly fully clothed man. Her hair was a tangled mess, and her face was splotchy with tears. Her nose was running and she looked horrible.

Gone was the cautious, tidy, undemanding Sharon. The end result wasn’t as pretty maybe but it was honest. Her life was in shambles, but she had found herself and someone who loved her in the midst of total chaos. It was everything she had avoided, and at the same time, everything she had secretly wanted. “I love you, too. It’s okay. You didn’t hurt me. I just feel relieved and overwhelmed.”

He had been in her mind for nearly two weeks and he could not understand her still. She was a mystery to him, one he hoped to spend his life solving. “I do not understand. You are crying in relief?” It made no sense.

Sharon gave him a shaky smile. “I’m fine.”

He shook his head. “I think you are still hurting because of this morning. I am sorry I did not come after you and explain about Elana.”

“No, really. I do understand. And I’m sorry I didn’t trust you enough to ask for explanations. I had gotten my nerve up to risk telling you about my feelings and seeing you with her just shocked and destroyed me.”

He pressed a gentle kiss to her mouth. “
, there are things in our cultures that are vastly different. I know that there are adjustments we both will have to make. I have been arrogant in thinking all the adjustments would be yours. We will work together to solve any problems that arise.” It was said like a promise.

Sharon placed a hand to his cheek. “We love each other. We trust each other. We can face whatever we have to face together.”

Liken’s arms tightened. “I am so fortunate to have found you,
. I want a life with you and children. I want to make you happy.”

Sharon’s smile was blinding. “I wouldn’t mind a few little Likens myself. And you do make me happy.”

Their mouths met in a kiss of wonder and love. When at last they pulled apart, Sharon dropped her hand and began unbuttoning Liken’s shirt. With a playful grin, she said, “Now,let’s talk aboutthis tendency you have to dominate me in bed.”

He let out a satisfied laugh. “I am a Shimerian male, am I not? Do not pretend you dislike it,
. I know otherwise. I know all kinds of interesting, dark fantasies you ache to explore. Would you like to discuss them?”

She felt heat rise to her cheeks as she finished the last of the buttons. Spreading his shirt, she leaned forward and swirled her tongue around one of his nipples. She could feel his big body tense. Her husky voice dripped satisfaction as she said, “Nope, I believe it’s my turn for a little revenge.”

She placed teasing kisses in a steady downward path. Peeking up at him through her lashes, she watched his eyes darken with arousal. She paused and unbuttoned his pants. He went completely still under her hands. “You’ll have to adjust…”

Liken watched the dark curtain of her hair lower over his lap. When her mouth closed over his aching cock, he couldn’t stifle his moan. He could feel the blood leaving his head and heading south. Bringing his hands to tangle in her hair, he arched upward helplessly. He had one last thought before his mind went completely blank. She was a librarian, for goodness sake, and she had conquered a warrior.

Chapter 17

n the twenty-first day since her departure from Earth, Sharon, Liken, and Tair stood on the Shimerian side of the portal. They were waiting in line to transport back to Earth for the pledging ceremony. Tair glanced over his shoulder at the pactmates. Sharon was dressed in her pledge clothing. Her shimmering white halter was thin, and showed off her full breasts beautifully. Her white skirt stopped at mid-thigh calling attention to those wonderful legs.

She certainly did not resemble any librarian Tair had ever seen. Liken was in black, but his boots shone and he was wearing some expensive scent Tair could not identify. Tair studied the couple with great satisfaction. Sharon looked radiant and Liken could barely keep his eyes off of her. They were obviously happy. Sharon turned to him suddenly and said, “Tair, we need to talk.” Her voice was serious.

Both men shuddered in instinctive dread at her words. Liken shot him a look of sympathy. Tair couldn’t imagine what he had done. He couldn’t keep the defensive note from his voice. “What is it, Sharon? Perhaps another time would be better to have this discussion?”

She wasn’t being put off. “No, I don’t think so. When are you planning to make Kate your pactmate?” It hadbeen on her mind for some time.

The line moved forward. There was only one person ahead of them now. Tair shrugged and said, “She will be at your pledging today, will she not? It is an ideal time.”His casual gesture belied the depth of his real feelings. He was anxious to claim his pactmate. After seeing Liken and Sharon together, especially this last week, he was eager to start his life with Kate.

Sharon nodded slowly. “Well, yes. But, don’t you think I should talk to her first? Maybe explain a few things about Shimeria? It might smooth the way
It might prevent major warfareshe wanted to say.

Tair smiled. “No. Absolutely not. She will learn as you did.”

Sharon couldn’t contain her doubt.Since she liked Tair and loved Kate like a sister, she wanted to spare both of them some of the pain and confusion she and Liken had gone through in the last few weeks.“She’s a lot more… ummm… explosive…than I am, Tair. I don’t think her knowing period will be as easy as mine.”

Tair laughed. “I am relying on it.” He stepped through the portal and was gone.

Sharon turned to Liken, who was watching with an incredulous look on his face. “What?”

“Easy? Your knowing period was easy?” Sheer amazement permeated his voice.

She laughed. “Compared to Kate, believe me, I was easy.”

Liken placed a hard kiss on her mouth. “Maybe they will be fortunate and find love as we have.” Her eyes softened and he placed a tender hand on her cheek in response. She heard people in line behind them shifting restlessly. She turned and walked forward.

Grinning shamelessly,Likenwaited until she was about to enter the portal. His voice echoed in the large room. “If not, a little interplanetary nookie won’t kill them.”The others in the line around them heard his words and laughed along with him.

Sharon couldn’t help it. Men were always so sure of themselves. She laughed. “No, but Kate might.” She was still laughing as she stepped into the portal and disappeared.

As he stepped through the portal on her heels, Liken thought about his soon-to-be pledgemate. He was very grateful she had agreed to make a life with him. His sweet librarian was beautiful, and intelligent, and a fiery dream come to life. She was walking, talking love personified. She meant everything to him. But, obviously, she did not know Tair. He felt the grin on his face grow wider. Sharon was going to be surprised again.

Of course, not as surprised as Kate.




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