Obama Zombies: How the Obama Machine Brainwashed My Generation (22 page)

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Authors: Jason Mattera

Tags: #Current Events, #Literature: Classics, #Performing Arts, #Literary Collections, #Democracy, #Political Process, #Political Ideologies - Democracy, #Elections, #Communication in politics, #United States, #Political Ideologies, #Conservatism, #Political Science, #Youth, #Politics, #Essays, #General, #Political Process - Elections, #Political activity, #Fiction

During the election. Rock the Vote's PSA with the rapper Murs parroted the liberal line about "universal health care." "What is it hurting to get off your ass and take ten minutes to go do something that could affect the lives of your children," said Murs in the YouTube video.
"You have a voice as an American." (Oh, for real, yo? I got a voice. Naw, homey?! No shizzle!) "If you don't register, you won't have a voice," Murs ends by saying. But the PSA continues with flashing statistics of why the youth should vote. And here's where the party affiliation comes in:

13.3 Million

18-29 Year Olds


Health Insurance


Young Americans

Under The Age Of 29

Have Served In Iraq

And Afghanistan

Hmmm. Whom do you think Murs and his Rock the Vote gang were going to vote for?

In all, there is not one conservative position Rock the Vote advocates. Of course, the group is free to lobby on whatever positions it wants; conservatives love freedom, so feel free to yap your trap all you darn please, dear socialists. But can we please drop the laughable line in the mainstream media that this is an organization that represents the interests of young people? If by "young people" you mean Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi and B.H.O., then, yes. But by any fair assessment these groups are nothing short of a surrogate for the Democratic National Committee.

MTV also threw its hat into presidential election coverage. MTV held dialogues with presidential contenders before the Iowa primary and had a follow-up with many of them before Super Tuesday. MTV also hired fifty-one youth "reporters" to cover the election for a youth perspective in each state and the District of Columbia. And by "cover" the election I mean carry water for Democrats. A fair reading of MTV means assessing whom the network uses as its main political moderator. And what do you know. It's none other than the effete Gideon Yago, the mother of all metrosexuals. The uberwoman of all men has given more than a thousand dollars to left-wing causes,
including General Wesley Clark's presidential run in 2004 and Vote Vets, a group representing a small number of disgruntled antiwar veterans who also take up the cause of "clean energy." Yago hosted every presidential forum. But even if we dropped tight-pants Gideon from the equation, what if we looked at how MTV covered both conventions? Bias, anyone?

Let's start off with the Democrat convention. MTV's Sway Calloway covered Obama's infamous stadium acceptance speech and discussed how "thousands of young people have descended" on Den
ver. On the screen, we see Obama Zombie after Obama Zombie give his or her name and state, and without fail, people are sobbing uncontrollably. That hard-hitting MTV "journalist" Sway interviews a Zombie who says that Obama makes "people feel good about getting up in the morning." The same dude states, "we live in the best country in the world and now I feel it."

Being the top-notch investigative journalist he is, Sway manages to locate one girl who is weeping wildly. "God, I'm just so happy to be here," she says. "I can't even find the words to express how happy and how proud I am at this moment, to know that there are other people [Obama] who have struggled and who have lived the same way I have. We have a candidate as president who has gone through the same struggles that I have in life."

One young man, Joshua Lopez, says of Obama's big acceptance speech, "The dream is now a reality . . . when MLK talked about having a dream about people being judged by the contents of their character and not the color of their skin, you know, we get to this point right now, we can see a man who happens to be an African American gives this enormous speech and run for president of the United States, the dream is definitely realized."

Refusing to leave any journalistic stone unturned, our dear Sway finds yet another Obama Zombie, Brian Lee: "I really do think they [McCain and Obama] have different understandings of the economy. First and foremost because one person understands the economy and one person has no idea about the economy. That's a fundamental difference when you know your ABCs and . . . (stuttering) and the other person has no idea how to spell cat."

Did you follow that "logic"?
Obama understands the economy because he understands the economy and McCain has no idea how to spell
cat. Oh, I get it now. Clear as mud.

Paul Rieckhoff, an antiwar veteran, praises Obama's speech as a big step "to remake the face of the party" so that it's not perceived as unpatriotic. He says that he has never seen so many American flags in one place.

The ever-skeptical Sway then plays a clip of Obama's acceptance speech: "Patriotism has no party. I love this country and so do you . . . the men and women who serve in our battlefields may be Democrats and Republicans and independents, but they have fought together and bled together and some died together under the same proud flag. They have not served a red America or a blue America. They have served the United States of America."

Tom Tarantino, another liberal veteran, commented for MTV that this line by Obama was "the absolute key . . . the military is one of the most single diverse minorities in the country . . . all types of people in this country choose to stand up for this country."

Actually, Tom, the military is one of the least ideologically diverse places around, where liberals make up a paltry 8 percent of the armed forces. Pathetic, homeboy. Get your friends to sign up!

"Obama didn't disappoint," said the hard-hitting and always fair-and-balanced Sway.

A Zombie reaction to Obama's education plan outlined that night, where you would get money for "serving your community": Bonner Springs of Kansas told MTV, "I can't really see any way of going about being someone who is in lower class and trying to go through and get a college education. There really needs to be a level playing field for people who want to work and want to try."

MTV's Jake: "80,000 Americans are now finally proud of their country again after 8 years of what we've had. It's just great seeing
everyone; seeing the excitement; and seeing how proud everyone is. It's just phenomenal."

And that's how MTV covered Obama's convention speech, folks! There was not
critical piece of information. Not one! No tough questions. No analysis. Just fawning fluff piece after fawning fluff piece, all reinforcing the image of Obama as Rock Star of the Universe.

John McCain got similar coverage at his convention acceptance speech, right? Ha! And Michelle Obama doesn't believe America is a "downright mean" country?

Remember how the journalistic icon Sway and the MTV gang couldn't find or feature one--not a
--young person who was critical of Obama at the convention? Well now, miraculously, in the opening segment of MTV's coverage of McCain's speech, Sway Calloway finds an Obama supporter at the RNC Convention!
After interviewing two young McCain supporters, Sway goes to Bill. After acknowledging that Bill is liberal, Sway asks him what McCain has to do to convince him to vote for him. Bill says that McCain must explain how Obama's plan to tax the "wealthiest Americans is bad for the middle class as well as poor America." To be clear, in the
opening segment
of MTV's "nonpartisan" coverage of McCain's convention speech, good ol' MTV finds (or plants) a guy to parrot Obama's talking points!

If that weren't bad enough, Sway highlights the leftist protesters who descended on Minneapolis and finds a girl among them to say Sarah Palin shouldn't be running for vice president, because of her daughter's looming pregnancy. How progressive and feminist of her!

To put this in perspective, Sarah Palin rocked the GOP house with her convention speech. It was more talked about than McCain's was. There were thousands of adoring fans--thousands--at the Xcel
Energy Center who fell in love with Palin as the VP candidate, and this nitwit Sway finds some schmuck on the street to trash her? Fair and balanced at its best, no?

After McCain's actual acceptance speech, the unstoppable Sway managed to find a disgruntled veteran to sound off on McCain as someone who doesn't care about soldiers' post-traumatic injuries.

But MTV's bias was even more insidious. Somehow the network found another convention "attendee" to trash McCain on the war. Bill Halter: "I would've liked to hear John McCain address how he plans to bring the Iraq conflict to a conclusion."
Most Republicans are strictly against an arbitrary timetable set by politicians and prefer drawdown or pullout dates to be set according to the commanders on the ground. It's remarkable that out of a crowd of tens of thousands of people with that understanding of Iraq, MTV found "Bill Halter" to talk negatively about Iraq.

So, to recap. MTV features Obama Zombie after Obama Zombie, wetting their pants over the Anointed One. No criticism. No tough questions. But at the Republican convention, well, you can't let conservatives get in the way! MTV features leftists to strike a discord in the hearts of young voters on McCain's military commitment. . . . even McCain's military record.

MTV develops its programming through the goggles of liberalism. Its programming team either is unaware or dismisses opposing views. There are no conservative correspondents, reporters, or even questions that tackle a conservative perspective. And that's just the coverage of the two convention speeches. MTV sponsored presidential forums with Democrat and Republican candidates. God knows an entire chapter could be written just on those performances. But I'll give you a few gems.

In MTV's "Countdown to the 'Super Dialogue,' " our crack reporter Sway says he asked young voters what issues they consider most important and, what do you know, he found students to say: "nationwide healthcare," "gay rights," "the war in Iraq," "college affordability," "Darfur," "withdraw some troops," "the environment and the energy crisis in our country are horrendous." Obama Zombie after Obama Zombie, liberal line after liberal line.

On December 3, 2007, at Southern New Hampshire University, John McCain participated in the dialogue, which was moderated by the girly boy Gideon Yago and the clueless Sway. In the forum, Yago shows McCain a video submitted from students at the University of Southern California. It went like this: "We believe that global warming is the greatest threat to our future. Every day we feel how real global warming is, with drought conditions fueling recent wild fires and rising sea levels eroding our coastlines; it's clear these threats are here now, not years away. Our next president needs to be a global leader on this issue; as young people who will inherit this problem we need a clear plan now."
As it turns out, these were no ordinary students. They were part of the group CalPIRG, a leftist activist student group started by Ralph Nader decades ago! PIRG falsely stands for Student Public Interest Research Groups. These are the biased of the biased. And MTV picked their video.

Actually, the PIRGs are another one of these allegedly "nonpartisan" youth mobilization efforts we hear so much about. For the 2008 election, the group teamed up with the other "nonpartisan" groups Rock the Vote, Declare Yourself, and HeadCount to churn out the student vote. These groups described themselves as the "four largest non-partisan voter registration groups."
The four horsemen, folks. Recall that Declare Yourself is run by left-wing producer Nor
man Lear; HeadCount was started to elect John Kerry; and Rock the Vote, well, you know about Rock the Vote.

With this type of "nonpartisanship," I wonder if MSNBC will have me on the program and allow me to identify myself as an Obama supporter. I will then go on to give Obama advice on how he is wrecking our economy with irresponsible spending. I'm as much of an Obama supporter as these groups are nonpartisan. Combined, these organizations boast that they have registered millions of young voters through voter drives on campuses, at concerts, and online. And with the star power these groups are packing, and with help from MTV, I tend to believe their numbers.

When the PIRGs at the University of California finished asking McCain the loaded global-warming question, MTV's cohost said, "There you go, USC has spoken, Senator."
Actually, it was a gaggle of students who spoke, but that doesn't fit into MTV's left-wing narrative.

Manufactured questions like this were normal. When John "I ain't yo' baby daddy" Edwards spoke at his presidential dialogue, a student from the ONE campaign to end poverty asked, "Do you believe that AIDS and poverty are national security issues for the U.S.?" Right on cue, Edwards ran his fingers through his Breck Girl hair and said, "Yes."

Ron Paul was asked about the federal government's subsidizing birth control and human papillomavirus shots on campus. To his credit, Paul said that such funding is not the responsibility of taxpayers, but it goes to show the complete left-wing tilt of every question. There was not one conservative activist identified or given the microphone to ask a question. Keep in mind that there were more than four presidential forums, featuring more than five candidates.

Keeping with MTV's leftist activism, in 2007 the network part
nered with the Clinton Global Initiative and the Campaign to Make Poverty History. The event was called "Giving--Live at the Apollo," and by "giving" the organizers meant redistribution of wealth in developed countries passed down to third-world spots in Africa. The forum was organized to "engage college students" on the world's most "pressing problems."

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