Read Obsession Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Obsession (12 page)

Blinking at him, I tried to comprehend what he was saying. “
the hot guy who brought me home?”

“The hot guy?”

Not wanting to tell him how Joy had been going on and on about his fuckability, while Kayla said he looked like a Neanderthal, I shook my head. “I can’t believe I don’t remember you.”

He smiled. “Don’t worry. Joy explained that you’re not much of a drinker.”

“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”

Shrugging, he picked up a sandwich then sat down next to me on the bed, having changed at some point into a pair of dark jeans and a chocolate brown t-shirt. “When you obviously didn’t remember me, I didn’t want you to know I’d purposely showed up to your work, hoping you’d go out on a date with me. I’d hoped to talk to you and maybe that would jog your memory.”

“And instead I burned you.” Looking down at his hand, I frowned when I saw he had the bandage off, the skin a little pink but not as bad as it had been.

“A small price to pay for the pleasure of your company.”

He looked like he really meant what he was saying, and I ate while gazing out the windows, the lights of Phoenix starting to gleam like bits of gold scattered against the darkening mountains. I wondered why he was being so nice to me and as my hunger and thirst faded, weariness tugged at me again, despite the nap I’d just taken. After setting aside my almost empty glass of water, I allowed Leo to pull me over as he scooted back, setting me between his legs with my back to his front.

At first I thought he was playing with my hair, but when the bristles of a brush dragged over my scalp, I shivered.

He was brushing my hair.

Slow, gentle, spine-tingling strokes.

I adored having my hair brushed.

My little sister had been fascinated by my hair. She’d inherited my mom’s light brown, wavy hair while I’d come out with my dad’s bone-straight, silky black locks. I was lucky that my hair was naturally shiny, and I didn’t have to do anything other than wash and condition it with the occasional trim, even if it wouldn’t hold a curl to save its life. My sister used to brush my hair, then braid it with bright ribbons as though I was her favorite doll.

Since then, the only people who had brushed my hair had been either my friends or my hair stylist. But I’d never felt this sense of sensual satisfaction and relaxation with any of them. No, when Leo brushed my hair, it was like he was stroking my entire body, the tingles cascading down my nerves from my sensitive scalp.

I was as mellow as the sunset and Leo was quiet behind me while he brushed my hair into a shiny curtain, then ran his fingers through it, slowly, over and over again with obvious pleasure while I was practically purring with happiness.

Slouched back into his solid body, I felt like some kind of decadent queen lounging on her favorite warrior while her court watched her take her pleasure.

A quiver went through my tender folds and I shifted minutely, a shiver running down my spine as something sparked through my blood, some catalyst that drew my attention from the twilight sky to Leo.

I turned around and studied him in the now dim lighting, my gaze flicking to his knife still embedded in the wall. Any normal, sane woman would have been running for the hills after his little clothes-cutting stunt—hell, she’d have been gone at the first “Daddy”—but I was twisted enough to find it hot. His brows were so heavy they almost totally shadowed his eyes, but those deep mahogany orbs somehow glittered in the meager lighting.

On my knees, I leaned closer as he sprawled out before me on the daybed. He radiated power, control, and my whole being ached with need for him. Heat prickled through my veins, spreading from my heart and into my body in a heady rush. My breathing sped up and I took my time examining the predator watching me with such interest.

For some reason, my attention focused on his hand slung over the back of the bed, the sight of him slowly rubbing his fingertips together strangely arousing.

Why did I find everything he did so exciting? It was like he was an incubus and his magical cock cast a spell over me. This wasn’t me, I wasn’t someone to just fall into a random, sexy-as-fuck guy’s bed and attempt to fuck him to death. Or at least I tried not to be. With Leo, I never stood a chance. We’d been about as intimate as a man and woman could be, and we obviously fit like lock and key on a sexual level, but I didn’t know anything about this man that had me tied up in knots.

Giving myself a mental slap, I forced my hormones into a box and said some things I should have said a long time ago, and would have if I hadn’t been blindsided by his super-thick shaft.

God, he stretched me so much…it felt amazing.

My gaze wanted to take a look at his jeans to see if the monster in his pants was still asleep, but I managed only to sneak a quick peek before refocusing my attention on his face. “We need to talk.”

His eyebrows rose. “It’s never good when a woman says that.”

Rolling my eyes, I gestured to the room. “Can we have some lights in here? And do you have a bathroom somewhere in this place?”

“Go out the way we came in, first door to your right.”

The sudden, pressing needs of my bladder had me leaping out of the bed, only to yelp and grab a suede pillow to cover myself with.

Grinning, Leo tried to pull the pillow away from me. “Since I’m the one responsible for cutting and tearing your clothes off your gorgeous body, I felt it was only fair I replace them. There’s a box on the table across the room, go get it.”

“You—” He jerked the pillow from me, leaving me naked in this very-exposed-to-the-outside room. “Give me that back!”

“No.” I tried to ignore the fact that his scolding, stern voice was hot. “You’re beautiful and I love watching you, now put your hands down and stop trying to hide yourself from me. I’m a selfish man and I take great pleasure in looking at you, so you will indulge me. Jesus, your body is insane. Get dressed. You’re far too distracting when you’re naked to talk about anything other than my prick going down your throat.”

I flushed, caught between embarrassment, anger, and glowing happiness. “Fine, but only because I’m not parading naked around your house.”

“We’ll see.”

The amused, sexy smile he gave me as he stretched out had my hands reaching for him before I could stop myself.

Unable to resist the lure, I stroked my hands down his sides, bumping over shifting muscle and hard ribs before reaching the indent of his waist. He had trim hips and I can personally attest that his furry V and hard abs were like visual candy. Even now, clad in a brown t-shirt that fit him perfectly, I could see the divide between his large pectoral muscles, the broad sweep of his solid shoulder.

Tingles raced through me when I looked up into his face again, finding him studying me closely, as always. I must be getting used to it, because all his staring did was make me feel happy and bouncy inside.

“Do you like what you see?”


“So do I.” He gave my butt a smack with an unrepentant grin. “Go. I have some calls I need to make while you freshen up. There’s a full shower in there, but try not to get your arm wet. I’ll change the dressing after you get out. Oh—and I’m clean, by the way, since we didn’t use protection.”

“Crap! Uh, yeah. I’m clean and on the birth control shot, so no worries about a baby.”

“I’m not worried about that.”


“You keep standing there naked and I’m going to have to fuck you again.”

Flushing, I grabbed the box and strove to keep my walk slow and sedate, as if I didn’t have a care in the world, when internally I was wondering if he thought my knees and elbows were knobby and how my ass managed to be both nonexistent and jiggly.

Moving in almost a daze, I went into the cool and welcoming silver and hunter green bathroom, marveling for a moment at the iridescent glass tiles that lined the shower stall. Like the rest of the house, it was perfectly in line with my tastes and I couldn’t help but giggle, the sound bouncing off the high walls and ceiling. I wonder if having the exact same taste as his interior decorator counted as fate bringing us together.

While I washed myself, not the easiest thing to do with one hand, I wondered how the hell I got here. Right now I should be trying to get some sleep or getting a bit of studying in before work, not admiring the massive showerhead that was like standing beneath my own personal rainstorm. Water trickled down my face, dripped off my chin and seemed to wash away all the cares and worries I usually carried around with me like shackles. I felt remarkably free, unburdened and content to just exist in the perfect moment, instead of worrying about the past or future.

Once I got out, I took my hair down from the sloppy bun I’d put it in, surprised when it fell down my back like silk, then I remembered how Leo had brushed it and that giddy tingle went through me again. Who does that? I’ve never had a guy…well…groom me before. And he bought me clothes. I’d have been lucky if my last serious boyfriend bought me a Happy Meal.

Curious about what was in the box, I set it on the creamy stone counter and lifted the lid, a small gasp of surprise escaping me at the lovely dress inside.

The gorgeous maroon Emilio Pucci dress with its low, square neckline, wasn’t something I’d ever buy on my own, but oh my goodness how I instantly loved the elegant cut and the rich red wine color of the fabric. It was stunning, figure-hugging to the waist and decorated with a large eyelet lace pattern on the skirt that flared out from my hips. It was also sleeveless, so it would be perfect for a hot day.

There were matching maroon ballet slippers with bits of sparkling navy glitter at the toes that added a nice pop. No bra—thank God—just pale rose silk panties. I was barely a B cup, and I could only guess that sex distracted Leo from really noting my size…even if he did spend a good deal of time touching and kissing my small mounds. In the bedroom, I’ve never had any complaints about my breasts, but when your best friend has large, gravity defying, and amazingly perfect double D tits, while you’ve got mosquito bites, it doesn’t take long for cleavage envy to settle in.

Slipping the dress on, I slid my feet into the comfortable flats then did a little turn in the mirror, smiling as the skirt flared out slightly. It was sexy and short, showing a good amount of leg, but at the same time it was classy and innocent despite the deep red color.

Not that I felt the least bit innocent about the things I’d done to Leo, the things I wanted to do. I hadn’t taken the time to really appreciate his ass. Seriously, it was a work of art, and I’d only groped it a bit. No doubt this was just an afternoon fling for Leo. He was rich, hot, and so intensely sexual, any women couldn’t help but get a quiver in her belly when he looked at her.

Jealousy hit me hard and fast as I cursed myself for getting too attached too quick. In typical stage-five-clinger fashion, I was already picturing myself living here with Leo, waking up with him in this perfect house and just watching him sleep. Some people may find my nocturnal habits unnerving, but when I love someone, I felt so…
when I look at them. It lights me up inside, fills the void just a little bit. One boyfriend had caught me doing it and instead of him finding it romantic, my staring totally creeped him out.

My stomach cramped as I thought about Leo’s reaction when he found out how needy I was.

Just like all the others, he’d run the other way, maybe even quicker than most.

After all, he was…astonishing, and I was me. Even playing dress up in these designer clothes, pretending I belonged in this massive home, I was still the lonely, nerdy girl I’ve always been. I should distance myself from him now, get ready for the inevitable rejection and play it off as no big deal when I get the “we should just be friends” speech. Or worse yet, when a guy started inching away and muttering, “Well, it’s been fun. Later.”

I hope Leo at least gives me a ride home.

That thought was a bit melodramatic even for me, and I gave myself a brisk mental kick, then straightened my shoulders and stood taller. No, I wasn’t going to have a pity party in his lovely bathroom, with the most perfectly thick towels I had ever used, and a cool glass sculpture on the counter that I really wanted to touch. I was going to go out there, smile, thank him for a lovely time, and ask if he could call me a cab even though I couldn’t afford it. That way he’d be off the hook and it would sound like I was the one making the decisions.

Pain pierced through my chest at the thought of saying goodbye and I blinked back tears, trying to get a grip on my crazy emotions.

Not giving myself time to get worked up—well, any more than I already was—I headed back to the patio room where I’d been fucked until I lost my mind. Hoping my hard nipples weren’t visible through the dress, I said, “Leo, thank you so much for…”

He wasn’t here.

The daybed was fixed and the remains of our meal gone, leaving the room looking like it hadn’t been the sight of much debauchery.


I waited a minute, hoping he would come in, but when he didn’t, I looked around for my jacket and purse, wondering where they went, if I should wait for him, or if I should try to find my stuff and go.

God has given me many, many gifts. Patience is not among them, so I wandered through the big house, pausing now and again to silently admire the lush rooms. I felt like I was on the set of one of those rich and famous reality shows.

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