Old Flames Never Die (Valentine Mystery) (27 page)

“We're in New York. And I'm hungry.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“Do you trust me?”


He grinned, kissed her again, and then
took her out for an evening on the town.




One thing Tess loved about Jack was that
he was romantic, but not in the traditional way. Sure, he kept her stocked with
chocolate, but when it came to other romantic gestures, he always surprised
her. He could have taken her to the fanciest, most expensive restaurant in
Manhattan, but instead he took her for pizza.

“You won't ever have pizza as good as
Lombardi's,” he explained.

After eating it, she suspected he was

They headed back uptown to Rockefeller
Center, where he paid for a trip to the top of The Rock.

“I know the Empire State Building is the
romantic one,” he said. “But when you're at the top of the Empire State, you
can't actually see it.”

He was right about that too, as she
looked at the famous building in the twilight, with brightly colored lights
decorating its facade.

The evening was warm, the city vibrant,
so they decided to walk the few blocks back to the hotel. He lifted their
linked hands and kissed her knuckles. “I should have done more of this for you.”

“You kiss my hand a lot. In fact, I wash
them more so you don't get germs.”

He grinned down at her. “That's not what
I meant, but thank you. What I meant was court you.”

“I don't need that,” she said as they
walked into the lobby of their hotel.

“But you mentioned once that we didn't

“I know. But I didn't mean that I needed
romance and flowers. I thought we needed dating to get to know each other
better before living together.”

They stepped into the elevator and Jack
pressed the button for their floor. “And now?”

“And now, I figure I know you and you
know me pretty well. Not that I don't sometimes feel like I'm on a roller
coaster, but dating would have simply delayed the inevitable.”

He pulled her to him and held her. “Inevitable,

She tilted her head back to gaze into
his brilliant eyes. “Jack, I may have been afraid, but I've always loved you
and hoped that everything you promised would come true.”

“I can't tell you how much your saying
that means to me.” As if to prove it he pulled her close again, held her tight.

The doors of the elevator opened. He took
her hand, led her to her room. Outside her door, he kissed her, and Tess got
the feeling he was dropping her off.

“I think I remember you saying something
about getting lucky,” she said.

Heat flashed in his eyes. “I didn't mean
that kind of lucky. I was hoping for another chance. I’m not blowing it this

“You weren't sure you'd get a second
chance, hence the two rooms?”

He shrugged. “I didn't want to presume.”

“That's not like you.”

“It's amazing what someone can do when
properly motivated.”

“And what about now?”

“What about now?”

“Are you going to presume now? Or do you
need some motivation?” Before he could answer, she cut him off with a kiss. She
gripped his shirt and pulled him close, pressing her body against his to let
him know she wanted him to stay. She smiled when he groaned, but then he pulled
away. At first, Tess worried. Had she missed something? Hadn't they made up? 
But when she looked into his blue-green eyes she saw desire mixed with

“Why the long face?”

“Because.” His voice sounded tight.

“Because why?”

“Because I want to do the right thing.”

“Making love would be wrong?”

“Yes. No. I mean…” He exhaled a long
breath. “A few days ago you moved out because things were going too fast. You
wanted to slow down…I'm trying to keep it slow.”

“I don't want slow.” She surprised him
by slipping her fingers in his waistband and pulling him back to her.


“I know now that we can't slow down or
go back. I have to trust in you and me, in us.”

He grinned, looking ridiculously happy.
Why did she question his love for her when looking at him, the way he looked at
her made it so clear? He grabbed the key card from her hand and opened the
door. Once it was closed, she found her back against the door, Jack's hard body
pressed against hers. She wrapped her arms around him and was pleased when
without hesitation, he picked her up and moved to the bedroom. He tossed her on
the bed and then he fell on top of her.

“Are you sure you're up to this?” she

“You tell me.” He pulled her to him so
she could feel for herself.

Her eyes widened. “Oh, my.”
Tess slipped her hands under his shirt, letting them
reacquaint themselves to the shape and feel of his strong body.

“You want me bad,” he said
as her hands moved quickly, impatiently over him.

“You don’t even know how

His eyes turned feral, as he
pushed her, rose over her.  “Don’t tell me. I’m going to find out for myself.”
His hand slipped under the waistband of her skirt, dipped under her panties.

“That’s bad,” he whispered
as his fingers found that one exquisite spot.

Tess moaned.

“I want to see you,” he
said, working quickly to get them both naked. Tess helped, wanting to feel
flesh on flesh, flesh in flesh.

She heard his quick intake
of breath and then a curse. She opened her eyes to find him staring down at her
chest. His fingers brushed over the long bruise made by her seatbelt when she
had her accident.

 His eyes lifted to hers. “I
didn't realize…” He cursed again. “I was selfish and didn't think.”

“Think what? It's just a

“I didn't realize how bad
you were hurt. I should have asked, but I was so—”

“Jack.” She reached up, held
his face in her palms. She thought of several things she could say to alleviate
his guilt, but ultimately she decided it wouldn't matter. So she went with “Make
love to me.”

His eyes held hers for a
moment, then he dipped his head and traced the bruise with his lips.

“This is a celebration,
Valentine,” she said, wanting to snap him out of his mood. “Don't touch me like
you're trying to heal me or make amends. Touch me like you mean it.”

He looked up at her, with
one brow lifted.

“Did you miss me too?” she


“That's how I want you to
touch me.”

His hands slid up her sides,
cupped her breasts. “I did miss these,” he said as his thumbs skimmed over
their distended tips, causing her body to arch to him. She knew he was watching
her reaction to his touch. At one time, it embarrassed her. Now she understood
it was part of what brought him pleasure. So she didn't hold back. She let her
body react, respond to his touch.

“How's that?” he asked.


He followed his thumbs with
his mouth and Tess was sure she was in heaven. He had a fabulous, talented
mouth and she told him so. He rewarded her by using it everywhere; her breasts,
her wrists, her ankles, her thighs and in between. He built the tension, it was
torture and pleasure all mixed into one until he sent her flying.

“How's that?” he asked,
moving up her body, kissing her hard.

“More,” she managed.

“Is it any wonder I love

She caught her breath,
grabbed him, and sought to show him how much she loved him. With a sense of joy
and wistfulness, they gave pleasure and took delight in each other. They rolled
and tumbled, nipped and nibbled, they squeezed and clung, until she shuddered
in his arms again.

“How's that?” he asked.


They rolled until she was
over him. Their bodies sleek and damp slid together joining as one. Jack
levered up, wrapped his arms around her, and pulled her closer, closer. His
hands gripped her waist, helping as she moved, up, down, around, in a dance all
their own.

They rolled again and she
was on her back looking up into stormy eyes. He held her hands in his, pushing
them over her head. He slid in again, long and deep. He kissed her the same
way. She didn't know where he got the control, but somehow he kept his
movements slow and smooth. She could feel the shimmer of pleasure growing
again. They made the ascent together and then not wanting it to be over yet,
they held each other at the tortuous pinnacle. Over and over again, they took
each other to the edge only to hold off until neither could hold back any more.
They moved together, reaching higher and higher until pleasure pierced, sharp
and fierce.

“Wow!” Jack said when he
finally found his voice.

She'd have echoed the
sentiment if she had the energy.

He rolled off her, but
pulled her to him. Completely sated, she settled into the curve of his body.
She felt his lips as they kissed her closed eyelids.

“I'm glad you didn't make me

“I don't know why you
thought I would,” she said.

“I guess I thought I owed
you more, needed to make up for more.”

She managed the energy to
open her eyes. “I don't want you to feel like you have make something up to me
or that you have to jump through hoops. I was partly to blame too.”

“I can't promise I won't
mess up again, but I can promise that I won't second-guess you or dismiss you.
You said earlier that Asa was always an issue between Helen and Tom, but Liv is
not an issue between us. Not anymore.”

“Did something happen?”

“If you're asking if I learned something
that could help your investigation, the answer is no. I always knew that Liv
wasn't very deep, but when I really thought about what you said and considered
her behavior, I realized I was wrong to doubt you. I don't know if she killed
Charles. I'd still be surprised if she did, but she definitely is playing some
sort of game and I don't want to be a part of it. I guess you already know
about the baby.”

Guilt consumed Tess as she remembered
betraying Jack's confidence by sharing Liv's baby news with Daniel. “About it
not being Charles'? Yes.”

“I know Daniel wasn't supposed to say
anything, but when he said there was no way that baby could have been Charles',
I not only felt duped, but also guilt over the way I treated you. How could I
have been so dense?”

“I've been wondering that same thing.”

He grinned. “How do you put up with me?”
            “You kiss good.”

“At least I've got one good thing going
for me.”

Tess smiled, but underneath she felt
fear. She needed to come clean about what she'd told Daniel. Would her
confession destroy their reunion?


“Hmm?” His hand had made its way back to
her breast, distracting him.

“I told Daniel about Liv's baby.”

“What about it?”

His thumb skimmed over the tip, nearly
making Tess' thoughts dissipate from her brain. She took his hand in hers to
stop the sensuous caresses. “I didn't know about the baby until you told me.
I'm the one who told Daniel. I might not have except that I knew Charles had
had a vasectomy.” She glanced down, unable to look him in the eyes. “It doesn't
prove she killed him. She has an alibi, so I don't know why I thought it was
important, but—”

“It's okay, Tess.”

She looked up into his blue-green eyes
and saw understanding. “First of all, Daniel never brought it up. Liv did. That
means you didn't need to confess all this.”

“But I did. You told me about being with
Liv when she was married and about the kiss.”

“I'm glad you told me. And I'm glad you
told Daniel. That bit of news pushed me to recognize what a mistake I was

“You're not mad?”

“No.” He gave her his best smile, dimple
and all. “I'm not mad.”

“This trip is a bust too. Turns out I
owe you an apology. There's no way Liv killed Charles.”

“No. Liv's up to something. Maybe not
murder, but there's something going on in her head.”

Tess remembered Shelby's comment about
Liv needing a sugar daddy. She wondered if Jack realized that he was Liv’s next

“But I don't think the trip's a bust.
Here we are back together, catching our breath after some spectacular sex and
we're in New York City. Plus I got to see where women come to get detailed.”

“Some women, I suppose. Not all women
are so concerned with their chassis.”

“I love your chassis.” He reached down
and gave her backside a squeeze.

Tess slipped her hand down his abdomen
and lower. “And I like your stick.”

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