Omensent: Princess Of Dragons (Book 5) (29 page)

"Let's keep moving." The young girl decided immediately. "We can still get a few miles behind us before we're forced to stop for the night."

They pressed on through the crowded streets for next couple of hours, passing countless merchant shops and stands whose proprietors repeatedly called to them, promising them the best deals on their various wares. They ignored them all and hurried on, hoping to get closer to the city's center before being forced to stop for the evening.

Leia finally gave in to Sly, and her stomach's, complaints, and located a well appointed inn in which to stop for the evening. After dropping off their packs in the spacious rooms that they rented for the night, they hurried down to the crowded common room for dinner.

"It looks pretty packed." Sly frowned, craning his head to try and find an empty table. "We may have to eat standing." He suddenly grinned. "Or maybe not!" He quickly pushed his way through the crowd until they came to a table positioned in the farthest corner of the room, where a huge bear of a man sat in deep discussion with a number of tattooed tribesman.

"I don't know where all of the damned beasts are coming from!" Bativa was telling the other tribesman with a scowl. "The dragonspawn have always been a nuisance, of course. They will occasionally appear and begin preying upon our cattle, until some of our men kill them, or drive them off. But here lately, the beasts have been venturing further and further into the grasslands, and in much larger numbers. I don't know what has gotten into them!"

"What are you going to do?" One of the other tribesmen, a young warrior with an arrogant expression, asked as he leaned back on the rear legs of his chair precariously.

"I don't know." The Deolan chieftain admitted worriedly. "Every time that our warriors attempt to eliminate them, the dragonspawn retreat into one of those damned goblin hollows." He shook his head. "We won't even attempt to follow them inside. It would be suicide. We usually just collapse the entrances, and move on to the next group of dragonspawn that appear."

"You're too easy on your men." The arrogant looking tribesman sneered slightly, leaning forward and causing the front legs of his chair to slam against the wooden floor with a loud crash. "You coddle them like they are children. If they are not willing to follow the dragonspawn into the hollows and face the beasts in their own dwellings, then they are not true Deolan warriors. You should order them to follow the wretched creatures no matter where they try to flee, and destroy them once and for all! Think of the glory that could be yours!"

"My warriors want nothing more than to follow them," Bativa said in a hard tone, his eyes glittering dangerously. "but I will not allow it. I will not throw away my warriors on some foolish attempt to eradicate the dragonspawn. Glory means nothing to the dead."

"You're going to have to do something." One of the other tribesmen at the table commented reasonably. "You cannot allow the dragonspawn to continue to rampage through your lands. Your herds will never be safe as long as they are around."

"I was considering contacting the Dragon Lord and asking for his assistance." Bativa admitted with a sigh. "He has dealt with these beasts many times before, and may know of a way to drive them off once and for all."

"It wouldn't do you any good," Leia informed him with a shake of her head. "I'm afraid that the Dragon Lord has been called away from Sevria, and won't return for some time." She laughed at the look of surprise that fell over the huge tribesman's face.

"Leia?" The big warrior asked, breaking into a smile. "What are you doing here? Where are your parents?"

"They received a request for aid from the elves." The young girl explained with a shrug. "Apparently Dar convinced the elven queen that my father was the only person who could save them from a disaster that is threatening to destroy the elves, and she sent a couple of emissaries to plead for his assistance. They left for the Elven Island a few weeks ago."

"And they didn't take you with them?"

"They said that it would be too dangerous, and that they wanted me to stay behind and look after Sevria." The young girl rolled her eyes.

"What are you doing here then?"

"We've discovered some disturbing information that we thought we should pass on to the council." Sly informed the clan chief grimly. "Since Damion and Raven are busy aiding the elves, the responsibility fell to Leia."

"Why would the council wish to hear what a child and a drunkard have to say?" The arrogant looking young man asked with a sneer. "Especially a child parading around in such ridiculous looking armor." He gave Leia a condescending look. "Are you and your friend out looking for a dragon to slay, little one?" He let out an obnoxious laugh, then leaned back on the rear legs of his chair once again.

Without changing expression, Leia placed the sole of her boot against one of the leg's of his chair and gave it a firm shove, sending him toppling backwards onto the hardwood floor.

The tribesmen packing the common room all burst out laughing as the arrogant young man scrambled back to his feet with a muttered oath. He stared at Leia with blazing eyes, his hand on the hilt of his dagger.

"Just for your information," Leia growled at the man unflinchingly. "I ride dragons, I don't slay them."

"You'd better watch yourself, Lek," Bativa chuckled in amusement. "That is the daughter of the Dragon Lord that you are speaking to. She's been known to be even more short tempered than her father."

The arrogant looking young man stared hatefully at the young girl for a moment, then turned and stormed away, his face burning with embarrassment from the mocking laughter of his fellow tribesmen.

"I think you may have upset Lek just a bit." Bativa laughed, gesturing for her and Sly to join him and the other tribesmen. "I guess that's what he gets for being an arrogant little toe rag."

"I hate it when people patronize me like that." Leia frowned, picking up the chair that she had sent toppling, and then settling into it with a sigh. "He's lucky that I didn't dangle him from the rafters by his ears."

"So what was it this disturbing information that you mentioned?" Bativa asked with an interested expression.

"It has to do with the dragonspawn that are causing you problems." Sly told him, waving over a serving girl and ordering food and drink. "It all started with goblins being sighted along the trade road by passing caravans and work crews. As the weeks went by, there were more and more sightings, until it seemed the mountains were overflowing with the filthy creatures."

"Why didn't you have Slither find some dragonspawn to take care of them for you?" Bativa asked with a puzzled expression.

"He tried, but when Slither went out to locate some of the dragonspawn, he couldn't find them anywhere." The scruffy little man snorted in amusement. "I've never seen Slither so frustrated. He said it was like every dragonspawn in the entire mountain range had just suddenly decided to leave the mountains."

"Slither and I finally encountered a couple of them a few days ago while out hunting." Leia said, picking up the story. "Slither attempted to question them, but they refused to tell him anything, and told him that he was no longer part of the spawn."

"How did he react to that news?" The huge tribesman asked in surprise.

"It didn't really seem to bother him very much. He said that we were his family now." She snatched a turkey leg from a platter that a serving girl was placing on the table in front of her, and took a ravenous bite. "Anyway," She continued through a mouthful of turkey. "The dragonspawn hurried off after refusing to answer Slither's questions, so we decided to follow them. They led us straight to a goblin hollow."

"It appears as though the Dragon God has ordered the dragonspawn to drive the goblins out of their hollows, and take them for themselves." Sly informed the tribesmen, taking a long drink from his tankard, and then belching thunderously. "That's why the mountains are suddenly teeming with goblins. They have nowhere to go as long as the dragonspawn have control over their hollows."

"What would the dragonspawn want with goblin hollows?" One of the other tribesmen asked in confusion.

"The goblin hollows are rumored to all be interconnected through a series of tunnels that stretch throughout the mountains and foothills." Sly told him with a frown. "There are supposedly hundreds of miles worth of tunnels hidden beneath our feet, which the dragonspawn can now use to pop up almost anywhere."

"The dragonspawn that we've been encountering here in the grasslands have all retreated into goblin hollows when my warriors attempt to attack." Bativa commented with a frown. "We've been collapsing the entrances behind them, but if it's true that there are tunnels connecting all of the hollows, then the dragonspawn could have just simply moved on to the next entrance."

"That's not all." Leia quickly told him of the appearance of the winged dragonspawn. "I don't know where these dreadspawn came from," The young girl sighed finally. "but I have the feeling that when the horde finally strikes out, it's going to be fairly serious."

"What makes you think that they are planning an attack?" One of the other tribesmen asked worriedly.

"Slither managed to question one of the dragonspawn, and it said that was almost time for the dragonspawn to wipe the mortals from this world. With a statement like that, I don't think that this is going to be just any normal dragonspawn attack. I think they plan to throw everything that they have at us."

"But how can they hope to win without the help of the dragons?"

"We believe that's why Draco has created these dreadspawn." Sly told them, taking another long drink from his tankard. "We think that the Dragon God created these new beasts as a way of neutralizing the dragons when He finally starts His war against mankind. With the dragons preoccupied with these dreadspawn, the horde will be free to wreak havoc."

"The Dragon God knows that the scarlet dragons are still controlled by the Dragon Sword, which my father possesses." Leia explained to the tribesmen with a sigh. "And He is well aware of the fact that the veiled dragons will not do His bidding as long as I forbid it." She smiled. "They don't wish to upset their mother." Her smile fell. "So all that leaves is the shadow dragons, and they all went into hiding after the most of the brood were killed by my father and the scarlet dragons. Since He knows that we would use His own children to repel the horde, Draco needed new servants who could distract the dragons long enough for the horde to carry out His plans."

disturbing." Bativa agreed with a concerned expression. "Do you know how many of the dragonspawn the Dragon God has gathered for this war?"

"All of them." Leia told him with a shrug.

of them?"

"We believe so. If the Dragon God is planning to start a war against mankind, He will send every single dragonspawn, shadowspawn, and dreadspawn that worships Him against us."

"How many of these new dreadspawn are there?" One of the tattooed tribesmen asked with a sick expression.

"There's really no way of knowing." Sly told them grimly. "Slither was our eyes and ears among the spawn, but they no longer see him as one of their own, so he is unable to find out exactly what they are up to. But considering the fact that they no longer seem to fear the wrath of Damion or the scarlet dragons, I would guess that there are a
of them."

"The council needs to be alerted to this discovery immediately." Bativa murmured with a grim expression. "If everything that you have said is true, the dragonspawn will be able to use the goblin hollows to stage their attacks, and then retreat underground once again to avoid retaliation. We'll never be able to predict where their next attack may take place. And with the appearance of these new beasts among the horde," He shook his head. "There won't be anyplace safe from those creatures."

"We've sent warnings to all of the other cities nearby, and started making preparations to protect Sevria in case of an attack, but we figured news like this should be delivered to the council in person. And since my father is busy on the Elven Island," Leia shrugged. "the responsibility fell to me."

"We were hoping that you might be there when we brought this before the council." Sly told the clan chief. "The relationship between Damion and the council has always been a bit strained. We thought that if we had your support, perhaps some of the other councilmen may be more willing to hear what we have to say."

"Of course I'll support you." Bativa assured them with a wave of his hand. "I'll take you before the council and let you tell them everything that you've discovered. They should be willing to listen. They have all noticed that the dragonspawn have been growing more troublesome as well. I'm sure that they'll find this discovery as disturbing as the rest of us."

They awoke early the following morning, and after a delicious breakfast of fresh hotcakes and fruit, they set off towards the center of the city on foot with Bativa confidently leading the way through the crowded streets.

"So," The huge tribesman started, glancing down at Leia curiously. "How are you enjoying your first taste of running a city?"

"It's a little boring." She told him honestly. "Hunting with Slither is the only fun that I get to have since my parents left for the Elven Island. Every evening we go out to bring down some wild game to help replenish the supplies that we used over the winter, but even that has grown a bit repetitive."

"Why didn't you just buy the supplies that you needed?"

"Aunt Skie showed me the cost of replacing everything, and I made the mistake of thinking I could save the castle a bit of gold by providing some of the supplies myself."

"And were you able to hunt up enough supplies?"

"She was able to fill the storehouses until they were nearly overflowing." Sly told him with a note of pride in his voice. "Not only that, but she also had the work crew plow that field across the trade road from the battlements, and then had it seeded with a number of different vegetables that can be canned and stored for the winter."

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