On China (82 page)

Read On China Online

Authors: Henry Kissinger

Cambodia invaded by
and classical China
Confucian elite in
and diplomatic talks
and France (first war)
independence of
Kissinger’s visit to (1973)
nationalism of
and Pacific Community
regional ambitions of
Soviet treaty with
withdrawal from Cambodia
Vietnam War
antiwar protests during
Art of War
with China (third war)
Chinese aloofness from proclaimed by Mao
Geneva Conference (1954)
Paris Peace Accords
significance of
and U.S.–China relations
U.S. forces in (second war)
and U.S. policies
U.S. withdrawal from
Vo Nguyen Giap
Vyshinsky, Andrey
Wang Bingnan
Wang Hairong
Wang Hongwen
Wang Jiaxiang
War Powers Act (1973)
Warring States period (475–221 B.C.)
Warsaw Pact
wei qi
and balance of power
and Cambodia
and Chinese civil war
and Cold War
compared with chess
as “game of surrounding pieces,”
in Himalayas
and Khmer Rouge
and Korean War
Mao’s approach to military strategy and
strategic encirclement in
and Taiwan
and Vietnam wars
Wei Yuan
Wen Jiabao
Whiting, Allen
Wilson, Woodrow, principles of
World War I
aftermath of
Crowe Memorandum
events leading to
World War II:
Cairo Conference
Chinese survival of
events leading to
Japanese surrender in
postwar Europe
Russian survival of
Stalin-Chiang negotiation in
U.S. superpower status following
Xiamen, as treaty port
Russian designs on
unrest in
Xiongnu tribes, threats from
Xiong Xianghui
Xu Xiangqian
Yahya Khan, Agha Muhammad
Yalta conference (1945)
Yang Shangkun
Yao Wenyuan
Yao Yilin
Ye Jianying
Yellow Emperor, tale of
Yuan Dynasty
Yuan Shikai
Zeng Guofan
Zhang Chunqiao
Zhang Wenjin
Zhao Ziyang
career of
and economic reforms
Jiang Zemin as successor to
Kissinger’s discussions with
and Tiananmen
Zhenbao Island
Zheng Bijian
Zheng He
(Middle Kingdom)
Zhou, House of
Zhou Enlai
and Cultural Revolution
death of
fall of
and Forbidden City
illness of
and Korean War
and Mao
and Middle East
and Nixon’s visit to China
and Non-Aligned nations
personal traits of
and Shanghai Communiqué
and Soviet relations
and succession
and Taiwan
and territorial claims
and U.S.–China reconciliation
and Vietnam
Zhuge Liang:
alliance policies of
“Empty City Stratagem,”
Zhu Rongji
Zoellick, Robert
Zongli Yamen
A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh,
and the Problems of Peace: 1812–22
Nuclear Weapons and Foreign Policy
The Necessity for Choice: Prospects of American Foreign Policy
The Troubled Partnership: A Reappraisal of the Atlantic Alliance
American Foreign Policy
White House Years
Years of Upheaval
Years of Renewal
Does America Need a Foreign Policy?
Toward a Diplomacy for the 21st Century
Ending the Vietnam War: A History of America’s Involvement in and Extrication from the Vietnam War
Crisis: The Anatomy of Two Major Foreign Policy Crises

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