On Deadly Ground (Dan & Chloe Book 2) (7 page)

She felt Dan’s fingers slip from her wetness and she let out a disgruntled yelp only to cry out in pleasure a moment later when she felt Dan sliding the fingers of his right hand once more up in to her wetness.

Chloe was so aroused that his fingers slipped easily inside her and she could feel him manipulating his fingers inside her.  It was only as she felt his thumb slide in alongside his fingers that she knew what he was endeavouring to do.

As the realisation hit her, the realisation that she was about to be fisted by her husband, she was gripped by another orgasm, this one more powerful and intense that her first.

Chloe rocked back on her feet as Dan’s hand twisted and manipulated itself up inside her wetness. Chloe cried out as she felt that final push and she knew that Dan’s whole hand was now inside her cunt.

The thought of being fisted, let alone the actuality of it, made her orgasm swoop and flow in to a third and this orgasm had a physical reaction that Chloe had not foreseen. With Dan’s tongue and mouth busy with her ass and his whole right hand up inside her cunt she began to squirt. Chloe cried out at this new overwhelming sensation.

Chloe desperately wanted to open her eyes, to look down, to hopefully see Dan’s wrist, to see where her cunt met his wrist, to see her cunt squirting, but she had made Dan a promise, and all she could do was to continue riding the waves of pleasure.

Chloe felt Dan’s hand sliding from her before sliding back in to her and Chloe cried out. Her yell of pure animalistic carnal greed echoed throughout the room. Chloe could feel Dan’s hand (clenched in a fist) literally fucking her. With every inward thrust he stretched her and with every partial-withdrawal he stretched her.

Chloe was slammed from within by the most powerful orgasm that she had ever experienced.

Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever

Chloe kept on repeating this to herself and the orgasm grew to such heights that she actually started to feel light-headed and she started to laugh at the sheer absurdity of it all.

Chloe had never for one moment even considered the notion that a woman could black-out from orgasmic relief but she feared that that was what was about to happen to her. She felt the orgasm dropping and she cried out that she couldn’t take anymore.

‘Seriously baby,’ Chloe laughed. ‘If we’d ever thought of using a safe-word I’d be yelling it right now.’

Chloe’s laughter went up an octave as Dan’s mouth freed its hold on her ass. Chloe could feel her arms giving out and her whole lower body was shaking uncontrollably. She had read about this sort of thing but had never thought it to be true but it was.

Chloe’s legs were visibly shaking, the muscles in her calves and thighs began to dance uncontrollably and she almost collapsed from the weight of the sensations her body was experiencing.

Luckily Dan was still pressed against her and as he slowly and carefully withdrew his hand from her dripping wet cunt he stood up and held her within his powerful arms.

Chloe allowed Dan to pick her up in his arms, he carried her cradled in his protective embrace and moved to the side of the bed. He sat down and Chloe, now side on to him, remained sitting in his lap. She rested her hands against his chest, her side pressed against the power of his stomach, she could feel his hardness pressing up against her ass. Chloe turned her face up to his and he looked down at her and grinned.

‘Holy fuck,’ Chloe managed.






Dan was sat out on
the flat roof of the reinforced porch looking out in to the darkness. Overhead a billion stars blanketed the night and over the mountains a full moon, pure white in its luminance, cast enough light for Dan to see dark shapes grazing in the distance. He couldn’t be 100% but he guessed it was probably a herd of white-tailed deer; the herd was about three miles out and moving gradually southwards.

Dan heard a creaking floorboard and he looked back over his shoulder to see a naked Chloe. She was standing at the foot of the bed and he watched her in the pale glow of the bedroom. She picked up the PVC dress and Dan watched as she slipped it on over her nakedness and zipped it up to just above her navel. He continued to watch her until she walked out of his line of sight.

Chloe returned to the bedroom several minutes later and Dan quietly chuckled as he saw that she had slipped on a pair of black high heels. The shoes twinkled in the light and he felt his cock grow hard and heavy.

Chloe had put on one of his favourite pairs of shoes; one of several dozen pairs that she owned that were covered in miniscule pieces of reflective costume glass, this pair were black, but she also had pairs in every colour of the rainbow.

Why is it that I’m obsessed with high heels? Look at me, I have a huge erection at just the sight of a glittering pair of shoes, damn Dan buddy, you have issues

Dan chuckled at his inner-voice and waited for Chloe to clock him watching her. He watched as she picked up a tube of lipstick from the surface of a dresser. He watched, mesmerised by her, as she applied the dark colour to her full and pouting lips.

Scarlett Johansson has nothing on them,
he thought and he shook his head and barked out a laugh.

Chloe snapped her head around and saw him watching her.

‘What are you laughing at?’

‘Just a thought I had.’

Chloe finished with the lipstick and walked towards him. Dan’s eyes followed her feet as she got closer. She finally stopped just behind him and he looked up and his eyes went straight to her groin where he could see

‘Recovered yet?’ Dan asked playfully.

,’ she replied, equally as playful.

Chloe stepped out on to the roof, she stepped between his parted legs and sat down between his thighs. Dan snaked his right hand beneath her arm, his hand slid in to the open dress and he cupped her left breast in his hand. The dress fell open and Chloe’s breasts spilled free.

Chloe reclined back against him as Dan squeezed her breasts together with his hands, his fingers and thumbs lightly tugged and tweaked her hardening nipples.

They sat in silence for almost an hour, enjoying the very early morning vista, listening to the sounds of the wild country around them.

It was Dan who finally broke the peaceful silence.

‘The sheriff needs to be put down.’

Dan felt Chloe tense up in his arms but after a few moments she nodded her head.

‘I know, but what if there was another way?’

Dan breathed deeply, Chloe’s fragrance; that rich scent of vanilla and kiwi, filled his senses and he kissed the side of her throat.

‘What way’s that?’

‘We could always tell him everything.’

Dan laughed.

‘You’re serious?’

Chloe moved slightly so that she could hook her left arm behind Dan’s shoulders. She looked in to his dark eyes, and despite the gravity of the conversation she felt a stirring within her. Dan’s eyes were magnetic and whenever she really looked in to his eyes the result was always the same, a heavy deep need to fuck him.

Now isn’t the time
, Chloe said to herself. She forced her gaze away from his eyes.

Chloe caught movement down near the stables. It was just a fleeting shadow over near the far right corner. Normally she would have dismissed it as just a trick of the light but this felt different.

If she hadn’t been having feelings of impending danger for the last few days then she wouldn’t have given it a second’s thought but her instincts kicked in.

The fine hairs on her arms and neck stood on end (as if a mild electrical current had been charged through her) and her nipples grew darker than usual, they hardened and started to ache.

Chloe glanced up at Dan and he nodded his head.

‘You saw it too?’ Chloe whispered.

‘Yes, far right corner, two men.’

‘Two? I only saw one, well I think I did.’

‘Two and I think they’re armed.’

‘How did they get so close? How did they bypass our security?’ Chloe asked in a whisper.

Dan had been wondering the exact same thing.

Dan had installed a state-of-the-art security system that had cost nigh on half a million dollars. The fence that bordered their property a mile out had sensors that had been calibrated to pick up and alert them back at the ranch to any man shaped movement. Dan had spent a week calibrating the system and fine tuning it. He had designed the program to only pick up humanoid movement so as to cut down on false alarms. There was a lot of wildlife out here and he hadn’t wanted to forever be deactivating the alarm system whenever a deer or coyote wandered too close.

They both heard the nickering of one of the horses in the stables. One of their mares, whom Chloe had named Athena, was heavily pregnant and was being kept stabled for the remainder of her pregnancy.

‘Athena,’ Chloe whispered.

Dan noted the fear in his wife’s voice.

‘Slowly stand up, make it look like you’re enticing me back in to the bedroom.’

Chloe moved her face closer to his and Dan lowered his face to hers, from a distance it would appear that they were kissing when in fact Chloe whispered, ‘I can do that, let’s get these motherfuckers before they hurt one of the horses. What do we think? Kids?’


‘Good point, okay, follow my lead.’

Chloe stood up and Dan watched as Chloe unzipped the dress. She made a show of stripping out of it, she dropped it to the roof and walked back in to the bedroom, at the open windows she wiggled her ass and beckoned Dan back inside.

‘Come on baby,’ Chloe said. She spoke loudly enough for her words to carry on the early morning breeze.

‘I need your cock in my ass once more.’

Dan got to his feet, his cock was still hard and he turned to follow Chloe back in to the bedroom. Dan figured that if the two men were watching that they would conclude that Dan was indeed about to fuck Chloe.

Dan walked in to the bedroom and saw that Chloe was already at the bedroom door. She was still naked in her high heels and Dan, naked himself, followed her through to the mezzanine that bordered the central sweeping staircase.

They moved quickly to the far end of the mezzanine where a closet was located. Chloe turned the handle and opened the closet’s door.

The closet door opened on to a wooden wall, the door was nothing more than a decorative decoy. Set in to the wooden wall was a numeric keypad and Chloe quickly tapped in the security code. The wooden wall began to part, opening from the middle, the two panels slid on silent motorised hinges to the left and right until a small utility room was revealed.

Chloe hit a switch and the small room was illuminated from soft lights set in to the ceiling. The light revealed the room’s contents.

The hidden space was an arsenal.

Dan followed Chloe in to the room. The hidden space housed enough weaponry to start a war or repel an army. Cabinets ran along the three walls up to waist height, metal grillwork that Dan had secured to the walls with industrial grade bolts, continued up to the ceiling.

Chloe reached up above the nearest counter and from hooks secured to the grillwork she took down a powerful shotgun.

Dan frowned at Chloe’s choice of weapon and as she chambered a round she smiled.

‘I like the Mossberg, and this automatic shotgun is my favourite.’ Chloe flicked the arming switch on the side of the stock to automatic. If she pulled the trigger the weapon would fire and automatically expel one cartridge and another would instantly take its place removing the need to cock the weapon to ready itself to fire again.

Chloe had practised with the shotgun for hours and she could fire all eight cartridges in less than twenty seconds. The carnage the weapon could cause was colossal and this was another reason why she favoured the Mossberg.

If she had to shoot, whatever she hit was getting fucked up.

Dan stopped at a cabinet and pressed his thumb against a thumbprint reader mounted in to the side of the unit. The thumbprint reader recognised Dan’s unique swirls and drawers began to slide out from the front of the cabinet. Dan stepped back and waited for the top drawer to finish cycling open.

Within the drawer, set in charcoal coloured waterproof and fireproof foam were several automatic pistols. Dan chose two SigSauers, he loaded both pistols with loaded clips and he chambered rounds in to each weapon. These particular SigSauer models contained fourteen rounds for a total of twenty eight. Dan pressed the thumbprint scanner and the drawers slid shut.

Dan un-safetied both pistols and nodded at Chloe.



Dan’s internal clock said it had been just over a minute since they had stepped back in to the bedroom.

‘Vest,’ Dan said.

Chloe put the shotgun down on top of a cabinet and Dan took down from a hook a bulletproof vest. Dan had customised the vest, adding a higher quality weave and bullet-stopping plates. He’d also removed a lot of the stiffness from the vest’s strapping so that movement was more liquid and loose.

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