On the Edge (8 page)

Read On the Edge Online

Authors: Mari Brown

“Please!” I beg.

“More.” I plead.

“Now.” I sound as if I can’t speak more than one word sentences.

Ignoring my words, he takes his time. His mouth has trailed down to the top of my feet where he places chaste kisses. He works his way back up, spreading my legs wider as his body moves between them. His eyes swim with lust. He stares back at me and a feral smile breaks out on his face as his lips press into my inner thigh. My breath hitches and my body arches off the bed at his touch. His hand comes up and pushes me back down on the bed, letting me know he is completely in control of all that is going on. I love it. I want more of it. Slowly, ever so slowly, he moves closer to where I want him.

“Please,” I moan.

“Please what, Kitten?” he asks in a low, hoarse voice, betraying how turned on he is.

“Please eat me,” I scream.
Oh, shit
. I hope my brother isn’t back because he would have heard that. Hell, the whole neighborhood probably heard it.

He gives a small chuckle before his warm breath fans across my sopping wet pussy. A little shiver travels through me. Soon, but almost not soon enough, he takes one long lick from the back of my pussy all the way to my clit and places openmouthed kisses there. I attempt to rock my body against him, but he is still holding me down on the bed. He sucks my clit into his mouth, nibbling, and lightly biting, and then plunges a finger deep inside me. That is it. I shoot off like a cannon, screaming out his name as he sends me into some orgasmic subspace.

He doesn’t stop though. His finger keeps a steady rhythm in and out of my cunt as he keeps sucking and licking my clit, building me up again. It shouldn’t be like this. I shouldn’t be able to have another orgasm so quickly, but he proves me wrong when he pulls away and says, “Come for me.”

His mouth comes back to my clit and I explode all over his face. Once again, he doesn’t pull away. Instead, he cleans my juices with his tongue. As he sucks all over me, his fingers withdraw and I watch with hooded eyes as he moans and sucks them into his mouth. This in turn makes me moan. I’m so spent, I’m not sure I can move.

His slight bulge has grown into what has to be a painful one, but he makes no complaints. I push up off the bed as he moves back down, and when I’m sitting up, I pop the button of his jeans, and yank the zipper down, giving him some relief. His cock throbs as my hand grazes across it before I slowly pull his jeans down.

“Fuck.” Impatient, he wiggles and kicks his jeans across the room. Since he has gone commando tonight, his erection stands at full attention level with my face. Before I can stop myself, I take every inch of him in my hand, and slowly stroke him. I love the way his velvety girth feels. His eyes are half closed. He likes what I’m doing to him, and his body shifts closer. That is just what I need.

Hollowing my cheeks, I slip the head of his dick into my mouth, but I don’t stop there. I take him all the way in, only letting my tongue briefly flick out across the tip. He jerks at my touch. I suck him down, drawing every bit of him into my mouth while I gently squeeze his balls.

He grits his teeth in his fight to keep control. I start to pull off him and tell him to let go and fuck my mouth so I can taste him. Before I can, a hand roughly latches to my head, grabbing my hair and deeply tangling into my locks. Holding onto me, he takes over, thrusting his hips and fucking my mouth. I can tell he is close by the way he trembles. I thank God for no gag reflex when his tip pushes against the back of my throat. I take all of him, sucking, swallowing, and licking. I want him to fuck my mouth. I want to have his cum shoot down my throat. It’s not long before he groans out my name and fulfills my wish. As several shots go down my throat, I swallow all of it and then continue lightly sucking and licking him while he softens in my mouth. When he pulls out, I lick up all traces of his cum.

He plops down on the bed with me, done for the moment. He pulls me into him, giving me a long, wet kiss. We lie wrapped around each other, trying to catch our breath. It’s the last thing I remember before drifting off to sleep.

Cole and I sleep tangled up in each other all night. When I wake up, my first thought is that I’m being squished to death. Cole’s arms hold me in a tight squeeze, but I don’t really mind. I love how being in his arms makes me feel so secure. No matter how many times he holds me like this, it never gets old. I want to stay wrapped up like this forever, but I have to get up and start my day. I have a little boy who I promised to take on a special date, so I nudge Cole awake. He groans but his eyes pop open.

“Kitten,” he says gruffly, his voice still riddled with sleep.

“I need you to take me home so I can shower, dress, and plan my date with Seth.”

“Damn Seth, stealing my girl from me.” I let out a short laugh. “It’s not funny, Kat.”

“It kind of is. Hey, at least it’s Seth and not Justin I’m going out with.”

“Fuck that! If it was Justin, I would kill him.”

“You would not kill your own brother.”

“Maybe not, but I would beat his ass.”

I climb out of bed and collect my clothes off the floor where I dropped them when I stripped last night.

‘Who are you sending with Seth and me?”

“I’ll probably have Rocco tail you guys.”

I nod, thinking Rocco is a good choice. As the primary guy assigned to me these days, it seems wherever I go, Rocco follows. He has that typical menacing bodyguard look to him even when he’s just standing there doing nothing.

Cole throws on clothes and we head straight to the Knight mansion. Cole follows me upstairs as I head to my room, but stops right outside my door.

“Wait for me to shower,” he commands and walks down to his room.

I’ve decided to take Seth to the zoo because he and I both love the animals, so I choose my clothes accordingly. I smile when I think how easy things are right now. This semi-normal life I’m leading is unreal, and I can’t help but wish it would stay. My past keeps me from trusting that anything good can last forever. It’s only a matter of time before the shit hits the fan.

The door opens and Cole enters, throws his clean clothes on my bed, and yanks me towards him. When he lifts and tosses me over his shoulder, happy giggles escape me, and a hard smack on my ass makes me yelp.

“What the fuck was that for?” I demand.

“I felt like spanking your ass,” he says, chuckling.

Cole carries me into the bathroom, turns on the shower, and then slides my body down until my feet touch the floor. I longingly look at the garden tub in the corner, wishing I had time for a long soak. My bath oils rim the tub, my makeup clutters the counter, and I realize just how much at home I have become here.

He rips his shirt over his head, unbuttons his pants, and pulls them off, kicking them to the side of the room, then strips my clothes off me. Lifting me again, he steps into the shower, immersing us under the hot jetting stream of water.

I’m not entirely sure what Cole is doing. Us naked together in the shower can’t be good. When Cole sets me on my feet again, my eyes track his hands as he soaps up his body. The chiseled muscles and beautiful six-pack show he works out regularly. The Knight Shield tattoo covers his back, and I just can’t help myself. I reach out and lightly trace the beautiful artwork. The family crest symbolizes that Cole is not only a Knight by blood, but by choice as well.

I’ve seen a smaller version of this same tattoo on the guys who work for the family. Each of them choose where to get the tattoo placed, but they all have some form of it.

Cole tenses under my fingers but then relaxes as I continue tracing his ink. Stepping closer, I press myself against his back and place a small kiss on his shoulder. He turns and suddenly, I find myself wrapped tightly in his arms.

“I love the shield. It’s sexy on you,” I say as his lips move to my shoulder. I let myself have this moment to feel happy. I’ll take it while I can and not worry about what my future may hold.

“Maybe one day you’ll get your own shield,” Cole whispers next to my ear, sending chills across my body.

“Maybe,” I say softly. I would love to have the Knight shield inked on me one day, and more, have it signify something between Cole and me. I want to believe that everything will work out for the best.

When Cole and I finish washing, we step out of the shower, and he wraps a towel around me before wrapping one around himself. I dry myself before dropping the towel in the hamper and walking into the bedroom. Cole follows and my eyes feast on his naked body. I’m not the only one peeking. His gaze lingers on my body, too.

When I look at the time and see it’s now ten o’clock, I figure Seth will probably come looking for me soon, so I slip on my shorts and T-shirt and leave Cole dressing. I open the door to Seth’s room and see the typical little boy’s room decorated in all things fast cars. Before I spot Seth, he sees me.

“Kat, you came.”

“Of course I came, buddy. I told you I’d take you out today.”

“Where are we going?”

“I thought I’d take you to the zoo.”

My words are met by a loud shout from Seth. Laughing at the cuteness that is Seth, I make my way to his closet to dress him properly in shorts and a t-shirt along with socks and sneakers. Then we head off to find Bruce to let him know Seth and I are leaving, and to check in with our bodyguard from Cole. I know that after the run in with Sal last night, Cole is not going to let Seth and me go without protection.

We find Cole holed up in Bruce’s office, filling his dad in on what happened last night. I only know this because, as I walk into the office with Seth, Bruce chuckles and greets me. “Hey there, Rocky.”

“Ha, ha! Seth and I are ready to go, so summon our escort for our trip so we can head out on our very important date.” I say.

The dark office screams that it’s a man’s workplace. One wall is all built-in bookshelves. Bruce’s desk sits in the center of the room and a couple of chairs surround it. However, Cole and Bruce sit in a small area in the most private corner of the office. To the side is a bar with several bottles of liquor on it.

“Rocco will drive you and follow behind at the zoo, but he’ll try to stay far enough back to give you private time with Seth,” Cole says.

“That’s fine.” I don’t care anymore who is assigned to follow me. “Come on, buddy.” Seth and I start walking out of the office.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Cole demands from behind me.

“I don’t think so,” I say.

“Kitten!” Cole sternly says.

I freeze in my tracks. I know better than to test him, but I can’t seem to help myself.

“Fine,” I sigh, exasperated with the guy. I turn back around, walk over to Cole, and plant a chaste kiss on his forehead. When I turn away, he tugs my hand, which makes me fall into his lap. Then he plants a kiss on me that makes my cheeks tint pink. He should not kiss me like this in front of his dad or little brother. I finally shove away from him.

“Don’t do that in front of Seth again,” I yell. I’m not seriously mad at him, because honestly, that kiss has me feeling all kinds of tingles.

“I will kiss you whenever I fucking feel like it,” he smartly replies.

“Watch your mouth in front of your brother, jerk face.”

“Daddy, Cole’s being mean to Kat. Make him stop,” Seth calls out.

Bruce chuckles. “Son, they’re just playing. Cole isn’t being mean for real. He thinks he’s funny.”

“I don’t like it,” Seth says, and gives a swift kick to his big brother’s shin.

I lose it. Laughter bubbles out of me as Cole grabs his leg and hollers. “You little shit.”

“Run Seth,” I grab him up and take off out of the office. Bruce’s laughter rumbles behind us. Justin is standing in the hall talking with Rocco, and Seth and I almost take them out. Thankfully, Justin is quick on his feet and steadies me so I don’t fall. By this time, Seth and I are both laughing hysterically.

“What the hell, Kat? What is wrong with you two?” Justin asks.

“Seth may have just kicked Cole in the shin for being mean to me,” I say between laughs.

“Did you do that, buddy?” Justin asks his little brother.

Seth nods his head in the affirmative.

“Give me a high five,” Justin says, and Seth does.

“Are you ready to head out?” I ask Rocco.

“Yes, I was just waiting for you two.” His smile says that he clearly enjoys Seth and me ganging up on Cole.

“Seth,” Cole hollers.

“Oh shit,” I grab Seth back up, and place him in Rocco’s arms. “Take him out to the car. I’ll be right there.”

“Katarina, if you help that little shit get away, I’m going to spank your ass,” Cole yells to me.

“Go! Go, Rocco, don’t just stand there.”

With Seth secured in his arms, Rocco finally moves out towards the car.

I turn to face my unhappy boyfriend, which just makes me laugh some more.

“Are you fucking kidding me, Kat?” he asks.

“Cole, he’s 4! He didn’t like you being mean to me,” I say, snickering.

At this point, Justin is doubled over laughing.

‘Fuck off,” Cole says to his brother.

“Damn, Cole, you’re so mean to your brothers. No wonder they hate you,” I say, still laughing. I should have taken my opportunity to escape, because the next thing I know, Cole has me thrown over his shoulder, and is smacking my ass for the second time today as he carries me out the front door to the car where Rocco waits with Seth.

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