Read On the Ropes 2: Insidious Obsession Online

Authors: Michelle Cary

Tags: #Contemporary; Suspense; Fetish

On the Ropes 2: Insidious Obsession (14 page)

“You just said that Cole didn’t have feelings for me, so what would killing me really accomplish? Besides, I wasn’t even dating Cole when you first came on to me,” Amber argued, trying to buy time. Eventually somebody would realize she was alone and they’d come. She just had to keep him talking. “I wasn’t dating anyone. And that whole pressing charges thing was Mark’s idea.”

“Liar,” Sean yelled and advanced on her.

“No, really,” Amber pleaded. “He didn’t want a scandal for the company, so he thought he could keep it internal by keeping the police out of it. I had nothing to do with that decision.”

“You didn’t oppose it either.” He stepped closer, and the tip of the knife pressed against her flesh as he leaned in close. “I’m so very disappointed in you, Amber. I thought you were different than the other women who come through here. Yes, you’re beautiful, but you seemed so sweet and sensitive and just a little shy.” Amber turned her head, trying to avoid him as he leaned in close and mouthed a kiss along her neck. Her stomach pitched in response, and she closed her eyes, desperate to be anywhere but there.

“I was upset that you originally chose Cole, and I let my temper get the best of me. Guess I should apologize for calling you a slut.”

Shock rippled through her body, and her eyes flew up at his revelation. “You painted that vile word on my door?”

He pulled back just far enough for her to see his twisted grin. Her stomach knotted in a fresh batch of fear. “Well, not me exactly, but it is amazing what homeless people will do for a few bucks, including sneaking into a building and dressing up as a hotel maid.”

“Did you set that fire too?”

“Like I said, it’s amazing what people will do for the right amount of money. Though the fire didn’t quite go as planned. You see, he was supposed to paint the word on your door again, and this time set it on fire.” His smile widened. “I had this fantastic image in my mind of the word SLUT written in flames. Apparently, that bungling idiot I chose to carry out my plan knocked over the fuel and let the damn fire get away from him.”

Shock and anger rolled through her as she listened to his confession. Just what kind of sick bastard was he to play loose and fast with people’s lives? “You nearly killed me and others.”

“It’s not like I had any way of knowing that the sprinkler system was broken,” he replied. “Your death would have been very unfortunate, especially since I wouldn’t have had the pleasure of ending it myself, but hey, shit happens.”

His free hand covered her breast through her ring gear, and Amber shuddered at the contact. “Unfortunately”—he licked a trail along her neck—“my accomplice has spilled the beans, so I’m headed to jail.” He nibbled a spot just below her ear, all the while pressing the knife against her stomach. “Only I’ll be damned if I’m going to let someone lock me away. That leaves me with only one choice, but I’m not going alone.”

“You don’t want to kill me,” she pleaded. “They’ll put you in jail.”

“Wrong. Like I said, I refuse to be locked away like some animal.” He shifted his body and pressed it against her, his erection evident.

“Then you’ll go straight to hell,” she said.

“And you’ll be right there beside me as I burn.” He laughed, the sound eerie and maniacal. “You are my final prize. I take you now, make you mine, and then you’ll join me in the afterlife and we’ll be together forever.”

Flashbacks of her father flooded her mind, sending her back to that horrible night. She’d dug deep to find the will to fight; could she do it again? Continue being a victim or stand and fight. If there was one thing she’d learned from being with Cole, it was that her life had value and it was worth fighting for. She brought a knee up, catching Sean in the groin.

He howled in agony, and the knife he held cut into her skin. Ignoring the pain, she gave him a shove and raced for the door. Before she could flip the lock, he was on her again. “You fucking bitch,” he spat as he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her against him. With his free hand, he brought the knife to her throat. “Bad decision, sweetheart.”

Amber swallowed hard as the cold steel rested against her flesh. She knew the door was locked, which meant no one could come to her rescue. If she held any hope of surviving, she had to save herself.

“Now here is how this is going to go play out,” Sean whispered against her ear. “I’m going to bend you over that table and take what belongs to me. Then I’m going to release you from the confines of this world and meet you on the other side.”

Desperate to free herself, she clung to his arm as her brain scrambled for a solution. She’d be damned if she was just going to allow him to rape and murder her without putting up a fight. For the first time in her existence, her life had meaning and purpose. She had a bright future with Cole, and he wasn’t going to snatch it away.

A sudden, loud
hit the door. “Amber!” Cole’s muffled voice carried through the steel barrier, and the pounding began again, presenting the distraction she needed as Sean turned his attention to the door. Amber summoned every bit of strength she possessed. She stomped on Sean’s foot, then wedged an elbow into his stomach. Pain bloomed in her neck as the knife sliced through flesh, but she didn’t care. Either way she was facing death. At least this way she’d go down fighting.

Stumbling away from Sean, who was now bent over gasping for breath, she rushed for the door. With shaky fingers, she flipped the lock and pulled the door open. Cole’s eyes widened in shock, and then horror filled his face. “Oh God!”


“SEAN,” SHE GASPED as she fell into his arms. “It’s Sean.” Logan and Jason rushed forward and took Sean to the ground, disarming him.

Cole stared in horror at the blood flowing from Amber’s neck. “It’s Sean,” she repeated as she reached for him.

“I know, baby.” He grabbed her and immediately pressed a hand over the wound. “Lexi, I need a towel right now.”

Lexi nodded and raced into the room, then returned with a clean towel. “Don’t move, sweetheart,” Cole ordered as he removed his hand and replaced it with the towel. His stomach churned at the sight of blood free flowing from the wound, and his fingers began to tremble as he applied pressure. Fear tore at him, ripping away his ability to think rationally. His heart sank as the cold hard reality of the situation slammed into him full force. No way could someone lose blood like that and survive.

“Sean,” Amber whispered. Her body began to shake.

“I know, baby. I know. Logan and Jason have him. Let me take care of you.” He cut a sideways look at Lexi. “I think he might have cut her jugular. She needs medical attention now.”

Lexi nodded, turned, and raced up the hall in search of help.

“Lean against me,” he ordered. He continued to hold pressure against the wound as he watched the police arrive.

“I-I,” she stammered. “I don’t feel so good.”

“What kind of not feel good?” he asked as his fear ratcheted up another notch. He glanced up the hall.
Where in the hell is Lexi with help?

“Weak and tired,” she replied.

Cole turned his attention to where he pressed the towel against her wound. The white terry cloth was now red with her blood. Terror streaked through him as his mind fought against the ugly truth. “Stay with me, baby.”

“I need to sit,” she said. “Can we sit?” Before Cole could reply, she crumpled in his arms, and Cole went to the floor with her.

“Where in the hell is Lexi with help?” Cole yelled as he cradled Amber in his arms. He looked from her up to where the guys now stood and noted the fear in their eyes. It was the same fear currently tearing through his system.

“Cole.” She lifted a hand to his face, her palm cradling his cheek.

“Yeah, baby?” Tears welled in his eyes as he stared down at her.

“I love you.”

“I love you too. Stay with me, Amber. Come on, baby. Stay awake.”

Her eyes drifted closed, and her hand went limp, slipping from his face.

“No. No. No.” He pulled her closer. “Baby, please don’t do this. Amber!”

Chapter Twenty-Two

From the view of an outsider, it probably looked like the ER’s waiting room had been invaded. Though Cole didn’t much care what it looked like. All he cared about was Amber’s condition. He paced past where Lexi and Brooklyn sat together while Lexi quietly sobbed into a tissue.

The moment the ambulance pulled away, she’d begun apologizing for leaving Amber. Hysterical, she’d assumed the blame, stating that if she hadn’t left Amber, none of this would have happened.

While blaming Lexi might be easy, it wasn’t right. The only person in this situation at fault was Sean. Cole stopped in front of the wall of windows, turned, and walked back to where Logan and Jason sat, their faces reflecting the fear slowly eating him alive.

Mark barreled through the emergency room doors and rushed toward their large group. “Any word yet?”

Unable to speak, Cole raked a hand through his hair and shook his head.

“They took her straight to emergency surgery,” Jason added.

“It’s my fault,” Lexi sobbed from where she sat. “If I hadn’t left her…”

Logan walked over to her and pulled Lexi up into a hug. He stroked a hand through her hair and looked to Cole as he murmured against her ear, “No, it’s not, sweetheart. There’s no way you could have known Sean was going to do this. Nobody blames you. Cole doesn’t blame you.”

Cole shook his head. “No. Of course I don’t. I blame that bastard Sable.”

“Who is safely tucked away in police custody,” Mark added.

“Good thing,” Cole grumbled, “because if I ever get a chance at him, they’ll be locking me away.”

Mark nodded. “I know, Cole. I’d feel the same way if Emily were involved, but your energy is better spent here, focused on Amber. Don’t worry about Sean anymore. He’s already been charged with vandalism, arson, conspiracy to commit arson, and one count of attempted murder. More charges are pending.”

Cole arched a brow. “Pending?”

Mark nodded. “They’re waiting to charge him for tonight until they know if it will be attempted murder or murder one.”

Cole sucked in a breath and closed his eyes as he dropped into the chair. Mark’s words only served as a reminder as to how serious this situation really was. “Fuck!” He scrubbed a hand over his face. This waiting was rubbing every last nerve.

For a long time he sat in the chair staring blankly out the glass windows and beyond into the night. What if Amber didn’t make it? How would he pick up the pieces she’d leave behind and move on without her? Everything now reminded him of her. He closed his eyes and turned his attention skyward.

Since leaving his hometown, he hadn’t really been to church. Their touring schedule didn’t always allow for that luxury, but not going didn’t mean that he’d lost his faith.
When you feel as if your worries are going to pull you under, remember you are not alone.
His mother’s words swirled in his head, and Cole silently sent up a prayer.

He couldn’t bring himself to believe that God would be so cruel as to take Amber away now, just when they were starting to build something special.

Logan eased into the chair next to him. “You okay?”

Cole looked squarely at his friend. “No. I’m terrified I’m gonna lose her.”

“Think positive thoughts.” Logan patted him on the shoulder.

“Yeah, I know, but it’s just not that easy.” Cole cocked his head to the side and slid a look at his friend. If anyone here knew how he felt right now, it was Logan. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“How did you know Lexi was the one?”

Logan cut his attention toward Lexi, who once again sat with Brooklyn. “I’m not sure I can explain it. There was just something about her that drew me in and kept me coming back. Then the more I got to know her, the harder I fell.”

“When did you realize she was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with?”

Logan grinned. “You thinking about putting a ring on Amber’s finger?”

Cole gave him a small smile. “Maybe. Aww, hell, Logan.” He pushed up from his seat and began to pace again as nervous energy coursed through him. “How can I think about marriage when I’m scared to death that the surgeon is going to walk out that door and tell me she didn’t make it? Then what do I do?” He held his arms out. “She’s become such a part of me, it would be like losing a limb.” He shook his head. “I don’t know how I’d ever be able to pick up and move on.”

“Sounds to me like she’s the one, and when she’s better, you need to marry her.”

“Yeah?” Cole paused and looked at his friend. “Yeah, in my heart I know she’s the one. You’re right. If she makes it, I’m definitely going to put a ring on her finger.”

“Mr. Collins?”

Cole jerked his attention toward the emergency room doors and saw a man in blue scrubs waiting. “Yes.” He rushed toward the doctor. “How’s Amber?”

“She’s in recovery. The knife nicked the carotid artery, and she did lose quite a bit of blood, but we’ve repaired the damage and given her a transfusion.”

“So she’s going to be okay?” Relief washed through Cole as the doctor’s words began to sink in.

“She’s very weak right now, but with some time and care, she should make a full recovery.”

His knees nearly buckled with the doctor’s words, and he turned his gaze upward, thanking the heavens for answering his prayers. “When can I see her?”

“Soon,” the doctor replied. “Once she’s moved into a room, I’ll have a nurse send for you.

* * * *

His vile breath blew across her face, and she tried to turn her head, only her neck hurt from where he held the blade against her flesh. Fear clawed at her, and she gasped for air as it threatened to take hold. If she relented, Sean would most certainly rape and murder her. Something bloomed inside her; a feeling she hadn’t experienced before—strength.

She wasn’t alone. She had friends who cared about her, and they would come if she could just hang on a little longer. The idea of Cole finding her lying in a pool of her own blood, her throat slit open was enough to bolster that strength. No way would she allow him to be forced to live with that image.

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