Read Once a SEAL Online

Authors: Anne Elizabeth

Once a SEAL (20 page)

Chapter 19

Touching down on the NAS tarmac would be a relief. Dan looked forward to heading home.

With their verbal reports given, the official situation report was put off until they were home. So Hammer, Dirks, JC, and Danny headed for chow. Piling their plates with food, they ate until their bellies couldn’t hold anymore.

Arriving back at the barracks, their lovely Quonset hut, which had probably been there since the war, the XO told JC word had come down that his wife had gone into labor. “Get on the next hop out of here.”

JC looked so overwhelmed, Dan said, “Ox, I’m going to catch it with him. Can our gear ride out with the Team?”

“Like the fucking Bobbsey Twins,” said the XO. “Fine, get out of here.”

Dan escorted JC away before the XO changed his mind. “Nice job looking pathetic back there.”

“Who’s acting? I want to puke!” said JC as he pointed to a C-130 being loaded with gear. “Do you think they’re heading home?”

They jogged to the edge of the tarmac and got the loadmaster’s attention. Dan asked, “Is that plane heading to San Diego? Are there any empty seats?”

“Going to be mostly equipment, but the pilot might squeeze you in. His name is Lyons. Don’t tell him I sent you.” He nodded in the direction of a taller, thinner man who was walking around the plane, inspecting it. They thanked him and headed over.

“What do you want?” The pilot was studying the tires. His voice was terse.

“Could you give a couple of frogs a hop?”

“Maybe.” He ran his fingers along the underbelly of the plane. “No seats. Equipment only! With a stopover in Oahu.” He looked them up and down. “It’s a weight thing.”

“I just lost five pounds,” said JC, rubbing his stomach. “Listen, it’s an emergency. My wife’s having a baby.”

The pilot rolled his eyes. “Seriously! Labor—like I haven’t heard that one before.”

JC withdrew a picture from his pocket and showed it to the pilot. “There’s even a date stamp. C’mon, see…it’s twins. Help me out here. Please…”

The pilot rolled his eyes. “For the record, I didn’t see a thing. And if you piss all over the back of my plane, I’ll have your heads.”

“Understood,” said Dan.

They shook the pilot’s hand and ran into the terminal for a couple bottles of water and provisions. Then they double-timed it back onto the tarmac, waiting for the right opportunity. When it came—when no one was watching—they walked calmly to the plane, up the ramp, and into the back of a truck, closing the flap behind them.

“I swear I’m lying on stinky cheese,” complained JC.

“Fine, I’ll take the odorous duffel and you can lie on the lumpy one. This guy had to have bricks in here.”

“Ah, this sucks! It’s like Army-green hell,” said JC, who made Dan get up and rearrange the duffels. They were still stuck with a ton of luggage and a bunch of extra machine parts, plus equipment and boxes poking them in the wrong places, but Dan didn’t give a shit. He was almost home.

Tuning out JC’s stream of constant complaining, Dan put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. To him this was an excellent heavenly respite. It beat trying to get shut-eye in a lake. But the piece of him that had been in pain over the death of Sandra found closure…and wherever her spirit was, he hoped she knew that he had done his best.

The plane’s engines fired up. The cabin shook and the vibrations worked through his tired body like a welcome massage. The sound, the drone, was familiar…lulling even. His mind turned off as his body lifted away. Dan didn’t feel the plane take off. He’d already fallen asleep, exhausted and ready to be home…to wrap his arms around his beautiful, feisty, and often-ornery wife.


Dan had a bounce in his step. He could hardly wait to surprise her—to show up and see that expression of pure happiness on her face. After he put JC in a cab pointed in the direction of the hospital, he caught a bus heading down Orange Avenue.

Getting off in front of his neighborhood, he ran into his buddies from SEAL Team FIVE. “Hey, Miller, what’s up?”

“Your wife kicked us out. We just got something to eat and were on our way back to your house. We thought we’d hide in the bushes and keep vigil.” Miller took a long draw on his drink.

“We wouldn’t have left in the first place, but I’m pretty sure she would have kicked our asses if we didn’t.” Hayes put up both hands.

Dan shook hands with Miller. “Thanks for the help. I’ve got it from here.”

“Roger that,” Miller acknowledged as he sat down on a bench.

Dan grinned and left the two men to their banter. He took off for home, jogging through the streets and feeling good. He spied his house. Going past it, he circled around to the back and wondered if this plan would work. Would the patio door be open? He was a little concerned it might not be. He’d cautioned Aria on locking it up each night, and he wasn’t sure she would unlock it at all during the day.

Spying the door open wide, he hurdled the fence and walked across the yard.

The hairs at the back of his neck rose, signaling trouble. Dan moved into the shadows, the ones cast by the neighbor’s fence, and stretched his senses. Someone male was talking.

Dan inched closer. The words became audible, and his blood turned to ice in his veins.

“You bitch! You don’t know how great you had it!”

He knew that voice… Mark.

Resisting the urge to charge in to the rescue, he pulled out his phone and texted the police his address and that an assailant—and former friend of the family—by the name of Mark Anders had prisoners and a weapon inside. Making sure it was set to silent, he pocketed it and hugged the shadows as he drew closer to identify where everyone was.

He looked through the back window. Aria was in a chair near the television and tied up, while Jimmy was huddled on the floor, grasping his stomach, in front of his bedroom. The best place to lure this psycho was…lined up with the front door. His mind played over the possibilities and strategies.

Shit! Why, the hell didn’t he have his gun?

“Don’t you see, Aria Angel, we can travel the world?”

“Mark, that’s not going to happen.” Aria lifted her chin a few centimeters higher.

Dan could tell Aria was trying to keep calm, but he could hear the tremor in her voice.

there, baby.

“You love me!” Mark shouted. “And we’re meant to be together!” Dan heard the slap as Mark backhanded her.

Dan’s temper flared and he had to tamp it down.
, his buddy Gich used to say. Quite frankly, Dan agreed.

Dan peered through the window to assess the situation. He caught the flash of a knife in Mark’s hand. Jimmy was on the floor, bleeding. Aria had recovered from the blow and was pulling at her bonds. “Mark, please, let me help him,” she said. “I’ll do anything you want.”

“Really?” Mark drew out the word into three syllables and stalked closer to Aria. The tip of his knife slipped across the collar of her blouse.

It was enough of a distraction for Dan to silently slip inside the house. He had Mark disarmed and his own knife at the man’s throat before Aria could blink. In that moment, Dan knew he could do it…take Mark’s life without a single hesitation. But, he wouldn’t go to jail for this scum, so he slid his own knife away and turned the man to face him.

“This is my family. Not yours. No one fucking hurts them.” Dan punched Mark in the ribs feeling the bones give way with each hit. Then he moved to the man’s kidneys and back, aiming for maximum damage.

A loudspeaker sounded from outside. “This is the police. Come out with your hands up and no one gets hurt.”

“You’re done,” said Dan, his fingers flexing. The satisfaction was sweet, but too short-lived. He ached to hurt this man so much more. No one fucks with a SEAL or his family. “Never come back, or it will be your last act.”

“Nooooooo!” shouted Mark as he reached into his waistband.

“We’re coming in!” shouted the police. “Throw down your weapons!”

Needing to add a little punctuation to the moment, Dan egged Mark on. “Come and get me, loser boy.”

Mark charged him.

Dan stopped him, putting a lock on Mark’s arm and sending the gun skittering across the floor. He kicked Mark in the gut, listening to the air explode out of his mouth.

Mark reached around and pulled the knife from Dan’s waistband, waving it blindly in Dan’s direction.

The front door burst open.

Four officers with guns drawn came barreling through and aimed their guns at the two men.

“This man has attacked me and my family,” Dan said.

Mark panted, trying to catch him breath, but his gaze was full of meaning.

The cops grabbed the knife and pulled Mark out of Dan’s grasp. In no time, the police had Mark handcuffed and were leading him to the squad car. The monologue finally coming from his mouth was a litany of crazy speak.

In truth Dan seriously wanted a different kind of closure, but he was practicing restraint. Wasn’t his XO always saying, it’s better to let life take care of things? So the cops were dealing with the justice end, though if Mark ever came back, Dan knew he could easily make this man and his body disappear for good.

Dan turned away from the drama and wasted no time getting to his family. He untied Aria and they both went to Jimmy. Placing a hand on Jimmy’s shoulder, he waited for Aria to speak first.

“Are you okay?” Aria asked, frantically checking the cut on her brother’s arm.

“Yeah.” Jimmy leaned into Dan’s arm. The kid had guts. “It hurts, but it’s not deep. Harvey taught me how to bluff. It worked. Mostly…” He rubbed his face, wiping away the wetness under his eyes.

Dan could tell Jimmy was stepping up and dealing with the practical side of the incident. The kid was right, though; he doubted the cut would need stitches. His chest swelled with pride.

He kissed Aria and hugged Jimmy.

“Thank you, God!” Aria said. “I’m so glad you’re home.” She kissed him three more times before she let go.

The officer in charge came back in the house and shook Dan’s hand. “Mac.”

“Hey, Billy. How’s the force treating you?”

“Tonight it’s going to make me do a helluva lot of paperwork.” Officer Billy O’Connor had gone through BUD/S and been rolled back for medical. His shoulder had never healed properly, and he’d decided on a different path. Their friendship had hung tight. Also, his uncle was the chaplain that had married Aria and him.

“Do you mind if I settle the family and get back to you?”

“Sure. But we’ll need to talk to them at some point soon.” Billy nodded to the others, letting the family pass through to the bedroom. “Dan, the paramedics will be here in five.”

“Thanks.” Never in a million years would he have wanted Aria and Jimmy to go through so much trauma. They were strong, though, and they would get through it…together.

In the bedroom, Dan bandaged Jimmy’s arm and looked at Aria’s eyes to make sure she didn’t have a concussion. He knew the paramedics would want to take a look at them, too, but he had to reassure himself that they were going to be fine. When he was satisfied, he waved the paramedics in, and then he went out to deal with the police.


It seemed like hours before he was able to go back to the bedroom. He found Aria waiting up for him. She looked exhausted but relieved. “Dan…”

Gesturing with his head, he invited her out.

She nodded.

He pushed the door wide, picked up Jimmy and placed him in his own bed. Aria pulled the covers over her brother and then he closed the door, only a soft snick sounding in their wake.

Dan led her outside. They stood hand in hand and looked at the stars.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. This is all my fault,” Aria began, her face twisted in anguish.

“No. It’s not your fault” he said, pulling her close.

She clung to him as if he was her life raft and she was at sea.

“Shush. Let out the pain. Release it all, and then be done with it.”

When she had finished crying, he lifted her chin with his index finger. “Aria, you can’t blame yourself for a psychopath’s obsession. No one could control that. Got it?”

She nodded. “Yeah, but it’s so much easier said than done.” She hugged him tight, and he stroked her curly hair. Her face was hot and wet against his chest.

“In the morning the sun will shine and the sky will be blue and the sunshine will warm your skin. I guarantee it.”

“In other words, another day will break and everything will dawn fresh and new. Yeah. That’s nice.” Aria turned to him. “When did you become so optimistic?”

“It’s about reality, not optimism. Bad stuff happens. It’s how you rise from it, and move your life forward.” He stroked her hair. “None of us blame you, Aria. Love yourself, the way we love you.”

She nodded. “I’ll try.” A smile lifted the corners of her mouth. “I might need you to remind me…about that ‘loving’ part.”

He grinned. “I can do that. A husband’s pleasure, indeed.”

She ran her hands over his body. “Can I tell you…I thought I dreamed you? I lay in our bedroom, listening to the police, and I thought it was all my imagination taking that horrible situation and turning it into something my brain could handle.” She laid her head on his chest.

“Aria, I’m so sorry. It shouldn’t have happened that way. I wish I could have done something more…sent you away, stashed you in a hotel. Something.”

“No, you were right. He would have found me eventually. He wasn’t ready to let go.” She lifted her head a little higher, and there was a gleam in her eye. “We’re alive, Dan, and it’s because of you. You make us stronger, make us feel empowered.” She shook her head. “I know we have more to learn, but I don’t know what we would have done if I hadn’t trusted you.” She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him, and her passion called to him.

He picked her up, crossed the lawn and patio, and carried her inside the house. Laying her down on the couch, he pressed his body on hers. “Let’s make a happy memory here. Retake our hill…at the very least, our yard.”

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