One Day at a Time (Starting Over Series Book 4) (4 page)

“N-Nothing, really, I was just grabbing a couple of books for my niece. She and my brother went camping this weekend, and I was bored, so I was just running around doing stuff. What do you have planned?”

Hmm…did she live with her brother? How the hell was he supposed to ask her out? He took a deep breath and asked, “Would you like to have lunch with me?” There, he asked her. He waited with bated breath to hear what her answer was.

“Yes, I’d love to.”

It was like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. “Great! Are you done shopping, or do you need more time?”

“I’m done, I just need to go pay for these real quick.”

He touched a hand to the small of her back; he could feel the heat radiating from her. Leading her to the counter, he waited while she paid for her books. Once she was done he reached out, grabbing her hand and lacing their fingers together. It felt like electrical impulses shot from her palm into his. She looked down at their joined hands and then at him with wide eyes, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. God, he wanted to kiss her, but he wasn’t going to, at least not yet. He didn’t know her very well, but she was the type you took your time with.

He led her to the parking lot and directly to his bike. “Have you ridden on a bike before?” He looked at her. Tessa was staring at his bike nervously. She looked to him with a huge smile on her face.

“No, but I’ve always wanted to.”

“Good, we’ll take the bike then.” He took her bag and stuffed it into his saddle bag, then grabbed his helmet and locked the compartment. “Do you have a rubber band?” She pulled one off her wrist and handed it to him. Turning her around, he gathered her hair into a ponytail and secured it with the rubber band.
It’s as soft as I thought it would be.
He set his helmet on her head and quickly strapped it under her chin. He knew he was grinning like an idiot, but just being around her made him happy. The blush that stained her cheeks was sweet, but her smile was breathtaking.

He climbed on his bike and held his hand to her. She took it but looked down. “Will it be too hard for me sitting on the bike with a skirt on?”

“Not at all, come here.” He pulled her toward the bike. “Just hike your skirt up a little and you’ll tuck it between your legs.”

“O-Okay.” Doing exactly what he said, she climbed on the back of his bike. Tessa gingerly placed her hands at his waist.

He grabbed her hands and brought them fully around him. “You can hold on better this way.” Of course it was mainly to feel her body pressed up against his back. A citrusy smell coming from her wrapped around him caused his dick to stir in his pants. He gritted his teeth and willed it to stop. To distract himself, he asked her where she’d like to eat.

“I don’t care, whatever sounds good to you.” It was official, she was trying to kill him. Her breath was sweet and warm against his neck. It was going to be a long ride.

“Okay, I have the perfect place.” He started up his bike. “Ready?” he shouted over the rumbling of the bike.


He pulled slowly out of the parking lot and took off down the road. Not wanting the ride to end so quickly, Cash took the long way around to the restaurant.

Fifteen minutes later he pulled into La Rancharita. It was his favorite authentic Mexican restaurant. He backed into a parking spot and helped Tessa off. He shut the bike down and climbed off himself. Unbuckling his helmet and removing it from her head, he asked, “What did you think?”

Her smile was bright. “Oh my gosh! It was so much fun.”

He led her out to the patio and pulled her chair out for her. As he sat down across from her, their waiter came to hand them menus and take their drink orders. Once he left, Cash turned back to Tessa. “So tell me about yourself.”

“Well, there’s not much to tell. I’m-I’m pretty boring. I live with my brother and my ten-year-old niece. My brother’s wife died six years ago, from cancer.” He saw her throat working, and he was worried she was going to start crying.

“We don’t have to talk about that.”

“No, it’s okay. She was just an amazing woman. I moved in with them when I was eighteen, and she treated me like I was her own child most of the time, even though she was only three years older.” He reached out, grabbing her hand. “Do you have any siblings?”

“I have a younger sister. Her name’s Journey.”

“Are y’all close?”

He thought about how to answer that simple question. He wanted to be honest, but he wasn’t ready to share everything yet.

“We are. She, her husband, and their kids live in Beaufort. We try to see each other once a week, to catch up. Our parents died a little over seven years ago, so it’s just the two of us.”

She squeezed his hand. “My mom died when I was twelve. Stomach cancer.”

“What about your dad? Is he still alive?” He didn’t mean for the conversation between them to take on such a serious note, but he felt like he could talk to her.

“He’s…He’s still alive, but I don’t talk to him or see him. He wasn’t a very nice man.”

Before they could talk any more, their waiter came to take their orders. Once he left, Cash decided to lighten up the conversation. “Have you always loved books?”

Her eyes lit up as she talked about her love for reading. Getting lost in fictional worlds was one of her favorite things to do. He could appreciate that. He had never been much of a reader until the last couple of years. Of course, he didn’t read romance novels. He was more of a murder-mystery type of guy. Cash spent a lot of time in his hammock with either his book or his guitar. Sure, he went out, but it was usually to a friend’s house for a jam session or to restaurants around the city. Most of his close friends were non-drinkers, which was nice. He’d never been much of a drinker, but he didn’t want the temptation. They’d all dealt with using themselves or others who had used.

“I haven’t broken down and bought an e-reader yet. I just love the feel of a book in my hand.” She gave him a lopsided grin, leaning in close like she was telling him a secret. “When we get new shipments of books in, I take them, opening each one and taking a big sniff. I love the smell.”

He couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his lips. He couldn’t remember the last time he laughed like that. She laughed along with him. It was a sweet soft sound, and her cheeks were tinged in pink. God, he wanted to kiss her right there.

“I know, I’m such a dork. They all make fun of me for doing it.” She laughed.

“I don’t think it’s dorky. It’s cute.” She shook her head at him. “I’m serious, Tessa. It is cute.”

The conversation ceased once their food arrived. He liked the fact that she wasn’t shy about eating. He’d never seen it since he hadn’t dated, but some of his buddies complained about their dates not eating and wasting their money. She’d never been there before, so she ordered the same thing he did, steak tacos topped with cilantro and onions. Squeezing a lime on his tacos, he scooped one up, taking a big bite. A moan slipped passed his lips as the flavors exploded on his tongue.




Tessa couldn’t help but stare as Cash moaned while he ate his taco, but she could understand. They were delicious. When he swallowed and pulled his taco away from his mouth, she noticed a piece of cilantro stuck to his lip. Not even hesitating, she reached out and plucked it off of his lip, dropping onto his plate. He grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze.

“Thank you.” The way he was looking at her caused a tingling low in her belly. She was having such a good time with him and didn’t want their time together to end soon, but she was so out of her depth. Since he asked her to have lunch with him, was she supposed to leave the ball in his court to continue the date, if in fact it was a date? She was so out of her comfort zone with the whole dating thing.

Once they finished their lunch, Tessa excused herself to use the restroom. After washing her hands, she popped a piece of gum in her mouth and reapplied her lip gloss. She glanced at herself in the mirror. She quickly fixed her ponytail and made her way back to Cash, who was waiting near the restrooms for her. They headed toward the exit, but she stopped by the cashier. “How much do I owe you?” Cash laced his fingers with hers and tugged her toward the door. “It was my treat.”

She felt her cheeks get hot but quickly thanked him. Letting him lead her to his motorcycle, she put her sunglasses back on. He placed the helmet on her head, but this time after he buckled it under her chin, he let his thumb lightly rub over her bottom lip.
I want him to kiss me,
she thought to herself, but he didn’t. She hoped he couldn’t tell she was disappointed. Maybe she was reading too much into it. Maybe they were just going out as friends, and as much as that sucked, she would be okay with that. She could always use one more friend.

It was still awkward climbing on the back of his bike, but this time she immediately wrapped her arms around his waist. She could feel the heat of his skin through his t-shirt, and his woodsy scent wrapped around her like a blanket. She wanted to bury her nose in his neck and take a whiff, but that would probably be creepy, so she decided against it. Riding on the back of his motorcycle was just like the women in her romance novels described it. It was scary, but exciting. The wind felt wonderful against her overheated skin. The rumble of the bike between her legs made her feel all twitchy, but in such a good way.

Over the rumbling of the bike, conversation was too difficult to attempt, so they waited until they were at stoplights. “Do you want to go see a movie?” Cash turned his head so she could hear him better. She wanted to squeal with happiness that he wanted to spend more time with her. “Sure.”

The light turned green, and they headed for the multiplex a mile down the road. Once again, as soon as they were off of his bike, he grabbed her hand in his and led her toward the doors. Inside, Tessa grabbed her wallet. “You got lunch, and I’ve got the movie.”

“Okay, but I’m all over the snacks.” Giving her hand a squeeze, they went up to the ticket counter.

They decided on a thriller, and after buying their tickets, they went to the concession stand. Even though they just ate, they both scanned the candy. Cash chose Gummy Bears, and she chose peanut M&M’s and, of course, popcorn and sodas. They carried their load to the screening room the usher directed them to. There was hardly anyone in there, so they chose seats in the middle. It took them a minute to get themselves situated. Settling in, they started munching on the popcorn. “What’s your favorite movie?” she asked.

“Hmm…I don’t know. Really anything with Clint Eastwood in it, but if I had to choose one, I’d say
Gran Torino

“I love that movie, but it makes me cry every time I watch, so my brother has forbidden me to watch while he’s in the apartment.” She laughed softly. “I think my all-time favorite movie is
The Wizard of Oz
. At least once a year the theater across town shows it. My niece Josie and I have gone every year since she was seven.”

“That movie creeps me out.” He visibly shuddered when he said it.

“Oh, come on! Why?”

He leaned toward her, his lips grazing her ear. Goose bumps broke out all along her body. “Flying monkeys.” He pulled away, a smirk gracing his lips.

“You’re a weirdo.” A chuckle left his lips just as the lights dimmed and the previews started.




Halfway through the movie they had demolished their snacks and popcorn. Tessa had just settled deeper into her chair when she felt Cash’s hand grab hers, pulling her toward him. They had the armrest up, so she snuggled right in. Her heart pounded as she tried to pay attention to the movie, but being so close to him was causing a riot in her body. This was the closest she’d ever been to a man, or at least one she wasn’t related to. She let out the breath she was holding and refocused on the movie.

When the credits rolled, they picked up their trash and made their way toward the exit. They both headed to their respective bathrooms, and she felt like she was floating as she entered it. Luckily there wasn’t a line, and she went right in. After, washing her hands, she looked at herself in the mirror. She tried to fight them, but some of her dad’s cruel words plagued her mind.
“You’re worthless. No one will ever want you. Every time you open your mouth you sound like a retard!”
She shook her head. She wasn’t going to think about her dad, not now, not ever again. She walked out and found Cash leaning against the wall. He looked so gorgeous standing there, and when he looked up and smiled, her breath caught in her throat. He came toward her with a swagger that rivaled the men in her books. Grabbing her hand, he led her out into the still warm evening.

As they drove back to her car, she was saddened that their time together was coming to an end. He was the first man, other than her brother or Hunter, she wasn’t freaked to be around alone. Sure, she still didn’t know him very well, but she felt safe with him. When they pulled into the parking lot, he shut his bike down and they both got off. He unclipped the helmet from her head and then retrieved her books for Josie out of the saddlebag. Before he handed them to her, he asked, “Can I get your number and call you?”

Tessa wanted to squeal and jump up and down, but he would think she was crazy. “Sure.” She took his phone out of his hand and typed in her name and number then handed it back.

Cash said, “I had fun today. I want to take you out again. Can I?”

She nodded and started to back away from him. This was quite possibly her best day ever. She turned to get in her Jeep, but he stayed her with a hand on her arm. Turning in his arms she felt her heart start beating faster in her chest. His hand slid up her neck and into her hair. As his mouth descended on hers, she nervously licked her lips. Pulling her head closer, his lips finally touched hers. They were soft and warm.

She grabbed the sides of his t-shirt and held on for dear life. Her knees threatened to buckle as his lips gently moved against hers. He pulled away moments later, and her eyes fluttered open. His lips were turned up in the sweetest smile she’d ever seen. She realized she still had a death grip on his shirt. “Sorry,” she whispered and let go of him.

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