One Hot Night (11 page)

Read One Hot Night Online

Authors: Megan West


Andrew was
responding to her lust, pressing into her, his cock hard against her, his
breath coming quickly alongside her ear. “I’m going to take you out of here
when they’re finished,” he promised, his hand curving around her hip, his
fingers pressing into the ridge of her hipbone. A shiver raced up her back as
she thought he might reach a little further down between her legs.


“And you’re going to fuck me?” Katherine
asked teasingly, shocked at her own forwardness, and simultaneously enjoying


“Maybe,” he hissed darkly. “Or perhaps I’ll
just tease you, endlessly.”


Her body tightened all over his words, and
she could feel herself getting wet. She was aching, her nipples hard as
diamonds, rubbing against the inside of her bra. She clenched her thighs
tightly together as she tried to wrestler her urges under control.


On stage, Bethany was working her way down
the man’s body, her strokes getting harder and closer together as they wove
their way down his torso. She took a step back and snapped the whip out in a
straight line, so that the tip struck the man in the abdomen, just above his
cock. He moaned, his hips jutting out, his erection pulsing visibly. Katherine
wondered if he would come, the way the woman had. She fixated on his cock
twitching from Bethany’s teasing whips.


Bethany snapped the whip again, this time
striking the cut ‘v’ of muscle on either side of his groin. His cock seemed to throb
even harder, if that was possible. She repeated the strikes she had done on his
legs, hitting perfectly between the marks she’d left before, until his legs
were glowing red. She snapped the whip up once again, the first inch or so
coiling tightly around his dick, and she tugged, drawing the man forward by his
erection until he was tight against his bonds, his head thrown back, moaning,
obviously aching for release.


Then she let the whip uncoil, drew it back
up into her hand, and turned to face the crowd, giving a slight bow before
turning to stalk offstage. The man was left, hard and tethered, with no
release. The crowd clapped anyway, cheering loudly.


“Why didn’t she let him finish?” Katherine


Andrew shrugged. “It’s up to the master to
decide if the slave gets to have an orgasm or not. Evidently she decided not
to. It’s better for the show, too. Everyone loves a hard cock, the aftermath
isn’t really that exciting, and it’s messy. Better to leave that visual.” He
gestured to the man onstage, his body reddened and sweating, his erection
bobbing in front of him as the slave girls unbuckled his restraints and led him
offstage. Several women close to the stage reached out, trying to touch him as
he was ushered back through the heavy door.


Katherine was turning back to Andrew, about
to ask if he was ready to go, when one of the slave girls in the leather straps
approached her. “Miss?”


Katherine blinked at her. “Um, yes?”


“Mistress Venus has asked if you would like
to join her backstage. You may bring your friend.” The girl looked up at Andrew
with obvious admiration.


Katherine glanced at Andrew, who looked
suddenly very intrigued. Before she had a chance to answer, Andrew grasped her
hand and nodded. “We would be pleased to accept Mistress Venus’ invitation,” he
said firmly.


Katherine, still dizzy with whisky and lust,
shrugged her shoulders.
May as well. The
night can’t possibly get any stranger, can it?




They followed the girl through the heavy
wooden door, down another steep set of stone stairs. It led into a basement
with a thickly carpeted floor, which Katherine instantly felt her heels sink
down into, causing her to lean into Andrew. There were plush couches scattered
around the giant room, along with some of the equipment she’d seen on stage—an
iron lattice with whips, belts and canes attached to it, a padded bench, and a
smaller version of the wooden cross. There was a door to the left, and
Katherine wondered where it led to.


The room was lit by candles and a crackling
fireplace. As her eyes adjusted she took in the view. The man who was master of
the girl in the gold chain was reclining on the couch, his shirt fully
unbuttoned, revealing a hard, muscled chest. His leather pants were undone, his
cock out, hard and thick. The girl was kneeling between his legs, still wearing
nothing but her chain and collar, watching as he ran his hand up and down his
shaft. Bethany was lounging on a nearby couch, watching idly. Her slave was
kneeling on the floor next to her, his erection having subsided to half-mast.


Andrew came up behind Katherine. “If you will
let me,” he murmured, “I can show you what that woman up on the stage felt. I
can show you pleasure you’ve never imagined.” His voice was low and husky in
her ear, with a note of pleading. She could tell he wanted her badly.


“I don’t know if I would like that…the cane,
I mean,” Katherine whispered, still watching the man and the girl.


“I wouldn’t use a cane on you. Not your
first time. Something…easier. Will you trust me?”


Katherine looked around the room.
Bethany had gotten up off of the couch, and
was walking towards her.


“Kat, I’m glad you made it. Who is your


“Bethany, this is Andrew Blake.”


Bethany’s eyes widened, but she only put out
her hand, shaking his. “It’s very nice to meet you, Andrew.”


“It’s good to meet you, Mistress Venus.”
There was a note of teasing in his voice.


“Call me Bethany,” she laughed, the smile on
her face strangely at odds with her outfit and makeup. “Did you enjoy the


“Indeed,” he replied. “It was definitely one
of the best I’ve seen.”


“And you, Kat?”


Katherine smiled weakly. “It was…different.”
She smiled again, this time more firmly. “I did enjoy it,” she admitted.


“Good.” Bethany gestured around the room.
“We come down here after the show to…enjoy ourselves. I saw you and Andrew from
the stage.” She smiled wickedly. “I thought you might…have fun.”


Katherine blinked, suddenly realizing fully
what was going on. “Is there going to be some kind of orgy?”


Bethany laughed. “Well, Master Thomas is
certainly enjoying his slave. And I will probably ask mine to entertain me
shortly. You and Andrew are also welcome to them if you like, or you can keep
to each other if you prefer.” She grabbed Katherine’s hand reassuringly. “You
can relax here, Kat. No one is watching you or judging you, and no one will
ever say anything about what happens in here.” She smiled. “I think if what I
have heard is any indication, Andrew will take good care of you.”


Katherine breathed out slowly.
Fuck it,
she thought suddenly. When
would she find herself in the basement of a sex club again, surrounded by
beautiful people, being courted by a man who wanted to show her things she
hadn’t even thought of before tonight?


Bethany had gone back to the couch, and
Andrew moved in front of Katherine. He stroked her cheek softly with his thumb,
and leaned in to kiss her softly. “Do you trust me?” he asked again.


She breathed in, and nodded. “Yes. I trust


“Alright then.” He smiled. “Your safe word
is blue. If you want me to stop altogether, say it and I will stop immediately.
If you only need me to ease up, say pink.”


“Blue, pink.” Katherine repeated. “Okay.”


Andrew kissed her again, this time more
deeply. His hand threaded into her hair, tugging softly. His tongue ran along
the seam of her lips, pressing against them, and she opened her mouth, letting
him slide inside. His hand cupped the back of her head, fingers tangled in her
hair, the kiss hard and deep. She pressed herself against him, her hands on his


He pulled away and walked around her, his fingers
smoothing over her shoulders. She could see the girl in the gold chain lean
forwards on her knees, her master’s cock in her mouth. Her head was bobbing up
and down and her hand cupped between his legs. The man’s head had fallen back,
resting against the cushions as his slave pleasured him.


Bethany was slowly running her fingers
through her slave’s hair, the fingers of her other hand idly brushing against
her inner thigh. She seemed to be in no hurry.


Andrew reached for Katherine’s zipper,
tugging it down slowly, the fingers of his other hand brushing along the skin
as it was exposed. She shivered, her senses quickly becoming overloaded. The
air was warm and thick, perfumed with the scents that the four others and
underneath it the heavy musk of arousal. He reached for her straps, pushing
them off of her shoulders, and then the dress over her hips, letting it fall to
the floor.


Bethany’s slave had shifted, moving between
her spread knees. She reached for the hidden zipper on the side of her latex
shorts, and pushed them down, the slave taking the material when it reached
mid-thigh and pulling it down the rest of the way. She was wearing a black silk
thong under them, and at a nod from her, the slave bent forward, pushing the
fabric aside and moving to his task. Bethany moaned softly, a small, breathy
gasp as she relaxed into the couch. One of her hands idly played with the
slave’s hair as he went down on her.


Andrew undid the clasp of Katherine’s bra,
pushing it off of her, his hands reaching around to grasp her breasts. He toyed
gently with the nipples, tugging and pinching at them until she gasped, then
moaned, increasing the pressure until she squealed sharply. Her nipples budded
into tight pebbles as he rolled his thumb against them. He grasped her hip with
one hand, pulling her back against him. He was hard against her.


“See what you do
to me?” he whispered huskily, grinding his erection against her.


He reached for the material of her panties, tugging
them down over her hips. “Put your hands on your head and spread your legs
shoulder-width,” he ordered, heading to the lattice.


Katherine’s heart raced as she watched him,
wondering what he would choose. He took down a thick leather belt, folding it
over in his hand as he walked back toward her. Her eyes had widened, but she
made no sound.


“Trust me,” he
repeated, and then stood behind her. She saw the man watching her as the slave
girl eagerly sucked him, his gaze appreciative as it swept over Katherine’s
body. Bethany was oblivious, panting softly as her slave worked
enthusiastically, the sounds of his efforts audible in the room.


Andrew drew his arm back and smacked Katherine’s
ass with the belt, once. She rocked forwards, her stance keeping her upright.
She breathed in with a slight hiss of air. It hurt, though not as much as she
had expected. He did it again, this time striking the other cheek. The blow stung,
but to her amazement, she felt herself growing wet, the dampness sticky on her
inner thighs. Two more, and she was gasping, her eyes prickling, but at the
same time she was aching with desire.


“Ten strokes total,” he told her. “How many
was that?”


“Three,” she answered.


He hit her again, much harder. “How many was
?” he snapped. Katherine looked
at the man across the room, and saw him mouth a word.


“That was four…master.”


Andrew’s voice was thick with lust. “Good


He struck her again.


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