One of Us: The Story of Anders Breivik and the Massacre in Norway (70 page)

The police data provides an indication of what he was doing online at any particular time. It also indicates that
the planning of the terror act came much later than he says, maybe as late as the winter of 2010, when he received the last rejection from the Progress Party and no response from his online anti-jihadist heroes. What we know is that he only started buying weapons and bullets in the spring of 2010. Later that year, he began to purchase ingredients for the bomb.

In researching his life, my first
priority was to find the pieces and fit them together into the jigsaw puzzle of Anders Behring Breivik. There are still many pieces missing.

*   *   *

In August 2012, Norway’s 22 July Commission presented its report. I relied on its account of the course of events during the terrorist attack. I used the commission’s report to confirm the timing of events on that day. I also quoted from it for
the telephone tip-off from Andreas Olsen and the conversations between Kripos and the operation manager on the question of issuing a nationwide alert, as well as Breivik’s own calls from Utøya. In the report, these phone conversations are written down word for word.

I also referred to the report for the dates of Breivik’s purchases of weapons, clothing, chemicals and fertiliser.

In mapping the
course of events on 22 July I was helped by Kjetil Stormark’s book
Da terroren rammet Norge
(When Terror Struck Norway). I also quoted private emails sent by Breivik that were included in Stormark’s
Massemorderens private e-poster
(The Mass Murderer’s Private Emails). Stormark also offered important advice during the writing process.

The scenes in which the lawyer Geir Lippestad is called by
the police on 23 July and in which he meets Breivik on 23 December 2011 are taken from Lippestad’s own book
Det vi kan stå for
(What We Can Stand By). The induction rituals of the order of Freemasons are taken from
Frimurernes hemmeligheter
(The Secrets of the Freemasons) by Roger Karsten Aase. The quotations from Carl I. Hagen are from Elisabeth Skarsbø Moen’s
Profet i eget land – historien om Carl I. Hagen
(Prophet in His Own Country – the Story of Carl I. Hagen). The story of Monica Bøsei and Utøya is taken from
Utøya – en biografi
(Utøya: A Biography), written by Jo Stein Moen and Trond Giske.

Other books and magazines which provided useful background information but were not sources of direct quotes are listed in the bibliography at the back of this book.

The terrorist attack
received wide and comprehensive coverage in the Norwegian press. Many of these articles proved valuable for my work. I also continually cross-checked with the trial reports of
Verdens Gang
), NRK (the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation) and the national news agency NTB. Details of the visit from Natascha were borrowed from
, while particulars of Breivik’s complaint to the Directorate
of Correctional Service came from

The log from which I quote in the chapters ‘Poison’ and ‘The Chemist’s Log’ is taken from Breivik’s manifesto. The dates have been correlated with the results of police investigations and appear to tally. The description of the bomb-making process has been studied by the police, who found it probable that he followed the procedure in his account.

The descriptions
of the flat at 18 Hoffsveien were compiled on the basis of pictures and a visit to the premises in the summer of 2013. Descriptions of the areas behind the courtroom for the parties involved in the trial were made possible by a visit in October 2013.

The interviews with then Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg were conducted on three occasions, the first straight after the terrorist attacks, in connection
with the piece for
, the last the day after the second anniversary of the attacks, in July 2013.

Gro Harlem Brundtland gave an interview about her time as Prime Minister and the events of 22 July in February 2013.

*   *   *

This book has taken shape in close collaboration with my editors Cathrine Sandnes and Tuva Ørbeck Sørheim. Many thanks for all the suggestions, discussions and corrections.
I could never have done it alone.

I have been ably assisted on the research side by Tore Marius Løiten, and as with all my previous books I want to thank my parents, Frøydis Guldahl and Dag Seierstad, who both know the rules for correct comma use and are my most critical readers.

*   *   *

One of Us
is a book about belonging, a book about community. The three friends from Troms all belonged
in definite places, geographically, politically and with their families. Bano belonged in both Kurdistan and Norway. Her greatest aspiration was to become ‘one of us’. There were no short cuts.

This is also a book about looking for a way to belong and not finding it. The perpetrator ultimately decided to opt out of the community and strike at it in the most brutal of ways.

As I worked on the
book, it came to me that this was also a story about contemporary Norway. It is a story about us.

To all of you who have told me drops or streams of stories, written to me or commented on my work: We made this book together.

Through the book, I want to give something back to the community from which it sprang. My royalties for this book in Norway are being donated in full to the ‘En av oss’
(One of Us) foundation. The foundation’s statutes allow for the money to be distributed to a wide range of causes nationally and internationally, in the areas of development, education, sport, culture and the environment.

I have chosen to let those who contributed most to the book decide which causes will receive support.

I think that would be in the spirit of their children.

Åsne Seierstad

Oslo, 20 January 2014




Aase, Roger Karsten:
Frimurernes hemmeligheter – fortalt fra innsiden
. Kagge Forlag, Oslo, 2009.
Arendt, Hannah:
Eichmann i Jerusalem – en rapport om ondskans banalitet
. Gyldendal Forlag, København, 1992 (Originally published as
Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil
, 1963.)
Borchgrevink, Aage Storm:
En norsk tragedie – Anders Behring Breivik og veiene til Utøya
. Gyldendal Forlag, Oslo, 2012. (Published in English as
A Norwegian Tragedy. Anders Behring Breivik and the Massacre on Utøya
. Translated by Guy Puzey. Polity, 2013.)
Breivik, Jens:
Min skyld? – En fars historie
. Juritzen Forlag, Oslo, 2014.
Bromark, Stian:
Selv om sola ikke skinner – et portrett av 22. juli.
Cappelen Damm, Oslo, 2012. (Published in English as
Massacre in Norway: The 2011 Terror Attack on Oslo and the Utøya Youth Camp
. Translated by Hon Khiam Leong. Potomac Books, 2014.)
Christensen, Marit:
Moren – historien om Wenche Behring Breivik
. Aschehoug Forlag, Oslo, 2013.
Cullen, Dave:
. Hachette Book Group, New York City, 2009.
Fatland, Erika:
Året uten sommer
. Kagge Forlag, Oslo, 2012.
Griffin, Roger:
Terrorist’s Creed: Fanatical Violence and the Human Need for Meaning
. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2012.
Høigård, Cecilie:
. Pax Forlag. Oslo, 2007.
Holen, Øyvind:
HipHop-hoder – fra beat till bygde-rap
. Spartacus Forlag, Oslo, 2005.
Holen, Øyvind & Noguchi, Michael:
HIPHOP – Graffiti, Rap, Breaking og DJ-ing
. Cappelen Damm, Oslo, 2009.
Hverven, Tom Egil & Malling, Sverre:
Terrorens ansikt – skisser fra 22. Juli-rettsaken
Flamme Forlag, Oslo, 2013.
Indregard, Sigve (ed.):
Motgift – akademisk respons på den nye høyreekstremismen
. Flamme Forlag/Forlaget Manifest, Oslo, 2012.
Jupskås, Anders Ravik:
Ekstreme Europa – ideologi, årsaker og konsekvenser.
Cappelen Damm, Oslo, 2012.
Juvet, Bjørn & Juvet, Aase Margrethe:
Med livet som innsats – historien om en redningsaksjon på Utøya.
Gyldendal Forlag, Oslo, 2012.
Knut (ed.):
Norsk innvandringshistorie. Bd. 1-3
. Pax Forlag, Oslo, 2003.
, oversettelse Einar Berg. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 1989. (The version used in this English translation is
The Qur’an
. Translated by Tarif Khaladi. Penguin Classics, 2008.)
Lahlum, Hans Olav:
Et kvart liv – Håvard Vederhus 1989–2011.
Cappelen Damm, Oslo, 2013.
Lippestad, Geir:
Det vi kan stå for
. Aschehoug Forlag,
Oslo, 2013.
Moen, Elisabeth Skarsbø:
Profet i eget land – Historien om Carl I. Hagen.
Gyldendal Forlag, Oslo, 2006.
Moen, Jo Stein & Giske, Trond:
Utøya – en biografi
. Gyldendal Forlag, Oslo, 2012.
Moi, Toril:
Stemmer. Språk og oppmerksomhet.
Aschehoug Forlag, Oslo, 2013.
Østerud, Svein (ed):
22. juli – Forstå – forklare – forebygge.
Abstrakt Forlag, Oslo, 2012.
Østli, Kjetil Stensvik:
Rettferdighet er bare et ord – 22. Juli og rettsaken mot Anders Behring Breivik.
Cappelen Damm, Oslo, 2013.
Pracon, Adrian & Solheim, Erik Møller:
Hjertet mot steinen – en overlevendes beretning fra Utøya
. Cappelen Damm, Oslo, 2012.
Sætre, Simen:
Fjordman – ett portrett av en antiislamist
. Cappelen Damm, Oslo, 2012.
Schau, Kristopher:
Rettsnotater 22. Juli – rettsaken
. No Comprendo Press, 2012.
Øystein, Hagtvent, Bernt & Steine, Bjørn Arne (eds):
Høyreektremisme – ideer og bevegelser i Europa.
Dreyer Forlag, Oslo, 2012.
Steen, Rune Berglund:
Svartebok over norsk asylpolitikk
. Forlaget Manifest, Oslo, 2012.
Stormark, Kjetil:
Da terroren rammet Norge.
Kagge Forlag, Oslo, 2011.
Stormark, Kjetil:
Massmorderens private e-poster
. Spartacus Forlag, Oslo, 2012.
Strømmen, Øyvind:
Det mørke nettet – Om høyreekstremisme, kontrajihadisme og terror i Europa
. Cappelen Damm, Oslo, 2012.
Viksveen, Thor:
Jens Stoltenberg – ett portrett.
Pax Forlag, Oslo, 2011.


Genocide in Iraq: the Anfal Campaign Against the Kurds. A Middle East Watch Report.
Human Rights Watch
, New York, 1993.
Knausgård, Karl Ove: Det monofone mennesket,
Moi, Toril: Markedslogikk og kulturkritikk
– Om Breivik og ubehaget i den postmoderne kulturen,
Vanebo, Ove: Det etablerte Fremskrittspartiet,

Other Sources

Breivik, Anders Behring: 2083. A European Declaration of Independence, 2011.
Erfaringsrapport, Domstolsarbeidet i 22. juli-saken, Oslo Tingrett, 2013.
Fylkesarkivet i Troms, rapporter og møtereferater, Ungdommens fylkesråd 2008-2011.
fra 22. Juli-kommisjonen, Norges offentlige utredninger, 1012:14.
Sørheim, Synne & Husby, Torgeir: Rettspsykiatrisk erklæring till Oslo Tingrett, avgitt 29.11.2011.
Tørrissen, Terje & Aspaas, Agnar: Rettspsykiatrisk erklæring till Oslo Tingrett, avgitt 10.04.2011.



The page numbers for the notes that appear in the print version of this title are not in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for the relevant passages documented or discussed.


Doktor Glas
by Hjalmar Söderberg. Quoted from
Doctor Glas
, English translation by Paul Britten Austin (London: Harvill, 2002).

‘If I Said You Had a Beautiful
Body Would You Hold It Against Me’. Written by David Bellamy. © Bellamy Brothers Music, Sony/ATV Harmony.

Anna Karenina
by Leo Tolstoy.

The Qur’an
. Translated and with an introduction by Tarif Khaladi (London: Penguin Classics, 2008).

‘Onga våre’ (‘Our Children’) by Einar Skjæraasen. Translation by Sarah Death.

‘Flickan i Havanna’ (‘A Girl Lives in Havana’) by Evert Taube. Translation by Silvester

‘Natural Born Killaz’. Written by Andre Young and O’Shea Jackson. © Sony/ATV Tunes LLC, Gangsta Boogie Music, WB Music Corp., Universal Music Corp.

‘Hip-Hop Lives’. Written by Lawrence KRS-One Parker and Marley Marl. © Universal Music Publishing Corp.

The Qur’an
. Translated and with an introduction by Tarif Khaladi (London: Penguin Classics, 2008).

‘Revolusjonens røst’ (‘The Voice
of the Revolution’) by Rudolf Nilsen. Translation by Anthony Thompson.

H. L. Mencken.

‘What is Political Correctness?’ by William S. Lind. From Lind (ed.),
‘Political Correctness’: A Short History of an Ideology
(Alexandria: Free Congress Foundation, 2004). Lind’s original quotation begins ‘Most Americans look back at the 1950s as a good time.’

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