One Penny: A Marked Heart Novel (16 page)

Read One Penny: A Marked Heart Novel Online

Authors: M. Sembera,Margaret Civella

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Comedy, #Contemporary Fiction, #Humor, #Sagas

Infuriated with her optimism, Seth fussed, "They will never like you."

"But if they got to know me..."

"You think that matters?"

Sounding wounded, Penny replied, "I just thought..."

"No. You walk around in this little fantasy world acting like at the end of the day everything will be alright no matter what. That's not real life Penny. Look at my family. My own father disinherited me because I didn't want to be him. I don't want to subject you to how you're going to be treated by my father and mother just by being with me. How could you want that? Look at your family. You know how your mom treats Charlotte and Liv. You want that? Because you're a fool if you do."

He could see the tears building in her eyes as she shared, "I just think that if two people love each other none of that is supposed to matter. I mean, I would make a fool outta myself in front of the entire world if that's what it took to be with you."

Fed up with the conversation, her overly positive outlook, his parents and himself, Seth stated, "Well I'm not you," before turning his back to her.


Standing next to Seth's kitchen table, Penny stared at his back. She waited a moment for him to turn around. When he didn't, she frowned feeling the dreaded inevitable.

There were things she wanted to say to him and questions she felt she had the right to ask, but as the realization that this was the end sunk in, she didn't see the point.

Agreeing to the breakup Penny said, "Okay," and walked out of his apartment.

Meaning to move faster, she slowly walked across the balcony to her door.

Sitting on the edge of her bed, Penny pulled the bobby pins out of her hair, allowing it to fall down around her shoulders. Sweeping the length over one shoulder, she looked at the double heart marked on her wrist. Holding the bottom of her hair in her hand, she brushed her finger across the ends. Remembering the things he said that made her fall before they were replaced with the words that made her hit the ground, Penny started to cry.


Twenty Eight

Reaching his arm out, Seth expected to feel warmth and softness next to him, instead of the emptiness he found. He was dreaming about Penny. Her back against his chest, his face buried in her hair with nothing between them as he slid his arms around her waist to pull her closer before his mind slowly reminded him why he was empty handed. Squeezing his eyes closed, he started to hyperventilate.

The last three mornings had gone exactly the same. Sweet dreams of her followed by a harsh reality resulting in the worst anxiety attacks he had ever experienced.

Sunday morning, he had knocked on her door without receiving an answer and five more times throughout the day with the same result. Monday afternoon, he walked into Legacy Ink but was immediately, not so politely, asked to leave by Liv. Tuesday evening, he ran into Charlotte on the balcony and was told to keep his distance in a rather threatening manner. Today, he was going to try again. She would leave her apartment to go to work any minute now, and he was going to be right there waiting when she did.

Waiting, Seth spent the next hour glancing between his phone and her door. When her door finally opened, Seth's entire body seized up. It wasn't Penny who stepped out onto the balcony. Shorter than Seth but close to six foot tall he had brown shaggy hair and was wearing a black t-shirt and cargo pants with flip flops. Feeling his breathing pick up Seth watched him lean back into the open doorway.

Suddenly irrational, Seth hoped that he was there for Charlotte and not Penny. There was some guilt in the thinking that his own heartache could be soothed by another man being wounded but it quickly became an afterthought the second he heard Penny's voice.

A sweet sounding, "Bye," from her made his stomach turn and mentally made him an invisible part of their conversation.

"See you Friday."

What's happening Friday?

"Sorry I kept you up so late."

Late? How late?

Bile rose in Seth's throat as Penny replied, "It was worth it. You are amazing."

No, he's not.

"I'm really not."


"The things you do are."

Unable to stomach anymore, Seth pulled his keys out of his pocket, locked his door, swiftly walked past Penny and Cargo Pants Guy before heading down the stairs to the parking lot.

He needed to take his mind off of everything and spending the day he took off, in hopes of making up with Penny, alone in his apartment would not have done him any good. The only place he had to go was work. There he could get lost in never-ending numbers and pretend he hadn't lost her.

Sitting behind his desk, he had received a few strange looks for wearing a button down and khaki's instead of a suit. It was business as usual, until the intercom on his phone buzzed.

"Yes sir?"

"Come in my office."

"Yes sir."

Pushing away from his desk, Seth stood up and walked into Jackson's office.

Motioning for Seth to sit the moment he walked him, Jackson had a frustrated expression on his face.

"Didn't I give you the day off?"

Taking a seat facing the desk, Seth replied, "Yes sir."

Raising his eyebrows as he folded his hands on top of his desk, Jackson questioned, "Then why are you here?"

After wondering how he could be in trouble for not taking the day off, Seth replied, "My plans fell through."

Jackson leaned back in his chair before smiling wide as he shook his head at Seth.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

Feeling very uncomfortable Seth answered, "Not particularly."

Nodding Jackson shared, "Well, unfortunately for you, Ren thinks you should."

Thinking this had to be in some way unethical, Seth replied, "Mr. Thomas, I..."

Holding his hand up, Jackson explained, "I already know the story so we can start with why you broke up with Penny?"

"I'm not entirely sure I did. I wasn't trying to, but I think she took it that way."

"So, you had a bad night, freaked out a little and started talking out of your ass. She of course took it like your hand was on the Bible, and now she won't give you the chance to make it right."

Seth stared at him in awe. That was exactly what happened.

"Mind if I give you some advice?"

"No sir."

"Nothing beats a sincere apology and depending on the woman, flowers are a nice touch."

Nodding at Jackson, Seth wondered if he should bring up the guy leaving Penny's this morning and get some advice on that also.

As Seth sat there debating on whether or not to share Penny's alleged promiscuous activities, the phone on Jackson's desk buzzed.

"Trent Roberts is here to see you."

Pressing a button on his phone, Jackson replied, "Send him back."

Seth knew his time with Jackson was up for now, so he decided against adding to the conversation.

As soon as his door opened, Jackson stood up and greeted, "Dang boy, I swear you get taller every time I see you."

Seth immediately stood, unable to believe who had just walked in.

"Jacks," Trent greeted shaking his hand before giving him a one-sided hug.

Narrowing his eyes at them, Seth mentally growled, Cargo Pants Guy.

Watching his boss smile at Mr. Supposedly Amazing, Seth started to feel territorial. First Penny now Jackson. Who was this guy?

In answer to his mental question, Jackson introduced, "Trent, this is Seth, he's my right-hand man," then patting Trent on the back he said, "And this kid here, he's amazing."

Too engrossed in the memory of him standing outside Penny's door to respond he gave a nod and continued staring at them.

Jackson gave Seth a curious scowl before turning back to Trent asking, "So how does it feel to be back home?"

With a shrug and a laugh, Trent replied, "I'll let you know when I make it there. My flight was so late getting in, I didn't want to wake mom and dad so I crashed at Charlotte's."

"Are you headed there now?"

"I'm going to swing by the foundation to see dad and drop my slides off before I do," Trent answered before sharing, "Penny stayed up until four in the morning helping me put them back in order."

Seth let out a sigh of relief.

He hadn't made the connection at first. Trent was Charlotte's younger brother, and now that Seth was sure he hadn't slept with Penny, he could admit the guy was pretty amazing. He devoted all his free time to underprivileged children, working with outreach programs and help centers across the country.

Breaking into their conversation, Seth walked over and held his hand out to Trent.

"It is good to meet you," he stated shaking his hand before turning to Jackson and asking, "Can I still take the day?"

Smiling wide, Jackson replied, "You sure can."

Seth was still at square one, but it wasn't over until he had the chance to talk to Penny. Leaving JPT Financial, he headed straight for the flower shop.

Staring out of his peephole, with a bouquet of wild roses in his hand, Seth waited. It had only been around thirty minutes but if felt like hours when he saw the top of Penny's head over the railing. Because of the position of his door, it was hard to see her after a certain point so he waited a minute before stepping out onto the balcony.

Quickly walking up to her, Penny glanced in his direction but didn't make eye contact. It was obvious she was trying to hurry and get inside.


In her haste, she dropped her keys. Seth reached for them, but she quickly snatched them up and shoved her key into the door.

"Talk to me," be urged trying to stop her before she made it inside.

Turning her doorknob Penny shook her head.

Holding the flowers he bought between her and the door he apologized, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said."

Cracking her door open she stopped, turning her head in his direction without looking at him.

"You sat on your bed and promised me that you didn't say things you didn't mean."

"I know I did. Penny please, I didn't ..."

"Then you're a liar?"

Admittedly she had him backed into a corner.

"No, I guess in a way I did mean it but I..."

Seth paused trying to think of the right words to say when she ended it.

"I don't want to be friends with you anymore."

Stepping into her apartment, she closed the door on him.

Seth stared at her door for a few moments before setting the flowers he bought her on the balcony in front of her door. Slowly walking back to his apartment, he was devastated. He hadn't just lost a friend or even a girlfriend, losing Penny meant losing the rest of his life with her in it.


Twenty Nine

Sitting on the couch in Ren and Jackson's living room, Penny held Keylee on her lap. It had been several months since she had seen her niece, her childhood friend, Sophia or her brother Ailin. Penny was glad they were down for the wedding, she welcomed the distraction from Seth.

Since meeting Charlotte, Penny had grown closer to her than she ever was growing up with Sophia. Mainly due to the fact that her friendship with Sophia, for the most part was one sided. Sophia was a little on the snotty side but spending time with her would be a nice change of pace since both Charlotte and Liv wouldn't let what happened with Seth go.

Liv was the first to make her feelings known when she shared that she didn't like making him leave the shop and that Penny needed to talk to him. She was a hypocrite sometimes. The very next day Charlotte followed suit telling her, she was on her side and enjoyed threatening him as punishment for being stupid. She also felt Seth at least deserved the right to explain himself.

Penny understood where they were coming from and if it wasn't her, she more than likely would have given the same advice. But the fact was, it was herself she was concerned about and yesterday when he caught her going into her apartment, and tried to double talk his way back with her, was all the proof she needed. Seth may have gone about it differently than the others, in the scheme of things, he was just another failed relationship.

Penny swiped a few strands away from Keylee's face as she slept, nestled against her arm.

"She's getting so big."

With a nod, Sophia informed, "Next month she will be a year old."

"And she still looks just like Ailin...Poor baby," Penny laughed.

Laughing with her, Sophia replied, "I know, if she didn't have brown hair, I would think my genes are clear or something."

"It could be worse, she could look just like Auggie," Penny teased, noticing her brother walk by.

"Hey," Auggie griped, causing Keylee to jerk away and look up at him.

"You woke her up," Sophia fussed at him as her niece sniffled before starting to cry.

Pulling her closer, Penny patted her saying, "It's okay, I won't let that scary man get you."

As Auggie gave his sister a dirty look, Keylee squirmed in Penny's lap holding her arms out to him.

"Scary my ass, I'm her favorite uncle," he assured before Sophia fussed, "Don't curse in front of her, Auggie," as she rolled her eyes and shook her head.

Scooping his niece up in his arms, Auggie smiled at her saying, "Come on girly, let's go see Aunt Charlotte," as he walked away with her.

Penny looked at Sophia with fake sincerity stating, "I am very concerned with your parenting skills if Auggie is her favorite."

"It's the beard," Sophia shared with a laugh.

Laughing with her, Penny thought this was nice and exactly what she needed.

They sat silent for a few minutes causing Penny's mind to drift back to Seth.

As if Sophia knew why Penny had started to scowl, she asked, "Is Seth still coming with you Saturday?"


A curious smile formed as she questioned, "What happened to staying friends with exes?"

Shaking her head, Penny's heart started to hurt. That had actually gone out the window when she found out Brooks was cheating on her with Lily.

"It's for the best you know, I always thought that was kinda strange, staying friends with an ex and all."

Shrugging, Penny replied, "Yea..."

Penny's mood had noticeably changed this time causing an uncomfortable silence between them.

Not long after Charlotte and Auggie left to open the bar, Sarah arrived. No one mentioned Charlotte, Auggie or the wedding until dinner was over. Then to everyone's surprise, it was Sarah, who had been against it since before Auggie even proposed, who brought it up.

The dining room went silent as Penny's mom looked at her and shared, "I can't wait to see Seth Saturday. He can sit with me during the service."

Since she had purposely left Sarah out of the break up loop, all eyes fell on Penny.

"Umm, he won't be there."

"Why not?" Sarah questioned with a glare.

Looking down at the table, she replied, "We're not together anymore."

"Why not?" Sarah repeated.

Feeling put on the spot, Penny knew everyone else knew but she didn't want to talk about it in front of everyone or at all for that matter.

"We broke up."

"Seriously Penny, he's the first respectable man you've ever been with and..." Sarah fussed before Penny snapped back saying, "He broke up with me."

"Why would he do that?" she questioned appearing shocked.

Feeling as if she was about to cry, Penny answered, "His parents don't like me."

Offended, Sarah griped, "Why not? What's wrong with you?"

Penny knew her mom meant her question as to be on her side, but the fact that she had been asking herself that question since they broke up, made it hurt.

"I don't know," she replied barely above a whisper before pushing away from the table and leaving the room.

Standing on the back patio, Penny stared out into the yard. Why was this so hard? It had been a few days and she should have been well on her way to recovery by now. After Brooks she had decided to stop dating for a while and she still felt that way but this was different. She had made a choice to focus more on herself than being in a relationship after Brooks and to be honest, she wasn't that upset that they broke up. Sure she was disappointed over the break up and then angry when she found out she had been cheated on but this thing with Seth, it being over was different. It had ended, that wasn't breaking news, her relationships always did. This one though, left her feeling empty and that was a first.

The worst part was, she didn't want to go home. Knowing he was next door just made it worse. Not to mention, she had practically turned into a hermit trying to avoid him. It wasn't fair. She lived there first. The first place she'd lived all on her own. Well, maybe not all on her own since she was roommates with Charlotte and now Braden was there, but still. How dare him.

Just as she felt herself getting good and mad over the outcome of her and Seth's whatever it was, Penny heard the patio door open.

"Hey Pen-Pen, you okay?"

Rolling her eyes, she griped, "I'm great."

Walking around to face her, Braden laughed, "I figured you were. You don't look upset at all."

Looking at him like he was stupid, she replied, "Shut up."

Continuing to smile he offered, "Know what would make you feel better? Getting hammered at The Dog House."

"You know I don't drink, stupid," finding it a little hard to keep a straight face.

"Then being designated driver for your favorite brother will definitely do the trick," Braden assured with a silly grin across his face.

Without being able to help it, she smiled, "Really?"

Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, he added, "Be nice if I wasn't the odd man out for a change."

Scowling at him, Penny teased, "You know, asking your sister out on a date is strange even for you."

Letting go of her, Braden threw his hands in the air saying, "Hey, desperate times call for desperate measures."

"That's sick Braden!" Penny practically shouted while bursting into laughter.

Nodding in agreement and smiling with pride for cheering her up, he put his arm back around her leading her back inside.

The Dog House was packed when Penny and Braden arrived. Luckily, Kieran and Liv were already at the bar and they were able to squeeze in next to them. Charlotte stayed out of the manager's office most of the night and hung out behind the bar next to Auggie. It was fun and Penny started to feel like her normal self for the first time since things ended with Seth.

After closing, Braden, Kieran and Liv hung out in the main area of the bar while Auggie closed up. Penny headed to the back to hang out with Charlotte.

Watching Charlotte balance out the night's receipts, Penny sat in the chair facing the desk.

"In thirty-four hours you'll be a Caffrey, You ready?"

"Yes!" she blurted before adding, "But I will miss living with you."

Smiling at her, Penny replied, "It won't be that different. We're always together anyway."

"True, but your food tastes so much better than his."

Laughing, Penny shared, "I've been cooking a whole lot longer than he has and I still have no idea how you got him to start anyway."

"Oh that was easy. I just explained to him that the only thing I know how to make is scrambled eggs so unless he wanted to eat them for the rest of his life, he should learn how to cook."

With a suspicious expression, she questioned, "And that really worked?"

A secretive smile answered more than Penny cared to know as Charlotte replied, "Other promises concerning dessert may have been made."

Penny wrinkled her nose and made a disgusted face as Charlotte started to laugh. They both sat still for a moment when they heard shouting coming from the main area of the bar.

Running through the swinging doors at the same time, Penny rushed right up to the fight as Charlotte made her way over at a slower pace.

Auggie was holding on to Braden from behind with arms across his chest, growling, "I said knock it off."

Liv was facing Kieran with her hand on his chest shouting, "Stop it!" at him.

Before Penny could ask what was happening, Braden griped, "You're a sorry ass mother f..." when Liv cut him off agreeing, "Yea that's a dirty thing to do."

"Why ya takin' his side?" Kieran barked at Liv.

"You're wrong for making her think..." Liv fussed before stopping when Auggie alerted, "Liv."

"What am I missing?" Penny asked as the four of them looked at her like they'd been caught.

Jerking away from his brother, Braden took a step closer to Penny saying, "Nothin' Pen, let's go."

Shaking her head at him, she looked at all of them asking, "This is about me?"

Everyone stared at her before Braden nodded saying, "Guess no one else is man enough, I'll tell you."

"Braden," Auggie snapped before Braden turned around and hollered, "You should be just as mad as I am."

Auggie instantly yelled back, "I'm not gonna tell the man what he can and can't do in his shop."

"Did Penny say that to you when mom refused to draw out your tattoo or did..."

Cringing Penny heard Charlotte shout, "What?"

Auggie instantly grabbed the front of his brother's shirt.

Auggie looked like he was about to murder Braden when Charlotte shoved him away and stood in front of Auggie.

"She refused?" Charlotte questioned with an angry glare.

"Lotte..."Auggie started before Charlotte narrowed her eye at him fussing, "I cannot believe you."

Scowling Auggie looked like he had no idea what to say then, pointed at Braden swearing, "Your dumbass is out of the wedding."

Braden appeared genuinely wounded before Charlotte looked at him assuring, "No you're not," then back at Auggie saying, "No he's not."

"The hell he's not," Auggie griped.

Narrowing her eyes at him, Charlotte questioned, "Do you wanna marry me?"

With a stunned expression on his face, Auggie nodded.

"Then he's in the wedding," Charlotte informed before turning and heading out of the room.

Quickly behind her, he asked, "Where are you going?"

"To see your mother," Charlotte snapped causing Auggie to stop dead in his tracks.

Turning back to them he looked at his brother and warned, "I better not see your ass before three on Saturday," before taking off after Charlotte.

It was silent in the bar before Penny put all the pieces of their argument together.

Looking at Braden, she asked, "Does Auggie know I'm apprenticing?" as he nodded she asked, "How?"

Shooting a dirty look at Kieran, he spouted, "Ask the vault over there."

"Boy you better..." Kieran snapped before Liv fussed, "Be honest for once in your life."

Swallowing hard, Penny said, "I asked you not to tell him."

Kieran's jaw flexed as he looked away from her.

Braden shook his head saying, "I'll be in the car," before passing Liv mumbling, "And you call me a punk."

Once again the bar was silent.

Glancing between Liv and Kieran, Penny frowned.

"Did you know Kieran told him?"

"Yea, I did," Liv answered.

Focusing back on Kieran, Penny asked, "Why did you tell him?"

"You're his little sister, I wouldn't have felt right about hiding it from him."

"So it's just Auggie your honest with and everyone else can go to hell is that right?"

Appearing agitated at Penny's tone, Kieran replied, "I have a responsibility in preserving my trade. It's not just something I woke up one day and thought it would be cool to do. It's my legacy."

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