One Swinging Summer (24 page)

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Authors: Patience Hellsmith

As Caleb slid a disk into the slot, I had a slight misgiving. I did like the idea of this, it was an arousing change. But I wondered if he was adding porn in the background because he needed it. Like maybe normal sex, with just the two of us, was not enough anymore. It almost seemed like Caleb had to have more. That me, in a towel naked on his bed, was no longer enough.

I shook off those thoughts, realizing that Caleb was hard and ready before he asked, it wasn't like he was trying to get aroused. Obviously the shower had an effect on him, and there wasn't any porn in the shower with us. And I knew that if I wasn't in the mood for the TV, I could have said no and things would still have progressed just fine. So I pushed those fleeting thoughts away, as Caleb faced me in all his naked glory.

I sat up on my knees, facing him, and undid my towel. I tossed it at him, and he grabbed it in midair, tossing it behind him without breaking eye contact. He signaled me to come closer, so I scooted on my knees as sexily as one could possibly walk on ones knees on such a soft bed.

I stopped at the edge of the bed, almost eye to eye with him. He smiled that way that sent chills over my skin, and slowly dipped his head toward one breast. He stopped, hovering above my nipple, his hot breath making me quiver with anticipation. He stuck his tongue out, flicking my nipple with his warm tongue. He looked up at me, and did the same thing to the other nipple.

Then he pulled that nipple into his mouth, and sucked gently. This was the only contact our bodies made, and his hot mouth in the cold room gave me chills again. My nipples hardened further under his kisses. He brought his hands up to encircle my waist, his mouth now giving attention to each nipple in turn. His suckling went from gentle to demanding, and I could feel an answering pull from my groin, radiating in a hot tingling trail from my groin to my nipples.

He paused in his suckling, and looked into my eyes before dropping to his knees on the floor in front of me. His hands stayed on my waist, steadying me, as his tongue slid between my wet lips. The feeling was intense, and his hands held me firm when I jumped under his tongue. "Don't move," he whispered hoarsely as he slid his hands to my hips, holding them still.

I moaned as he continued to run his tongue over my sensitive clit, sliding all around it. His hands steadied my hips. I tried to rock my hips toward him, but he held them still. "I said don't move," he reminded me again, a smile heard in his tone.

I heard a groan from the TV, I had forgotten it was on. I watched as a woman was getting similar treatment to the screen. He had her laying on a bed on her back, her legs spread wide apart. The camera was catching every move, and he was licking her as well. He had his fingers inside her though, and was licking her clit in time to the motions of his fingers buried inside her. Watching her squirm, as I was held still make the torture even more intense. I wanted to press myself against his mouth, but I couldn't move. The kisses and licks Caleb was giving me were teasing and playful, while on TV, she was straining against his mouth and his fingers were busy, bringing her closer and closer.

My attention was pulled back to Caleb, as he changed his tempo. He had his mouth pressed tight to me, sucking, pulling my lips into his mouth, his tongue darting deep between sucks. I held on to his head, my hands fisted in his hair, for balance as much as for leverage. I looked back to the screen for a second, the couple had been joined by another woman, and she was now being eaten as the first woman had started sucking on his cock.

Caleb stood up in front of me, pulling my legs out from under me, forcing me onto my back. He pulled my hips to the edge of the bed, held my legs up high, one ankle in each hand, and rubbed himself slowly against my wetness. His cock trembled, trying to push inside, but he held back, rubbing his head against my clit. He paused for a breath or two, the head of his cock poised against me, throbbing at my entrance. He looked at me, holding my gaze as he slowly, inch by inch, slid inside.

He moaned as he stood perfectly still, completely enveloped by me. "You are so tight, and so wet," he said looking at me, not moving. His cock filled me, and it was all I could do not to rock against him. I held it as long as I could, and then wiggled my hips, "Couldn't stand it huh?" Caleb asked with a grin, "Had to have it? You like it when I fuck you?"

I answered him in a flash of cheeky bravery, " I love it when you slide your cock deep inside me. You make me so wet, I just can't take it."

"Oh, fuck yeah," he said as he quickly pulled out and then slammed hard once into me. "You like that?" He asked, still once again.

"Yes," I moaned, "Again, please."

He did it again, pulling out until just the tip of his head stayed inside, and slammed quickly once again home. I wiggled my hips again, pressing against him, begging for more. He placed my legs on his shoulders, and grabbed my wrists, holding them tight down by my hips as he started driving himself into me. With my hands pinned this way, the only thing I could move was my hips and feet. I used his shoulders as leverage and met him thrust for thrust.

He looked over for the first time at the TV, and I followed his gaze. The man on the TV was on his back, one woman riding him cowgirl style, and the other one sitting on his face. "We did that, remember?" Caleb asked, looking back at me. "On our what? Third visit to That Other Club? Our first time in the back room. On that couch, you riding me, while that lady pressed herself against my face on the arm of the couch, before her guy took her from behind. You are so hot, who else gets to act out porn? Who else gets to watch porn, while fucking his hot girlfriend, and say 'we did that'?"

I just smiled at him, and managed to release one of my hands from his grip. In answer, I licked my fingers, and ran them over my nipple as it bounced from Caleb's thrusts. I squeezed my own breast, and with Caleb's full attention, I slid my hand down my stomach and slid it between us. I alternated between playing with my own clit as Caleb watched, pounding into me, and sliding my fingers further between us, feeling Caleb's cock slide back and forth between my fingers as I squeezed them together around him.

He groaned loudly, and leaned forward over me, playing with one breast in each of his hands, squishing them with his weight as he drove into me. He stopped thrusting, pulled out of me and growled, "Turn over."

I scrambled onto my knees and backed up to him, still standing at the edge of the bed. I expected to feel him fill me again, but instead I squealed at the surprise of his tongue once again. He placed one hand on each butt cheek, and squeezed them as his tongue plunged and sucked me again. I was on all fours, but I dropped from my hands to my elbows, arching better against his mouth. Every now and then, one hand would release my butt just long enough to smack it loudly.

I looked sideways around my arm and watched the screen as the two girls on TV were kissing each other. One was on her back, and the other was laying on top of her, straddling her, and they were kissing each other's mouths and breasts as the guy alternated between fucking the one on bottom missionary style, and fucking the one on top doggie style. A few strokes in one, then he would pull out and switch, a few strokes in the other. His hands running all over both of their bodies, the back side of the one on top, up to her breasts, hanging on as he thrust into the other one, then his hands switched, one hand on each girl's breast, as they were squished together from his weight above the both of them. I watched him pound these two, feeling Caleb's tongue inside me, as he smacked me every now and then.

I pressed my self back against Caleb, watching the screen, and said, "I need you inside me, fill me. Fuck me please, fuck me."

And he did, he thrust quickly into me, and I slid my hand down to my clit, rubbing myself while watching the TV and feeling Caleb fill me, again and again. I came quickly, with all the stimulation, and hear Caleb scream out his own release a minute later. He collapses on top of me, his chest on my back, pinning me to the bed.

I feel small, tired kisses on my neck as he begins to recover enough to move. We climb under the covers, and he turns the TV off by remote and pulls me close to him, curled up against his chest. As I begin to fall asleep sated in his arms, I smile at the memory of our fun and relaxing day. Just as I drift off, remembering, my brain comes across the dark empty spot in my memories again, and I fall asleep slightly off kilter and unsettled.

My dreams are troubled, shadows of figures dance just out of my reach. I wander through a maze of smoky mirrors, in a carnival fun house. Instead of creepy carnival music playing overhead, I hear the groaning, grunting sounds of sex. I see fleeting figures of naked flesh as I run, searching the mirrors for something. Looking into each mirror, I realize what I am searching for. I am desperately looking for a glimpse of myself, seeing only emptiness where my reflection should be.


The week passed slowly, dragging on for some reason. I enjoyed my conversations with Caleb on the phone, and work went relatively smoothly as well, so I wasn't sure why this week seemed like two. Maybe because I was looking forward to the weekend so much. Friday was the last day of June, so technically it was a holiday weekend. The fourth of July wouldn't actually be until Tuesday, but it was still the Fourth of July weekend that was coming up. The Fourth had always been one of my favorite holidays. I loved what it stood for- an anniversary of America's Independence. I also loved the pageantry that went with it, parades, picnics and fireworks.

Once Caleb found out that he wasn't on the overtime list for the weekend, and would have his full weekend off as usual, we knew we were free to make plans. He said that meant he would be working Labor Day weekend for sure, even if he was still on days then, but that seemed so far away that the only thing that mattered was this weekend.

We figured we would do the Friday night thing as usual, but Saturday we would drive down to the river and join the crowds tubing the river in big, solid-bottomed inner tubes. We would spend Saturday and Sunday nights in a hotel and come back up Monday evening, since he used a vacation day to get a three day weekend.

Yep, my anticipation for the weekend must be why the week dragged on forever. It probably didn't have anything to do with the fact that I was tired this week. I hadn't been sleeping all that well.

Friday night came around finally, and we met his friends for dinner before we went dancing. I was glad we were, we hadn't done that lately, and I had been missing it. Jean and Robert had broken up already, so Robert didn't join us. Jean brought a friend from work instead, a lady named Brenda. They introduced me to Brenda, saying she didn't get out much. She laughed at that, and explained that she was a single mom, and her daughter only went to her dad's house occasionally because of his work schedule. She joined Jean when she could, but it wasn't very often. Everyone else had met Brenda at least once or twice before, so there were a lot of 'It has been too longs' as everyone got reacquainted over appetizers.

I was glad Brenda was joining us at the bar, she seemed like a lot of fun. She brought out a fun side of Jean as well. Jean seemed to be more relaxed now that she wasn't having to entertain quiet Robert. Jean didn't seem like she was watching over Caleb any more either, I guess I had passed some test cause she seemed considerably more friendly the longer I knew her.

We made it to the bar early enough to get a good table. We pushed two little ones together to make a big one, and said hello to the married couple at the table beside us. They were kind enough to donate their extra chairs to us.

The bar filled up quickly, and I saw Kate on the dance floor. I hadn't talked to her since last weekend, and planned on going over there later to say hi and to find out her take on my behavior during what I had begun referring to as 'My Lost Night.'

Maria and Mark were already on the dance floor, and Jean and Brenda were off in search of drinks and available men. Caleb and I were sitting alone, visiting at our table and we struck up a conversation with the couple sitting beside us.

We introduced ourselves all around and made some loud small talk. They seemed nice, in an enthusiastic way, but it was weird because they kept looking at us funny, as if they were waiting for us to say something. Finally he, Matt, said, "I think we know you guys, do you remember us?"

I didn't, but Caleb said, "You do look sort of familiar."

Matt said, "Do you ever go to That Other Club?"

Oh God, my stomach dropped, but I planted a smile on my face anyway. Shit, were they one of the couples from last weekend? Oh, fuck. Did I eat her out? Is she the one that said I was the best she'd ever had? Oh fuck, oh fuck, now what?

Matt continued on, saying, "We don't get out there much, it has been about a month for us." He looked at me at that point and asked, "You guys were there, right? You had on this long black nightgown that my wife was drooling over."

His wife, Lauren, said, "That was you, right? Where did you get that gown?"

I was still shocked, trying to breath through the flood of relief as I realized that she wasn't the woman from last weekend.

I guess I looked like I felt, cause Matt said, "We waited to ask when you were alone, we know not everyone is open about that bar, I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"No, that's OK, sorry, you just surprised me that's all. Yeah, that was us. Um, the gown. Oh, yeah, I got it at that stripper store downtown." I stumbled through, regaining my footing. Thankfully Caleb took over, saying, "Oh, yeah, now I remember you. You were sitting under the DJ booth, you were kind of off by yourselves."

Lauren jumped in, saying, "Yes, that was us. None of our friends made it here that night, so we went there instead and just turned it into more of a date night than a party with friends night."

We visited a few more minutes, talking mainly about the bar. They asked if we went there often. I couldn't bring myself to say that we had been going every weekend since that night, but instead said, "That was actually our first time. To that one, or any of those bars, actually. It was quite an adventure."

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