Read Only for You Online

Authors: Beth Kery

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Only for You (19 page)


Seth told her he had new razors, scissors and high-quality shaving cream in his bag. She’d never shaved before, so she took her time in the hot shower. Thinking of Seth’s reaction when she was completely naked for him added an element of excitement to the focus and care required for the procedure. Maybe she’d get a Hollywood wax at some point. It had been something she’d considered in the past anyway. Although she supposed she couldn’t get one during her current predicament. Seth wouldn’t let her go out without her disguise, and the beauty technician surely would be shocked to find out her male customer wasn’t a male at all.

By the time their sex-cation was over, getting a wax might just depress her though. Seth wouldn’t be in her life anymore, after all.

She suppressed the disturbing thought determinedly. That time wasn’t now.

Finally, she was clean and smooth. Before she got out of the steaming shower, her curiosity got the better of her. What did Seth see that gave him that hot, rabid expression every time he stared between her thighs? She’d been looking at her sex closely while she shaved, of course. But now she took a moment to inspect herself objectively, something she’d rarely ever done. The hot shower combined with her previous arousal and orgasm left her labia plump and soft. She spread her sex lips. She looked vividly pink and glossy next to the pale, smooth skin of her thighs. The vision was surprisingly delicate and beautiful, but also flagrantly sexual at once.

Oh. So
what he saw.

Her excitement mounting by the second, she toweled herself off and applied a lightly scented moisturizer over her whole body. She donned her robe and went in search of Seth.

She found him in the living room making a fire in the huge stone fireplace. At first, he didn’t hear her silent approach in her bare feet on the soft carpet. She took a moment to study him while he was turned away, watching the kindling he’d laid begin to catch fire. He wore a pair of dark blue cotton lounging pants that were held by a drawstring at his narrow hips. She took a moment to admire the phenomenon of his slanting, muscular, corded back. His skin took on a reddish-gold tint in the light of the flickering fire.

Such a beautiful man. And he was hers.

For now.

He turned and regarded her soberly, and she realized he’d known she was there all along.

“You have eyes in the back of your head,” she murmured, stepping toward him.

He stood from his crouching position before the massive fieldstone hearth. Her gaze caressed his powerful chest before her chin tilted back to look into his impassive, handsome face.

“If you’re so intent on what’s in front of you, you’ll forget what’s creeping up behind. I haven’t stalked in years, but that’s one lesson my father taught me that’s served me well over the years,” he said quietly.

“I’ve never heard you speak of your father,” she said, taking another step toward him.

“He wasn’t a big part of my life. He and my mom separated when I was six. He’s an alcoholic.”

“I’m sorry,” Gia said, compassion rushing through her.

“Jake, my older brother, got the brunt of it. He lived with my father for all of his childhood. It was a lot worse for him. I was an unexpected accident. My mother had me when she was forty-three. She’d learned to deal with my dad a lot better than when Jake was young. She and I got along really well, so I never felt any great absence without Dad being there. As things stood, my dad would show up occasionally—once in a while sober, even. When he was clean, he used to take me stalking with my two uncles. It was one of the few occasions where none of them would drink. I think the memory of
father influenced them in that, and even they had to admit drinking was counterproductive to stalking. Those memories with Dad, Uncle Mac and Uncle Gill are few and far between, but the ones I have are all good.”


He nodded. “For deer and elk.”

“So . . . hunting,” she clarified.

He shook his head. “We rarely went for the kill, unless Uncle Mac hadn’t worked for a while and needed the food. The challenge was to get within shooting or bow-and-arrow distance of the animal without it being aware of your presence. It required swiftness on the land and wits for tracking, but most crucially of all, truckloads of patience just to keep still for interminable periods of time.”

“Oh,” she said, thinking. “I like that. It certainly sheds light on your control.”

He studied her for a moment, the fire popping and crackling as it caught hold fully behind them.

“I don’t get why you think I have control. I don’t have an ounce of it when it comes to you.”

She couldn’t think of how to respond to such a blatantly sweet compliment.

“The fire is getting warm,” he said, stepping back and sitting on the stone hearth before it. “Do you want to take off your robe?”

Her heart jumped. She nodded.

“Come here. I’ll take it off,” he said quietly, putting out a hand for her. She stepped in front of his long, bent legs. He opened his thighs and pulled her between them. He untied her robe, his brisk matter-of-factness about his task once again sending a jolt of arousal through her. When he parted her robe, she felt the heat of the flames curling against her naked skin. She found his slow, deliberate gaze moving down her body almost excruciatingly arousing.

By the time he stared between her thighs, her clit pinched in acute anticipation. What did he think of her naked and shaved? It was hard to read his rigid, still expression. She was about to say something—she wasn’t quite sure what, but she couldn’t stand the heavy tension crackling in the air between them—when he reached with one hand and parted her flushed sex lips. Heat licked at her exposed outer sex. His impassive expression broke slightly, and suddenly he was leaning down, nuzzling her smooth labia with his lips and nose, inhaling deeply.

She made a broken sound of surprise and arousal, her fingers running through his fire-warmed, smooth hair. Then he sent the tip of his tongue between the crack of her labia and agitated her clit, and she clutched onto his head as a wave of sensual heat rushed through her. She stared down at him, entranced, watching as his dark pink tongue laved her with a tight focus. He cupped her left buttock and pushed her closer, increasing the pressure of his stiffened tongue. She gasped and moaned, her fingers tightened on his head. His single-minded hunger left her speechless and completely at his mercy.

He slicked his tongue along her labia, as if trying to capture her essence. He pressed avidly against the sensitive folds, as if learning her flesh. She moaned in rising arousal when he swiped his tongue down toward her slit, teasing her with the tip. He lifted his mouth and again nuzzled the slit of her labia. He parted her sex lips with his fingers and sat back, his stare burning her.

“Look at that,” he said thickly, awe tingeing his tone. “You’re so damn pretty. So sexy.”

Gia didn’t know if she was really trembling, or if it was just some invisible, internal quaking from excitement. She watched him avidly as he leaned down and lapped at the moisture next to her thigh and labia. It was the most incendiary, erotic moment she’d ever experienced. She almost begged him to put his tongue back on her clit—the pleasure had been that sharp—when he pushed her back slightly and stood.

“Oh,” she muttered in dazed surprise when he lifted her into his arms and started toward the bedroom. Her robe was falling off, the belt trailing behind them on the carpet, but Seth seemed impervious. He glanced down at her swiftly when they entered the bedroom. He looked beautiful to her in that moment, his face set and hard, her arousal glossing his stern mouth.

When he set her down, it was on her feet before the large vanity in the luxury bathroom. She was about to ask him what he was doing, but he was busy briskly pulling her robe off the rest of the way. His thighs bracketed her right hip and buttock, cupping the side of her with his large body. He reached around her with his left hand and parted her sex lips with his thumb and forefinger. With his other hand, he ran the ridge of his forefinger between the flushed valley of her sex lips.

“Look at that,” he rasped next to her ear. “Look how beautiful you are.”

She gasped at the precise stimulation, having no choice but to stare wide-eyed and mute into the mirror before them. It was a brazenly sensual vision, his dark hand between her thighs, his finger moving so surely in her exposed flesh. She’d grown very wet. His low, rough growl in her ear sent her arousal even higher. Her clit began to burn beneath his rubbing finger. She moaned and flexed her hips against the pressure.

He grunted in satisfaction, and her gaze darted to him in the reflection. He was watching his hand move just as avidly as she was. Her clit sizzled. “I have something you’ll like,” he said near her ear.

Then his hand was gone. She whimpered softly at the deprivation, feeling just as undone and aroused as she appeared in the mirror. Her cheeks were vividly pink and her nipples had grown erect. Her breasts heaved up and down as she tried to recover from the jarring absence of his rubbing finger. He was digging in his leather toiletry bag. He removed a cylindrical case and tipped out a bluish-purple metallic tube, about the size of a cigar but a little thicker. Next he took out a small bottle of clear liquid, his actions precise and rapid.

“Is that a vibrator?” she asked, stunned, watching him closely as he hastily ripped off the plastic seal on the cap and flipped up the tiny nozzle.

He made a gruff sound of affirmation as he again curled his large body around her hip. She realized the position let him embrace her in a sense while leaving the front of her body exposed to the mirror . . . to the image of him making love to her.

“Do you use one?” he asked gently. At the same time he brushed a few tendrils of hair away from her breasts, fully exposing her. He picked up the bottle of lubricant.

She cleared her throat uncomfortably. Again, he was asking her to be honest about things most human beings just never said out loud. Gia had found dating since she moved to Hollywood challenging for several reasons, the most crucial of which she just hadn’t had time to devote to a relationship. Her little vibrator had become a necessity.

“Yes. Not like that, though,” she admitted, nodding at the blue metallic tube he held in his palm. “Mine is a bullet vibrator.”

“So it’s okay if I use this on you?”

She nodded. He placed his lips briefly on the pulse fluttering at her throat, his pressing, warm lips making her heart leap. Desire swelled in her. She started to reach for him.

“Keep your hands at your sides.”

She made a muffled sound of combined arousal and frustration, but followed his demand.

“You really do blow me away, Gia.”

He squirted some of the clear liquid from the bottle onto the crevice of her labia. Her eyes sprang wide in surprise and interest at his action. Her outer sex glistened. “I know you’re very wet already, but I want to make sure I’m not abrading the skin too much, since you just shaved,” he said, his matter-of-fact explanation and hoarse, deep voice in her ear causing her nipples to tighten even further. She licked her lower lip in mounting anticipation as he turned the power on the vibrator. It was nearly silent, but she could hear the slight buzz. He swept one hand along the side of her body that was farthest from him, caressing her at the same moment that he pressed the purple metallic vibrator between her labia.

“Oh God”
leapt out of her throat. She quaked in his hold. Her own arousal and the squirt of lubricant from the bottle had made her very wet. The vibrator buzzed energetically on her clit. But it was the vision of Seth sliding the tube up and down between the sensitive lips that left her wide-eyed and spellbound.

“Feel good?” he asked, his stroking hand cupping her breast and massaging it.

“It feels . . . amazing,” she managed breathlessly.

“Is the pleasure a little sharper, now that you’re all clean and naked?” he murmured in her ear.

“Yes,” she grated out between clenched teeth, because it was
true. She winced in excitement when he lightly pinched at her nipple with thumb and forefinger. He continued to move the vibrator up and down in the valley of her sex lips, the vision lewd and beautiful and compelling.

“I like watching your face while you watch me touch you,” he said thickly, nipping at her earlobe. She trembled in his hold. He shifted his hips and stepped closer.

“Seth,” she muttered in mounting excitement. The weight of his cock thumped against her right buttock. He pressed closer, letting her feel the full extent of his arousal. He held up her breast and squeezed it gently. She felt his heavy erection jump against her skin.

“See what you’re doing to me?” His eyes looked liquid and hot as he held her stare in the mirror. “It’s going to feel so good inside your little pussy once you come for me.”

The vibrator was ruthless, but so was Seth’s deft skill at using it. “I’m going to come,” she said shakily after a while.

“In a moment,” he said, kissing her ear. She realized he had used a soothing tone with her because he’d slid the lubricated vibrator out of the cleft of her labia. She watched in a rising agony of pleasure as he dragged the vibrating missile over her belly and heaving ribs. Gia knew what he was about to do, reading the hot intent in his hungry gaze as he watched in the mirror. Knowing made the anticipation cut at her.

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