Read Open Life (Open Skies #5) Online

Authors: Marysol James

Open Life (Open Skies #5) (13 page)

Chapter Twelve

Maria glanced around Open Skies, mentally running through everything that had been done, trying to see if she’d forgotten anything. Manny had everything under control in the restaurant, the flowers were out of the fridge and on the tables and Julie had her bouquet, the musicians were here and tuning up, the DJ was setting up in the restaurant, the minister was enjoying a cup of coffee. She’d seen some of the guests at breakfast and everyone was excited; Julie and Tammy were with the stylist and Dillon had gone back to the apartment to get dressed after having moved tables in the restaurant and set up chairs outside.

OK, well, I guess that just leaves me to get ready

She headed back to the apartment and smiled at Mattie. The older woman was sitting in the common area, wrapping her wedding gift. She was in a dress, something which Maria had never seen and she looked happy

“You look great!” Maria told her. “I had no idea you even owned a pair of high heels.”

“Oh, honey,” Mattie said. “I bought the damn things about ten years ago for my son’s wedding and they’ve been jammed in the back of the closet ever since. I wasn’t even sure they’d hold together when I tried ‘em on a few days ago.”

Maria laughed. “Well, I’m going to get ready myself.” She glanced at the clock above the stove. “I’ll see you in about an hour.”

When she got to the apartment, she smelled Dillon’s cologne and right away, her stomach tensed. God, she’d come to love that scent – most of all when it was right on his skin. She’d buried her face in his neck as he’d stroked her to orgasm, her senses overwhelmed by that woodsy, masculine smell. For the rest of her life, Maria knew that she’d forever associate that cologne with the smell of sex.

The bedroom door opened and there he stood. Maria’s mouth dropped open and she stared at Dillon. Just when she thought the man couldn’t get any more outrageously gorgeous, he did. Dillon Saunders in jeans and t-shirts was incredible, but in jeans and a white dress shirt and a dark blazer, he was nothing less than delicious.

“Hey,” he said in that deep, husky voice she loved. “Everything ready?”

She nodded, still drinking him in. He’d had a haircut the day before and the shorter style just brought out those eyes and cheekbones more strongly. Maria’s breath caught a bit as he advanced on her, slowly and deliberately, watching her eyes. She felt like prey to his predator and he knew it: his movements were almost teasing.

“You look great,” she managed. “Very handsome.”

“Yeah?” He flashed her that cocky grin. “You like?”

“Oh. Oh, yes.” Her knees were almost giving out under her as she thought about making love with Dillon later. She had no idea how she wasn’t going to spontaneously combust at the wedding; her desire was soaking her panties, her pussy was fluttering and pulsing. She was actually close to climax just from looking at him and she flushed.

He knew it, too, he knew that she was turned on as hell. Slowly, making sure she knew what he was going to do, he lifted her loose cotton dress over her head, slid her underwear down her trembling thighs. He pushed her backwards gently until she fell to the sofa and he knelt between her splayed legs. Without a word, he lowered his mouth to her and she moaned, long and loud, when he stroked her clit.

She was so hot, so ready, and her orgasm rose faster than she’d ever known. Dillon slid his hands under her ass and pulled her to his mouth almost roughly. His eyes went smoky with lust when he saw her undeniable arousal – her pussy lips were glistening, her clit hard and swollen.

“Fuck, baby,” he said in wonder. “So beautiful.” He buried his face between her legs and inhaled her musky scent and that turned her on even more. “You want to come on my tongue?”

“Yes,” she whispered. “Oh, God, Dillon… yes.”

That wicked mouth lowered again and Maria shut her eyes. He knew exactly what to do to her, knew how to make her crazy. He lapped at her slit with long and hard strokes, holding her open with his thumbs to reach every part of her most sensitive, secret flesh. When he trapped her bud between his lips, she gave a low cry and covered her mouth when she remembered Mattie was just down the hall.

“You going to scream?” he asked.

“Yes,” she breathed.

“Then you scream my name.” His tongue pressed on her clit again and she started to lose her mind. “You hear me?”

“Dillon…” She arched in to his hands, her release starting deep in her belly already.

“Louder.” He lazily circled her taut bundle, spreading her arousal around and around. “I want my name in your mouth when you come in mine.”

His words had an amazing effect on her: it was as if he’d plunged his cock inside her body in a hard, demanding stroke. She
his words as sure as she felt his hands and mouth, and her whole body convulsed as she came with a scream.

“Dillon!” Maria gripped the cushions beneath her, her body reaching for the ceiling as she tried to get even closer to him. “Dillon!”

Dillon was shocked at how fast it had happened and he kept his eyes fixed on her face as she rode the white-hot sensations. Her body was shaking under his hands, her pussy was wetter and hotter and sweeter than he’d ever seen or tasted it. She called his name again and again and it was like it was torn from somewhere deep inside her, someplace that had never before seen the light of day. She was completely abandoned, she was gone from her body and all Dillon wanted to do was watch her like this forever.

Maria collapsed suddenly, just went limp and silent, and he quickly moved up her body.


She turned her head and moaned.

“Hey, baby?” He stroked her hair. “Come on back to me, OK?”

Her eyes fluttered open slowly and she stared at him. He smiled down at her and when he kissed her, Maria tasted herself on his lips. She moaned again.

“You’re trying to kill me,” she said weakly. “Aren’t you?”

He laughed. “No way, darlin’. I ain’t killing you before tonight.”

“So you’re planning on killing me tonight?”

He pulled her to a sitting position and took her in his arms. “Can you think of a better way to go?”

“Ummm. Maybe not.” She took a deep breath. “God, that was… amazing.”

“Yeah?” He pushed her tumbled hair back. “You OK?”

“Uh-huh. Just – just exhausted.”

“I’m sorry.” He suddenly felt guilty. She’d been up at some ungodly hour that morning, after weeks of stress and work for the wedding and now here it was, just over an hour before the kick-off, and he was draining what little energy she probably had. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

She smiled. “Get me to the shower, babe. I’ll be fine.”

Dillon paused at the unexpected endearment, decided that he really liked it. “Come on.”

He picked her up like her weight was nothing at all and carried her to the bathroom. He put her down gently, then made sure that she was OK to stand on her own. She sighed deeply when she saw herself in the mirror.

“Man,” she said. “I’m a mess.”

“You’re stunning,” he corrected her. “Now get cleaned up and in to that dress you bought yesterday that you won’t let me see.”

She grinned. “Yeah, OK. Scoot, Saunders.”

He gave her one more kiss, left the bathroom and shut the door behind him. He then went in to the second bathroom and with regret, washed her pussy juices from his face, brushed his teeth. He missed her smell and taste right away and he comforted himself with the knowledge that he was going to make love to her soon.

Just a few more hours, man, and you’ll be inside that amazing, curvy body. Then she’ll be yours, completely and totally, all the way.


Annabeth emerged from the bathroom, feeling shy. God knew, she shouldn’t feel that way, not after what she and Eric had done –
many, many times
– the day and night before… but she did. It had been a long, long time since she’d dressed up and had a man there to appreciate it.

She took a final look at herself in the full-length mirror, smoothed her dress over her hips. She’d wanted a light-hearted and fun dress for Jake and Julie’s wedding – not too fancy, but definitely flirty. She thought the sunny yellow was perfect for a summer wedding and the cut was loose and relaxed, with delicate spaghetti straps. The stitching on the bodice was intricate, though, and made the dress a bit more elegant. It had looked so good at the shop, but now she wondered if she shouldn’t have gone for something more serious or sophisticated.

Eric turned when he heard her high heels clicking across the kitchen tile and his dark eyes lit up when he saw her. “You look beautiful, Annabeth.”

She blushed. “Really?”

“Oh, yeah.” He admired the vibrant color, the hint of cleavage, the sneak peeks of her slim knees when the dress moved as she walked. “You look like Golden Smoke.”

“That’s what I thought when I bought it!” she exclaimed, stunned yet again at how he seemed to read her mind sometimes.

“Great minds think alike,” Eric said. “Do you know what I’m thinking right now?”

She gazed up at him and when she saw the heat in his eyes, she bit her lip. “You’re thinking about last night.”

?” he asked.

“I haven’t
thinking about it since I opened my eyes this morning.”

They stared at each other, breathless. After he’d carried her to Annabeth’s bedroom – now
bedroom – they’d fallen to the bed in a tangled, panting heap. Eric had held her close and murmured words of love and adoration and she’d listened to his words
his heart. They were totally in sync, she knew, and after she had recovered enough to breathe and move at the same time, she had lifted herself up his massive body to kiss him.

At the touch of her lips, their passion had ignited once again and within a minute, Eric had rolled on a condom and pulled her up roughly. She had spread her thighs and taken him in to her body deep and fast. He’d gripped her hips tight enough to leave marks and she’d ridden him until they both cried out again.

The rest of the night had passed the same way: with sweet murmurs and rough thrusts; with slow kisses and wild orgasms. It was after three o’clock before they finally fell asleep, sated and wrapped tightly together. The last thing that Annabeth remembered saying to Eric was that she’d go back to Houston with him and she’d heard his sigh of relief and joy.

“Did you mean it, angel?” Eric asked now. “About coming to Texas with me?”

She smiled at the anxiety in his voice. “I meant it, babe. We’re going back together next week and I’ll stay for a while. I’ll need to come back to Colorado to get my things and end my lease on the apartment that I rent, but there’s no major rush. We can take a month or so, figure things out at that end. We can make it work.”

“You’re damn right we can,” Eric said. “It’s all I care about right now – making it work with you.”

“Me too,” she whispered.

“Well, then.” Eric took a deep breath. “I have something to give you.”

She glanced up at him, her heart in her throat. “You do?”

He nodded. “Don’t freak out, OK? It’s not an engagement ring… not yet, anyway.”

“Oh.” She breathed again. “That’d be a bit fast, huh?”

? That’s
, baby.”

Annabeth laughed. “Yeah.”

“But I hope you like it all the same.” Eric reached in to his jacket pocket and pulled out a long, slim box. “I love you, angel. You make me so happy, you have no idea.”

have an idea. You do the same for me.”

“I hope so.” Gently, he ran his fingers through her loose hair cascading over her bare shoulders. “Open it up, yeah?”


She slowly took off the lid and when she saw the necklace nestled inside, she gasped, completely delighted. She lifted it out carefully, held it to the light. The oval glass pendant was a buttery yellow and there was a flower etched in to it, the lines delicate and curved. She squinted a bit.

“A Golden Smoke?”

“Yes.” Eric took the necklace from her and she turned so he could put it on her. “I bought the pendant and had the etching done separately.”

Annabeth touched the smooth, cool glass, marvelling at how much she liked its firm weight on her skin. “I love it. Thank you.”

“Looks perfect with that dress, huh?” He grinned at her. “We couldn’t have planned it better, could we?”


He took her in his arms and held her. “I love you, baby, love you more than anything and I’m never going to stop trying to make you happy. You get me? Whatever you need, you just ask and I’ll do my damndest to get it for you, even if it means that I move the stars in the sky.”

“I want
.” She rested her palm on his chest, just above his heart. “

“Well, angel, you got me.”

“Then I’m good.” She kissed him, loving the way he kissed her back. “I have all I need and everything I want.”

“I’m glad.”

She smiled up at him now, admiring his shoulders in the dress shirt and jacket. “Come on, handsome. Let’s get to a wedding, huh?”

Chapter Thirteen

Julie took a deep breath when she heard the opening notes of Pachelbel’s ‘Canon in D’, the music that Sonia and Tammy would be walking out to. She smiled at Sonia, who was beside herself with excitement.

“Ready, kiddo?” Julie said, adjusting Sonia’s headband with pasqueflowers.


“OK, then,” Tammy said, grabbing her small bouquet of wildflowers and smoothing down the violet dress that perfectly matched her eyes. “You go first… remember to throw the flower petals every three steps, right?”

Sonia nodded.

“So… here we go. I’m right behind you.”

They went now, leaving Julie alone behind the arched lattice behind the rows of chairs. She looked down at herself one last time, smiling at the bump so prominently displayed, before peering in the small mirror hanging there. She fussed with her hair, fixed her lipstick, wiped at the corner of one eye. That was as good as it was going to get, she figured, seeing as the gentle strains of the classical guitar had fallen silent. She was up.

Julie picked up her bridal bouquet and walked over to the side of the lattice, waiting. When she heard the guitar start up again, this time playing ‘Storybook Love’, she almost squealed like a kid. She was ready –
– to marry Jake and she wished she could just dash down the aisle shouting “I do! I
do! Tell him that he can now kiss the bride!”

OK, adult time here. Calm and cool, Julie.

Slowly and with grace and decorum, she stepped out behind the screen and right away, she looked down the aisle at Jake. There he was, so damn handsome in the morning light, under the blue sky and the mountains, standing under a trellis with purple and white wildflowers and he was waiting for her.
For her

Julie felt her eyes fill with tears but she was smiling. She walked over the scattered flower petals to him, took her final few steps as Julie Everett. She’d decided to take Jake’s name and she knew she’d take it with nothing but pride.

Jake actually stopped sucking in air for a few seconds when he first saw Julie appear at the top of the aisle. Her red-gold curls were loose and falling warm and lovely over her shoulders, her green eyes were sparkling with emotion, her creamy skin was glowing. But best of all, her dress hugged the baby she carried inside of her. He saw the shock on their guests’ faces when they caught sight of Julie’s stomach, shock which quickly turned to smiles and whispers. Jake and Tammy exchanged quick glances and she winked at him in her usual smart-ass way. He grinned and winked back.

“Congratulations, man,” Phil murmured behind him. “You’re going to be a great Dad.”

“I certainly hope so,” Jake said. “I want to be the best man I can be for my family.”

“You will.” Phil slapped him on his shoulder. “You will because you’re a good man. One of the best I’ve ever met.”

Julie was beside Jake now and she handed her bouquet to Tammy. Unable to stop himself, Jake took her hands in his, raised them to his lips.

“I love you,” he muttered, then tenderly caressed her stomach. “Both of you.”

“I love you, babe,” Julie said. “Is it OK that I’ve announced our impending parenthood like this?”

“Oh, yeah.” He wiped a few tears from her eyes. “No better way, really.”

They smiled at each other, then turned to the minister. He smiled at their happiness and love and even gave a little nod at their baby. Then he began.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today…”


Amelia Fuller – Jake’s mother – was just winding up her speech and thank God for that, because Jake was the color of a tomato. The guests had been howling with laughter for about ten minutes and he had to admit that his Mom had dug up some priceless events from his life.

She’d talked about the time that he’d scored his first touchdown on the high school football field and run smack in to the goal posts in his excitement and knocked himself out. She’d told everyone about him trying to shave before his high school prom and almost garrotting himself with a straight razor; that had also involved a trip to the E.R. and in all his prom pictures, he looked like a walking wounded veteran. She’d talked about some of his ex-girlfriends – including the one who’d stolen the TV – and she’d gone so far as to remind everyone how much he’d disliked Julie when they’d first met.

Finally, Amelia raised her fourth glass of Champagne and toasted Jake and Julie before sitting down beside Jake’s stepfather, Ned, who gave her an affectionate kiss. Jake’s mother had left his father when Jake was four, and his father had just dropped off the planet when Jake was fifteen.

Despite her lack of education or job experience, his Mom had held it together for years before remarrying just six years before. Ned was a quiet, steady man who genuinely loved Amelia’s outgoing and bubbly personality and Jake thought they were a great couple. He raised his glass to Amelia and she winked at him, knowing full well that she’d entertained the room at her beloved son’s expense.

The next course arrived from the kitchens and everyone settled down to eat and talk. Dillon and Maria had purposely chosen the fish – after all of her battles to get the damn things delivered, they felt an odd sense of duty to actually consume them – and their eyes met as they dug in.

“It’s really good,” Dillon said. “But is it good enough to make up for all the hassle and heart palpitations? That’s what I want to know.”

Maria took a bite and sighed in bliss. “Hmmm. Yes. For sure.”

“I agree. It’s…” Dillon looked her up and down. “…delectable.”

She blushed at his words. “You talking about the fish, Dillon?”

“Nope.” His gaze lingered on her breasts. “Most certainly not.”

Maria looked down, away from that glitter in his green eyes. He’d been looking at her that way all day, ever since she’d come out of their bedroom. He’d stared at her, taken in the flame-orange dress that hugged her curves in all kinds of ways that made her feel daring and gorgeous. Then a slow, sexy grin had spread across his face and
look had appeared in his eyes; three hours later, it still hadn’t left.

“Dillon,” she said softly. “You’re staring at me again.”

“Is that bad?” He touched her hair, tucked some loose tendrils behind her ears. “Is it making you uncomfortable?”

“No.” She shook her head. “You’re making me feel… desired. Desired and beautiful.”

“Because you are, baby.” He leaned in closer, his breath tickling her neck. “You have no idea the things I want to do to you.”

Her stomach clenched hard. “I want you to do them. So badly.”

“We duck out early… as soon as Jake and Julie leave for the airport, we’re out of here.” His voice was huskier than usual. “We go home and within two minutes of clearing that door, we’re naked in our bed.”

“Yes,” Maria said almost dizzy with longing. “Yes.”

“Good.” He pressed a sweet kiss on her forehead. “Eat up, darlin’. You’re gonna need the energy. Believe me.”

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