Opposition: Montana Wolves, Book Four (Montana Wolves series 4) (4 page)

She should have backed away. She already had the answers she needed to tell Liam and the others about the Big Sky... And yet, she was locked in place. Entirely unable to move as her heart thrummed louder in her ears with every step he took toward her.

Before long, that smell barraged her again. All cool air and cinnamon...and man.

Then he was right in front of her, his full lips slightly parted.

He'd already betrayed his alpha this much, what would it be to him to close this inch? She ran her tongue over her mouth, trying desperately to pull in air that wouldn't come.

"Your father seems unhinged. What makes you think they won't kill you when they find out you spoke to me?" She whispered the words, and the air steamed in front of them, forming a wall in what little space there was between them.

He offered her a half-smile, then said, "I guess I'll just have to depend on you to see it doesn't come to that."

Then his lips were on hers, crushing into her with all the warmth and passion she could handle. Without thinking it through, she responded, parting her lips further to take his tongue into her mouth. Sucking lightly, then swirling. At odds with each other and, at the same time, totally in sync.

But just as quickly, it ended.

“Take the information I’ve given you back to your alpha. Tell him he has less than a week to turn her before an attack. I’ll be in touch if I can.”

Without so much as a goodbye, he turned and started running, his body morphing into a massive, black wolf as he bolted between the trees and disappeared.

For a moment, she stood and watched, focused on the place where she'd seen him go. She wouldn't chase him. No, whatever he did now was Big Sky Canyon business, not her own. Still, he'd left her with more than one dilemma.

How was she going to explain what had just happened to the pack?

…And when was she going to see him again?


hat the hell had gotten into him?

He took all the energy roiling inside him and channeled in outward, tearing ass through the woods and crashing through bushes like they’d insulted his mama.

As hard as he ran, though, he couldn’t get her out of his head.

It had been stupid to kiss her, though.

He should have known as much, but he’d let his pride get in the way of his reason. He’d started off thinking of it as a way to get her attention. Maybe with the added bonus of catching off guard enough that she’s top arguing for a second.

But then, what was it they said about the best-laid plans of wolves and men?

He shook his head and bounded over a fallen tree before landing directly in an icy cold puddle. The water blasted him in the face and as he continued to sprint toward home, the droplets on his fur flying as he went.

What were the odds of running into her out there? Like it was fate. But it seemed to him that fate could’ve gone a lot easier on him if it had sent another wolf in her stead.

She was something, though.

Gorgeous. Sexy. And as good a fighter as any male wolf he’d ever tangled with…

His blood ran hot at the thought of her lying on top of him, grappling and biting as ferociously as she could. The way her eyes had glinted before she snapped at him. That same intensity that had been in her kiss…

When he reached the edge of the trees, he shifted back and stood for a long moment, hoping that the evening’s chill would take his mind from her.

It was a bad time to be thinking with his dick. Right now, he had more important things to worry about. If he didn’t nip this in the bud, there was no telling how many lives might be lost in a battle that didn’t have to happen at all.

He padded the rest of the way to his little cabin, and slipped in through the back door, sighing as he closed it behind him. At least he’d made it back without anyone noticing he’d been gone. Her scent still clung to him and would be hard to explain, to say the least.

He sucked in a breath through his nose, letting that scent fill his senses.

So fucking good.

He made his way into his bedroom and tugged on a pair of boxers before climbing into bed. The best thing he could do for himself right now was to put her out of his head.

If only his cock agreed. Even now, it ached, so hard, the head poked out from the waistband of his underwear.


He closed his eyes, helpless to stop the memory of her naked body from taking center stage. The swell of her breasts in the moonlight. The perfect figure-eight of her curves. The second he’d seen her, he wanted to take each of those perky pink nipples between his teeth and suck until she begged him to stop.

Or screamed for him to keep going. With an attitude like that, she was probably a screamer.

A smile tugged at his mouth. She was probably a hellion in bed. Just like that kiss of hers. Hot and fierce.

His cock throbbed again, and he reached down to grip it hard through the thin cotton, trying to control the near-dizzying effect of his erection. Jesus, one kiss and this woman had him completely sprung. He could only imagine what the sex would be like.

Not that he’d ever let it get that far.

That would be reckless. And careless.

And hot as fuck.

He squeezed again, stroking the shaft once, biting back a hiss as he thought of Maggie straddling his lap, lowing herself slowly onto his waiting cock. Teasing him while those dark eyes of her glinted. Then, when she worked him harder, he’d watch as her tits bounced with every thrust. He’d coil his fingers in those dark locks of hers and pull her closer.

Close enough that he could kiss that defiant scowl from her lips. Then even closer still, so he could push himself as deep inside of her as he could possibly go.

His balls tightened as his hips pumped, and he shoved his boxers down. For a second, he considered pulling away. Taking this little fantasy to the end would only make it harder to stay away from her.

But then a image of those full lips flashed through his mind. Those lips wrapped around his cock, sucking pulling….maybe this was a good thing.

Maybe, if he could just imagine himself fucking her, he could wipe her focus on what was really important.

That was all the permission the beast inside him needed, and then it was on. Memory collided with fantasy as it played in his mind like a double-x film.

Maggie, on all fours in his bed, that sweet, round ass high as he plowed into her from behind.

Maggie, on her knees, sucking his aching cock so hard, his eyes crossed.

Maggie, on her back while he licked her swollen clit with his tongue until she clenched his face with her thighs and cried his name.

He gritted his teeth as every muscle tensed, all his nerve-endings firing at once. The orgasm came barreling at him like a runaway train and he let out a low growl as hot liquid spurted from his cock onto his belly.

It was a full minute before he could work up the strength to open his eyes, and another still before the breath stopped sawing in and out of his lungs like he’d run a double marathon.

Not good. His pack was a total shit-show right now. His father was losing screws left and right. Grey had to figure out a way to get back on track.

Because fantasy Maggie was hot as hell. And something told him that real life Maggie?

She would consume him.

about it three ways to Sunday, but it couldn’t wait until morning. The pack needed to know what was going on sooner than later.

By the time she’d gotten back to the compound and dressed, she’d already woken Liam with a mental tap on the shoulder. He was waiting for her in his office, and she filled him in quickly.

“So what do you think?” she asked softly as she finished her tale—omitting the kissing part.

Liam was deep in thought, his dark brows caved in a frown as he looked off into space. “Is he trustworthy?”

“I don’t know him,” she hedged. The words tasted bitter in her mouth, like she was betraying him, but facts were facts. She might be letting her attraction to him and that tiny bit of hero worship she felt cloud her judgment. She couldn’t pose her feelings like they were facts.

“What does your gut say?”

“Yes,” she answered flatly and without hesitation. “I believe we can trust him.”

“Then we have some decisions to make.”

At his command, the rest of the pack was assembled, including Amber and the members in the carriage houses. By daybreak, every seat in the great room was full.

Liam took his place in front of the fire, exuding power and confidence despite the fact that his face was lined with concern and his dark hair was still mussed from sleep.

"Maggie, will you tell us all what you shared with me?" Liam asked.

He motioned for her to stand beside him and she picked through the dozen or so people blocking her way. Harder was describing everything Grey had said with so many onlookers. They seemed as confused by the warning as she was, and just as concerned. The memory of the last battle was so fresh. She was loath to tell them they might have to face it again so soon.

Once she'd finished, the room fell silent.

Then there was a polite cough and a shaky, breathy voice sounded from the corner. Amber had one of Billy's arms slung around her shoulders, but she sat up tall, even though her gaze was downcast.

"I think maybe he’s right. If it will forestall another attack, even for a while to give us a chance to work out some sort of compromise with Greyson behind his father’s back, I will turn now." She faltered on the last word, and Maggie's heart twisted for her. It must be hard to be a human. To be weak and fragile. To be full of emotion all the time and have no reliable instincts to guide her.

Billy’s jaw tensed like he was gearing up for a fight, but Liam held up a hand.

"No, Amber. The pack has already chosen. The time will come for you to be turned, but that time isn’t now. The warning of an impending attack from this stronger pack only cements it more clearly in my mind. Turning will leave you weak and ill for days. Even then, it will be more than a week until the next full moon where you can truly become a wolf. You’ll be more vulnerable than ever if we turn you now."

Amber opened her mouth as if to argue, but Billy gave a brief shake of his head and she pursed her lips.

"I agree with waiting, but I think we’ve got to take him seriously about the attack," Chandra piped up from beside Liam’s mate, Amalie. "I was a member of the Big Sky Canyon before I came here. Grey is one of the good ones. We all knew he wasn’t on the same page as his father, and was biding his time to take the mantle. Seems like he realizes that the time is now."

Maggie let those words sit for a moment. So she and Chandra agreed that Grey’s motives were pure, but was that enough to risk the whole pack on?

She glanced at Amber, who had been looking paler by the second, and came to a decision.

Let me handle Grey.

She sent the message to Liam and Liam only, and waited for his response as the rest of the pack chattered around them. They would only argue with her and try to make it a pack activity, but the fact was, Grey was acting alone in this. Calling attention to his actions by bringing in the cavalry would only put him in danger. If Liam would allow her to act as emissary, surely she and Grey could come up with a plan together.

Are you certain you can handle him?
Liam finally responded. His feelings were right there on the surface and she could feel the turmoil. He was torn. He hated the idea of her taking a risk if her instincts were wrong, but as always, he had to think of the pack as a whole.

She found herself reiterating what Grey had said to her.

If he wanted to hurt me, he could’ve done it a hundred times by now. Let me do this.

He surveyed her for a moment and then tipped his head in a clipped nod.

A shiver of anticipation at the thought of seeing him again mixed with a cold wash of apprehension. This was a big responsibility and she hoped luck was on her side. Because might talk a big game, but she’d lied to her alpha about one thing for sure.

She had no idea if she could handle a man like Greyson West.


hree hard knocks on his bedroom door were followed by the door slamming open into the wall with a crack and the sound of crumbling sheetrock hitting the floor.

If Willa was going to storm into his cabin first thing in the morning, she could at least show the common decency not to break his stuff. Again.

He growled and burrowed deeper beneath his comforter. Maybe if he pretended he was still sleeping, she'd go away. Stranger things had happened, right?

There was a blinding light followed by a rush of cold air, and then he was being accosted by something white and papery. An envelope? Whatever it was, apparently Willa had decided it was the perfect murder weapon.

"What are you hoping to do? Paper cut me to death? Calm your shit, woman." He rubbed his eyes and, when the barrage finally subsided, sat up against his headboard.

He glanced toward his clock. She’d woken him up at eight AM? And without coffee, no less.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" she hissed, then sat at the edge of his bed and tucked one ankle under her thigh.

"Have you seen the time?” He smothered a yawn, and then continued; “I think the real question here is, what the hell is the matter with
showing up at people’s houses this early?"

"You’re lucky it was me and not one of the others. Do you know what this is?" she spat. Pulling her other leg beneath her, she settled onto the mattress until she was sitting crisscrossed in front of him.

"How would I—"

"Exactly. And maybe if you did, you would be a little more freaking grateful that your father didn’t stop by your cabin for a visit before I did." She raised her eyebrows and tossed the envelope in her hand onto the space between them on the mattress.

"Honestly, sometimes I think you
to screw with me. Like, you just leave the house and think ‘hmm, what can I do to make Willa's life more difficult today? I know! I'll hit up a rival pack and make sure they tell everyone what I did and—’"

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