Out of Oblivion (14 page)

Read Out of Oblivion Online

Authors: Taren Reese Ocoda


By the end of the month, I decided I didn't want to go back to how things were before. The last few weeks were better than I ever could have imagined. I was experiencing Dominic's love for me on a new incredible and intense level. I couldn't remember a time in my life when I was this content. So when the time came, I told him I wanted to make our dynamic permanent.

"Really?" he asked. "You still have three days before you have to decide."

"I know, but I want this with you. I love how you've been making me feel, and I trust you to take care of me. It's nothing like what Kurt did to me." And that was my greatest fear.

"Of course it isn't, baby. I could never hurt you like that."

"I want to be yours, Dominic. Completely yours."

He smiled that boyish grin I loved and pulled me into his arms. "I want you, now. Get undressed."

"Here?" I asked in surprise.

"Right here."

I bit my lip as I slowly removed my clothes. When I finished, Dominic bent me over the back of the sofa. He reached between my legs and rubbed my sensitive parts while dipping his thumb inside of me massaging my insides with slow in and out rhythm. I pressed myself onto his hand, moaning.

"Don't move, baby. I want you to experience this."

"Yes, Sir."

It was hard to stay still when he teased me this way. I wanted to jumped on him and ravage him, but when I moved, he pulled his hand away. I whimpered making him chuckle, but he didn't start again until I was still and quiet. After a few times of this, I forced myself to be still. It took all of my focus, and as my orgasm built, it threatened to break my concentration. But I didn't move, and I was rewarded.

"Come for me," Dominic whispered.

My body reacted as though it was wired to obey that command, and I cried out as I exploded. He didn't wait for me to come down. He slammed into me causing my orgasm to reach a new level. I screamed as pain mixed with intense pleasure. As I peaked, I built again and again. The intensity overwhelmed me and soon I floated on a cloud of pure rapture. When I came back to myself, Dominic sat on the sofa with me cradled in his arms.

"Welcome back," he said softly, then kissed me.

"Thnu." It was supposed to be thank you, but my lips wouldn't work.

Dominic chuckled and nuzzled my neck. "I love you so much, girl. Do you realize how amazing you are?"

"Lonu." I smiled, closed my eyes and let myself melt into him.

He carried me upstairs to the bathroom and set me down as he filled the tub. I was still a bit unsteady on my feet, so I leaned on Dominic for support. I couldn't believe having sex could make it seem like I'd been transported to another world, leaving me with jet lag. I was so exhausted.

"What's happening to me?"

Dominic gazed at me, his eyebrows furrowed. Then his expression changed to one of understanding. "You went into subspace, baby. It happens sometimes when you experience intense pleasure or even pain. It can leave you quite drained afterward though, so after your bath I want you to have a nap."

I nodded. A nap sounded good.

He helped me into the bathtub, and I nearly fell asleep as he washed me. It was so relaxing, but he kept me awake.

"How do you feel?"

"Wonderful," I told him, a huge grin plastered on my face.

"Good. Nothing about that scared you?"

"No, Sir. Maybe a little frustrating when you didn't want me to move. That was hard."

He smiled. "It is hard, but as you've discovered, it also makes the experience much more intense."

"Can we do it again?"

Dominic chuckled. "We'll do it a lot, and other things as well, but not today. You need time to recover."

"Yay," I said, softly.

He tucked me into bed after drying me, and I didn't remember falling asleep. I didn't even remember putting my head on the pillow.


Dominic told me he wanted to make my submission official. I had no idea what that meant, but it involved a lot of planning on his part. His brother helped, and I imagined we would be having some kind of celebration or something. My suspicions were confirmed when we arrived at his brother's house, and I saw several vehicles I recognized. One belonged to his parents. Another belonged to Jason and Bekka, and the rest were friends that were regulars at Brant's play parties.

When we got inside, Bekka was there to greet us. Everyone else waited in the basement, but for what, I didn't know.

"Go with Bekka," Dominic told me. "She's going to help you get ready."

I followed Bekka to one of the spare bedrooms upstairs.

"Okay, don't freak out, but you need to get undressed and put this robe on." She held out the robe to me.


She sighed. "Trust me okay?"

"You're scaring me."

"It'll be fine. Okay?"

I nodded warily and took the robe before heading into the bathroom. It was blue silk, but short. It came to right below my hips. If I bent over, everything would show. I went back to the bedroom where Bekka waited for me.

"Have a seat. I'm gonna do your hair and put some makeup on you."

I groaned. I hated makeup.

"It won't be a lot. I promise."

While she worked on me, I figured she probably had me undress so she could fix me up before I got dressed in whatever I would be wearing for this party or whatever it was. Dominic told me to wear what I wanted because I would be changing when I got here. Bekka didn't spend as much time on my hair as I expected. She put it into a simple French braid saying it would keep it out of the way. Afterward, she put on thin layer of makeup. A little foundation, blush and lip gloss.

"So are you going to tell me what's going on?" I asked.

"Nope. Dominic will explain in a minute. He wanted me to get you ready first." She put on a few final touches. "I'm done. I'm going to go get him, and I'll see you in a little while." She kissed me on the cheek before leaving.

Dominic joined me a few minutes later and pulled me to my feet so I stood in front of him. "As I said, I want to make your submission official, so I've planned a ceremony. There is a catch though. You are going to be naked during the ceremony."

I started to protest, but he put a finger over my lips. "Do you trust me?"

I nodded.

"It's only family members who know about our dynamic and close friends down there. Nearly every one of them has been naked before you before aside from my parents. There is nothing to be self-conscious about, but if you get nervous, I want you to forget everyone else is there and focus only on me. This is the ultimate gesture of submission you could make for me, Haleigh. Will you do this for me?"

"Yes, Sir." How could I say no? I wanted to give him everything I had to give, and he wasn't asking much. Being nude wasn't a huge deal to the people in this lifestyle.

"Good girl," he said, then explained how things would go and what was expected of me. "Ready?"

"Yes, Sir." I hoped I was.

Dominic led me into the dimly lit basement, and for some reason the soft light put me at ease. Everyone sat on small sofas or armchairs in a semi-circle around a platform in the middle of the room. As I had been told, I didn't make eye contact with anyone, nor did I speak. I was to speak only when spoken to, and even when I did, it was to be only a "yes, Sir" or "no, Sir" response. Dominic led me onto the platform and removed the robe, setting it aside. I knelt before him, my hands on my thighs and my head straight ahead, but my gazed turned downward.


"My beautiful girl. I was drawn to you from the moment I met you. For whatever reason, the universe saw fit to keep us apart for a time, but when you came back into my life I knew I wanted to grow old with you. I never expected you to ask me to be your Dominant, but when you did, it was a very pleasant surprise. Especially when, after our trial, you said you wanted it to be a permanent arrangement. There are no words to describe my joy, but I hope I expressed it well enough in the moment."

There were a few chuckles from the audience, and I imagined Jason and Bekka were among them. I couldn't help but giggle as well.

"Now, here, you kneel before me in complete trust and submission. After everything you have been through, I am in complete awe of the courage you are showing. I brought you here today because I wanted to share a physical symbol of your submission to me in the presence of our friends and family. Haleigh Lucas, I promise I will spend the rest of our days together doing everything in my power to care for you and protect you. All I ask in return is that you surrender yourself to me as long as you are willing and able do to so. Will you do this?"

"Yes, Sir," I said.

Dominic gently gripped my arms and helped me to my feet. I kept my gaze lowered as he placed something around my neck. It was a rope chain with a beautiful heart pendant that attached in front. The chain was long enough for the pendant to sit in the hollow at the base of my neck. As he closed the pendant, I heard it lock into place. The key was on a suede cord rope, which Dominic placed around his own neck.

"The rope chain symbolizes your bondage to me and the heart pendant symbolizes our love. I hold the key to your heart, and I will not release you until you ask for it. Until then, your body, heart, mind and spirit belong to me." He raised my chin and covered my lips with his, pulling me into his arms.

Everyone clapped, but I was so lost in our kiss, I barely heard them. Dominic lifted me into his arms and carried me away, his lips never leaving mine. He didn't break off the kiss until he laid me on a table. We were in one of the private play rooms.

"I want to try something with you. It will be very intense, but it will also be very intimate. I'm going to ask you to only use the safeword if you experience pain beyond what you can take. It's not meant to be painful. All other sensations though, I want you to absorb and accept. Tell me what you're feeling and trust I will know if it becomes too intense for you. Will you do this for me?"

I had no idea what to expect, but I trusted him not to hurt me. "Yes, Sir."

"I am going to bind you so you can't move. It will increase the intensity."

He put my arms into leather cuffs above my head and used a spreader bar to keep my legs apart. My knees were brought to my chest and a leather strap wrapped around my thighs to keep my legs in place. I was completely exposed this way.

"Close your eyes," he told me. "I want you to keep them closed."

"Yes, Sir."

I did as I was told. If it was going to be as intense as he suggested, I preferred to have my eyes closed anyway. My breathing and heart rate had already accelerated in anticipation. His fingers worked their magic, bringing me close. He stopped right when I was about to tip over the edge. I groaned.

"Hush," he said. "Trust me and let go."

He slid a finger inside me. My insides warmed, and I knew he must be using my favorite lubricant, which had a nice tingling, heating effect. He dripped some of the lube on me, making me gasp. It slid toward his finger, which still slowly glided in and out of me. Soon another finger joined the first. Then another. I was so close again, but he stopped the movement without removing his fingers. I stifled another groan.

When my breathing slowed, he started working his fingers in and out of me again. I moaned as another drop of lube sent a jolt through me, and I was stretched even wider. It was almost painful. His hand twisted as he continued the in and out strokes. I gasped as something gave. It was like having a baseball pushed inside me, but I knew it was his fist. I read about fisting before, but it sounded frightening.

"How do you feel?"


Dominic chuckled. "Is it hurting?"

"Sort of, but not bad. It's mostly a strange sensation."

"Okay deep breaths now. Here's where it gets really intense."

He slowly twisted his fist. My insides clenched. I needed to close my legs. It was too intense, but I couldn't move. Then it spread throughout my entire body. His fist stilled as my body spasmed and shook involuntarily.

"Stop, please. It's too much," I cried out.

"Does it hurt, Haleigh?"

"No, I just can't take any more."

"Yes, you can, baby. Trust me and absorb the sensations."

When my body stopped trembling, he started the twisting motion with his fist again. I was building up to another orgasm fast. I never experienced anything so agonizing, and yet at the same time incredibly pleasurable. The only thing that existed in my world at that moment were the sensations. And it wasn't only the physical sensations now. I was filled with overwhelming love and need. A need for something so great I couldn't even define it. Then it started again, and I cried out. When I came down, Dominic was kissing my tears softly. His fist was still inside me, but it wasn't moving. My eyes fluttered open.

"Close them, baby, and tell me what you feel."

"I don't know," I started sobbing.

"Does it hurt?"

"No, it's okay, but… I don't know how to explain it."

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