Out of the Mountain (31 page)

Read Out of the Mountain Online

Authors: Violet Chastain

If this were a real fight, I would have already been dead . . . but since it wasn’t, I tried to recover. I pulled my small dagger in a sweeping motion that sent his blade successfully away from my neck without harming either of us. I almost smiled, but too soon he came at me again, and I was blocking with every move I had ever learned. He was relentless in his attacks, which sent me scrambling and stumbling. For every successful block I managed, he had made it past ten more. There was no possible way I or any other person could ever have kept pace with him, and I had a sneaking suspicion that even then he was holding back. Anger and frustration started taking over around the same time I was sure my butt was going to be purple from landing on it so often.

My tigress roared within me, angry at feeling threatened and making me sloppy. This show of strength didn’t sit well with her. When he knocked my dagger from my hand and sent it flying, I roared, my tiger clawing its way to the surface and bursting forth. This magic was different than my healing magic, and though I hadn’t been draining it, it should have been dampened.

As my eyes met Rowan’s, I had the urge to bite him, to show him who was stronger. I wanted to sink my teeth into the flesh of his neck. His eyes flashed yellow as I leaped at him, lion replacing the man that was in front of me. My tigress was smaller than his lion, but she didn’t know that. I slammed into him, paws wrapping around and trying to pull down his weight. His big paw swiped me off easily, and I roared pacing around him, looking for an opening.

“Are you planning to kill me, Vinnie?”
His voice burst into my mind and I froze. Was I going to kill him? Probably not. Wait, what was I even saying? Of course not. My tigress disagreed.

“She wants me to neutralize the threat.”

“You are the one who is in control of her, not the other way around.”
Rowan scoffed, but I opened my mind and let him feel her fighting for control.

“That is very strange . . . come let me set her at ease
,” he said, and I walked over to him slowly. His big paw pulled me into him, and he rubbed jaws with me before licking my ear and lowering his head and eyes. My tigress purred, calming.

“She likes that.”

“Yes, instinct drives the tiger. Her mind should not be so separate from yours. You must find a way to connect the two more firmly. Her instincts should join with your knowledge, creating a higher sense of being. It should become easier. Do not fret.”
He shifted back and I followed suit, turning to address our captive audience.

“I’m working through some aggression issues,” I lied, and the others tried to pretend they didn’t notice.

“That is enough for today. Everyone have lunch and meet back at headquarters to discuss strategy.” Rowan smiled timidly, alarming everyone further. I laughed at the suspicion in the eyes of the rest of the group. Rowan usually wouldn’t give the afternoon off, and he certainly wouldn’t smile while doing so. I turned to leave so the others would know it was all right and it wasn’t some kind of “lesson” he was trying to teach. Besides, I had an uneasy feeling that was slowly settling in the pit of my stomach. Something wasn’t right. I looked around and saw that everyone was perfectly fine . . . but where was Farran? When I thought of him, my chest tightened. I needed to find him.

I quickly shifted and took off in a run, trying to catch his scent. People gasped, hopping out of the way as I barreled through the busy streets in my frantic haste.
Where are you, Farran? Show me where you are!
I pushed my power behind it and saw a flash of my room filter across my vision. Without a thought as to why, I raced through the gates and courtyard gardens, shifting only when I reached the top. Breath heaving and muscles aching from the exertion, I finally made it to my room and swung the door wide.

A quick survey showed me that Farran was lying sprawled on the floor at the foot of my bed. Clutched in his hand was the necklace from Narissa. I tore it from his hand, but I could feel that it was too late. The necklace was empty and the charm had taken hold of him instead. Dark magic swirled around his head as if it were the focal point of the spell. Wait, hadn’t Farran said it was a seeing spell? What could he be seeing right now?

Rowan was there in an instant, taking in the scene and lifting Farran onto my bed. He checked him for injury, and I paced the floor, feeling panic consume me. His face was pulled tight as if he was in pain, his body stiff as a board. Rowan entered the bathroom, confirming that he had found the hiding spot. I followed him, throwing the necklace back into the hole and sliding it shut. I raked my hands through my hair, catching tangles and pulling, wrenching them free in frustration. This was all my fault.

“Stop it, Vinnie.” Harsh and demanding, his voice rang in the silence, successfully pulling me back into the room.

“What do we do? How can we help him?”

“I am not certain.”

“Go and get Seraphina,” I snapped.

“I will not leave you until another arrives to take my place.”

“You will,” I growled, and his eyes narrowed in defiance. I let out a frustrated hiss before joining Farran on the edge of the bed to get a better look at him.
It’s all right, Farran. You’re going to be all right
. I sent him the thoughts to no avail. I grabbed his hand to reinforce them, and a stabbing pain went through my head. My whole body ached in an instant. Memories began flashing through my mind.


I hated having to sneak through the woods like some common whore to see my lover in the middle of the night, but if I wanted this particular satisfaction, it was necessary. All eyes were on me in the daylight, but as the next queen of Reinhelm I considered it par for the course. I was headed to a nearby Shuni camp to see Richard for a well-deserved treat. In my opinion, Shuni in their raw passion are far better lovers than Conduits with their reserved air. I heard a giggle, and I froze. Who would be all the way out here at this time of night? I heard laughter echo low and deep, and I stiffened. I knew that laugh . . . anger flashed through me as I began slowly making my way toward the muffled sounds.

Fury rushed through me when I saw them pressed into a tree, nearly indecent in the moonlight. How dare Alaric think he could get away with doing this to me? His broad back shifted lower, kissing her neck and her beautiful face fell back, head pressing against the tree. Milky skin, a shock of dark hair, and icy-blue eyes shone with pleasure. I muffled my gasp and almost laughed at the sight of the Shuni Princess Alma in such a state. She was a notorious tease from what I had heard, never showing interest in men in any substantial way. With her soft curves and entrancing eyes, she was coveted by many, and here was my fiancé sneaking around with her in the moonlight. This was almost too perfect.


I couldn’t believe my eyes. Alaric and Alma walking in the market, holding hands and talking to passersby. Just last week my plan to tear them forcibly apart had been thwarted by the games kings like to play. He was showing her around a kingdom that would become theirs. The kingdom I was promised. I had been tossed to the side, my family shamed by the act, and yet here she was, a whore caught and outed only to be handed the keys to the kingdom. She stole this from me, and I was going to take something irreplaceable from her.


I stepped out from behind the door of the king’s bedroom. He was undressing, totally unaware that he was not alone. I pulled the sword I had stolen from the idiotic guard who had led me here and swung it at his beefy neck, allowing the rage that consumed me to force the swing. It sank deep, and he fell to the ground as blood seeped out in waves. With a laugh I licked my lips, which had become splattered with his blood . . . salty. Fascinated, I watched as his body twitched, the last of his life leaking out onto the marbled floor. I spotted the amulet around his neck and smiled. A giant sapphire, glowing even in the dull light, even drenched in blood. I ripped it from his neck as a trophy and slunk into the shadows.


I killed many times to gain the powers that the blood magic was allowing me to yield and yet . . . I looked around dissatisfied at what I had to show for it. A cottage deep in the forest, secluded and hidden by a wall of ever-present shadows. No one could find me here, but no one seemed to even be looking. I needed to plan. I heard the snapping of a twig, and surprise fluttered through me when I saw the small tiger roaming nearby.

The boy was jealous and full of contempt, I listened to him droll on and on about his brothers and evil father. He was more than happy to talk and starved for attention, he came to visit me frequently. Prince Kieran was full of secrets.


A boy of merely seventeen, but a strapping boy at that. Kieran was asking to live with me and to never return to the palace! He stood in front of me, desperate, and I decided to allow him to do so as I felt the power spilling from him, almost to its maturity. I have already gotten all the information I need, and I was growing rather fond of the boy who looked so much like his father. I decided to ask for a drop of his blood in exchange, and I showed him the shadows I was creating, teaching to roam of their own will. He was delighted at the sight. This was going to be fun.


We had been planning this for some time, I watched from the shadows as chaos erupted in the palace during the coronation of Prince Alaric. Kieran ran for the king’s staff on the dais as was his plan, but I had other ideas. I slipped from the shadows just in time for Alma to see my face and know that I was the one who would deal her fate to her. I slammed my blade into her gut and watched as her eyes spread wide with shock. Her hands grasped at my neck as a shrill cry fell from her mouth. The youngest prince was there in an instant, catching her. As I heard thundering footsteps, I slipped into the shadows once more. I watched as Kieran acquired the staff and called for retreat. I took my chance to leave as well, but turned to see Killian sobbing over the still-warm body that was his wife. I took my leave, barely containing a laugh.


I searched Alma’s body frantically for the amulet that she must have stolen from my neck as she fell. In all the excitement before, I hadn’t noticed it was missing. I found it nowhere on her and planned to retrace my steps. I had plans for that amulet. Around her neck still was the necklace Killian had designed just for her, a gift on their wedding day that had been displayed for all to see. I took it from her and kissed her full on the mouth in thanks. Delight filled me as I took my new prize. I would find the other soon enough.


I kissed Kieran hard and fast, celebrating our success. He was a boy no longer; a man stood in front of me now, a force to be reckoned with. His powers had grown, thrived in the darkness, and I had taken him as my lover. I gasped as he ripped at my clothes; as always, he was eager to please. There was no tenderness in this man, and I didn’t mind that at all.


News of the birth of a princess had spread far and wide. Even from where we had been hidden, gathering our resources and waiting for the right time to attack, we caught wind of the news. Kieran is an uncle. He is intrigued by the idea of shared blood. He could use this girl to further both of our powers. He was digging into my archives, looking for a way to use her and I could practically see the ideas racing through his mind. Excitement bloomed in me.


The ritual had taken many moons, years’ worth of them, to bend this staff into the masterpiece that it is today. The blood of hundreds of innocents had done a lot of the work, but I was taking credit for the rest. I could feel its blood lust even as it sat in front of us. Kieran was ecstatic. I mostly felt ill from the use of so much blood magic. I was ill almost always from the effects, but it was worth it. The time to move was almost here.


Kieran was going to kill Alaric, and I was on my way to kill Isadora and take the girl. I would make her into a new creation, warping her mind and will to mine. I had done it with Kieran to a smaller degree, and now I had a man in my bed and, more important, an ally with a common goal. I sliced my arm deep and let it run into the fire I had just built. It twisted, writhing and growing into an uncontrollable mass of heat and destruction. I pushed it forward, determined to find where Farran had hidden the girl and her mother. Screams burst through the forest and I ran toward them. Isadora threw herself at me, and I was delighted by her sacrifice. I grabbed her and pulled for her magic to make it my own, and when none came to the surface I drew my blade and stuck it through her. She cried out, and I tried once again to draw the magic from her blood but there was none to be found. I kicked her back, removing her useless body from my blade, and started my search for the girl.


Kieran had lost the staff, and I had lost the girl to the fire. With both of our weapons lost, we began to turn on each other. I told Kieran the time wasn’t right, but he blamed it on my illness. I am feeling better now though, and knowing that the most powerful thing about Kieran is his blood, I drained him repeatedly, trying to pull my shadows into being.


Finally success. The shadows have teeth to devour the flesh of my enemies and eyes to strike fear into their hearts as they go. Kieran was mostly alive. I would allow him the time he needed to recuperate before sharing the news I have with him. A new plan was forming in my mind already. We would regroup and when the staff was in our possession again. We would gain what was rightfully ours.

I gasped, trying to draw in breath. My vision was blurred, confusion filled me. I was a murderer! I had killed innocent people!

No, that wasn’t me. Narissa had done it.

“It wasn’t me. It wasn’t me. It wasn’t me.” I was repeating it like a mantra.

“What wasn’t you? Slow your breathing!”

“She’s hyperventilating.” I heard Briony’s worried voice and tried to calm myself. I had killed the Shuni king, tasted his blood, and laughed.

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