Outing of the Heart (74 page)

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Authors: Lisa Ann Harper

Sliding her hands down the muscles of Sid's back, they came to rest on the rise of her tight ass. She stroked over the hard firmness, feeling the muscles working as she moved over her. She molded her hands to the tops of her thighs. Little by little, she worked back up to the deep cleft and slid her fingers between the curves until she found the hard, round opening. In time with Sid's thrusts, she too pushed … extra pressure, no entry at this time, only the pleasure of contact. Sid could hold back no longer. With Ten's hand still in place, she moved herself over onto her right thigh.
‘Sorry Babe,' she muttered thickly, ‘you make it so's I can't wait.'
‘I don't want you to wait. I want you to come like this,' Ten responded between breathless gasps, ‘and I want my hand to be covered in your cum when you do.'
That was too much. Sid had to let go, her body set aflame as Ten's hand slid forward towards the throbbing centre of her desire. Now the rising heat of her orgasm shattered into its final explosion of a thousand stars. She clenched her teeth and uttered no sound. Only rasping breaths could be heard, as wave after wave of almost unendurable ecstasy wracked through her body in great shudders and tears welled up, impossible to stop, flowing out from her very soul and bringing with them the love that was dearest to her heart. Eventually her movements slowed, the urgency replaced by a languorous deliverance. But Ten maintained her caresses, still connecting their senses and the climax continued to resonate 'til she was completely spent. At last she lay still, would have rolled away, but Ten kept her held.
They exchanged soft kisses and deep looks filled with love, those blue eyes touching her everywhere.
‘Now I will make you feel as good as you made me,' she promised, smiling with happiness as her eyes continued to probe. It was as though their lovemaking had no beginning and no end, only the flowing tide of their emotions, passing one to the other. She moved over, lying against Ten's right side and began to kiss her with greater insistency.
Sometimes her mouth felt hard against her teeth and her tongue, no longer soft and caressing, was flicking and pointed. This was like a different Sid. Not warm and gentle … a little threatening even. Jerred flashed into her mind and was gone. She was not feeling fearful, no … intensely excited. She had thought she didn't like hardness. What was happening to her? But her love gave her trust and she pushed away that moment of doubt.
Sid began to slide her body downward until she captured a nipple with her mouth, through the fabric. Ten squirmed, but the mouth was gentle, searching, evoking fierce shivers of erotic pleasure. She lifted up the shift to release her breasts and Ten gasped as they sprang free, their voluptuous fullness exposed to Sid's greedy gaze; their mute invitation letting her know they were hers for the taking … and she did. Her tongue slid around and over and over each pointed bud as they continued to become engorged and enlarged. Ten felt her arousal to be almost beyond bearing, in this sensual indulgence of skin against skin.
‘NOW, my darling,' she cried out in desperation.
Sid let her fingers glide between the slippery wetness of Ten's lips, swollen and hot. She went slowly, she would dictate the pace and not be rushed by her woman's passion. She felt the small bud rise and grow with tumescence as she circled around with the softest of touches, its hardness making it stand out from the guarding folds of hot, protective flesh. Ten let out deep sighs at this beautiful touch. She continued to stroke her, moving her mouth to the other breast, bringing it to a peak of excitement with her insistent, teasing tongue, enticing it to strain toward the source of pleasure, all the while spiralling the clitoral tempo inexorably toward that final, ecstatic release.
Lying there, abandoned to her lover, melting in the glorious sensations of lingering, exquisite pleasure, Ten knew there was no other reality but this. There was no stopping, only the headlong rush to the ultimate explosion. She wanted to cry out, but suddenly Sid's hand was across her mouth. Her climax burst forth nonetheless, filling her, shaking her, 'til she could feel nothing more than her overwhelming love.
Sid moved on top of her again, pressing down along her full length. Ten could feel the renewed excitement in her lover, transmitted from her orgasm and the flame of her own desire was again rekindled.
‘Dearest heart,' breathed Sid against her throat.
Ten could not resist moving her pelvis and matching their rhythms. A second climax was building as Sid continued to grind against her growing hardness. She moved tantalizingly slowly, but she stayed with her, close and bonded in this ritual of mating.
“This can't be possible,”
Ten thought to herself: “A
It was all too beautiful … and Sid so wonderful.
They lost themselves in a long, profound kiss, their arousal coming together on another level, rising to the ultimate in sexual pleasure with climactic bursts of such intensity, mingling their juices in abandoned reverberations of love. They held each other in tight embrace, experiencing transcendent transports of ecstasy, their bodies locked together in orgasmic spasms. They were as one, in love and united; bonded in primeval rapture.
At last, completely satisfied and happy, they slept, their slumbers sweet and replenishing after all the trauma and trials they had been through. The revivification of deep and untroubled sleep gave them the hours of physical rest their bodies craved. How they had needed this beneficent and bountiful expression of their love; the opportunity so long denied. This conjugation had given form to the depth of their feeling; a self-expression most gloriously entered into.
*   *   *
Tenille stirred, hearing her mother's voice: ‘I've brought you breakfast in bed, Tennie.'
She stiffened, her heart suddenly banded in iron, heavy and cold, as she realized the significance of the situation. Her mother must be in the next room. “
She'll know I'm not in the bathroom,”
she thought. What to do? This was awful. She clamped down on her panic. Sidonie still slept. Could she get out of bed and pretend to be visiting? But her crutches were over there. Damn this leg.
“Sweet Mother of all, what shall I do?”
she agonized.
The decision was taken from her as Doris appeared in the doorway, her gaze steely, lips firm, looking at her daughter.
‘What is the meaning of this?' she demanded in tense, furious tones. Sidonie stirred and was instantly awake. “
Goddess Sophia.”
she came round fast.
“We've slept the night away.”
She reached out for her watch on the night table. It was a quarter to eight. Then she too, sat up and looked uneasily at Mrs. Fenech, experiencing a sudden surge of prescient foreboding. Fortunately they were both still wearing their night attire so at least they were not naked in front of her, but in bed was bad enough.
Tenille found her voice as she ran nervous fingers through her hair, but only to say: ‘Mom.' Throat dry and constricted, she was filled with shameful humiliation under that stony stare. Her mother's eyes never wavered from her daughter's face.
‘I will see
downstairs,' she commanded, then turned to the perpetrator of this monstrous affair. It would be she who was the instigator in all this. No doubt about that.
‘Young lady. I'll thank you to pack your bags and leave this house – this morning.' She wasn't sure she could bring herself to address this person another moment but, thank God, she knew how to behave. ‘Mr. Fenech and I appreciate your driving our daughter home, but we need detain you no longer.' With that she turned and left the room.
*   *   *
#27, Maple St.,
Lindsay, Ontario.
Sun. July 21st.
Dear Carmel,
It's been an age since we were in touch. I miss the long chats we used to have. Still, it's good to have a chance to sit and write you. Tennie's been here four days now and is recuperating very well. I think the quiet pace of life is good for her, although she's still looking rather pale. But then, she doesn't go out much. It's hard with the crutches anyway.
I'd been looking forward to having this time with her but it's not worked out as I'd hoped. Do you remember, Carmel, how she used to chat away? She was such a sunny child. Now it's all different. We don't have those lovely heart to hearts we used to enjoy so much.
One of the reasons she's been so quiet is because I had to send her friend away. I've been unable to bring myself to mention this to anyone, but I feel I can discuss it with you, you'll understand. It was like this.
The very first morning of Tennie's stay here, I caught her in bed with that creature. I should have guessed when I first set eyes on her. She's not our sort and completely unsuitable as a friend for my little girl. Anyway, I'd decided to take her breakfast up to her and, after I got no answer opened her bedroom door, only to find the bed was empty. I knew she wasn't in the bathroom since Alex was there. I thought then she'd gone next door to chat with her friend and when I went to that room … well, there they were. I can tell you, I was horrified. To think poor little Tennie was being corrupted by such a woman. I've always protected her from the wicked ways of the world and then I discover this, under my very roof.
Well Mel, you can imagine, my indignation knew no bounds and I ordered that tramp to leave immediately. She didn't give me any trouble, I was thankful for that. Mind you, any cheek from her and she would have heard the sharp edge of my tongue. After she'd gone, I sought out Tennie and found her sitting under our big Maple, at the back. ‘We'll, what do you have to say for yourself?' I asked her. She didn't say anything, Mel, just continued to stare at the ground. ‘Answer me,' I demanded of her. At that she looked up and I saw a spark of defiance in her eyes and her words confirmed it. Do you know, Sis, she had the nerve to say to me, ‘I love her.' Can you imagine, just like that. So belligerent.
‘You don't know what you're saying,' I told her. ‘She caught you at a weak moment and has worked her evil influences on you.' Mel, my feelings were running so strong, it was all I could do to control my voice and prevent it from becoming strident. I was that mad about the whole thing. A daughter of mine behaving in such a disgusting and unnatural way. She looked upset, but not repentant. Upset at being caught I suppose. Anyway, I continued trying to find excuses. I told her she was vulnerable after her accident and everything; probably didn't know what she was doing. I did feel that removing her from that perverted influence would help her to see straight. I said: ‘Stop this nonsense Tenille and come to your senses.' I was furious, I can tell you, but she just continued to sit and stare. I expected her to throw herself into my arms and beg for my forgiveness. I would have given it to her too, Mel. I was ready to help her back to the righteous path; welcome her back to the fold, but she showed no remorse – oh, except to say she was sorry I'd seen them like that, but not that she regretted being there, you know, in bed with a woman. I know she wasn't there just for sleeping. I could tell how they were. It was disgusting and offensive.
I've not told her father. He would be so distressed to think a daughter of his could behave in such a depraved manner. I can't imagine where Tennie's self respect could have gone, to let herself get involved with someone like that. Her other girl friends were never like this one. I'll grant you she has a striking appearance, the most intense blue eyes you can imagine, but no class whatsoever. I knew I didn't like her when first we met. Right from the beginning she seemed to have an unnatural power over Tennie. I could sense something between them, although I was unable to put my finger on it. Of course, now I know it was this deviate influence that she was practising on my innocent.
The upshot of all this, however, is that Tennie keeps pretty much to herself. She doesn't go visiting with me any more and sometimes it's like I don't have my daughter home at all. She reads a lot. To tell you the truth, we're a sad household just now. I don't feel at all well and I'm not sleeping nights. I don't know if Alex suspects anything. He's not mentioned that girl's leaving, but you know how he is, never one to really express himself and he'd run a mile before he'd confront any issue. I could never count on him for active support. Generally he won't openly oppose, but that's not much help either, is it?
Well Carmel, this has brought you up to date on our sad state of affairs here. I hope you and Roger are well and still enjoying your new house. Do write soon. I need to know what you think about all this, although I'm sure it's just a temporary aberration and Tenille will come to her senses.
Much love to you both,
#27, Maple St.,
Lindsay, Ontario.
Tues. July 23rd.
My darling Sid,
How are you my love? I have to tell you, I am so torn apart over all this business. Your having to leave like that wrenched at my heart. To be separated so cruelly, I felt I would die. It's hard to act normally with everyone when all I want is to be with you.
Darling, I have been thinking and I know I can never live without your loving. I'm only half-alive when we're apart. I want to be with you all the time. I am sure now, that I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I want, with all my heart, to give you happiness and to have you love me. This sad business has made me realize, more clearly than anything previously, that you, Sid, are my heart's desire and the love of my life. Nothing and no one can change my mind or heart on this.
Please tell me your feelings have not changed toward me. I know mother behaved insufferably. She can be very intolerant and dictatorial. But Sid, it's more because of her feelings for me than against you. I'm sure this is the way of it. I know it must be hard for you, but please try not to take her dismissal personally. I'm desperate that you know all this hasn't turned me against you. Sid, I could say nothing that day you left and I know how miserable you must have been. But believe me, whatever my mother tries to do or say, (she's forbidden me to ever see you again). she won't be successful in changing my feelings for you.
Since we can't talk on the phone, (Mom would never let your call through), will you write me, care of my friend Kirstie, I'll include her address with this. Kirstie is a very old friend. She'll bring your letters to me.
Actually, darling, I had wanted to write this sooner, but had no way of posting it before. This will be my first chance. We have a mailbox at the end of the street. When mom goes out, I'll hop down to it. It's quite a long distance, but I consider every step worth the effort.
You know, it's hard for me to say goodbye Sid, and this is true even in a letter. As I write, I feel so much closer to you and I hate to have to break the contact. Anyway, I regret I've had to wait so long to get this to you, but I have a chance to be out on my own this afternoon.
I love you, my dearest, darlingest Sid, with all my heart.
Your Tenille.

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