Read Overcome Online

Authors: Annmarie McKenna

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

Overcome (11 page)

Now if only he’d slip that hand of his a little lower.

It’s like you turned into a whore, Anna.
She even had her legs spread wantonly open.
Beg for a couch, not sex, you idiota.

Anna slipped her knee below the waterline in an effort to display at least a portion of modesty. Nearly impossible while a thumb rasped just under her left breast, wreaking havoc on her senses and sending goose bumps across her exposed skin. Just a bit higher and he’d be where she wanted him…


His free hand snaked out and caught her leg before she could straighten it, and pushed her thigh back where she’d had it resting against his thigh.

“Leave it,” he whispered, his palm caressing ever so close to her core. Her clit did a happy dance, though he wasn’t close to touching the tiny bundle of nerves.

Oh God. Besides being intimately twined together as they were, he’d yet to really do anything but look.
And rub not nearly close enough to any parts that mattered.

She cleared her throat and let reality crash around her. She couldn’t live a fantasy right now with the world conspiring against her.

“I’ve looked just about everywhere within the driveable limits for a place to live, and seriously, my only option isn’t even negotiable.”

“If you’re referring to Bud Masterson, you’re right. Non-negotiable.”

Anna snorted. “You don’t have to worry about him. I think I may have even told him I had to leave because I’d forgotten my mother was dying. Or maybe I just thought it, but still I would have shamelessly used the excuse, if needed.” Remembering the few-toothed man with his dirty wife-beater shirt made her whole body shudder in disgust. She could only imagine taking the place and waking up to see him standing over her in the dead of the night. Getting himself off, no doubt, while she slept unaware. Those were the kind of squicky vibes she’d gotten from him.

“Anyway, there aren’t any empty apartments in town. I tried to go out of town today, but you know how it is. We’re surrounded by tiny little cities. Most of them are a quarter of the size of Trenton. There aren’t any complexes in places where most of the buildings were built back in Laura Ingalls’s time, not within a suitable driving distance for me.”

He snorted and gave her a squeeze. One she took as more reassuring then sexual, and she let herself sink more fully into his arms. “Are you saying Trenton is old?”

“Most of the houses have either fallen in or are about to. Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely part of the old-time charm. It’s one of the reasons I love living here. I can move to Chilicothe, but I don’t relish that long lonely drive day in and day out, and I certainly don’t want to go back to Kansas City because I just got this job—”

Anna found her face turned and Colton’s lips covering hers mid-sentence, an action she was coming to learn meant shut up. She did tend to ramble when nervous, and if there was ever a time to be nervous, naked in a bathtub with an equally naked, sexy man made nervous an understatement.

He ended the oh-so-tender kiss a few seconds later, and it took her long, many pounding heartbeats to recall what they’d been talking about.

“Don’t forget the prank phone calls.” Oops. Based on the sudden stillness behind her and the way his fingers stopped stroking the delicate skin of her inner thigh, she’d said the wrong thing.

“What prank phone calls?”

She licked her lips. “Not really prank, per se. The one this morning I didn’t get to before they hung up.” Remembering why she hadn’t gotten to the phone made her cheeks heat. “It wasn’t a number I knew, and I…” she squirmed in the space between his legs. No way would she tell him
she hadn’t gotten to it in time. “I was busy and forgot to call it back.” She rushed out the explanation, hoping he wouldn’t press her for more. “Then later it was an unknown number and no one answered.” She shrugged.

“Give me the number later, I’ll look it up.” He was still tense behind her, but his fingers began to wander again, and she found herself inching closer to those oh-so-tempting tips.

One hundred percent slut. And yet, neither of them has ever made you feel like a whore or anything other than cherished.
Which was weird in and of itself since she’d only been in their presence a handful of times

“Anyway you see my housing dilemma,” she said, getting back to the crux of the problems she had.

“So you’ll stay here with us.” He said this so matter-of-factly, it was as if he expected nothing less then her total commitment.

Part of her wanted to acquiesce.

“I feel so dumb.” Yet she relaxed into his chest as if they’d been a couple for a long time. “And if I didn’t know better, I’d think you orchestrated this whole thing so I’d have to come live with you.”

His bark of laughter disrupted the water and sent some splashing dangerously close to the edge of the tub. “Yes, yes we did this on purpose. Bought the house out from underneath you, made it so there were no apartments available in the area, had you
and caused your tire to go flat so you’d have to come crawling to us. All before either of us had even met you.”

“Well. When you put it that way…”

“I do.” He rubbed his cheek on hers. “It’s fate, Anna. Fate brought you to us and sat you in our laps. I know cops don’t believe in coincidence, but I’m not going to question the things that have happened in the past week leading you to our door. At least not right this second.”

“Does Fate have anything to do with the confliction of feelings I have?”

He stiffened behind her again, his arms wrapping a little bit tighter around her chest in an almost possessive hold. She had to admit she missed the fingertips, which had been a mere inch or two from her pussy. Something she should have been ashamed of. As in, smacking him in the face and scrambling to get as far away from him as she could.

“What do you mean?”

“I can’t figure out why I’m not running as far and as fast as I can. Why it feels almost…natural to be sitting here in the buff with you when I know damn well I’d feel the same way if you were Marc holding me. Comfortable. I’ve never done this before, Colton. Never willingly, or unwillingly for that matter, gotten into a tub with a man. Hell, I’ve never gotten into a bed this easily with a man. Any man. Not even Peter and we were married.”

He squeezed her again, this time with his thighs as well. “How ’bout we make a rule that no other man’s name comes into play while you’re naked with me, huh?”

Anna smiled. “What about,
,” she cooed.

Colton growled, the rumble out of his throat pressing on the side of her neck so she actually felt it. “Don’t mess with me, little girl.” His lips traversed down the slope of her neck again, and this time his teeth settled on the spot he’d nibbled earlier. Sharp teeth teased the skin there, threatening to bite harder.

And damned if the thought didn’t make her want to see how far she could push before he actually did bite her. Mark her? Is that what the shifters called it?

“Is this an open party, or is three a crowd?”

Anna yelped and sat up, startled by the sound of Marc’s voice behind them.

“Definitely a party.” Colton pulled her close again, spreading her legs wide and getting comfortable as if another man hadn’t just entered the room.

Anna’s heart thumped hard against her rib cage. What the hell was she supposed to do now?

“I need a place to stay,” she murmured, dumbfounded and unable to move.

“You look pretty good right where you are to me.”

Colton chuckled. Anna elbowed him in the belly.

The slap of cloth hitting the floor made Anna turn. Marc had his fingers on the zipper of his jeans. His bare chest made her mouth water, and he moved toward her while toeing his shoes off.


“Yes?” One of his eyebrows hitched. One of his very sexy eyebrows. The one on his face above a piercing blue eye.

Don’t look down. Don’t look down. Don’t look down.

She looked down. At a really, really nice package. Long and thick and hard and— “Fuck.”

“We can.” Colton palmed her breast, tugged at a beaded nipple, and Anna squirmed in his arms.

She wanted to. If anything, sex with them was bound to be an instant stress reliever.

And she had stress built up in spades. Lots and lots and lots of stress. She was pretty sure they’d be adequate in alleviating some of it.

“I do.” She nodded. Yes, yes she did. She wanted to finally give in to the temptation staring her in the face.

She had to be out of her ever-loving mind.

Colton sat stock still behind her. So still the water didn’t even move. Marc hovered above them, also still as a statue, a look of astonishment on his face.

Time to do something for herself, for her own pleasure tonight. Tomorrow she’d worry about the other stuff.

So she enunciated very clearly for them. “I want to have sex with both of you.”

Sharp teeth scraped down her throat and settled at the crook of her neck in what she considered a warning bite.

“Be sure that’s what you want, Anna. There won’t be any going back once we have you.” Marc lifted her hand and placed a soft kiss on the palm.

There was always a way out.

Wasn’t there?

She sucked in a long breath and tilted her face up to his. “I want this. Both of you.”

Something flashed in Marc’s eyes. Deep, hungry, possessive. She swore the blues of his eyes were turning a tinge yellow too.

It turned her on, to know that she was getting to him.

Marc’s hold on her hand turned to a grip on her wrist and he pulled, lifting her out of the tub with Colton’s help.

Almost before she could take her next breath, they had her between them, her feet on dry ground as she dripped all over it. With a hard cock pressing into her on both sides.

She licked her lips.

“So…I’ve never done this before…” She let the thought trail off. If they couldn’t see she was a novice to this sort of thing, then they were in for a big surprise. She was about as vanilla as they came. A blowjob was literally the extent of her expanded repertoire. And even those she wasn’t particularly spectacular at doing. At least not according to Peter.

Which is probably why he’d gone elsewhere for his fun, she thought morosely. What if she sucked at sex so bad they kicked her out before she even had the chance to claim the couch?

A finger lifted her chin. “I don’t think you need to worry. We’ll take of you.” Marc’s lips pressed on hers, soft at first and then more demanding, his tongue parting her lips and sliding into her mouth to tangle with hers. All the while Colton’s fingers wandered over her skin, teasing and leaving goose bumps in their wake.

They shuffled her to the door and through it, and then guided her to the huge bed she hadn’t seen when they’d first come in from the rain. She’d been more than a bit discombobulated then.

A few seconds later they had her stretched out on her back, the thick, plush mattress beneath her and two muscular, near yellow-eyed, virile males standing above her, each stroking their cock with one hand and heat pouring off them in waves.

They were about to eat her alive.

Chapter Eight

Marc eyed the feast laid out before them and barely controlled his wolf’s instinct to take her, devour her whole, and leave her a mass of sated female. He would leave her that way, but he’d do so slowly and linger on her taste, do his best to make sure she left the bed unable to remember any previous sexual encounters.

And he’d start right now.

With a knee between her legs, Marc crawled his way up her body. Anna’s chest rose and fell sharply with each heavy breath she took. She squirmed and the satin skin along her neck down to the top of her breasts took on a pink hue. He was damn glad he’d left the light on so he could see every single reaction they drew from her.

Her tongue poked out and wet her bottom lip as she watched him lower toward her mouth and take control. The bed dipped to his right when Colton joined him. Marc swallowed Anna’s moan. She tasted sweeter than ever. His lover. His mate. His forever. He wanted to savor her, but the sounds she made as Colton played with her nipples spurred him on.

He released her lips and dragged his mouth along the slope of her neck, lingering for a few seconds where he planned to mark her very soon, and then farther to latch onto a nipple. Colton joined him at the other side. Anna squeaked and her back arched from the bed. Only the two of them on top of her kept her grounded.

Marc slipped his fingers over the smooth expanse of her belly, loving how she quivered beneath his touch and how her legs opened more the closer he got to his destination. Slickness greeted him, evidence of her arousal.

“Yes.” Her hips lifted, seeking more, and Marc smiled against the plumpness of her breast.

“Shhh…” Colton soothed.

Marc found the hidden nub of nerves and pressed against it with his thumb while he slid one long finger into her tight sheath.

“Shit. Shitshitshit.” Her hips jerked up again, seating Marc’s finger deeper, and Marc nipped at the nipple in his mouth. “More.” The word was more a gasp than an actual word.

Marc toyed with her, wanting her to be at the ultimate peak before they took her. Wanted her to be so boneless and sated she wouldn’t notice the flare of necessary pain as they both had her at the same time.

Colton’s fingers joined Marc’s, one of them sliding into her heat also. Her next cry was stifled by Colton’s mouth. Marc bit down, pinching the nipple a bit harder, adding to the sensations he knew they were bombarding her with. It was beautiful.
was beautiful. And all theirs for the taking.

Together they pushed into her pussy, stretching her, preparing her. When he glanced up her chest, she had her head thrown back and her mouth opening and closing in rhythm with the motion of her hips as she tried to reach orgasm against his thumb. He let her. Wanted to see her reach the peak and spill over. Wanted to hear what sounds she made as she came.

He simply pressed on her clit and let her do what she needed to. It didn’t take long. Her body stiffened, her back arched, and Marc let go of her nipple to watch.

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