Owned by the Dom: Part Two (The Owners) (28 page)

“Thank you,” she said.

He broke the kiss cupping her cheek. “What for?”

“For giving me time.”

James smiled. “You better have enjoyed that time, Prudence. You’re not getting another second away from me.”


Returning back to her life was scary. Italy had been idyllic and she’d never wanted to come away from their space there. Life, however, demanded their presence. She quit her job on James’s orders and went to work for him at Ravage. She got to know Gabe, and she agreed with James that he wasn’t a bad guy. He was a wicked Dom but a caring one. When James was busy in Ravage after the nightclub closed, she watched Gabe training a sub while she waited for James. Her man had found the perfect replacement for him. She couldn’t fault Gabe at anything he did. The subs seemed to love him on the spot. He kept them at a distance and made each woman aware he wasn’t for keeps.

When he finished with a session Gabe would sit with her if James hadn’t returned. He brought her over a
glass of water as he helped himself to a beer. All the men knew not to come near her. James had stated his ownership of her. The cross she wore was on display at all times, but she wanted the silver chained collar he bought for her around her neck. The collar held more significance to the room than the cross did.

“You’re thinking really hard this evening,” Gabe said, swigging beer.

“I’m thinking about James. I hate leaving him up there.” If she was up there with James then he didn’t do all of his work, and she was left feeling guilty when he got behind. She did as much as he allowed her to do.

“You’d be more a distraction to him in the room. He struggles to concentrate when you’re with him in the office and when you’re helping me serve drinks.”

“See, I curse him no matter what I do. He won’t let me get another job, and I’d never be the kind of woman who sits around all day twiddling her thumbs and waiting for the next fashion to come out.”

Gabe chuckled. “That’s why he loves you. You’re a good woman, Prudence Star. You’ll do James proud as the woman by his side and his sub.”

She basked in the compliment. “Come on then, what’s your story?”

“I don’t have a story,” he said.

“Everyone has a story.”

Gabe swallowed down more beer. “You really want to know about me?” he asked.


“Am I interrupting something?” James asked.

Prue smiled up at her man. He glared at Gabe. If they were alone in his office she’d hit him for the glare. When they were in the Dungeon of Ravage she had to be a good little sub.

“Maybe you can tell me another time,” Prue said.

In the next instant Gabe was gone and replaced by James at her side.

“You weren’t interrupting anything,” she said, pissed at him for thinking there could be.

“I don’t like men that close to you.”

“We were talking, Sir.” She stared around the room as he voice rose. “You know what
? I’m getting out of here.” Prue placed her water on the table then got up to move. James followed behind her. They took the elevator together.

“You’re pissed.”

“Yeah, I’m pissed. How do you think that looks to me when you go all macho like that on another guy?” she asked. Her anger grew by the second. She didn’t like it when his response looked bad on her.

The way he came over to their table and glared at Gabe made it look like she always flirted with other men. She didn’t flirt with anyone
, and she was pissed by what he did.

Once the elevator stopped, she stormed out not bothering to wait for him. Arthur sat in the car tapping on the steering wheel. She climbed in the back of the car before either man could open the door.

James didn’t speak on the way home. Prue stared out of her window seething with rage.

Calm down, Prue. Nothing happened.

Nothing would ever make her flirt with another man. She was angry at his behaviour. When they were in the club with all the men who flirted with her that was a different situation, and he could be the macho guy. In the Dungeon at Ravage it felt wrong for him to be that way. No other man would ever be her Dom. She was his.

Arthur pulled up to the house. Prue climbed out her side, typed in the code and left James to handle his driver. She made her way inside, removed her strappy
sandals then walked in the direction of the kitchen.

Within seconds James had followed. Her anger hadn’t abated one bit.

“What’s going on?” he asked.

“You, that is what’s going on.” She opened the fridge
and grabbed the leftover rice and chicken before slamming them on the side.

She was starving.

Prue banged the pan on top of the stove as she set to work creating herself a night-time snack.

“What did I do this time?” he asked.

She ignored him until everything she was going to eat was sizzling.

“I can’t believe you went off on that at Gabe.”

“He was sitting too closely to you. I’m the only one allowed, Prudence. You’re being unreasonable.”

Slamming the spoon onto the side, she rounded the counter and poked him in the chest. “When we’re out or at Ravage then you can go all macho bullshit on me
, but when we’re in the Dungeon then I don’t want you to do it. It reflects badly on me.” She pointed at her chest while shouting at him.

, it doesn’t.”

Prue hit him on the chest.
“Yes, it fucking does. First, I’m your sub, so I’m supposed to be trusted enough to be left alone, and yet, there you are glaring at Gabe. He’s the head Dom of the club, and you’re glaring at him. That comes back to me, asshole. I’m your woman, and yet in a room full of people, with your glaring attitude, you pretty much say, ‘I don’t trust my woman because she’s a skank!’” She didn’t mean that last part, but her anger got the better of her.

“I don’t think of you as a skank, Prudence. Don’t ever call yourself that again.”

He grabbed her finger, which kept poking him.

She gasped from the touch. James always did have that magnetic power over her that drew her closer to him.

“It doesn’t matter what you think, but you don’t see the others treating their subs like that, do you?” she asked. Hands on her hips, Prue glared at him.

James paused for several moments, staring at her.

“You have a point.”

“No, I don’t have a point. I speak the truth. Stop being an asshole. You’ve got nothing to worry about, James. I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here with you
, and that’s never going to change, no matter what you do. I love you.”

She wrapped her arms around him, pulling James in close.

“Is something burning?” he asked.

“Shit, you made me burn my food now.”

Prue ran around the counter, taking the frying pan off the heat. The food was stuck to the bottom. No problem, her appetite had changed for something better.



Chapter Twenty-


James made every effort to not glare at any other man while they were together in the Dungeon. He didn’t trust the men around her no matter what she said. Their wedding preparations were underway. The wedding dress, along with the bridesmaids’ dresses, had been purchased.

Some guy called Simon Myers was handling the preparation of the wedding. He and Stephen were simply being told what to do
and when. James didn’t mind being controlled with regards to the wedding. He looked forward to the night after.

He’d organised a special surprise for his woman and one he knew she’d like.

She was currently out in the club waiting for a delivery of the liquor when Gabe came into his office.

“Close the door, Gabe,” he said.

The privacy of the closed door wouldn’t last if Prudence wanted inside.

“What can I do for you, Boss?” Gabe asked, taking a seat.

“In about three weeks I’ll be married to Prudence. I want you there at the ceremony.” He’d not known the guy very long, but he knew Gabe was a good man. James had watched him with the women in the Dungeon and at the club enough to know the truth about the man.

“I appreciate it. Thank you,” Gabe said.

James cleared his throat. “Also, I want to talk to you about something else.”

Gabe waited for him. Looking past his shoulder at the door, James expected Prudence to storm through any minute. “The other night I was out of order in the way I spoke to you. I promise it won’t happen again.”

“Prudence is a gorgeous, sexy woman, James. I wasn’t surprised by the way you treated me. She deserves to have a man be protective of her.”

“Well, she doesn’t like the way my behaviour reflects on her.”


“There is something else. After the wedding I’ll be collaring Prudence as my sub. I want you to lead the ceremony and have everything ready for the day after the wedding. I’m putting of the honeymoon
off until after then.”

“Sure thing. I’ll start preparations and make sure Prudence doesn’t have a clue about them.”

“Thank you, I appreciate it.”

Gabe left minutes later to finish off work. Prudence joined him. She moved around his desk to sit in his lap.

“We need to leave in five minutes for the cake test,” she said, kissing his cheek.

Wrapping an arm around her, James pulled her close. “I thought Simon was handling everything.”

“He would, but you don’t know what cake he wanted. Ursula and Stephen will be waiting for us.”

James tapped her leg. “We better get going then.”

For the rest of his day, he sat around a table with Stephen, Ursula, and his woman trying cake after cake after cake.

In the end Prudence settled in a chocolate cake while Ursula and Stephen had a vanilla cake.

While their women collected the dresses from the shop, he walked with Stephen around a clothing department.

“How are you holding up?” Stephen asked.

James went straight to the women’s underwear section. He perused the shelves looking for the kind of underwear he’d gladly take off of his woman. “I’m doing well. I spoke to Priscilla. She and Prudence had their last session a couple of days ago. From what she tells me everything is going fine, and I shouldn’t have to worry about any setbacks. Any news on Dane?”

He selected three thongs along with a bra that had holes where the nipples should be.
“No, last I heard he was working for Josiah and Hubert. Isabella and Rebecca are still staying at the club. Lucas hates the fact his sister won’t go and stay with him. My club is turning into a hotel for my friends,” Stephen said.

“The bastards.” James teased him.

James purchased the underwear, and as he was paying Prudence came back to him.

“The dresses are in the car. Ursula’s waiting for you, Stephen.”

“I’ll see you two soon.”

They made their way out of the department store
, and Arthur opened the car door for them.

You apologised to Gabe, didn’t you?” she asked.

“Yes. I saw your point
, but he saw mine,” he said, feeling victorious.

She slapped him on the arm. Arthur dropped them off at their home. Prudence hung the dress in the bedroom closet while he started to undress.

“Are you sure you want to marry me?” she asked, coming up behind him.

“Baby, I’ve never wanted anything else in the world.”

She smiled up at him
, and he was lost once again.

He told her he loved her. “I’ll never get tired of saying it.”

“You better not.”

They had three weeks to go until their wedding. James hoped he could wait that long to make her his.


Three weeks later

Prue sat staring at the mirror while her sister finished with her hair. Veronica had spiralled the length, so it fell in ringlets around her face. They were at Stephen’s house. Violet was doing Ursula’s hair next to them. The two women kept gazing at each other begging the other not to cry.

“Simon is going to be pissed if we’re late.”

Ursula had organised for Stephen to stay over at James’s so they could get ready together without the fear of the groom seeing the dress. She wasn’t superstitious like Ursula, but she followed the other woman’s plans. If James was there when she got ready then they’d never make it to the church. They couldn’t keep their hands off each other long enough to work most days of the week.

The bridesmaids consisted of Veronica, Violet, Anya, Becky, Isabella
, and Rebecca. She’d asked Priscilla to attend the event. Prue had grown to like the therapist and appreciated everything the woman did. Prue had also been in touch with Josiah and Hubert. She’d asked the two agents to find Melanie, the woman she’d been trapped with.

For some reason she’d wanted the woman at her wedding. She’d told Priscilla her plans. The older woman thought it would be good for her. What Priscilla didn’t agree with was doing it on her wedding day.

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