Read Packing Heat Online

Authors: Kele Moon

Packing Heat (2 page)

used to dry fuck Brad and the raw desperation that was addicting.

It wasn’t until the need for air busted through the haze that

Brad broke the kiss. He tossed his head back against the couch

while Gavin moved over him with an uncontroled need, as if so

starved for sexual attention he couldn’t even be bothered to remove

clothes before searching for release. Brad’s body actualy vibrated

with how badly he wanted this, and he tightened his hand in Gavin’s

hair, needing the lifeline.

“Get off on me,” he growled, more a demand than a request.

“Fuck my lap until you come.”

“Yeah?” Gavin panted against the curve of his neck. He

nipped lightly, his breath warm and soothing before his tongue laved

over the wound. “Christ, I need this. I’ve had a bad week.”

“I know, baby.” Brad cupped his ass tighter, helping the

grind. “You need it, take it.”

Gavin rode him with intent. His kisses were bruising, wild,

and wholy male in a way Brad loved. He gave as good as he got.

Brad slipped his hand past the gap in Gavin’s jeans, working

beneath cotton underwear to grip the smooth skin of his ass. He

wanted to feel his hole, to finger it and realy get him off, but Brad

knew he was dealing with his deeply in denial roommate. With

every raspy breath, a part of him was waiting for Gavin to freeze in

his arms and realize he was dry humping a man.

Gavin gasped as if catching Brad’s thoughts, the frustration

heavy in his voice as he begged. “Please.”

Fuck it. Brad released Gavin’s ass, then sucked on two

fingers, doing it slowly, being deliberate and seductive. Gavin eyed

Brad’s mouth as his light eyes became glazed with longing. His

breathing fel shalow like that of a starved animal while he watched

Brad prepare his fingers to fuck his ass.

Brad released his fingers with a pop and demanded, “Take

your dick out. I wanna see it.”

Gavin leaned back against Brad’s thighs. His hands shook as

he worked on unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans. He puled down

white cotton briefs, letting his cock fal hard and heavy into his hand.

God, it was a nice cock—long, thick, and cut—with the head

flaring red when Gavin fisted it. Brad sucked on his fingers once

more. He entertained the idea of shoving Gavin off him and

swalowing that cock, taking it deep and sloppy in a way he was

certain a woman never could. If Gavin wanted to play gay man,

Brad might as wel give him the five-star tour.

Gavin shuddered while Brad had a moment with his fingers.

“Please,” he repeated, his desperation obvious. “You’re teasing.”

The harsh need was palpable with every raspy breath Gavin


Brad reached around Gavin to grab the back of his shirt and

tug it up. With Gavin’s help they got his shirt off, giving Brad a view

of hard muscles before Gavin fel over him and buried his face in the

curve of Brad’s neck.

“Give it to me, baby.” Brad fisted Gavin’s hair once more. If

he wanted it, he was going to have to work for it. “Show me what

you want.”

Gavin shuddered so violently from Brad’s harsh demand, he

was worried he accidently forced him over the edge. But then Gavin

was shifting, his thighs sliding against the tile, pushing his bare cock

tighter against Brad’s stomach.

With Gavin practicaly vibrating in his arms, Brad slid his hand

beneath the gap in his jeans, finding his hole with spit-slicked

fingers. He circled it a few times, enjoying the way Gavin shifted

impatiently, trying to impale himself on Brad’s fingers.

“Shhh,” he said, stil getting acquainted with Gavin’s ass. “Put

your hands on my shoulders. We’re going slow.”

“Shit.” Gavin’s grip on Brad’s shoulders was tight and

bruising as he moved back against Brad’s fingers once more.

“Don’t go slow. I want it hard. Fast. Cruel. Make me stop


Brad let those words burn through him as his hold tightened in

Gavin’s hair. He jerked his head back to watch Gavin’s face as he

gave him what he wanted. He thrust into his ass hard and mean.

When Gavin gasped from the invasion, Brad curved his fingers up

and rubbed against his prostate before he had time to adjust.

“Fuck!” Gavin’s eyes flew open, stunned pleasure flashing

electric blue.

Brad’s grip on Gavin’s hair was unforgiving as he kept his

head back, forcing him to put the deviant indulgence on display.

With only spit for lube, the rub of his fingers in Gavin’s hot,

incredibly tight ass was rough and gritty in a way that hit every kink

button Brad had. He was in very real danger of coming in his jeans,

but he didn’t give a fuck, because Gavin looked amazing thrusting

back against his hand, furiously searching for relief.

Brad enjoyed the show, knowing it was going to be material

for a thousand jerk-off sessions. Sexy and wanton, Gavin was stil

grinding against Brad’s jean-covered cock, desperate to come

while Brad fingered his ass. He went back and forth between

rubbing his prostate and stretching Gavin’s hole, assuming he liked

the burn. He obviously did, because he released Brad’s shoulders

to fist his cock.

“Oh no.” Brad narrowed his eyes as he stopped the torment

of Gavin’s ass. “You want it from a man? You’re gonna get it the

way I like it. Let go of your dick or go find yourself a girlfriend.”

Gavin shuddered and placed both hands back on Brad’s

shoulders without argument. It was obvious he liked being told what

to do.

Brad’s cock jerked inside his jeans, but he liked the bite of

pain. It helped him keep control when everything in him wanted to

bend Gavin over this couch and fuck him with something crueler

than his fingers.

“Good boy.” Brad rewarded his obedience with another

nudge against his prostate.

Gavin jerked in his arms, crying out from the shock of


“Christ, Brad, please.” Gavin’s entire body was shaking with

the strain for climax. He tried to move back against Brad’s hand,

but Brad had him nestled tightly in his lap, taking his control. With

Gavin’s head wrenched back, the pleasure and need etched itself

over his handsome features as he pleaded, “Fuck me. I want you to

fuck me.”

“I don’t think so,” Brad said, stretching him even as he

denied both of them, because he wasn’t going to fuck a man in

denial when he was drunk. At least the rejection gave him a power

buzz. “I wil, however, enjoy watching you get off on my fingers.

I’m gonna watch you as you come, Gav, and you’re gonna enjoy

letting me.”

The defeat in Gavin was profound and fucking sexy as hel.

Brad saw stars from the lust rush when Gavin became languid over

him. Only taking what he was given, the tension was replaced with

something much more erotic—total submission as he surrendered

himself to Brad and the pleasure he was giving him.

More turned on than he’d been in his entire life, Brad finger

fucked his ass with enthusiasm. He was eager to see Gavin come

apart in his arms, and he wasn’t disappointed as the powerful cop

quickly ended up panting and frantic for a release from the

onslaught. His breathing grew more and more ragged as he got

closer to completion. No longer fighting for it now that he’d given

Brad control, Gavin jerked with the stroke that pushed him over the

edge. His body curved into the wrench on his hair and the grasp on

his ass. His cry of pleasure was savage and unrestrained.

Brad clenched his teeth and fought against closing his eyes at

the feeling of Gavin’s ass clenching around his fingers. He watched

Gavin’s face instead, the sheer decadence of tasting the forbidden

mapping its way over his beautiful features. He was completely

enthraled by the image, and it left more than his cock aching. His

chest sweled with an emotion he hadn’t felt in a very long time as

he admired the physical evidence of pleasure he was able to give


Jesus, he could fal in love with this asshole.

The realization shocked Brad sober when he would have

folowed Gavin over the edge. He was entertaining love and a

relationship with a man who was deeply in denial about who he was

and what he wanted. Yet somehow Brad ended up with Gavin

shaking in his arms, his cum sticky over Brad’s shirt and jeans. This

was going to be charming to deal with when Gavin got the alcohol

out of his system. Talk about a fucking deal-breaker. Brad

thought about just giving Gavin the apartment rather than facing the

awkwardness the morning after was going to bring.

Stil hard and aching, Brad stroked Gavin’s hair when he

started to come down from the high. He tried like hel not to savor

the feeling of his muscular body sated and heavy over him. When

Gavin placed a breathless kiss in the curve of Brad’s neck, he bit

his tongue to stop himself from demanding more.

“Thank you.” Gavin’s breath was warm against Brad’s

sensitive skin. “You have no idea how much I needed that.”

Brad locked his jaw to fight the raging lust. His fingers were

stil deep in Gavin’s ass that was tight enough to be divine and loose

enough to be fucked, and it was driving him insane. The need made

his voice a low growl of frustration. “No problem.”

“What about you?”

“I’m fine.” Brad’s cock protested the lie, jerking against the

painful confines of his jeans. “Let’s get you cleaned up and in bed.”

Brad felt Gavin’s smile against his neck, his sigh content. “I

could get used to this.”

“You’re definitely drunk. You need a shower, a glass of

water, and a bed to crash in.”

Gavin didn’t complain when they puled apart. He was stil

bowing to Brad’s demands and was actualy a charming drunk, hair

askew, stumbling down the hal. Brad had to deliberately look away

from Gavin’s broad, bare back, muscles rippling as he tugged on his

open jeans that continued to sag low on his hips.

“Too tired for a shower,” Gavin grumbled.

Standing apparently obliterated Gavin’s last thread of

sobriety. He was officialy shitfaced drunk as he walked past the

second bathroom and pushed on his bedroom door. He would have

landed on his face when the door opened, but Brad caught him. He

held Gavin close as he walked him to bed, breathing in his

distinctive scent that lingered beneath the smel of beer bleeding

from his pores.

Brad didn’t want to let go, but he did. Gavin fel on his bed

and roled onto his back with his jeans open and his underwear

pushed beneath his bals. His cock was stil half aroused, his bare

chest broad and muscular, his abs hard cut.

Gavin wore debauchery very wel.

Shaking with longing, Brad stared down at Gavin. He

swalowed against the need to suck that cock back to ful attention.

He baled his hands into fists at his sides to keep himself from

reaching out.

“Join me,” Gavin offered, heavy-lidded eyes stil enthraling

and tempting.

Brad turned around rather than respond. He walked out of

the room before he could take him up on the offer. He did have

standards. He wasn’t going to fuck Gavin when it was likely

Gavin’s memory of it was going to be foggy in the morning. Brad

was eaten up with guilt for taking what he did, even if he planned on

jerking off in the shower to the image of Gavin coming.

Brad returned a few minutes later with a glass of water and a

warm, wet washcloth to find Gavin sprawled out where he’d left


Brad cleaned him. He took his jeans and underwear off

rather than attempt to get them back on. Clean enough and naked,

Gavin remained asleep as Brad worked on tugging the covers out

from under him and then puled them up to cover his beautiful body.

His rumpled black hair was stark against the white of his pilow as

he snuggled into bed with a contented sigh. He remained completely

ignorant of the stab of pain in Brad’s heart when he walked away.

Chapter Two

A low buzz in the back of his head forced Gavin to fight his

way to wakefulness. His mouth was dry, tasting like stale, beer-

flavored cotton. Behind his closed eyes a throb echoed in his skul

to the sound of his heartbeat. It felt like someone had taken a

jackhammer to his brain while he slept. When he roled over, his

stomach protested.

While slamming his hand blindly against his nightstand,

looking for the source of the buzz, Gavin remembered why he

didn’t drink. He felt like death and it fucking sucked. In no way did

this blinding headache improve his situation.

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