Read Palm South University Season 1 Omnibus Online

Authors: Kandi Steiner

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Romantic Comedy, #Palm South University, #Season 1

Palm South University Season 1 Omnibus (17 page)


A HARD KNOCK on my bedroom door wakes me from my nap and I groan. “Go away.”

“Sky? It’s me…”

My eyes fly open at the sound of Clinton’s voice. Snatching my phone from the table, I sigh when I see I haven’t even been asleep for twenty minutes. With the news I got from my parents last week coupled with practicing for my upcoming tournament, I haven’t been sleeping at night. Afternoon naps are my only savior, and this one just got interrupted.

But Clinton hasn’t talked to me since the O Chi party when he blew up on me. I’ve tried texting him, calling him, showing up at his room – but he’s avoided me every time. So, as much as I really want to hit snooze and tell him to go away again, I refrain.

“Come in.”

I sit up in my tiny bed and attempt to fix my disheveled hair as he peeks in. Seeing that I’m decent, he lets the door close behind him and stands awkwardly in front if it with his hands in his pockets. “Hey.”


I don’t know what else to say. Clinton and I have never been in an argument, but I pushed him too hard at the party and he let me know that I needed to back off. It’s hard for me to do. Clinton is one of my best friends and I don’t know how to help him if he won’t tell me what’s going on.

Of course, the past week and a half I’ve been more occupied with my own shit. Dad didn’t get the promotion he’d been promised, which means the money he and Mom spent on fixing up the house thinking he’d have the paycheck to pay it off set them back. By a lot. I have a gut feeling there’s more they aren’t telling me because they don’t want me to worry, but it just makes me even more anxious.

I’m entered in a fairly large tournament at the casino downtown on Tuesday. If I win, I could pay off the credit card debt they racked up and finish paying off my tuition from this semester. It’s the biggest tournament I’ve played in a long time. With stakes this high, I’ve been practicing every night – and it’s definitely catching up to me.

Clinton lets out a heavy exhale, breaking me from my thoughts. It’s then that I notice how rough he looks. His dark skin is even darker under his eyes and his shoes don’t match his hat, which is saying a lot for Clinton. “Look, Skyler. I’m sorry. I’m bad at this shit but I’m sorry I blew up on you. You didn’t deserve it, you were just trying to help and I was a dick.”

I shrug, trying not to make a big deal about it. He hurt my feelings, but at the same time I meant what I said to the girls when I said he’d come around when he was ready. That’s the way Clinton works. “It’s all good, Bear. I’m just worried about you.”

“I know you are.” His eyebrows knit together as he assesses my appearance. “Shit, by the looks of you maybe it’s me who should be worried.”

I run my fingers through my tangled hair. “Yeah. Tournament this week.”

“Yeah? Been at the casino every night getting in some practice?”

I nod, yawning. “Exactly.”

Clinton sits down on the bed next to me and pulls me into his big chest, his arms enveloping me in a warm hug that almost puts me back to sleep. “You stress yourself out too much with this.”

“Well, I have a lot to lose. And a lot to gain.”

“Family stuff again?”

Clinton doesn’t know the whole story with my family. He gets the gist of it – I grew up piss poor and I have to work for everything I want and need – but he doesn’t know that I also have to provide for my family. Or, rather, I choose to.

“Dad didn’t get the promotion like he thought he would. Mom said they racked up some credit card debt, but I think it might be more than that, Bear.” I lean up to look at him. “I think there’s something they’re not telling me.”

“So you’re going to kick everyone’s ass at this tournament and then send some money home?” I nod and Clinton smiles. “’Attagirl. Are you going to Ralph’s for the annual Halloween rager?”

“I doubt it. That’s the day after the tournament. I’ll probably sleep through it.”

“What?” Bear jumps up, making me instantly miss his warm embrace. “Oh hell no. You need to have some fun, Sky. You’re prepared enough. Get some rest and enjoy your college experience.”

“It’s just one party.”

“But it’s the
party,” he points out.

I chuckle, but concede. “Well, when you put it like that.” Clinton winks and sits back down on the bed. Without even asking, I lean into him again and let my eyes close.

“We have an intramural football game tomorrow. You should come.”

I nod against his chest, but don’t have the energy to say anything else. He chuckles and leans us back, holding me until I succumb to sleep.



I’VE NEVER REALLY BEEN A SPORTS PERSON, other than poker – which is still kind of tough for me to see as a sport. In high school, I was too unpopular to be involved in any sporting events and in college I only go to support the guys. I can’t name one professional team of any variety and I have no idea what the penalties mean, but I’m still geared up in green and black – Omega Chi Beta colors – with Cassie as we cheer on Clinton and his brothers against Alpha Sigma.

“I’m glad you came out tonight, Big,” Cassie says, smiling. “I feel like you’ve been hidden away the past two weeks.”

“I know, I’m sorry. It’s just –”

“The tournament,” she interrupts, still smiling. “I know, I know. I’m just glad you’re finally hanging out with me.”

I frown a little at that, but decide not to think too much about it. I’m here now. That’s what matters.

Cassie and I jump off the bench every time O Chi scores, cheering like we should be carrying pompoms. Even though the leaves don’t really turn colors in South Florida, being outside cheering on a football game gets me in the fall spirit. When the last whistle is blown, the score is twenty-one to seven – Omega Chi Beta.

Clinton throws me up and over his shoulder when he rushes off the field, spinning me around and cheering. I beat my tiny fists against his back to no avail and end up just giving in, celebrating with him. When he finally puts me down, the grin I’m so accustomed to seeing is plastered on his face.
is the Clinton I know, the Clinton I’ve missed.

“Fuck yeah! You saw me sack that wimpy ass Alpha Sig, right?” Clinton holds up his hand for a high five and I slap mine against it.

“You were awesome, Bear.”

“Fuck yeah he was,” Josh chimes in. I fight against the urge to roll my eyes as he throws his arm around my shoulder. “You coming out to celebrate with us, Sky?”

“She has to practice for her poker tournament,” Cassie chimes in.

“Boo,” Josh says, but I’m thankful that he pulls his arm off me and rushes toward his brothers. Clinton gives me one last hug and then joins them.

“Uh oh, I smell trouble,” a voice says behind us. Cassie and I turn around at the same time to see Adam.


“Are you sure that’s trouble? Might be defeat.”

Adam clutches his bare chest and stumbles back a bit, tossing his drenched red shirt over his shoulder. The view of his insanely cut arms and chest is definitely a nice sight. “Ouch, Skyler. Why don’t you just kick a guy while he’s down?”

I giggle and bite my lip. Adam is cute. No, he’s
– and seeing his dark hair mussed on top of his head right now only makes me think of the last time I saw him that way, after rolling around in my bed for half the afternoon.

“What’d you think of the game?” he asks Cassie. She blushes and I shake my head. My Little is so damn innocent. Just talking to a boy makes her nervous. How the hell did she end up with me as a Big?

“It was good. You were good.”

He grins. “Does that mean you’ll give me a loser hug?”

Cassie’s eyes bulge as she takes in his sweaty body, but he doesn’t give her a chance to run before he wraps her in his arms and spins her around. She squeals and flails her legs until he finally puts her down.

“Thanks for the help, Big!”

“Hey, I’m not trying to get up in that sweaty mess.”

Adam turns his attention to me. “Oh yeah?” I take off sprinting in the opposite direction but he catches me easily and smothers me against his slick chest. I have to say, I don’t really mind it.

“You going to Ralph’s Wednesday?” he asks, finally letting me free.

“I’m thinking about it.”

“You should go.”

“Oh yeah? Why’s that?”

“Because I’ll be there.”

I bite my lower lip and assess him. I can’t say for sure, but I think I just might like Adam Brooks. “Well I have a tournament tomorrow night, so I might be too tired to go.”

“Oh yeah,” he muses. “I heard about you and your kick ass poker skills. Can I come watch?”

“Um, absolutely not.”

He blanches. “Why not?”

“I don’t really mix business with… pleasure,” I say, quirking a brow on the last word. Adam smiles at me devilishly, but doesn’t press the subject. Suddenly, his eyes flick behind me and his face hardens. When I turn to see what he’s staring at, Cassie is blushing talking to one of Adam’s brothers.

“Isn’t that your president?”


Adam is still focused on the scene behind me when I turn back around, his mouth flattened into a thin line. “I take it you don’t exactly care for him?”

“That’s putting it lightly,” he scoffs. “The guy’s a dick.” He shakes his head and turns his attention back to me. “Let me come to the tournament with you.”

“Not a chance.”

Adam narrows his eyes. “Fine. Well, at least tell me what you’ll be dressed as at Ralph’s so I can find you. Because let’s be honest, you’ll be there. Everyone will be there.”

I roll my eyes, but can’t really argue with him. “Are you going to dress as the other half of my costume if I tell you what it is?”


“Well then, I’ll either be Sandy from Grease, the black swan, or a princess. Choose your costume wisely.”

With that, I throw him a wink and saunter back over to Cassie before linking my arm in hers and pulling her away from Adam’s president, who she informs me is named Clay. When I cast a glance back, Adam is still staring, shaking his head with his arms crossed over his chest.

Maybe this party won’t be so bad after all.


I LEARN QUICKLY that Halloween in a sorority house is an explosion of glitter, spandex, and makeup.

Adjusting my boobs in the too-small purple shell top the girls talked me into, I look around at all the costumes. Bo is a sexy ninja and Ashlei is a go-go dancer. They’re both giggling in the corner of Skyler and Jess’s room as they apply the last of their fake eyelashes in the full length mirror. Bo’s outfit is a two-piece and hugs her tight body, accentuating the lean muscle that stretches all the way from her collarbone to her ankles. Ashlei’s neon green dress cuts off just below her ass, but it pairs well with the white go-go boots that end at the top of her knee caps. It feels good to see Ashlei laughing again. She’s been distant the past two weeks and I know I’m not the only one who’s been worried.

“Are you sure I look okay?” I ask, picking at the sequin green skirt hugging my waistline. “I feel a little cliché going as the only redheaded princess.”

“You look fucking hot,” Jess says, smacking my ass as she saunters over to her closet. She’s dressed as a sexy cowgirl, complete with a tight, short jean skirt and plaid top that ties off right beneath her chest. Her cleavage is accentuated by the open buttons at the top of the shirt and she tops it all off with a straw cowgirl hat and matching brown boots.

“She’s right, Little. Just watch out for nip slips.” Skyler winks and pops her lips after applying a final coat of lip gloss. Of all the costumes, I love Skyler’s the most. She’s the only one of us who didn’t openly go for sexy but landed there anyway. Dressed as the black swan complete with black spandex one-piece and tutu, she’s not just sexy – she’s intriguing. In fact, she’s almost scary – especially with the contacts she’s wearing that color her eyes red just like Natalie Portman’s in the movie.

When Erin blows the whistle that came with her bedroom referee costume, we all jump. “Let’s get the hell out of here. I need a drink!”

We all cheer before following her through the house and out into the yard. Several cabs are lined up and down Greek row waiting to pick up fares, so we climb in the first van we see and the cabbie takes off without even asking where to.

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