Read Pandora's Box Online

Authors: Gracen Miller

Tags: #Book One of the Road To Hell Series

Pandora's Box (27 page)

Nix restrained himself from stripping Mads, holding her against the door, and driving into her. He wanted her. God knew he wanted her, but he wouldn’t make love to her knowing this would be his last opportunity. He’d been selfish enough. He wasn’t about to go to Hell and be a fucking bastard like her demonic husband. No way would they come together for the first time as a final, farewell fuck. He held too much admiration for her to disrespect her in such a fashion. Once he claimed her physically, he’d always want her. What agony to desire Mads for an eternity while she remained out of reach. Beliel would unquestionably use his lust against him.

Those thoughts wouldn’t stop him from committing other sins and transgressions. At least now he would lose his dick to the Neko for a good cause.

Gliding his hand from her wrists down her body, his descent ceased once he cupped a heavy breast, circling the nipple through the fabric of her shirt with his thumb. He swallowed her moans, elated by her obvious desire.

Her hands dropped and clung to his shoulders as he pushed up her shirt and tugged her bra aside with impatient fingers, wedging the fabric beneath the weight of a breast. He cupped the warm flesh, the hard nub of her nipple branding his palm.

Her back bowing against the door, another one of her moans slipped down his throat. Nix severed their kiss and lifted his head to peer at her as he rolled the pebble between his fingers. Eyes heavy-lidded with passion, lips swollen from his kisses, she curled her fingers into his hair and tugged him down.

He refused to kiss her, and instead whispered against her ear, “With me, you would enjoy making love, Mads.”

His husky promise caused her to shudder. “Oh, God, Nix,” she said, her voice raspy, her southern drawl thicker, slower, and much more evident with her arousal. Nix thought it the sexiest sound he’d ever heard. Nix nipped her shoulder and lowered to his knees. An impatient whimper fell from her lips when the friction against her core ceased. He tugged on a nipple, held it between his teeth and laved it with his tongue. Her breath fell in hard rasps. Changing tactics, he suckled on the sensitive bud and her nails dug into his scalp, her rough groan whipping about them.

Loving the noises she made, he wanted to please her further, discover how many more sounds he could force out of his reserved southern girl. He hooked his fingers in the edge of the other side of her bra, dragged the material down and anchored it beneath the globe.

“Nix,” she whispered, sounding a tad hesitant, while urging his mouth to her freed breast with her hands.

Fuck me!

If Mads gripped his head like this with his mouth and tongue on her breasts, how would she react if he feasted on her pussy?

He latched onto the other nipple and moved his hand from her hip, to cup her butt and squeeze the cheek. Slipping his hand lower, he caught the back of her knee and lifted her leg, dropping it over his shoulder.

The fingers of his other hand continued to caress her breasts, as his mouth slid lower, kissing her belly and nipping the flesh below her bellybutton. He bit the inside of her thigh, a love bite hard enough to bruise, a reminder of him for a few days after his departure to Hell.

Nix dragged his chin across her pussy.

“Sweet Jesus!” The words ripped from her in a hard strangle. Her fingers clenched at strands of his hair and pulled him close, trapping him between her thighs.

He agreed.

Sweet, fucking Jesus!

So fucking wet, her yoga pants clung to her dampness. The way the material adhered to her lips, he suspected she wore no panties.

Nix clasped her hips with both his hands and tilted her pelvis toward him. A second later, his tongue slid over the thin fabric of her pants, seeking and molding until the hard nub of her clitoris lay outlined in the dark fabric. Going in hard, he twirled his tongue around the swollen bud. She shuddered.

Nails dug into his scalp, and she whimpered as he dragged his teeth over her clit.

“N-Nix,” she moaned, with a plea in her tone. To stop? Or to bring her release? Nix couldn’t be certain. He hoped it a petition of lust, but he couldn’t let the possibility go it might be an appeal to cease.

Lowering his shoulder, he allowed her leg to slip off, and he moved up her body slowly, licking, nipping, caressing her with his mouth. He licked one nipple and rolled the other one between his teeth. One hand molded to her ass held her pelvis tilted at the perfect angle for his cock to ride the crevice between her thighs.

He kissed across her collarbone and up her neck before capturing her lips with his, shoving his tongue into her mouth. Her hands gripped his hair tight.

Tangling his fingers in her hair, he pulled her head back, deepened the kiss and trailed his fingers from her hip to wisp across her lower abdomen near the waistband of her yoga pants. He dragged a finger down and across the seam of her outlined pussy. He would be in her pants soon. Not his dick—too bad—his fingers would have to suffice.

He pulled away from her mouth—hardest damn thing he ever executed—and gazed at her. Her features were caught between pleasure and pain, her lips rosy and wet from his kisses.

“You want me to quit?” he asked, running the tip of his forefinger against the material-lined folds of her pussy and adding pressure against her clitoris.

Eyes closed, she shook her head hard.

Good. Because I’m not anywhere near ready to quit

Removing his hand from between her legs, he quickly shoved into her pants. He’d been right. She wore no panties. Fine, short hair tickled his palm, and Mads jerked, uttered his name. Nix thought he could die a happy man hearing his name fall from her lips in her unique, husky, lust-filled voice, tainted with her charming, southern cadence.

Teasing her with the tip of his finger, he rubbed the pad back and forth, circling her opening where all the major nerve endings were situated. Nix kissed her nonstop as he continued to strum her tender flesh.

Damp against his finger, she grew wetter. He felt her awkward resistance, her restrained upbringing getting in the way of her own desires. Nix remained patient, stroking her, enjoying the soft soaked flesh beneath his touch. He’d wanted to caress her like this for a long time, yet he hadn’t chanced risking their easy camaraderie.

He pressed only his finger against her opening and rubbed. Mads rolled her hips into the motion with a groan of frustration, Nix gave a mental smile. He’d succeeded in breaking through her reserved nature and her body acted on instinct. Growing bolder, more desperate, her hips bucked eagerly into his caress, seeking something extra, a harder stroke, an exquisite release he promised with his touch.

Nix severed their heated kiss, and watched her expression as he pressed the heel of his palm against her clitoris. Eyes closed, her lips parted, she sucked in a tattered breath, making no other sound.

“Look at me, Mads.” Like a drug, Nix’s voice lulled her deeper into the abyss of lust and suppressed desires. It flicked over her like a tongue between her thighs, hitting the sweet spot he currently teased. His knuckles dragged across her cheek while he executed wicked, delightful things to her body.

His calloused hand slid down her throat and he curled his fingers around her nape, his thumb rubbing against the rapid pulse in her neck. From anyone else, she’d consider the touch an aggressive threat. Coming from Nix, it was the most sensual caress she’d ever experienced.

Lost in a riptide of pleasure, she couldn’t think beyond the heat threatening to consume her universe. Was it wrong to want him to shove his fingers inside her and fuck her until she forgot her name? To fuck this wildly uncontrollable ache into submission.

“Madison?” His freaking raspy voice again, making her pulse deep inside where she wanted him most. The usage of her real name jerked her to attention…somewhat.


“Look at me.”

Difficult, yet she forced her lids open. His expression unguarded and intense, she held her breath and waited. Nix leisurely pressed a finger into her pussy. Shocked by the weight of the intimacy as he held her gaze and entered her body, heat hit her cheeks and flushed her body in a delicious wave. Unsure what to say or how to react, Madison knew how virginal she must seem compared to the other women Nix enjoyed.

“Charming,” Nix said, his finger deep and unmoving inside her. He lowered his scrutiny to her exposed breasts. “Even your breasts blush. I always wondered….”

More heat infused her cheeks, and Nix chuckled. Her body wanted things it could never have. And not because he covenanted a partnership with a denizen of Hell. Because she and Nix weren’t the right people for each other, were polar opposites on every level of the personality spectrum.

“Uh uh.” He kissed her, parted her lips, and plunged his tongue inside. Madison gripped his hair, one hand pulling him closer, the other pushing him away. “Too late for second guesses,” he said, nipping her bottom lip.

He saw everything. Her terror of the intimacy threatening to send her screaming from his room and the desire she attempted to squelch. She feared she couldn’t stop his descent into Hell and would forever lose him to dark, demonic forces. Crow said he could be rescued, just not before he submitted to the King’s whims. Could his psyche be saved from whatever heinous actions Crow suggested he would commit?

Gaze wary, she dragged her eyes off his chin and met the force of his direct stare, like the impact of a twenty ton meteor. He smiled a mixture of victory and something full of raw emotion. It terrified her.

“My brave girl,” he said, forcing her to accept the stark intimacy between them.

Lord, if Nix made every woman feel this special, cherished, desired, and beautiful, no wonder he never lacked for bed partners.

He pulled his finger out, pushed it back inside her channel, and set a slow, thrusting motion unreflective of her desperate mood. Madison whimpered, clung to him, and fought the urge to beg him to take her right there, up against the wood.

He pressed against her clit, rubbed, and her knees wobbled. She wouldn’t lower her gaze. Couldn’t. Green eyes held her hostage, refusing to let her look away.

The measured pace he set drove her crazy, wild with need. She jerked her hips into his thrusts in a frantic need to quicken his pace. Her silent requests went unnoticed. Her breath fell in heavy gasps and her nipples scrubbed against the rough fabric of his shirt and hard chest.

Drowsy eyed, she watched him watch her. Madison grabbed his head, pulled him down, and kissed him. He groaned into her mouth.

“Feels so freaking good, Nix,” she whispered against his mouth, then moaned as he pushed back inside.

“I can tell.”

She rested her head against the door, and gave him a perplexed expression.

“You’re wet, Mads. And your hips keep rocking into my finger.” He kissed her nose. “I like the way you feel swaying into my touch.”

Heat stained her cheeks. At that rate, she’d wear a permanent blush. Apparently, her breasts grew rosy, too. Nix glanced at them, drawn to lick them again. Not that she complained. His tongue and mouth on her breasts felt better than she ever imagined.

“Why the blush, Mads?” he asked, just before sucking as much of a breast into his mouth as he could get. She vaulted toward climax.

“It feels too good. Just…go faster.”

Nix grinned, rose, and rested his forearm beside her head on the door; their breath kissed. “Compliments get you rewarded.”

A second finger joined the first, stretching her and enhancing her pleasure. He pressed the pad of his thumb against her clitoris, and she held her breath, tensing, waiting for the pain to begin. Only pleasure bloomed as he circled the sensitive nub while increasing the thrust of his fingers.

Her hands moved to his shoulders and latched on. Her knees wobbled. “Nix!”

Nix’s fingers stilled, and she groaned her frustration.

“Tell me you want me to fuck you with my fingers, Mads.”

Sucking in a shocked breath. “That’s…scandalous, Nix.”

“You’d be more scandalized if I told you all the things I want to do to you while you’re naked.” She swallowed, aroused and stunned by his admission. “The fantasies I’ve experienced with you as the star…Mmm….” He shook his head and emitted a heavy groan. “I need to know I’m not just scratching an itch for you, Mads. Tell me what you want.”

She grasped his cheeks between her hands. “You’ve never been an itch, Nix. Never.” God, had all his other partners only been itches? What a lonely existence. She licked her lips and whispered, “Fuck me, Nix.”

Those words set him off. Fingers gripping her hair hard, he pulled her head back and held her against the door by the heavy strands. Smashing his lips over hers, he kissed her with sensual abandonment, one hard kiss after another.

His fingers plunged in and out of her with a speed her hips couldn’t keep pace with. Giving up, she gripped his shoulders; her knees shook, barely supporting her weight.

He dragged his lips off hers and grazed her cheek with his five o’clock shadow. The sting of his teeth against her neck tantalized. He sucked on the sensitive spot beneath her ear. The only sounds penetrating any conscious thought was her breath coming in erratic gasps, and the slippery movement of his fingers.

She couldn’t get enough air into her lungs. Her sight narrowed to Nix’s face as he lifted his head from her neck, watching her. She bit her bottom lip until she lost feeling in it.

Hotness bloomed in her belly, bled through her body; her fingers tingled.

“Come for me, baby,” Nix said, watching her with such intensity it frightened her.

Madison tried to whip her head from side to side, but his fingers tightened in her hair, held her motionless. Her hips bucked against his hand.

“Don’t close your eyes.”

She snapped her eyes open.

“Just let go, and come for me, Mads.”

She whimpered and stopped breathing.

“It’s okay,” he said. “Just let go.”

Hard, unforgiving pleasure ripped through her, driving her against the door with a startled jerk and a strangled cry. His fingers thrust her through her orgasm until she became too sensitive, and his movements ceased.

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