PARANORMAL ROMANCE: The New Couple in Town: Don’t Let Them In (4 page)

Chapter 3: Sex Magic


The locals start to talk in quieter voices and Margaret says, “I also heard that my neighbor caught his daughter having sex last night! Imagine what will happen to this town with this witch. They are already affecting our friends and family.” Just then a car in front of the restaurant screeches to a halt. Everyone looks outside and a black cat is walking across the street from the direction of the restaurant. Margaret gasps, “look another sign!”


A few moments later, the Vovchucks walk in wearing all black business attire. The locals stare at them and the couple goes up to them cheerfully. They say, “listen we wanted to invite you all over for a housewarming party! We have some fun things planned! We are going to make herbal elixirs and show you guys part of our intimacy coaching which is the ancient art of bondage.” The adults are unable to find words as they are so shocked by their strange party description. Vlad smiles and says, “oh you have to come, Katerina’s fudge is orgasmic!” Margaret laughs and her husband hits her to be quiet. They all say they will go as they now want to find out once and for all what type of black magic is going on.


              Vlad leans Katerina back and kisses her saying, “you are the best!” She laughs and says, “oh no you are the best!” The couples shift uneasily as they are not used to public displays of affection. Katerina says, “wonderful then I’ll see you all at 6? Wear clothes you can move in!” The women nod their heads and their eyes are wide. Katerina walks away and says, “I still feel like they are afraid of me. Did you see the way they were looking at me?” Vlad says, “they are probably just intimidated since you are so beautiful?” Katerina shrugs and says, “oh well, I’m sure we will have fun tonight!”


              The couples gossip as soon as the Vovchucks have left and Elizabeth says, “do you think we will be safe? What if they try to put a spell on us or something?” Margaret’s husband says, “I don’t believe in spells.” Elizabeth says, “oh yeah than explain why you woke up on the floor of their living room in their gypsy bed this morning?!” He says, “well I don’t necessarily think they are black magic people but I’ll go.” Margaret says, “I don’t know how I didn’t notice, there are chains and straps hanging from the ceiling and weird symbols and herbs all over their home.” Elizabeth gasps and says, “what?! Oh my god! You guys are so lucky you’re still alive! We have to be careful tonight, don’t let them put anything in your drink.” Elizabeth’s husband says, “I’ve heard of this sex magic before. I hear they call it tantra and it makes people do crazy things.”


              The couples look at each other and Elizabeth says, “well we will know after tonight I’m sure and we can save this town and all the poor people in it from becoming hedonistic gypsies. You know it’s illegal to do black magic, or at least it should be. If we know they are messing with dark powers, we can have them removed.”


              They all show up at 6:00 PM at the little cabin and are very nervous. None of them have ever experienced or seen real black magic before and they are more intrigued than they realize. They foresee things moving around in the room and hope that they get something that will be enough evidence to get this couple out of town for good.


Smoke is billowing out of the chimney of the cabin as they arrive and when they walk up, they smell strong unfamiliar scents. The door opens and the cabin is filled with the smoke of sage and incense. There are candles lit in every corner and pillows are in a circle on the floor. In the center of the circle of pillows is a circle of rose petals around crystals, feathers, a bowl of water and a small old book. The couples walk in slowly, on edge. Katerina hands them all a small cup of tea and they take it, unsure if they should sip it. Margaret’s husband says, “this smells like cinnamon.” Katerina nods, “yes and geranium. You’ll love it.” She hands out plates with chocolate caramel fudge next.


Elizabeth slowly lifts the chocolate to her mouth and says, “I’ve never tasted chocolate like this before!” Katerina responds, “it has maca root powder in it. It’s an aphrodisiac.” Margaret’s husband laughs and says, “a what?” Vlad says, “it increases your sex drive.” Bill, feeling brave says, “I’m curious, do you guys practice sex magic?” Vlad looks at him and says, “what do you mean?” Bill says, “I’ve heard of these pagan rituals that involve sex.” Katerina responds, “well sex should always be a sacred ritual.” Margaret grabs her husband and says, “what is it used for?” Katerina says, “oh nothing much, just manifesting and creating things but really I’ve heard people can use their energy to change the weather!”


Elizabeth says, “do people use it to control other people?” Vlad laughs and says, “well they certainly could. That’s entirely up to them.” Margaret’s husband, the group idiot, says, “well I have no idea what you guys are talking about but this fudge is amazing, I know that and if it makes me want to have sex, that’s awesome! Here honey, you should eat this!” The group laughs uneasily. They start to look around at the strange contraptions in the cabin. Strange tables and poles and balls are scattered about. Vlad says, “we hung a slack line in the back. It’s really fun, would you like to try it?” Bill says, “like tight rope walking? That sounds hard. Do you have anything for fat guys?” Vlad laughs and in his Scandanavian accent says, “I can show you how to stretch your wife.” Bill raises an eyebrow, “oh wow.” He gulps and looks at his wife.


They finish their food and Katerina says smiling, “I’d love to lead us in an intention circle, I chose a special chant we can do.” Bill says, “like a hymn?” She says, “yeah kind of like a hymn.” She says, “here I wrote it down because it’s in another language.” Everyone looks at the paper and Margaret says, “I have to say, your culture is quite different from ours.” Katerina says, “yes indeed,” with a big smile. Vlad sits behind Katerina straddling her and says, if we sit like this it balances the male and female energy in the group. The couples struggle to get into the position as the men aren’t flexible and have trouble spreading their legs.


They start to sing the chant as Katerina leads them and just then, Bill’s cell phone rings. He excuses himself and answers it in the kitchen. “Oh no! I’ll come right away.” He interrupts everyone and says, “guys a water pipe burst downtown and flooded Frank’s field, the fence fell down and his entire flock is running around downtown! We have to go help him!” Everyone get’s up quickly and they wonder if they did something in their weird magic circle to create this havoc. Elizabeth’s husband says, “we better get over there right away!” He says, “do you mind if I bring some of that chocolate? It’s really good!” Katerina smiles and says, “it’s made to be eaten of course!”


Vlad and Katerina follow them in their van to try and help and laugh at the commotion as sheep run everywhere. They get out of the car and cannot stop laughing at everyone in the town running after the sheep. It’s quite comical but everyone is yelling and trying to run down the animals. Neither of them have any idea how to corral an animal and Katerina takes out her cellphone and videos the commotion. Once all the animals have been rounded up and brought back to the barn everyone decides to just go home. They hop in their van and head home.


Margaret and her husband are driving behind their black van and Margaret says, “did you see how funny they thought that was? They were even videoing it! Do you think they planned it?” Elizabeth sends a text message to Margaret that says, “something very weird is going on. That happened right when we started chanting!” Margaret’s husband looks at her as he stuffs the last bit of chocolate fudge into his mouth. He says, “honey do you think we can have sex tonight?” She looks at him worried. She says, “what have they done to you?” He says, “I just want to have sex.” He smiles sweetly.


They pull up in the driveway and he leans over and kisses her grabbing her leg. He grabs her breast and kisses her neck. She says, “oh boy, let’s go inside.” They rush inside and go to the couch in the living room. He kisses her and pushes his pelvis into her. She says, “take your clothes off.” He says, “yes ma'am.” He says, “I want you so bad.” He spreads her legs and touches her, getting her more and more aroused.


Meanwhile, Vlad and Katerina are excited to have their place to themselves. Katerina goes inside and takes her clothes off. They don’t usually wear clothes at home if it’s warm. She goes to the kitchen to clean up and feels something touch her leg. It’s hard and she knows what that means. Two hands grab her breasts. She leans forward. She feels his fingers slip into her. He says, “you’re my favorite witch. You are so powerful.” He pushes his hard cock into her holding her hips. He moves slowly, letting her body warm up to him.


He says, “I wanted to do this all day.” He turns her around and sets her up on the counter. She spreads her legs inviting him into her temple. He kisses between her legs for a long time, patiently pleasuring her. As she moves into new dimensions, her mind travels and she wants to try more things with Vlad. She says, “let’s lay on the bed.” They go to their low bed and he lays on top of her backwards. They pleasure each other with their mouths. They start to feel their energy merging. They are lifted to new levels of consciousness and feel no worries, just ecstasy. They feel the energy building together and together they release, completely full of fire and passion.


Across the street, the couple is exploring eachother’s bodies. Margaret says, “you’re feeling extra adventurous I see.” He says, “well you deserve it.” She smiles and feels the love from the man she married. He says, “there’s nothing wrong with getting freaky with your wife.” He kisses her back and all the way down her legs. She starts to climax and he is turned on by her. She releases and he slowly moves into her. He moves faster and they start to moan from the extreme pleasure. They feel completely connected and when he is finished, he lays on her as his heart rate slows. He kisses her looking deeply into her eyes and says, “I love you so much.”
























Chapter 4: A Sudden Turn of Events


In the morning, the Vovchucks throw on matching shiny black tights and black tank tops. They put on their top hats with a smile. Katerina wears her favorite crystals and they hop in their van to the coffee shop downtown. She has done her makeup perfectly and as usual it’s bold and colorful. They walk up to the counter and order. They are wrapped in eachother’s arms, canoodling each other as usual. The locals are all now highly suspicious that they are black magicians and that the pipe burst in town last night was their doing. They feel people staring at them but they are used to it as they dress so outrageously.


Vlad whispers in her ear. I want to take you out into the van and give it to you. She says, “oh do you now?” She smiles at him and runs her finger down his chest. Elizabeth and her husband walk in and the Vovchucks motion for them to sit with them. “We’ll pull up a table,” Vlad says. Elizabeth says, “oh no don’t worry, we are getting our stuff to go.” Just then Katerina sees her face on the cover of the town paper stacked by the door. She walks over and picks up the paper. The headline reads, “Bad Luck Since Gypsies Move To Town.” She starts to cry as she reads the article. The people in the room see her breakdown.


Vlad turns around from his eating and sees her shoulders shaking. He goes up to her and sees the article. The picture has both of them and the first sentence says, “black magic sweeps the town as two strangers hold weird rituals and animals start acting strange.” He says, “this isn’t right. Why would they write this?” He looks into Katerina’s eyes which are full of tears. He says, “it’s ok, don’t take this personal.” He gives her a hug. They sit down at the table and Elizabeth walks up. Katerina says, “did you see this?” Elizabeth asks, “is it true?” Katerina says, “what? Did you actually think we do black magic?” Elizabeth says, “do you?” She says, “no! We are circus performers, that is why we wear black, our outfits are for our stage performances. We are peaceful and just because you may not understand our culture doesn’t mean we are responsible for everything bad that happens in town.”


Elizabeth says in a hushed town, “I thought you said you practice sex magic. Can’t you see if someone new comes to town that I would want to know that they aren’t going to disturb the peace and the strong relationships this town is built on?” Katerina says, “we only want to strengthen those relationships. We are not swingers, is that what you thought?” Elizabeth says, “you very different than people here. You dress different, you’re always kissing and hugging everyone. It really did come off that way.” Katerina shakes her head, “no we only want people to be happy and playful, we aren’t trying to control anyone or cause any harm.”


The restaurant is now all looking at them. Katerina says, “now we look like bad people. We are not bad people and we would never want to hurt anyone. You judged us because you were afraid of something you didn’t understand.” Elizabeth says, “I’m sorry. This is a very small town and everyone hears everything. We don’t get exposed to much outside of Montana and I think we all jumped to conclusions. I feel bad.” Katerina says, “listen we may look different and be more physically expressive. We decorate different and use our time different. We are full of love and passion for the world. We are good people.” Elizabeth says, “I sincerely apologize for misjudging you. I thought you were a witch! I mean a black cat was crossing the road and the horse, the storm, the flood and I just got spooked.”


Vlad starts to laugh, “you guys this is pretty funny. We have to be able to laugh at ourselves. When cultures try to mesh together, there is always misunderstandings and judgments. If I really knew how to use black magic Elizabeth, don’t you think I would have used it to buy a mansion?” He laughs and eats his pancakes. Elizabeth is embarassed and the people in the restaurant look at her and shake their heads. She takes the stack of newspapers and throws them in the trash. “Nobody reads that anyway. Don’t worry, your reputation will not be ruined.”


Vlad crosses his arms and says, “you know I think there is another lesson in this for us at least. We cannot let what anyone thinks of us to ruin our day. I am all about bringing happiness from within right so if someone thinks you’re a bad person and you know you’re not, you can’t let it get you down.” He smiles and says, “don’t you see, even if no one understands you, you can always choose whether or not to be happy.” He says, “people can project many things onto you that aren’t true and if you believe them, then your emotions will change based on what people think and in this case, what they are afraid of.”


Elizabeth’s eyes fill with tears. “I never thought of things that way. From now on I will be careful before I speak or think negatively of other people when I don’t know them. I jumped to conclusions and I’ll admit I can be a bit of a drama queen.” Katerina says, “listen I can see how we could be confusing to people who don’t know us and I see that you were only trying to protect the town. I forgive you.” Katerina gives her a hug.


Elizabeth says, “I will make this up to you. Please let me cook you both a delicious dinner?” Vlad says, “that sounds delightful!” Katerina claps her hands, “ok we would love that!” Elizabeth and her husband exchange landline numbers with them and leave to go to work. Katerina looks at Vlad and says, “I think we got away with it. We can still practice our black magic here!” They laugh until they are crying. They smile and lean forward giving each other a kiss. Katerina says, “let’s put on a performance for the town for free to counteract this negative article, what do you think?” He says, “that’s a marvelous idea!”


They put together a show that portrays two magicians moving to town and scaring all the people. They rehearse and really put their heart into it. They make a flyer and put it around town for the next evening. They spend the whole two days rehearsing and hope people come. They hope the community will understand the humour. The night of the show they go to set up the stage of a local theatre that allowed them to use the space. They close the curtains and soon start to hear people showing up. Katerina peeks out of the curtain and realizes the whole town has practically showed up.


The couple performs flawlessly. Most people in the town have never seen the physical feats they are able to perform. The crowd gasps and claps and cheers as they move from apparatus to apparatus. The couple earns the town’s respect for their craft which is certainly not black magic. They get a standing ovation and Katerina and Vlad have huge smiles on their face when they take their final bow.


They make an announcement that they would be happy to train anyone who wants to get healthy and overcome their fears. The crowd approaches them with questions, excited that they to could one day learn these impressive skills. Elizabeth smiles at Katerina from the corner who winks at her. It seems they have fixed their reputation and the article that once gave Katerina a sinking feeling in their stomach is now just a blip on the radar. She hugs Vlad and says, “what do you say we light the candles at home and have a romantic evening with just the two of us?” He says, “oh wow, now that sounds incredible!” He picks her up and carries her over his shoulder through the crowd. She kicks and yells,  “no no, don’t take me.” Everyone laughs.


They get home and sit around an altar on the floor. She burns sage and asks for the spirit world to help her stay humble. She asks for the spirit world to help her bring joy to this town she has entered and she asks for the energy to get people to move and be playful. She opens her eyes and feels a calmness come over her. Sitting in front of her is her partner, his eyes are closed and he is somewhere else, deep in meditation. She watches him, filled with love.


Vlad asks the universe to send the town healing and love. He pictures the town surrounded in white light, healing the pains and emotional wounds in the hearts of the people. He asks the universe to bless the people in the town and open their hearts. He opens his eyes and says, “the town was only half wrong. You are a witch, but you’re a white witch and I guess that makes me a wizard.” He smiles and says, “let’s make some magic.” She looks at him and takes off her shirt. She has a huge scar across her chest and stomach. She says, “you can’t appreciate a rose without loving the thorn.”


He smiles and says, “my love, your mind is so strong because you have been through so much. You are so loving because you know how it feels not to be loved. You are so pure and open hearted because you know the sorrow of feeling closed off to the world. What else are we here for other than to help people with these things? How can we bring more love and open heartedness to others? By being true and authentic, showing them how to think positively and love their bodies, to think for themselves and to be bold in their choices of how to spend their life on this planet.”


She leans forward and kisses him. She says, “that is why I’m with you. Because you are brilliant and magic.” He says, “well..” He pulls her on top of his large body and holds her closely. He kisses her passionately. They feel their energy building as she starts to wrap her arms around him. He takes her pants down and she is now naked on him. She takes his pants off leaving them both bare, soul to soul. She says, “my soul honors yours.” He kisses her hands and places his hand on her heart saying, “I’m blessed to have you in my life.”


She feels his cock harden and moves down so he can move inside of her. They start slow, just warming up. Their sex is like an aerobic workout as they both have the stamina of horses. They are very acrobatic and like to play. He places one of her legs on her shoulder and says, “I could spend the rest of my life with you.” She says, “so do.” He says, “I plan on it.” They sit up and she sits on him. Their hearts connect and they feel their energy fields connect. They are now sharing the same feelings and feel open and complete.


Vlad learns her back and holds her back. He moves with intention and love, wanting her to feel good. They are equally giving and receiving. They final reach the limits of their bodies and expand, releasing and flying and soaring above their bodies. They come down to earth and get into the hot tub to rest their sore bodies. Katerina says, “we can do a lot of good for this town for the time we are here.” He says, “that’s what gypsies are all about.” We bring our magic and when our job is done, we move on.” She smiles and looks up at the moon and the stars and says, “may our journey be blessed and our intention pure. Mother earth and father sky, hear us. We want to help this town, show us the way.” Vlad says, “keep our egos from coming in the way of our work. Help us share from a place of compassion and kindness.” The two beautiful people rest their heads on each other and feel an overwhelming sense of contentment.


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