Read Park and Violet Online

Authors: Marian Tee

Park and Violet (25 page)

is why you won’t be able to leave me, Violet.”

Violet had her back to the crowd, but he didn’t. He saw everyone staring at the two of them, and he made a deliberate show of possessiveness by tugging her close so he could kiss her again. This time, she didn’t resist at all.


he thought again as he slowly eased on her lips and pulled away. Park couldn’t remember feeling this happy – this contented. He should have fucking done this a long time ago, should have claimed her, should have persuaded Violet to be his girlfriend.

He hadn’t lied to her when he told her he was open to being in a relationship. He had been and was. In fact he would be. It was the part about
that he didn’t buy.

“No one can make you feel like I do.”

She wrinkled her nose even though she was still a little breathless after his kiss. Dammit, but why did Park have to be such a good kisser? It just made things harder. “So confident,” she managed to snarl. “Excuse me if I puke, will you?”

He just laughed.

“Oh you wait and see,” she muttered.

He pretended not to hear that. She pretended not to notice. But both of them were secretly and suddenly chilled by her words, as if it was an unexpected omen.

After all both of them knew the truth – that it could happen, that it was possible for another guy to show up and truly fall in love with her. And if that happened…what then?








Chapter Eighteen


“Going out on a date?” Park was leaning on her doorway, languidly slurping a popsicle as he watched her apply makeup.

She met his gaze through her dresser’s mirror. “Yup. Jealous?”

Park grunted. “You wish.”

Worse: she did wish.

Violet lifted her chin. “You will be jealous one of these days and when that day comes---” She stuck her tongue out.

“Again: you wish.”

“Hmph!” She brushed her lashes one last time with mascara before standing up. She twirled around and smiled at him over her shoulder. “Do I look pretty?”

He made a motion with his hand, indicating a so-so answer.

She rolled her eyes. “Stupid blond gorilla.”

“Who are you going out with?” Park managed to keep the jealousy out of his voice.

“Lee,” she replied then could’ve bitten her tongue right after. She hadn’t wanted him to know.

Park was barely able to prevent himself from blanching. Violet had been dating the other guy for more than a few times already. Park had done what he could to dig dirt on the other guy but had come up with nothing. The man was like a fucking saint. And normally Park didn’t have a problem with that except of course when a saint looked more attractive than he had a right to be and when that same saint had the hots for Violet.

He forced himself to smile even though his brain was already furiously racing to come up with a plan. “Well, good luck trying to forget me.”

Her frustrated gaze met his through the mirror. “It’s not like that---”

“It is.”

Park’s parting shot still bothered her, ruining Violet’s appetite even though Lee had chosen one of the most popular night places in Osaka for their date, a restaurant that also doubled as a club in the late hours of the night. Since it was already ten in the evening, the lights had been dimmed down, the music switching from jazz to trans. 

 “Hey, isn’t that your friend?”

She followed Lee’s line of sight, squinting to see who Lee was talking about. Shock made Violet inhale sharply when she saw Park surrounded by a flock of girls.
Make that a parade of sluts
, Violet thought edgily as she took in the way they were all so scantily dressed, like there was a freaking shortage on cotton and denim.

Not once did he glance at her. And since she hadn’t said a word about where she would be going and this wasn’t her usual type of club – could it be that Park wasn’t here to make her jealous?

“Do you want to go somewhere else after this?” Lee asked her after paying the bill.

She gave him a half-hearted smile. “Is it okay if I take a rain check on that?”

He smiled back, wryly, understanding what that meant. “No problem.” He assisted her out of her chair, his hand on her back as he and Violet walked out of the restaurant.

Park only relaxed when he saw in the corner of his eye that the two had already left.
Mission fucking accomplished
, he thought and was still smiling in satisfaction when he knocked on her dorm room door at eleven in the evening.

She opened the door with a scowl.

Park pretended to be surprised. “What’s that angry face for?”

Violet gritted her teeth. He didn’t really know! Besides, Park wasn’t the type to prevaricate. He was a straightforward person so she had no reason to doubt his word.

“Nothing,” she snapped. “So what are you doing here?”

“I just wanted to know if you had succeeded falling out of love with me.”

“None of your business!” She tried to slam the door shut, but Park had already stuck a foot in. She snarled when he just pushed the door open and strolled in.

He smirked at her angry expression. “I take it the date didn’t go smoothly?”

“Read my lips: none of your fucking business!”

He laughed. “What happened?”

Resigned to the fact that she probably wouldn’t be able to make him leave her room until he wanted to, she grudgingly shut the door close and walked past him. Maybe ignoring him would get the message across.

But she had only taken two steps further when an arm went around her waist. She gasped. And the next thing she knew she was on the bed, Park on top of her, his face dark for an unfathomable reason.


“That’s right,” he growled. “It’s my fucking name you’re going to say when I make you come. And I’m the only one who’s going to make you come, right?” Without warning he slipped his hand into her skirt, under her silk underwear, and found that sweet button of pleasure without difficulty. He started flicking it.

She almost jerked off the bed. “Park!”

He started undressing her and this time she did her best to help him.

“Let me,” he said roughly when her fingers shook too much to do any good. In seconds, they were both naked, their clothes thrown on the ground together with the rest of her language books.

He pushed her legs apart. “I need to go inside you now.” There was no time for foreplay, not when he was burning this hotly for her, not when he was feeling all sorts of things that only by joining her body with his could he silence them.

In answer, she dug her nails into his shoulders. “Fuck me.” She barely finished speaking when he was into her, pounding so hard and fast her eyes rolled back in seconds. It was furious and deliciously rough sex, and she moaned loud, uncaring of who would hear her when Park flipped her on her stomach, lifting her hips just high enough to accommodate his long, thick, hard dick.

“Park!” She screamed his name over and over as he started ramming into her again, harder and faster with every thrust.

“That’s right, Violet,” he whispered into her ear, and the feel of his voice against her skin made her whimper. It was too unbelievably hot that she knew she was just a touch away of falling over the point of no return.

“My name. It’s always only my name you can say, my dick that can pleasure you.” He bit her ear even as he kept pounding into her, his breath becoming erratic at the way her vaginal muscles worked its way around his dick, tightening as if wanting to squeeze every drop of pleasure from him.

“Do you understand?” He pulled out.

“Yes,” she sobbed, her body arching towards him, wanting more of that sweet sexy pounding that only Park could give her.

“Tell me then. Tell me who you belong to.”

“You so please, please…”

He lifted himself higher from her, this time to take his cock in hand and rub against her clit.

She screamed again.

“Tell me…” Park knew he shouldn’t say it but the words came out – they
to come out. “And who do you fucking love?”

Her eyes flew open.

He punished Violet for her delay by rubbing her clit with his cock in a way that would frustrate and arouse her at the same time.

“You,” she gasped out as her eyes fell shut, as if she didn’t want him to see how much of her she was giving up to him. “I love you---”

He came back into her with a roar, and even as she came he never stopped thrusting into her, the words that she should never have said unexpectedly making him feel even crazier with desire for Violet. In moments, he was coming, too, and Violet bucked under him, his release triggering hers for the second time.

After, when Park finally managed to pull away and press a kiss on her shoulder, Violet was lying on her side, her back to him. Her long dark hair laid spread against the pillow like a sable cover, her fingers curled into a fist like a baby.

And then she murmured, “Lee.”

He was off the bed in a flash, the movement making the mattress dip alarmingly low, causing her to wake up in confusion. “Park?”

He punched the wall as hard as he could, wishing it was one man’s face he was punching.

“Oh my God!” She flew off the bed and rushed to his side, pulling his injured fist down so she could look at it. “Why the hell did you do that?”

“What else can I fucking do when you said another man’s name while in bed with me?”

She paled.

Fuck! He pulled his fist away to punch the wall again.

“Park, no!” She quickly reached his hand before he could hit it for the third time. “No, Park, it’s not what you think.” Her voice shook as she tried to stay in control when she wanted to throw a fit herself. Why did he care when he didn’t love her at all?

But then, she knew that wasn’t really the case. She had always known that. Park did love her – but whether he would allow himself to admit it was the problem.

“I wasn’t thinking about him when we were having sex,” she whispered, looking straight into his eyes so he would see how sincere she was. “It wasn’t like that. I dreamt – I dreamt I was breaking up with him again and it felt bad – ugly, revolting. He was the perfect date tonight. He always was, but it just didn’t work out.”

Park allowed Violet to pull him back to bed, letting her push him down by the shoulders as she went to the bathroom to get his first aid kit.

He knew she had meant every word, but it still didn’t make hearing it feel any better. It had forced Park to think of what he never wanted to think – of having to give Violet up to another man.

Was this worth it then? Was it worth being honest if it meant she’d leave him? Maybe he should lie about it? Those words --- in the end, they were just three simple words. Perhaps he should just say it and eliminate this threat once and for all.

How far would he go to keep her with him
? Park wondered grimly as Violet returned and started cleaning his fist.

“There.” She taped the end of her bandage and nodded in satisfaction at her handiwork. “Is it still painful?” she asked worriedly.

“A bit,” Park said, smart enough to lie.

Violet’s face fell. She sat beside him on the bed. “Ceasefire for now on whatever it is we’re fighting about.” She absently stroked his hand. “We better hope it gets well soon.”

“I owe you one for this.”

Her cheeks turned pink. “Not when you consider how I was the one who accidentally provoked you into hurting yourself in the first place.”

Park shook his head. “No. This is my fault. How about a date?”

She looked at him doubtfully. “Are you serious?”

Park felt defensive. “It’s not that preposterous!”

“It is, considering how anti-girlfriend you are and now you’re asking me out---”

“On a date,” he couldn’t help snarling, “and not to be my fucking wife!”

“Which I won’t ever be if you continue acting like a jerk!”

“Jerk I may be but you still love me!”

She gasped and smashed her fist on his back – hard enough to make him grunt. “That’s below the belt!”

“Truth!” They glared at each other.

But inside his mind, he was already kicking himself.
. They weren’t supposed to fight. Why was it they always ended up fighting?

He let out a groan.


“My hand,” he grumbled. “It throbbed…” A bare-faced lie, that one.

She fell for it, like girls were meant to. “Oh, Park.” She lifted his hand worriedly.

“Please let’s just not fight?” Park gave her a pleading look.

Violet melted. “Promise.”

* * * *

      Violet dressed extra special for their date and Park was properly bowled over by the sight of her in a backless lavender dress. She preened. “Tell me I look pretty.”

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