Passing Strange (62 page)

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Authors: Martha A. Sandweiss

Becker, George
Beecher, Henry Ward
Bell, Morris
Bethlehem Baptist Church
Bierstadt, Albert
Birth of a Nation
Black and Tan clubs
Black Belt
Black Manhattan
Bloomingdale Asylum for the Insane
Body, Rias
Boozier, Andrew
Boston Herald
Brace, Charles Loring
Brewer, William H.
Brick Presbyterian Church
Bridgham, Albert
Bronson, Edgar Beecher
Brooklyn Bridge
Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Brooklyn Navy Yards
Brooklyn White Lead Co.
Brown, Edward V.
Brown, Letitia
Browne, Junius Henri
Brownell, William Crary
Brownsville, Tex., race riot (1906)
Brown University
Brush, George J.
Buckland, William
Bullock, Thomas
Burns, Clarence
Burns, Grace King
Burns, Grace Margaret
Burns, James A.
Burns, Thelma
Burroughs, John
Caldwell, J. H.
California State Geological Survey
Cameron, Elizabeth
Camp Cure
Camulos ranch
Carswell, William
Cary, Edward
Castilian Days
“Catastrophism and Evolution” (King)
Catholic Church
Cayton, Horace
census, U.S.:
of 1850
of 1860
of 1864
of 1870
of 1880
of 1890
of 1900
of 1910
of 1920
of 1930
Century Association
Century Illustrated Magazine
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de
Charities Aid Society
Charles Scribner’s Sons
Chase, Mary
Chicago Defender
Chihuahua mine
Christ Church Hall
Civil War, U.S.
Clarence King Memoirs: The Helmet of Mambrino
Cleveland, Grover
Coachmen’s Union League Society
coal mines
Cody, William F. “Buffalo Bill”
“color line”
Columbia River
Common-law marriages
Comstock Lode
Congress, U.S.
Conness, John
Cook, James H.
Copeland, Abbie
Copeland, Ada,
King, Ada Copeland Todd
Copeland, Adaline
Copeland, Adeline Trammell
Copeland, Emanuel
Copeland, Harry
Copeland, Ishmael
Copeland, John
Copeland, Scott
Copeland, William, Jr.
Copeland, William “Billie”
Copeland family
copper mines
Cotter, Richard
Cotton Club
Cox, Chastain
Craig, R. W.
Croly, David
Crosby, Harry Herbert
Cross and Blackwell’s pickle factory
Curtis, Carleton
Cutter, Don Horacio
Daily Territorial Enterprise
Daisy Miller
Dalrymple, George North
Dana, James Dwight
Darwin, Charles
Davis, Joseph S.
Dean, Ellen
Democratic Party
Dennett, Tyler
DeVoto, Bernard
Dewey, Daniel
diamond hoax (1872)
Dickens, Charles
Divine Comedy
Doré, Gustave
“double consciousness”
Douglas, Stephen
Douglass, Frederick
Douglass, Helen Pitts
Downing, George T.
Drake, St. Clair
DuBois, W. E. B.
Dunbar, Paul Laurence
Dutcher, Howard
Education of Henry Adams, The
Eldridge, Clarine
elections, U.S.:
of 1860
of 1870
of 1892
Emancipation Proclamation (1863)
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Emmett, Marvin & Martin
Emmons, Samuel Franklin “Frank”
Engineering and Mining Journal
Evens, Henrietta
Explorer King, The
Fall, Albert
Farquhar, Francis P.
Fauset, Jessie
Federal Writers’ Project
Fields, James T.
Fifteenth Regiment, National Guard
Fifth International Congress of Geologists (1891)
Five of Hearts
Five of Hearts, The
Florida Supreme Court
Florida v. Patterson
Floyd, J. F.
Flushing Cemetery
Fort Adams
Fort Bridger
Fort Kearney
Fort Monroe
Fort Totten
Fort Tyler
Fortune, T. Thomas
Frankfurter, Felix
Franklin, Benjamin
Freedmen’s Bureau, U.S.
Frémont, John C.
Fugitive Slave Act (1850)
Gabb, William More
Gannett, Henry
Gardiner, James Terry
and Ada Copeland Todd King’s financial situation
in California geological surveys
Florence Howland and
in Fortieth Parallel survey
King’s correspondence with
and King’s death
and King’s 1863 western trip
King’s nervous breakdown and
Gardiner, Josephine Rogers
Garfield, James
Garrison, Lloyd McKim
Garrison, William Lloyd
General Land Office, U.S.
Geological and Topographical Survey of the Colorado River of the West
Geological Society of London
Geological Survey, U.S. (USGS)
Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Nebraska
Georgia, University of
Georgia Freedmen’s Bureau
Gettysburg Address (1863)
Gifford, R. Swain
Gilman, Daniel Coit
Gilmore, Edward G. “Ned”
Gilpin, William
Godkin, E. L.
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Goetzmann, William
gold mines
Gordon, Pelatian Webster
Gould, Charles W.
Grand Cayman Island
Grant, Ulysses S.
Great Basin
Great Depression
Great Salt Lake
Griffith. W.
Griston, Harris J.
Grove Street Cemetery
Hague, Arnold
Hague, James Duncan
Hamilton, Ga.
Hampton Institute
Harding, George Edward
Harris, Arthur
Harris County, Ga.
Harrison, Benjamin
Harte, Bret
Hartford High School
Harvard University
Hay, Clara Stone
Hay, Clarence Hay, Del
Hay, John
as Ada Copeland Todd King’s secret benefactor
Adams’s correspondence with
career of
on King’s accomplishments
King’s correspondence with on King’s financial troubles
King’s friendship with
and King’s ill health
and King’s nervous breakdown
and King’s views on women
loans to King of
Hayden, Ferdinand Vandeveer
Hayes, Rutherford B.
“Helmet of Mambrino, The” (King)
Hewitt, Abram S.
History of the United States of America during the
Administrations of Thomas Jefferson and James
Hitchcock, Edward
Hite, Ada King,
King, Ada N.
Hite, Virgil H.
Hitler, Adolf
Hoffmann, Charles
Homestead Act (1862)
Howard, Oliver Otis
Howard University
Howells, William Dean
Howland, Caroline Florence Little King
family background of
financial difficulties of
George S. Howland’s marriage to
ill health of
and King’s education
and King’s estate
King’s papers kept by
King’s relationship with
Ross case and
as widow
Howland, George S.
Howland, George Snowden
Howland, John Snowden
Howland, Marian
Hualapai Indians
Hubbard, William P.
Hudson River War Relief Committee
Human Stain, The
Humboldt, Alexander von
Humboldt Current, The
Humboldt Range
Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson
Hyde, William
Inspiration Point
Interior Department, U.S.
Island Cemetery
Jackson, Easter
Jackson, Helen Hunt
James, George Wharton
James, Henry
Janin, Henry
Jefferson, Thomas
Jessup, Henry W.
Jim Crow laws
John Brent
John Hay Normal and Industrial School
Johnson, Eastman
Johnson, James Weldon -52
Jones, Henry
Jones v. United States
Joseph, Chief
Kelvin, William Thomson, Lord
Kidd, P. E.
King, Ada Copeland Todd:
as African American
anonymous benefactor of
birth of
as black woman
census information on
childhood of
in Civil War period
correspondence of
court trial of
death of
education of
emancipation of
final years of
financial situation of
as freed person
friendships of
in Georgia
as grandmother
grave site of
job advertisement placed by
King’s courtship of
King’s deception of
King’s first meetings with
King’s marriage to
King’s name taken by
legal battle of
masquerade party hosted by
in middle class
as mother
music teacher hired by
name of
newspaper inquiry placed by
northern emigration of
as nursemaid
personality of
photographs of
physical appearance of
press coverage of
religious affiliation of servants of
slave background of
social life of
taxes of
in Toronto
trust fund for
wages of
wedding of
King, Ada Copeland Todd
in West Point, Ga.
as widow
in working class
King, Ada N.
King, Benjamin
King, Caroline Florence Little,
Howland, Caroline Florence Little King
King, Charles
King, Charlotte
King, Clarence Rivers:
in Alaska
at Albert Hotel
in Altoona, Pa.
ambition of
American character represented by
ancestry of
in Arizona
at Arlington Hotel
arrest of
art collection of
auction for
as bachelor
back problems of
in Bahamas
barometers used by
biographical sketch of
biographies of
birth of
black servants of
at Bloomingdale Asylum
book reviews for
at Brevoort Hotel
in British Columbia
in British West Indies
in Brooklyn
at Brunswick Hotel
in buffalo stampede
in Butte, Mont.
in California
Canadian trip of
as cartographer
in Cheyenne, Wyo.
in Chicago
childhood of
class identity of
clubs and societies joined by
in Colorado
in Colville, Wash.
convention defied by
as conversationalist
correspondence of
in Cripple Creek, Colo.
in Cuba
death certificate of
death of
debts of
depression suffered by
deserter captured by
diamond hoax exposed by (1872)
disappearances of
Dominica as destination of
double life of
education of
estate of
eulogy for
European trip of (1882-84)
exotic cultures as attractive to

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