Passion After Dark (39 page)

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Authors: J.a Melville

Well, I was thinking Allie that I might take your room. It’s the biggest, it has its own bathroom and a walk in robe. Would that be ok?”

Of course you can Cass. You’re more than welcome to my room. If you want to move into it soon, can you just pack up anything I leave and box it for me and I’ll get it next time?”

Sure Allie.” She smiled at me but there were still tears in her eyes.

Suddenly I needed to get out of there. Seeing my friend upset and knowing that we could never go back to
what we’d had before I’d been turned saddened me but there was nothing I could do. Eventually we would have to disappear completely so the whole not aging thing didn’t become obvious to those I’d known for years.

I’ll head up now and start packing.” I got to my feet and Dominick did too.

I’ll help you cara.” He took my hand and Cassie gave us a sad smile but said nothing.

We made our way upstairs to my room and once we
’d shut ourselves in there, my tears began to silently fall.

Cara what is wrong?” Dominick pulled me into his arms and held me through my silent tears, only the odd sob making its escape.

I guess Cassie reminds me of how much my life will change now I’m vampire. She’s been a great friend and was wonderfully supportive when my parents’ died and now I feel I’m abandoning her. I hate that things have to change and that I will eventually have to walk away when it’s obvious we’re not looking older.” I cried, clinging to Dominick.

I’m so sorry cara that I did this to you, that I’ve ruined your life and that you’ve lost your human life because of me. You must hate what I’ve done to you and I wish I could undo it all and give you back your human life if that is what you desire.” He kissed the top of my head.

I hugged him tighter and sobbed hard
er but I had to make my feelings clear to Dominick before he made the mistake of thinking I didn’t want him.

Baby, stop.” I interrupted him. “You’ve got it all wrong. Of course I feel sad for what can never be, that we will never be able to live in the one place too long as people may notice we don’t age but although I feel sad for Cassie, don’t for one moment think I regret meeting you, having you in my life. I don’t regret that you changed me but most of all I will never regret how much I love you and I am looking forward to spending eternity with you. I can feel a little sad but that doesn’t at all mean I want to change anything.”

I reached up and kissed Dominick and he groaned, pressing harder against my lips until they parted and his tongue pushed into
my mouth. He kissed me like a starving man, his lips so hard against mine, I could feel the inside of them being crushed against my teeth.

He tore his mouth from mine and swore in a way that was not characteristic for him. “
Dammit but I want you again cara. Take off your clothes please. I need to fuck you again but this cannot be long and sensual either. We must leave here soon and get you more blood before I get you home to rest. We must fuck fast and fuck hard do you understand il mio tesoro?”

I nodded
and pulled free of him to hastily start removing my clothes. Dominick did the same before picking me up in his arms. I wrapped my legs around him and he thrust up, impaling me on his cock before walking to the wall where he could lean me up against it and with a deep guttural sounding groan he began to pound into me, slamming me up against it which set the photos I had hanging there rocking and bouncing from our fucking.

Suddenly the door burst open. “
Hey Allie, I meant to…….” Cassie’s voice trailed off as she spotted us against the wall and she blushed, like seriously turned as red as a beetroot. Instead of turning and running from the room she seemed frozen to the spot and although Dominick glanced over his shoulder, he didn’t stop and he slammed into me harder until I screamed and came hard, all while my house mate watched us.

He let out a loud throaty moan and with a hard jerk of his cock he began to come, flooding me with his release.

“Oh fuck, god, I’m sorry, I’ll leave you two alone…..” Cassie’s voice trailed off again and I watched her finally turn and flee from the room.

As soon as she was gone, my fangs descended and I bit into Dominick
’s neck, sucking a few mouthfuls of his blood from him. My muscles continued to squeeze him until I’d milked him dry before he pulled out of me, lowering me to the floor.

Should I go and see that she is alright cara? She seemed reluctant to leave us despite walking in on us fucking. She was aroused, could you smell her?”

Did it turn you on to have her watching us Dominick? I know you and the rest, Fabian etc don’t seem to mind fucking in front of others. Did it turn you on to know she watched us?” I had to know.

Being watched can be exciting cara, I will not deny that but I was not aroused by her presence or had any desire to fuck with her if that is what is going through your beautiful head right now. I came while she was here because I could hold back no longer, the same reason I presume as to why you came while your friend watched?”

I had to concede he had a po
int. It was a turn on to be watched but I had come because Dominick turned me on that much, no matter how many times we fucked, it was never enough.

Get dressed cara and we will go and see Cassandra and perhaps wipe the memory of her seeing us from her mind if it appears to be making her uncomfortable.”

Let me pack some stuff first though Dominick. We might as well get ready to leave here. I’m hungry, I want more blood before we go home.”

I hastily began to pack up another couple of bags of clothes, shoes
, jewellery and make up and once that was done, Dominick carried the bags downstairs where we found a flush faced Cassie sitting on the lounge pretending to watch TV.

Cass, are you ok?” I asked her.

I’m fine Allie, just embarrassed as all hell. I’m sorry, I don’t know why I didn’t walk out as soon as I saw you and Dominick fu… well doing what you were doing. I’m even more embarrassed to admit I was turned on to see it and that’s why I didn’t leave. God, I’m pathetic. I so badly need a man.” She moaned dropping her head on her arms.

It’s ok Cassie and I’m sure you’ll find one soon. Look we have to get going. I’ve packed up more of my stuff to take and we’ll be back in a week or so to get the rest. I’m sorry to do this to you but I have to be with him, I love him.” My eyes met his and his glowed with his love for me.

That is so true cara. You complete me. My life was little more than an existence before I met you. Ti amo il mio tesoro.” He bent to kiss me and we heard Cassie sigh.

’s eyes moved to her. “I do regret that by taking the heart of your friend that I am taking her from your life but I do hope that you realise that I will take good care of her, protect her and cherish her for eternity Cassandra.”

Cassie looked over at me. “
Damn, but you are so lucky to get one like him. Now get out of here before I kidnap him and try and keep him for myself.”

We laughed at her passionately spoken words and after saying our goodbyes and loading my bags in the car, Dominick and I left the home that he
ld so many memories for me. There was excitement at the prospect of facing my future with the man I loved by my side and a little sorrow at the thought I would soon have to say good bye to the home I’d grown up in and would never live in again.


Chapter Twenty Five.


The next few days passed relatively peacefully for Dominick and Allegra. Of course the specter that was Fabian still hung over them and they knew decisions were going to have to be made soon regarding him.

You know you have to tell me what you want to do cara.” He said. “I need to know what I’m preparing for. I don’t trust Fabian and I don’t wish to go into this ignorant.”

Allegra sighed. “
I know what I want to do Dominick, what I’d really like to do is to go, get away from here, leave this home, leave this city, hell, leave the damned fucking country.”

’s stomach clenched at her words. That’s what he’d been thinking, if they could get Fabian’s blessing of course and know for sure that his sire would not come after them or try and stop them but surely if he knew that he would not lose power and that the thorn in his side so to speak, the constant reminder of someone who was more powerful than him, was gone, would Fabian agree to letting them go?

It’s funny you should say that cara. I don’t think I’ve told you but I have a home in Italy. It’s been in my family for hundreds of years but would you be able to make a move like that to a country where you will not understand the language?”

If I was with you, I would move anywhere Dominick. I guess the question is, do you really want to make a move like that? Would Fabian allow it? What happens to this home, what happens to my home? So many questions, so many things to work out.”

I can hire people to take care of this home cara. I don’t really wish to sell it since it’s been in my family for 200 years.” He grinned. “I don’t need to sell it for the money. One of the perks of being vampire is a healthy bank balance especially given I was from money anyway. There isn’t a great deal of need for money as a vampire. We don’t have food to buy or a lot of those other expenses. Maintaining homes and vehicles are our main requirements financially. I have plenty, millions to be precise il mio tesoro. We will not be destitute.” He grinned at her.

Well we wouldn’t be destitute with my bank balance either.” Allegra told him. “Believe it or not I was, well I am a very successful author and the series I’ve written has made me a lot of money, millions and the last book hasn’t been released yet. If all else fails, I could always write more books. Perhaps our relationship would make for a wonderful love story.” She smiled.

So you would be prepared to move to another country cara where you will not be able to speak the language? I can teach you Italian but you could feel quite isolated for a while until you start to learn enough to get by. Of course there are a lot of Italians who can speak some english too, but to live there for the rest of our lives would require you to learn Italian.”

I would do it for you Dominick. I love you and if it means we’re free of Fabian forever then I’m ready. I have to wonder if he will allow it though but surely to know that I’m making no demands on him would please him? I have no desire to control him, over power him whatever he’s worried I might do. I want none of it. I just want us to be able to live our lives in peace and together.” She reached out to cup his cheek and press her lips to the corner of his mouth.

Dominick groaned at her gentle touch and her words filled him wi
th such love for her. God he hoped that his sire would let them go but he worried that he wouldn’t trust her word that she wanted nothing from him other than to release them.

What would you do with your home cara? It’s your family home too is it not?”

Yes it is and I can’t throw Cassie out Dominick. She’s been my friend for years and she’s been there for me for a long time. If Fabian agrees to let us go, I know what I will do with my home and for Cassie but I will need to put it in writing, to make it binding. It will be a solution for myself and my friend.”

So does that mean we are in agreement that we will leave the country and make our own future in Italy without further contact with Fabian or my brothers and sister? You will be alright with having no further contact with Cassie or your editor cara? You know that once we go, we will probably not be able to return. My guess is that Fabian will not tolerate our return at any stage as he will forever perceive you as a threat to his position in the vampire world.”

I can make the necessary sacrifices Dominick for us but despite the fact that they seem to annoy you and frustrate you, are you sure you will not miss your sire and your brothers and sister? Especially Francesca? She can be challenging I’ve noticed, but she does love you, she demonstrated that when you were trying to kill yourself after we split up and I think you love her too.”

Dominick groaned. “
Ok, yes, I do love her even though she drives me crazy at times. She can be a bitch, she likes to test my patience frequently but trust me cara, I will be able to walk away and not look back. You are all I need in my life, you are my one true love, the only one I need to feel complete, I just hope that you feel the same way because eternity is a long time and it will feel longer if you are not happy with me combined with living in a country where nothing and no one are familiar.”

Allegra slipped to the floor, moving between Dominick
’s legs, her hands cupping his face. “Listen to me and get it through that gorgeous head of yours. I love you, only you. I will love you for all eternity, I will love you no matter where we live. I only want you, I only need you. You are all I care about so please, stop questioning whether I will be happy baby. I will always be happy as long as I’m with you.”

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