Passionate Desire (32 page)

Read Passionate Desire Online

Authors: Barbara Donlon Bradley

“You are punishing me.” She felt every little thing he did like it had been amplified a thousand times. If he didn’t fill her soon she was pretty sure she’d explode.

“Of course not, but if you wish me to start the punishment I can.” He lifted himself off her.

“No.” She knew she said it a little too quickly, but it was too late. Knowing he could still change his mind she shifted her weight so she could move her legs. With deliberate slowness, she slid them up his body until they rested on his hips. “If you punish me you will also punish yourself. Is that what you want?”

“No.” He surged into her. They sighed together as her heat accepted him.

“Thank goodness.” She closed her eyes as he started to move inside her. She bit her lip when she felt everything heighten. “Oh, this is going to be very quick.”

“You’re going to kill me if you take off too quickly.” He slowed down his pace, changing his penetration as well. “I thought the crazy multiple orgasms were only that one time?”

“They were, but I have missed you.” Her breath hitched and she arched her back.

“You are no help, my heart.” He grinded his hips against hers.

“Oh, my! You aren’t helping either.” Every fiber of her being felt that. Her body shook. “You keep that up and I’m not responsible for what happens next.”

“And what are you threatening me with?” He watched her face, looking for signs.

“This.” She rolled him over and took control. Her body rode him hard. Muscles contracted and spasmed as she found the right tempo and angle to make them both explode. Each time she accepted him deep in her body she felt the tension build a little more. It didn’t take long before she wasn’t doing anything but feel.

The orgasm blossomed up from her toes. Heather felt it in her fingers, then arms and legs before it centered in her core and exploded outward. She screamed at the intensity as it overpowered her. Storm surged into her two more times before he felt the same overpowering sensations, his mind leaving his body as his release took control.

“You know I’ll have to start your punishment all over again.”

“I promise, this time, I will behave.”

“I hope not.” He kissed her deep and hard.




“So we had talked about you being the next religious leader, yet since Al mentioned it, you haven’t been the same. You want to explain what he said that upset you so much?”

“That.” She had brought Kuarto back to her place so they could talk. This was the moment she had been dreading. How was she going to explain this properly? “My tenure will start in about six days and will last fifty years. Part of the protocol is that the person who holds the job isn’t supposed to take a mate until they retire.”

“Why?” He sat down on the couch.

She blinked. That was a good question. Heather had asked her the same one. “Because that’s the way it has always been.”

“So you’re just going to go along with it? No questions asked?” He didn’t seem to be upset, but his complacency wasn’t what she expected either. It bothered her.

She frowned. “You’re taking this very well.”

“You’ve already decided for the both of us so who am I to question your decision.”

There was something in his voice. “You’re mad.”

“Of course I’m mad.” He stood up. “I thought there was something between us and now you’re saying it meant nothing to you.” He snapped his fingers. “Al asked you if this was a fling and that was what upset you. Is that all I am to you? A fling?”

“No.” His words hurt. How could she get him to understand the good of the planet came before her personal desires?

“Really? You’re not willing to question.” He threw his hands up in the air. “Does this job mean that much to you?”

“No. I don’t even want to do it.” She looked away. She couldn’t handle the emotion swimming in his eyes. “Especially now.”

“Why now?” He stepped up to her.

“Because I’ve met you.” She looked at him.

“Then what are you going to do about it?”




The ceremony was one of the most boring things Heather ever sat through and she had been through a lot. Because of the delicacy of the whole process, Hynna spoke softly so no one could hear him. She fought a yawn. When Storm caught her he discreetly pinched her.

“I’m sorry.” She straightened her shoulders. “I don’t mean to show any disrespect.”

“Then save those yawns for later.” He leaned toward her and spoke softly. “Uncle is shooting us evil looks and I’d like those to stop.”

Heather clasped her hands and placed them in her lap. She started a little game she had used when she had to sit through boring meetings on Earth. It worked, keeping her attention alert until the ceremony ended.

Once everyone started to mill about, Heather got to her feet. She hadn’t seen her brother and wondered where he was. People stood in line to congratulate Toki, who looked slightly unhappy, but quiet. She thanked them and smiled at all the right times, but Heather could sense something was wrong.

Family was the last of the people to speak to her. Uncle Hynna whispered in her ear, which had her nodding.

Heather waited for her turn. She said all the right things the way she had been taught and hovered until she could speak to Toki alone.

“Have you seen my brother?” she asked quietly.

“No.” She nodded to another person who had whispered in her ear, then was finally done with the receiving line. “I sent him home several days ago.”

“What?” Her voice got loud.

“Heather.” Storm, always close, warned her she needed to be careful.

“What do you mean you sent him home?” She lowered her voice but still had to find out what happened between them. “You marked him as your own.”

“Yes, I did.” She kept her voice soft and looked Heather in the eyes.

“Why?” Heather didn’t understand.

“I’ll explain later.” She smiled at her, grasping her shoulder for a moment. “I promise.”

She didn’t want to wait, but she plastered a smile on her face, and went along with it. No need to embarrass everyone by losing the tight control she held on her anger. There was plenty of time for that later. She wasn’t quite sure why she was upset about this, but she was.

Storm sensed her boiling anger because he became twice as attentive and kept giving her looks. Finally he asked. “You okay?”

“Nothing a good temper tantrum couldn’t cure.”

“Ah, you’re angry because of what my sister said.” His calmness just pushed her anger up a notch.

“What makes you think that?” she asked sarcastically.

“You said it yourself, she knew her obligations and has kept them. Now you understand why I was upset when they first got involved.”

She wanted to hit him. Heather never felt this angry before. Was it the pregnancy causing this? She needed to get a grip. “Don’t patronize me.”

“I’m not.” He touched her face with the back of his hand. “You feel a little warm. You feeling okay?”

“I’m fine.” Her voice snapped with anger.

“No. You don’t get this emotional.” He took her hand and brought her to a chair. “Sit. I’m going to find a doctor.”

“There is nothing wrong with me.” She took a step.

“You better sit down or you will see my anger.” He gave her a look that told her to listen or she would make matters worse. “The council did release you to me and I’m supposed to be keeping you under control. Any outburst from you could make them change their minds.”

“Alright.” But she didn’t mean it. She crossed her arms in a huff and turned her face so she wasn’t looking at him.

He wasn’t gone very long before she felt hands on her forehead. She slapped them away. “Stop that.”

“Is that the way to treat your brother?”

She looked up in shock. “I was told you had gone home.”

“I had. I needed to get my things before returning. Wasn’t about to leave my truck.” He pulled his scanner out of his pocket and ran it over her. “I was supposed to be here before the ceremony, but I was delayed.”

“Why are you here?” she snapped at him.

“My, we’re a little testy, aren’t we? Your mate asked me to stay to take care of you while you’re pregnant and I agreed.” He looked at her. “But I can leave if you want me to and you can find another doctor.”

“You are the only one I would trust with this and you know it.” She sighed. “I just don’t understand.”

“What?” He checked his scanner.

“What happened between the two of you?”

He looked around. “Can we talk about this later?”

“Why does everyone want to talk about this later?” Her anger started to boil again. “Why doesn’t anyone seem to care?”

“Come on. I think you need to get some air.” He helped her to her feet and practically dragged her outside.

“Kuarto, I’m fine.” She tried to pull herself from his grasp, but he had a lock on her arm and wasn’t letting go.

“You want to start a fight and I’m not going to let you.” Once they had walked far enough away from the main hall he let go of her. “Okay, now. What is it that has you in this state?”

“You two!” She stomped around. “I don’t understand how you can just walk away from her.”

“That is what has caused this?” He looked at Storm who had followed them outside.

“I don’t know. It did start when she questioned my sister about you two.” Storm stepped up and watched in awe as she grew angrier.

“Is that all you can say?” She was hyper-focused on Kuarto and Toki.

“Is it any of your business what happens between Toki and me?” He crossed his arms over his chest.

Storm just grinned.

“And what are you smiling about?” She turned that anger on him.

“You. You’re glorious.”

“What do you mean by that?” She felt warm and started to fan herself.

“My heart, I’ve never seen you so mad. I’m not sure why you’re so angry but it does something for you. You’re glowing.”

“They say that about all pregnant women.”

“I know, but I mean it literally.” He took one of her hands and pulled it to where she could see it. It glowed a bright pink. “Doctor? Why does my mate look like the aurora borealis on Earth?”

“I don’t know.” He glared at Heather. “I was trying to find out when she went supernova on me. I figured I needed to let her burn some of that steam off before I could continue with my examination.”

“Kuarto?” Toki sighed in relief when she found them. “Here’s where you all got off to. You are needed inside.”

“Not another ritual,” grumbled Heather.

Storm chuckled as he escorted her back into the building. The glow hadn’t faded, but the bright lights of the hall should keep people from staring too much. “Just try to remain calm.”

She pinched him. “I am calm.”

“No pinching. I pinch back.” He stayed beside her, ready to drag her back out the moment she became unruly.

Toki stood in front of the crowd and thanked them for all their well wishes. “You have made this transition easier for me and I hope to serve the planet well.” She looked around at all the faces staring back at her. “I do hope to change some of our more outdated laws so we can function better as a society. One of those laws pertains to some of the non-mating clauses that have been attached to some of the positions we have in our society.”

Heather listened a little more intently now.

“I have spoken to the council and our newly retired religious leader about this and we are going to start making the changes immediately. The first one is this position. In the past, our religious leaders abstained from taking mates because of one person’s misfortune. But that happened while the planet was at war with itself and we have been at peace for hundreds of years.”

Storm’s demeanor changed subtly. She felt his body stiffen for a second before he forced it to relax again.

“Recent circumstances brought my life mate to me before I took my vows. Once I realized this I knew I had very few choices, our happiness,” she looked at Kuarto. “Or my planet’s happiness. It was my brother’s mate who made me look at the laws. She couldn’t understand why I couldn’t have both. I was groomed for this since I was a child. My dilemma then was, why should I force my planet to allow me to have a mate, when many were in the same situation but didn’t have the power to make the changes needed. The position they hold was one of danger years ago, but not anymore, yet they still can’t mate. That isn’t fare to them or to me.” She looked at Kuarto again and held out her hand. He stepped to her side and put his arm around her waist. “I have spoken to the council and we will begin working on this at their next meeting. We will also be looking at some of the other restrictions on other positions, like the ones only men can hold, those that only allow mated people to be in. I know this will upset some of you. We’ve all been taught certain ideals as children. But we need to grow as a people, which means we need to look at ourselves from time to time and make changes that are for the good of the planet.”

“So did you know about this?” Heather turned to Storm.

“You are still glowing.” He led her outside.

“You didn’t answer my question.”

“I know. I wasn’t about to in front of those people and you know that. What made you ask me a question like that in public anyway?”

“I don’t know. I feel strange.” She touched her cheeks. “I’m not sure what is causing this and I think it is affecting the way I’m thinking.”

“Thought so.” He brought her to a bench. His Uncle Hynna was close so Storm called him over. “Please stay with her. I need to find her brother.”

“Of course.” He sat next to her. “So what did you think of the big announcement.”

“I’m happy, but I don’t understand what the big secret was all about.” She stared at her hands. “I really am glowing, aren’t I?”

“Very much, but it is pretty to look at.” He took her hand in his. “The secret was they had to get permission from the council before they could do anything about it and that permission only came just after the ceremony.”

“That’s when you whispered in Toki’s ear.”

He nodded.

“Then they haven’t been bonded? Went through the ceremony?” Heather couldn’t believe the council would be that cruel to them. “They have to wait until her term is up now before going through the mating ritual?”

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