Paul Robeson (149 page)

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Authors: Martin Duberman

Hearings Regarding Communist Infiltration
, July 13–18, 1949 (U.S. Govt. Printing Office, D.C.). Young insisted that “Negro publishers, almost to a paper, completely repudiated Robeson's statement” and in addition recounted an Alpha Phi Alpha smoker in October 1947 in Norfolk, Virginia, at which Robeson had purportedly said, “If this country ever went to war against Russia and my son took up arms to fight against Russia, he would no longer be my son.” Chicago
, June 23, 1949. The full text of Lester Granger's statement to HUAC (July 14, 1949) is in LC: NAACP. Sandy F. Ray, chairman of the Social Service Commission of the National Baptist Convention and himself a minister, made a strong statement—and without attacking Robeson—about American racism (July 14, 1949, full text in RA).

Hearings Regarding Communist Infiltration of Minority Groups
, July 13–18, 1949 (U.S. Govt. Printing Office, D.C.); PR to Robinson, July 11, 1949, RA, enclosing a copy of his Rockland Palace speech so he could “acquaint yourself with the true statements made by me”;
New Age
, July 23, 1949; Norfolk
Journal and Guide
, July 23, 1949 (VFW).

The New York Times
, July 19, 1949; Roosevelt, “My Day,” Nov. 2, 1949; New York
Amsterdam News
, July 23, 1949.

CAA press release, July 13, 1949, RA; Carolina
, July 23, 1949;
The Afro-American
, July 19, 1949. Robeson wrote Carl J. Murphy, president of the Afro-American Company, to thank him—a rare example of his commenting on a newspaper mention of himself, pro or con, and by that much perhaps a gauge of his concern about reaction in the black community; PR to Murphy, July 14, 1949, RA.
The Afro-American
followed up (Aug. 20, 1949) with an article entitled “What's Wrong with Paul Robeson?” by Ralph Matthews, which concluded, “There is nothing really wrong with Paul Robeson. He is quite sane and purposeful.” He was not anti-American, but “pro-peace.” To him America was not “the small clique of financial despots, the small one per cent who control the wealth”; he was “loyal to that large portion of America which wants to remain at peace with the world.” Robeson,
The Afro-American
concluded, spoke “not for the insignificant 15 million [black] Americans struggling for crumbs in a predominantly white America where they will always be a minority, but … for the hundreds of millions of black people in Africa and other sections of the world with whom he feels a kinship.” J. A. Rogers, Pittsburgh
, July 30, Oct. 15, 1949;
New Age
, July 23, 1949; New
York Age
, July 23, 1949 (Bill of Rights conference). The statement by the black delegates is in NYPL/Schm: CRC. A tape recording of PR's speech at the June 28, 1949, Civil Rights Congress is in RA.
The Afro-American
(July 30, 1949) reported, though, that Robeson met with a mixed reception, having to cross a picket line of forty white and black veterans to get into the Mosque Theatre; George Stevens, Essex County commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, had issued a call for members of all forty-six posts to meet in front of the theater (FBI Main 100-12304-184). Even Earl Brown, the conservative
Amsterdam News
columnist, called “the whole show before the Committee … ridiculous and unnecessary” (July 23, 1949).

The Afro-American
, July 30, 1949; New York
Amsterdam News
, July 23, 1949;
text of statement issued to the AP from the CAA office by Robeson, dated July 20, 1949, RA; Jackie Robinson,
I Never Had It Made
(Putnam's Sons, 1972), p. 98. For more detail on Robinson's later political views and activities, see Jules Tygiel,
Baseball's Great Experiment

The Knoxville incident was reported in the Pittsburgh
, Aug. 20, 1949.


. A tape recording of Robeson's People's Songs Conference speech is in RA.

Daily Worker
, July 24 (Davis), Aug. 6 (Bureau of Engraving), 7 (Clark), 8 (Winston), 1949; New York
Herald Tribune
, Aug. 5 (White House), 1949. A confidential informant of the FBI reported on two street meetings in Winston's behalf (FBI Main 100-12304-184, Jan. 9, 1950). FBI Washington Smith Act Prosecution File 100-3-74-4351,4917 (income tax). Hoover had already sent for Robeson's law-school, selective-service, and passport records (FBI Main 100-12304-135, 136, 137; New York 100-25857-673.

. The Peekskill
items, plus reports of subsequent developments, are conveniently and chronologically summarized in the privately printed
Eyewitness: Peekskill, U.S.A.
, a documentary report prepared by the Westchester Committee for a Fair Inquiry into the Peekskill Violence.

. Multiple interviews with Helen Rosen. I'm also grateful to her for contacting Sydney Danis in order to clarify certain details.

. Multiple interviews with Helen Rosen; New York
Herald Tribune
, Aug. 29, 1949. The burning cross Helen had seen (Paul had, too) was confirmed as real in the subsequent grand-jury report (copy in RA)—though the report ascribed it to “an unfortunate prank by a few teen-age boys” bearing “no relation to the Ku Klux Klan or any other anti-social or anti-religious organization.”

. Interviews with Ruth Jett (who introduced PR at the Hotel Theresa conference), April 2, 1982; Clara Rockmore, April 26, 1983, March 17, 1984, Dec. 13, 1985; New York
Herald Tribune, The New York Times
, Aug. 29, 1949; New York
Amsterdam News
, Sept. 3, 1949 (press conference); press release of Civil Rights Congress, Aug. 28, 1949, RA.

. Multiple interviews with Helen Rosen; the FBI got a full report of the meeting at the Rosens' (FBI New York 100-25857-747).

Daily Mirror
, Aug. 29, 1949;
Daily Worker
, Aug. 29, 1949; FBI New York 100-25857-743-746.

. New York
Herald Tribune
, Aug. 29, 31, 1949;
The New York Times
, Aug. 29, 30, 31, 1949;
Eyewitness: Peekskill, U.S.A

. RA contain dozens of tapes of radio broadcasts and eyewitness accounts, as well as a large file of newspaper reports. It is impossible to cite this bulky material in any detail. Among the most useful accounts summarizing the various statements are: New York
Herald Tribune
, Aug. 29, 31, 1949;
The New York Times
, Aug. 31, 1949; New York
, Aug. 31, 1949. From my reading of the press accounts, I would say
magazine (Sept. 5, 1949) is a representative example of national press response: the Peekskill riot, it wrote, was “an example of misguided patriotism and senseless hooliganism.” FBI New York 100-25857-753 for the pro-Robeson list.

. New York
, Aug. 31, 1949.

. New York
Daily Compass
, Aug. 31, 1949; New York
Amsterdam News
, Sept. 3, 1949; Washington
, Aug. 31, 1949; FBI New York 100-25857-750. A tape recording of PR's speech is in RA. The quotations are from that tape.

. Interview with Howard “Stretch” Johnson, March 5, 1985.

. New York
Daily Compass
, Aug. 30, 1949;
Eyewitness: Peekskill, U.S.A.
; interviews with Helen Rosen; FBI Main 100-12304-184; FBI New York 100-25857-754, 771 (which includes a Furriers' Union circular), 760 (“Communists”). James Rorty and Winifred Raushenbush, “The Lessons of the Peekskill Riots,”
, Oct. 1950, pp. 309–53, concluded that at Peekskill “the Communists unveiled … a strategical formula by which they hope to increase civil strife, to inflame the racial and religious passions and antagonisms that are already this country's shame.…”

The New York Times
, Sept. 4, 5, 1949; New York
Herald Tribune
, Sept. 5,6, 1949;
Daily Compass
, Sept. 5, 1949;
Daily News, Daily Mirror
, Sept. 5, 6, 1949.

. Interview with Revels Cayton, April 29, 1982. The details of how Robeson was taken out after the concert are from PR, Jr., as told to him by his father. At the time of Peekskill, Essie and Freda Diamond were together at a Peace conference in Mexico City, while there, they visited with the resettled Fernando Castillo, who had been the Robesons' escort in Spain, and his family (multiple interviews Diamond).

The New York Times
, Sept. 5, 1949; New York
Herald Tribune
, Sept. 5, 6, 1949;
Daily Worker
, Sept. 5, 1949;
The Afro-American
, Sept. 10, 1949;
Daily Compass
, Sept. 5, 1949;
Eyewitness: Peekskill, U.S.A.
; Howard Fast,
Peekskill USA
(Civil Rights Congress, 1951); interview with Howard Fast, Nov. 21, 1986; FBI 100-25857-764 (list of injured and arrests), 773 (Fanelli); Dean Albertson interview with Henry Wallace, 1950–51, for Oral History Project, CU: by the time he gave the interview, Wallace had come out in support of Truman's intervention in Korea, and he characterized the decision to return to Peekskill as a “serious mistake”—though certain that many of those attending were not Communists and while holding the townspeople “completely” responsible for the violence. Pete Seeger had felt confident there would be no violence and had brought along his two babies, his wife, and his father-in-law to the concert. On the ride home two stones shattered his car windows, spraying glass into the children's hair; Seeger cemented the stones into a chimney he was building (phone interview with Pete Seeger, July 4, 1986). According to PR, Jr., Ellsworth “Bumpy” Johnson, the “Black Mafia” leader, offered that night to take a group of armed men back up to Peekskill to rescue the guards temporarily trapped in the hollow; news came that they were safe and Bumpy wasn't needed. The son of the Peekskill chief of police and the son of an American Legion official were briefly detained for “malicious mischief in throwing rocks, but were released. Among those injured was Eugene Bullard, a black aviator in World War I who had won the Croix de Guerre. Stephen Szego, owner of the grounds on which the concert had been held, subsequently had shots fired at his house; an attempt at arson was also made. Dozens of affidavits and statements by people who attended the Peekskill concert and experienced some form of injury to body or property are in the NYPL/Schm: CRC.

. New York
, Sept. 6, 15, 1949;
New Age
, Sept. 10, 1949; Washington
, Sept. 6, 1949;
People's Voice
, Sept. 15, 1949;
The New York Times
, Sept. 6 (tears), 15, 1949.

National Guardian
, Sept. 19, 1949;
Daily Compass
, Sept. 8, 15, 1949; New York
Amsterdam News
, Sept. 10, 1949; New York
Herald Tribune
, Sept. 11, 15, 1949;
The Dispatcher
(ILWU), Sept. 16, 1949;
Daily Worker
, Sept. 11, 14, 16, 1949;
, Sept. 12, 1949;
People's Voice
, Sept. 15, 1949; FBI New York 100-25859-809;
Eyewitness: Peekskill, U.S.A.; Life
, Sept. 26, 1949;
, Sept. 12, 1949.
The New York Times
(Sept. 8, 1949) challenged the accuracy of the Fanelli report, saying it was sharply at variance with photographs, eyewitness accounts, and the arrest record. The Fur and Leather Workers Union, the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers CIO, the International Longshoremen's Union, the American Jewish Labor Council, and the New York State CIO were among the labor groups calling for an investigation. ACLU Director Roger Baldwin called Peekskill “the most shocking of all incidents aroused by the current anti-Communist hysteria.” And among the many protests was one signed by sixty artists, including Bette Davis, Ruth Gordon, Lee J. Cobb, Leonard Bernstein, Charles Chaplin, and Oscar Hammerstein II. Dewey's charge to the grand jury is printed in its twenty-six-page typed report (a copy is in RA).

. Rosen describes the problems he
had with his medical practice after Peekskill in
The Autobiography of Samuel Rosen
, pp. 72–74. Interviews with Helen Rosen;
Eyewitness: Peekskill, U.S.A.
; New York
Daily Compass
, Oct. 18, 20, 1949; FBI New York 100-25857-779A.

Three years later, Peekskill D.A. Fanelli and two carloads of police knocked on the door of the Rosens' Katonah kitchen on an early Sunday morning. “We've found the head and have been looking in the field all night for the body,” he announced to Helen portentously. Swallowing her surprise—and then her amusement—Helen let Fanelli into the kitchen, made herself some tea, and did not invite him to sit down. The “head” was “Jonesy”—as the Rosen family dubbed one of the half-dozen specimens Dr. Sam kept in formaldehyde jars in the root cellar. The gardener, it turned out, had told his policeman brother about “Jonesy,” and the brother had conveyed the news to D.A. Fanelli. After Sam explained his “scientific arrangement” with a New York morgue, a disappointed Fanelli finally realized he was not going to be able to nab the “Commies” after all. “You know, Doc,” he said as he left, “what you've done is illegal, and I could pull you in if I wanted to, even if it isn't for murder” (multiple interviews with Helen Rosen). The Rosens did not finally sell their house in Katonah until 1971.

The local informer turned up again in 1965, when the Robesons were in California (see note 23, p. 757). Recognizing him, Essie made sure that people on the left knew his history (interview with Claire “Micki” Hurwitt, May 14, 1982). In Jan. 1950 leaders of veterans' organizations in the Peekskill area held the first in what was planned to be a series of meetings “to arouse America to the danger of Communism.” It was addressed by former Rep. Hamilton Fish, whose isolationist views had cost him his congressional seat during the war; he called for outlawing the Communist Party and preparing for a war with Russia (New York
Daily Compass
, Jan. 23, 1950). The
National Guardian
reported (Oct. 3, 1949) that in defense of the Cortlandt ordinance a Legion spokesman said, “It may be unconstitutional, but when the Constitution was written it was never considered what would happen later—people trying to overthrow the government.”

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