Paying Their Piper with Passion and Love [Loving in Silver 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (14 page)

Jace grinned, a wicked glint in his dark eyes, just before he leaned forward and began biting him along his jaw. Merck moaned and closed his eyes. Jace was now half of every sexual fantasy he’d ever have. Piper was the other half.

The thought of her disgust of him threatened to cool Merck’s ardor. Jace must have sensed his mental withdrawal because he intensified his attack on the throat under his mouth, licking and sucking at the pulse, biting the tense corded muscles, a tongue stroking slowly across his Adam’s apple.

“Stay with me, precious. I’m going to rock your world.” The words were whispered in his ear, causing him to shiver. His cock jerked behind the strained denim. “Now, give me your mouth.”

The wide, muscled chest pressed against his as Merck offered his mouth almost desperately. He loved the way Jace talked to him. It touched something deep in his soul, pulled him into a place he had never known with another person.

Jace’s mouth opened over his, devouring Merck’s. Groaning, he ground their mouths together, his tongue dancing and dueling, teasing and tasting. Jace explored his mouth with bold thrusts of his tongue. Lips were bruised against teeth. Breaths were exchanged as they reached the boundary of the last one drawn. Pleasure spun through his head. Brilliant lights flashed behind his eyelids as he tilted his head back and gasped for breath. The man holding him against the wall was relentless. He was completely without mercy as he tormented Merck.

Gasping, aching, Merck thrust his groin into Jace’s. The man’s cock was as hard as his own. Raw need gnawed at him like a wild, starving animal. It had been like this between them the night before and relief washed over him. It hadn’t been a one-time thing.

“Jace, please.”


“Baby, please. I need you.”

“That’s better,” Jace praised and he opened his eyes to see the man looking at him with such love in his dark eyes. His wrists were released and his arms dropped down to wind around the other man’s neck. A hand brushed over his cheek. “I think I could use that beer now. Why don’t we get undressed?”

Opening his eyes, Merck stared at Jace. “Beer?” he moaned in disbelief. “You want beer right now?”

Jace chuckled. “I did mention we were getting undressed, didn’t I?”

Leaning forward he gave him a soft kiss on the mouth, rubbing their throbbing cocks together. “Yes, undressed. I can do that.”

In a daze Merck moved into the kitchen when Jace released his wrists. He missed the forceful contact immediately. Grinning, he pulled off his clothes as he walked through the room. He hopped on one foot then the other as boots were yanked off and tossed under the kitchen table. He eyed Jace’s black, combat-style boots. The man had them laced up and was now yanking impatiently at the laces until they came free.

“Maybe you can get those with a zipper,” Merck laughed, pulling off his socks before standing back up and pulling the large silver buckle at his waist. A moment later he was unbuttoning and unzipping, giving himself a measure of relief as the pressure against his cock was finally eased. He gave the cotton-covered flesh a good rub before shoving his jeans down to his ankles. Jace was still trying to get his boots off. Laughing again, Merck kicked the jeans away then went to his lover’s aid. “Here, let me help,” he offered, straddling a long, muscular leg when Jace lifted it.

“Oh, yeah, I can always use this kind of help,” Jace said, then grabbed the mounds of his ass with both hands, squeezing them firmly. His asshole clenched with remembered pleasure. “Nice ass. Firm, slightly rounded, it fills my hands just right.”

“Hey there!” Merck shouted just as he was pulling the first boot off. He nearly fell on his face as strong teeth sank into the right cheek of his ass. Clinging navy blue cotton was peeled down. A moment later warm, firm lips were caressing the stinging flesh. Jace lifted his other leg but Merck could barely think of why he was doing so as a tongue began stroking his skin. Warm, then cool as the air touched the moisture, he shivered and grabbed the second boot. “Oh, fuck, I can’t take much more. I’m going to come right here and now.”

“No you won’t,” Jace told him sternly. “You’ll wait until I’ve got your cock down my throat. Until then we play.”

Elastic stretched, cotton slid, as Jace pulled his boxer briefs down until they were stopped by the leg between his. Merck caught his breath and pulled the boot off, letting it drop with a thud to the plank floor. He put his hands on his knees, bracing his upper body, as Jace began to “play.” Strong hands molded his backside. Biting back a moan, he wasn’t certain how long he’d be able to withstand the sensuous torture. Just the simple touches were driving him mad. His legs began to tremble and his breath caught in his throat as the flat of a tongue ran up from the curve between right thigh and ass cheek, to the upper curve. The tip of that tormenting tongue began to leave a wet trail of curly cues and winding, dipping lines until Jace reached the left mound.

There was a deep, husky laugh which sent shivers of pleasure down Merck’s spine when a finger began playing along the cleft of his ass. Warm breath caressed his skin. Strong teeth nipped his flesh. Merck moaned. The man was going to tease him into an early grave.

“I thought you were going for beer,” Jace teased, slapping his ass.

Shocked by the sudden change in play, Merck straightened as if he’d been shot, rubbing his ass as he spun around to stare in disbelief at his lover. “You slapped my ass?”

Jace leaned back and unzipped his jeans. He looked at him from beneath heavy lids. Fuck was he ever sexy. “Yeah, I did. Do you have a problem with that?”

Merck shook his head. “No, I just wasn’t expecting it.”

“Good. Now quit being a baby and get our beer.” Those dark eyes flickered down over his body, lingering over his throbbing cock which was pointing at Jace like divining rod to water. “Unless you don’t want to play with me anymore?”

Even as he wanted to kiss the adorable smirk off Jace’s firm, sculptured lips, Merck went to the fridge for the beer. He opened the bottles and carried them back to where Jace was waiting for him. He had shed his shirt, jeans, and underwear, which revealed a perfectly gorgeous male body. Jace was big, muscular, tanned, and tattooed. There were scars, too. Two were from bullets and four from shrapnel. Merck didn’t like the idea of Jace being in danger and hoped that those days were far behind the man. He wanted a future with him. He couldn’t do that if Jace planned on letting people shoot at him in the future. They’d discussed it briefly, but Jace had told him he hadn’t decided what his future held as far as employment.

Handing over the beer, Merck watched as Jace took a long pull. Then he was setting the bottle aside and leaning back again in the chair, fingers curling around his cock. Merck nearly choked on the beer as the steel-hard flesh was stroked in a leisurely manner.

When his eyes slid back up over the hard, well-defined six pack of abs, over the sculpted chest with its scattering of crisp black hair, Merck knew he was lost. Jace was hot, sexy, and so desirable he didn’t even know if there was a rating high enough for him.

He waited eagerly to see what Jace would do next. The man was a fantastic lover.

Jace picked up the beer again as he did his own share of looking. He took another drink then held the beer above his groin. “Ever had beer on a stick?”

Merck laughed and dropped to his knees on the plank floor. He slid his hands along powerful thighs, enjoying the sensation of the crisp black hair under his palms. “Never. Sounds good, though.” Leaning forward he caught the first droplets of beer as they splashed onto the wide head of Jace’s cock. From there he licked and sipped as Jace poured more of the beer over his length. Merck enjoyed the play. The man was a fun and sexy lover. He doubted he would ever be bored. When Jace gave him a moment he lifted his head to look at him, licking beer from his lips. “Shouldn’t this be called beer on a dick?”

Jace chuckled. “Call it anything you like, baby. Now, do you want more?”

Nodding, Merck lowered his head and began lapping up the beer as it ran over the man’s balls. He licked them, rubbing his tongue over the orbs within the soft sac, teasing his way upward even as the flow of beer stopped. The tip of his tongue slid upward, along the thick and twisting veins, to the flat triangle beneath the head. Jace jumped and moaned as he wrapped his fingers around the thick base of the shaft and began rubbing his tongue vigorously over the sensitive bundle of nerves. Strong fingers slid through his hair, holding him close, as he continued to love on the man’s cock. Merck wrapped his other hand around his own cock, stroking slowly, building the tension in his body. When he felt Jace’s cock harden he slid his mouth over the spongy head, engulfing it. A shout of pleasure filled his ears as hot cum splashed against the back of his throat. Swallowing quickly, he drank down every tangy jet of the creamy fluid.

“Fuck, baby, I think you’re trying to kill me.” The fingers which had held him now stroked over his ear and down along his jaw as his mouth slid upward along the softening length. Merck smiled and rested his head on a thigh, completely content. “Come here, baby,” Jace said. Merck raised his head, his amber gaze meeting his near-black one. “I want you here with me.”

A moment later Merck was straddling the other man’s lap. The wooden chair groaned in protest under their combined weight. Jace’s swiftly recovering cock pressed into the crack of his ass, making him tremble with anticipation. Strong arms wrapped around him, holding him close as a hungry mouth devoured his. His own cock was between them, hard, aching, needing a release.

When they parted they simply stared at one another. It was these moments when there was something of an unreal quality to the situation. Was it really this simple? Could two people just meet and fall in love?

“I love this. Holding you close, tasting you, feeling the heat of your skin on mine. But I think we should clean up and go to bed. A nice mattress beneath us will enhance the experience.”

A fist pounding on the back door startled them apart. Merck swore as he landed on his ass on the floor. If that wasn’t bad enough he landed in a puddle of beer. Swearing again as Jace laughed and held out a hand, he got to his feet, beer trickling down the backs of his legs.

“I’ll go see who it is. Get cleaned up, because I’m pretty sure they’re not wanting to see me.”

Jace pulled on his jeans, zipping them up as he walked toward the back door.

Merck grabbed his clothes and headed for the closest bathroom, which was just off the kitchen. He wiped the beer off and pulled on his jeans and shirt. Five minutes later he was pulling on his coat and boots, heading out to the bunkhouse. As he stomped through the melting snow he grumbled and cursed. He could be in bed right now, a fire going, music playing, and making the moves on Jace.

But no, he had to go talk to two idiot cowboys who’d decided to beat the living daylights out of each other. Frustrated, angry, Merck was ready to rip heads off by the time he got to the bunkhouse. It didn’t help that Jace tormented him with little pats to his ass as they walked side by side. The two involved in the fight had been separated and were in chairs on opposite sides of the main room. They were bloody and battered, eyes swelling, lips split, and clothes torn.

“What the fuck’s wrong with you two this time? Or is it just the same old shit?”

Neither man would look at him. Neither man spoke. Merck looked to Russell, who was in his red-and-black flannel pajamas and appeared as ready to kill the two men as he was. The way his gray hair was sticking up he guessed he had been woken from a sound sleep by the pair.

“I warned the two of you last time that if you got into a fight again, you’d be docked a week’s pay. Well, this is it.”

One of them finally spoke up. “Shit, Merck, I can’t afford to lose the money.”

“You should have thought of that before you got in a fight with Rick. It’s either lost wages or lost job. Your choice.” He looked around at the men in the room. “Anyone else have a problem with my rules?”

“No, boss.” It was said in unison. The second combatant hadn’t said a word, accepting his fate.

“Are there going to be any more problems tonight?”

“No, boss.”

“Good. Now settle down and let Russ get back to his beauty sleep. It looks like he could use it.”

The joke eased the tension. Rick and Sam, the second man involved in the right, got up and went in opposite directions. There were two large rooms at end of the bunkhouse, six beds in each. Fortunately the two didn’t share space.

As they were walking back to the house Jace pulled him close. “I think there’s something going on between those two.”

“Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. They started working here about the same time. It’s always tense between them.”

“Are they gay?”

“No clue. I don’t stick my nose into other people’s business and I expect the same kind of respect. If it doesn’t cause harm, I don’t get involved. I usually just let them work out their own problems.”

They went back into the house and locked the door. At least no one had walked in on them. The only reason why Dude had come up to the house was because the phone in the bunkhouse was out again and he had turned his cell phone off. It was just one more thing on the never-ending list of things to be done around the place.

“I think what you need is a hot shower and a little loving,” Jace told him, taking his coat and hat from him to hang them up with his. “Go on. I’ll get the lights.”

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