Paying Their Piper with Passion and Love [Loving in Silver 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (7 page)

“Will I bottom for you?”

Merck swallowed hard, wondering if he was going to be rejected. He loved a hard cock in his ass, but he also loved fucking a tight ass. His gaze swept over the man, admiring his relaxed demeanor despite his obvious arousal. Jace was flat on his back, his hands folded behind his head, watching and waiting for whatever Merck had in store for him. He had a list a mile long, but wanted the question answered first. It would tell him just where the boundaries were, which he hoped were far, far away.

“Well, will you?”

“Will I what?”

His eyes shot upward to Jace’s handsome face from the long, thick cock he’d been admiring, to see a playful smirk.

Merck grinned and moved swiftly to straddle narrow hips, locking his fingers around strong wrists. “I want to know if you’ll bottom.”

“It seems to me that you’re the one wanting to bottom again.”

A sharp lift of Jace’s hips pressed the man’s cock into the cleft of Merck’s ass. It sent his pulse racing and almost made him change his mind about wanting to top Jace.

A chuckle escaped him as he lowered his head, wanting a kiss before he played the teasing game any further. Their mouths locked together, their lips parting, hungry, taking, tongues thrusting until they were forced apart by the need for air.

“The night’s still young,” he panted. “I’ll bottom all night long, if that’s what you want. Now answer the question.”

Before he got an answer Jace performed a maneuver which made the bed groan in protest. Merck blinked, not quite believing he was on his back and now being straddled by the other man. Strong hands manacled his wrists and he began panting even harder. His poor, aching cock was beginning to weep what he suspected were liberal amounts of pre-cum. A tight ass rubbed against it, the firm, round mounds causing his eyes to nearly cross with the not-so-subtle pleasure of it.

“Oh, fuck, that was hot!” he told the man holding him down. “We need to make a decision here, buddy, because I’m about ready to come.”

Jace laughed and lowered his head to steal a quick kiss. It made his lips sting. It also made him want more. “I call you precious and you call me buddy. Not exactly a poet, are you?”

“I’m a cowboy, not a poet, not even a cowboy poet, like you’re a poet and not a bodyguard.”


One of his wrists was released as Jace leaned toward the nightstand. He grabbed the lube and a condom. Then he was scooting back, causing the head of Merck’s ultra-sensitive cock to catch on the man’s balls. Groaning, he waited on pins and needles as Jace was finally in the position he seemed to want. After leaning down to suck the cum off the head of Merck’s cock Jace rolled a condom down the length, stroking him until he thought his eyes would cross.

“Damn, but I’m not going to last much longer. You’re a real tease.”

“Take a breather. I’ll stretch myself out this time.”

Merck choked. “That’s supposed to make me calm down? Turn around so I can watch. Fuck if you don’t have the hottest ass I’ve ever seen.” His breath caught in his throat and his heart began to pound as Jace began to stretch his asshole with lubed fingers. Merck watched those fingers pushing in and pulling out. He grabbed his cock and stroked. “I want to fuck you so bad. You’re killing me here, baby.”

There was a sexy smile on Jace’s handsome face when he turned around to straddle Merck again. “I knew you had it in you to be a sweet talker.” He leaned down to kiss him softly once before he grabbed Merck’s cock and lowered himself onto it. “Now,” he said in a rough voice. “Let’s see what kind of ride I can get out of you.” He leaned over Merck to kiss him again. Tongues stroked, teeth nipped, as he began fucking himself on the length of Merck’s throbbing cock. “You feel so good inside me.” The words were whispered against his mouth. Dark eyes roamed over his face. “I feel like you’re claiming me.” He pushed himself upright, his hands braced on Merck’s chest.

“It’s only fair,” Merck whispered back, his heart beginning to pound again. His balls were pulling up tight to his body and there was a telling tingle at the base of his spine, as if someone had lit a fuse. “You claimed me. I want us to be together forever.” His hands slid up the powerful torso, over the well-defined abs, up to play with the bars piercing Jace’s nipples. The man groaned and closed his eyes for a moment as Merck played.

“Forever,” Jace agreed, locking their hands together beside his head. Merck closed his eyes and began thrusting his hips upward, matching and meeting every downward slide of Jace’s tight, dark channel over his cock. “I’ve never felt like this about anyone before.”

“Me either. Oh, fuck, yes!” Merck shouted as his balls slammed up into his body and his body arched up off the bed, effectively burying his cock as deeply into Jace as he could.

Fingers as strong as his own gripped his hands tightly as the man riding him came a moment later. Jace’s asshole clenched like a vise around his throbbing cock, drawing out his pleasure. Oblivion enveloped him a moment later, his pleasure so intense he felt himself blacking out as thousands of pinpoints of light exploded behind his eyelids.

When Merck felt reality forming again, he found that he was tucked into bed with Jace curled around him. “You okay, precious?” Rough fingertips stroked tenderly down his cheek.

“How could I not be? You’re here with me.”

Chapter Four


Piper stood there, frozen to the spot. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, fear clawing at her. Never in her life had she been so absolutely terrified. Yes, that was it. It was terror, not fear. She stared at the group surrounding her, reaching for her, screaming unintelligible things at her.

No, she couldn’t do this. Yes, she needed a job. Well, technically she didn’t need it. She had enough money to keep her in relative comfort for quite a while. This whole situation could have been avoided, had she given it more thought. But,
, she had to get the idea in her head that she needed a job, needed to be a contributing member of society.

“Up!” a tiny voice yelled. Piper winced and tried to step back, only to be blocked by a stocky red-headed boy with jelly on his face.

“They’re really not that bad,” a laughing voice said. Piper shuffled her feet so she could turn to face the owner of the voice. It was a smiling woman holding a toddler. Well, she guessed it was a toddler. She had seen them on TV. After some juggling, and the child clinging to her like a monkey, a hand was thrust out toward her. “The name’s Christy. I run the daycare. You’ve come about the job?” She was looked over with interest, but not in a rude manner. She seemed to recognize abject fear when she saw it. Her gaze filled with amused sympathy.

Piper shook her head. Silver curls bounced. “No, I mean yes! No,” she groaned, glancing around at the children surrounding her like grinning piranhas. “I can’t do this. I have absolutely no experience with children. I don’t even remember touching one since I was their age.”

How had she managed to go her entire life without coming in contact with children? It was amazing, but somehow she had managed to do so. Even her best friend throughout her school years had been an only child.

Christy laughed, merriment sparkling in her eyes. “That’s okay. I’ve had three others apply for the job. At least you were honest about not having experience.” The merriment turned to a devilish gleam. “Do you want to hold Maizie? She’s a sweet imp, just like her mother Gracie.” When she made the appearance of handing the tiny, dark-haired girl to Piper she all but threw up on the woman’s shoes. “Oh, sorry about that.” Christy laughed, about as insincere as any person could be. “But I couldn’t help myself.”

Hoping she didn’t faint, and feeling like a regular ogre when Maizie smiled and waved at her, Piper swallowed hard. She forced an unwilling hand to wave back. “If you could just help me get out of here, I’ll go look for a job I’m more suited to.”

Escaping from the daycare center brought nearly as much relief as escaping from her father’s estate. Piper paused out on the sidewalk, trying to catch her breath. A full-blown panic attack had been close. But now that it was receding and she was beginning to feel calmer, the embarrassment set in. How could she possibly be scared of little kids? It’s not like they were in a habit of biting or anything. Yeah, they were noisy. And they appeared a little clingy and needy, but other than that, how bad could it really have been?

It would have been horrible, she told herself. If one of them got hurt she wouldn’t have a clue to what to do. And the runny noses! Piper shuddered as she suddenly remembered to put on her coat. The air was still icy cold and there was the threat of snow, according to the weather man. And according to Colt spring was just around the corner. She somehow doubted that. It was nearly May and snow was still a regular occurrence in the area. The warmth of southern California was the only thing she missed. She had been enjoying sunshine and wearing shorts and T-shirts for almost two months there, instead of jeans and a T-shirts. Flip flops, too. She missed flip flops.

Unhappy with her failure to find a job, Piper wandered down the sidewalk. People greeted her like an old friend, lightening her self-loathing, chicken-livered self. It was one of the things she liked about Silver, had liked it during previous visits. People were so welcoming and she liked to think it was more than wanting the money out of her wallet. Winter visitors were the main source of the town’s annual income. The influx of people wanting to enjoy the excellent skiing, and other winter activities, was eagerly anticipated as soon as the first snowflake fell.

Sighing, Piper knew she had to make a decision. In all fairness, she shouldn’t be taking a job away from anyone living in Silver. Especially when she had enough money to start a business of her own. At least a small one. She could support herself and maybe hire one or two people, depending on the kind of business.

The more she thought about it, the more Piper liked the idea. She wouldn’t be taking anything away from anyone and would actually be contributing to the community. There was a bounce in her step as she reached her destination, which was Colt’s real estate office. She was welcomed with smiles by everyone except the scary dragon seated behind a desk at his office door. Ms. Jersey was so cold and stiff Piper thought she would snap in half if someone pushed on her.

“Mr. Redford is on the phone,” the woman told her in a voice which brooked no argument. “You’ll have to wait.”


Colt had wanted to pick her up after her interview, but Piper told him she would walk over to his office afterward. They were going to lunch together. She wondered how she was going to explain her unknown fear of children to the tall, dark, scary Dom. She giggled which earned her a cold glare from the dragon. Piper gave the woman her haughtiest stare, which made the woman duck and reach for a pencil, obviously discovering a need to mind her own business.

Piper had had enough of the censuring looks from people, her father in particular. It wasn’t something she had experienced since coming to Silver. It was very freeing, not feeling as if she was being judged and found lacking, being able to be herself without someone stopping her.

When the door opened and Colt came out carrying his coat, Piper all but threw herself in his arms. He hugged her close to his big body. Firm lips pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Why couldn’t she fall for someone like Colt? They were best friends. Why couldn’t they go that extra little bit and be more?

“Rough day?” Colt asked with a chuckle, releasing her.

Piper rolled her eyes. “Terrifying. Have you ever been surrounded by knee-high creatures with sticky hands, drooling faces, and high-pitched squealing voices?”

“It’s rather hard to avoid kids in this town. Haven’t you ever noticed that?”

“Yeah, but they’re always under control and not anywhere near me.”

They walked outside together. The cold air whirled around them.

Colt stepped forward to open the door to his car. She could hear him laughing softly as he closed the door and walked around to get in. “Don’t you want kids?” he asked as he started the car.

“I’ve thought about it, in an abstract kind of way. And I thought I did want kids one day. But, Colt,” Piper said, looking at him, “they absolutely terrify me. I wouldn’t know the first thing about taking care of a baby. And I certainly wouldn’t know how to be a parent.” She slumped back in the comfy seat. She really needed to get a car, though there wasn’t really any need in the well-planned town. “I’d have to take classes or something.”

“They have those at the hospital. What’s the next thing worrying you so much?”

Relieved to shelve the subject of children, Piper brought up the subject of starting a business. “I was thinking I could have a little shop or something.”

“What kind of shop?”

“I could start a coffee shop.”

“Do you want a coffee shop?”

Piper groaned. “No. Don’t be difficult, Colt. Please help me find something to do!”

“You could dance at the Silver Edge. You certainly have the body for it. And you know how to dance.”

Feeling her face heat up, she buried her face in her hands. “Do you have to remind me every chance you get that you saw me naked?”

“Yeah, it’s kinda fun. So, do you want a job?”

“I think I’ll pass. Next idea, please.”

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