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Emily's Penny Dreadful by Bill Nagelkerke
Candice Hern by Once a Gentleman
Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs by Mike Resnick, Robert T. Garcia
The Boys Club by Angie Martin
Race to Redemption by Megan Faust
The Merry Widow by BROWN, KOKO
Carrier of the Mark by Leigh Fallon
The End of Diabetes by Joel Fuhrman
My Journey to Heaven: What I Saw and How It Changed My Life by Besteman, Marvin J., Craker, Lorilee
Taken by Bolton, Karice
Migration by Julie E. Czerneda
The Flesh Tailor by Kate Ellis
The View from Mount Dog by James Hamilton-Paterson
World War IV: Empires by James Hunt
Yours Ever by Thomas Mallon
Enticement by Madelynn Ellis