People of the Morning Star (74 page)

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Authors: Kathleen O'Neal Gear,W. Michael Gear

Tags: #Fiction, #Historical, #Native American & Aboriginal

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Stoltman, James B.

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Tor and Forge titles by Kathleen O’Neal Gear and W. Michael Gear

Note: Within series, books are best read in listed order when noted.



Thousands of years ago, small hunting bands crossed the fragile land bridge linking the Eurasian continent to the Americas and discovered a land untouched by humankind. Over the centuries that followed, their descendants spread throughout this land.


Bestselling authors and award-winning archaeologists W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O’Neal Gear bring the stories of these first North Americans to life in this magnificent, multi-volume saga.


People of the Wolf

People of the Fire

People of the Earth

People of the Sea

People of the Lakes

People of the Lightning

People of the Mist

People of the Masks

People of the Owl

People of the Raven

People of the Nightland

People of the Morning Star

People of the Songtrail

Children of the Dawnland
(for ages 9–12)


Short Fiction in the series (prequel to
People of the Morning Star

“Copper Falcon”


Trilogy within the series (in order):

People of the River

People of the Silence

People of the Moon

Duology within the series (in order):

People of the Weeping Eye

People of the Thunder


Iroquois Quartet (in order):

People of the Longhouse

The Dawn Country: A People of the Longhouse Novel

The Broken Land: A People of the Longhouse Novel

People of the Black Sun: A People of the Longhouse Novel


(in order)

The Gears breathe new life into the vanished world of the Anasazi. Dive 800 years into the past—a world of danger, murder, and a power that transcends time.


The Visitant

The Summoning God

Bone Walker



The Betrayal



Thin Moon and Cold Mist

Sand in the Wind

This Widowed Land

IN ME SERIES (in order)

A tale of prehistoric politics and erotic passion surrounding a Native American High Chieftess, struggling with her own inner turmoil and the troubles of her tribe.


It Sleeps in Me

It Wakes in Me

It Dreams in Me



Long Ride Home

Big Horn Legacy

The Athena Factor



The Morning River

Coyote Summer


About the Authors

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