Perfect: Don Larsen's Miraculous World Series Game (64 page)

Larsen traded to
lose World Series of 1955,
Martin as manager of
Robinson on
win World Series of 1941,
win World Series of 1947,
win World Series of 1951,
win World Series of 1952,
win World Series of 1953,
“Now I Know Why They Boo Me” (Robinson)
Oakland Athletics
O’Malley, Walter
O’Neill, Steve
Ott, Mel
Owen, Mickey
Pafko, Andy
Page, Joe
Parrott, Harold
Pasadena Post
Pasquel, Bernardo
Pasquel, Jorge
Passarella, Art
Patchell, George
Patterson, Red
Pennock, Herb
Perfect game:
first inning (Dodgers at bat)
first inning (Yankees at bat)
second inning (Dodgers at bat)
second inning (Yankees at bat)
third inning (Dodgers at bat)
third inning (Yankees at bat)
fourth inning (Dodgers at bat)
fourth inning (Yankees at bat)
fifth inning (Dodgers at bat)
fifth inning (Yankees at bat)
sixth inning (Dodgers at bat)
sixth inning (Yankee at bat)
seventh inning (Dodgers at bat)
seventh inning (Yankees at bat)
eighth inning (Dodgers at bat)
eighth inning (Yankees at bat)
ninth inning (Dodgers at bat)
Pesky, Johnny
Philadelphia Phillies
Piersall, Jimmy
Pignatano, Joe
Pinelli, Babe
Pitler, Jake
Podres, Johnny
Pope, Harold
Povich, Shirley
Powell, Richard
Queen, Mel
Racial integration of baseball
strike rumors
Walker’s petition and
Ramos, Pedro
Redmond, Herbert
Reedy, Bill
Reese, Carl
Reese, Carl, Jr.
Reese, Dorothy Walton
Reese, Emma
Reese, Mark
Reese, Pee Wee
Amoros’ catch in World Series of 1955 and
batting consistency of
brought up to Dodgers
on Campanella’s humor
cancer of
childhood of
as commentator
death of
decline in 1956 season
Dorothy (wife) and
Durocher and
elected to Hall of Fame
in the field during perfect game
first at bat in perfect game
as first player to wear batting helmet
hanging tree memory and
Hodges and
intangible qualities brought to the game by
leadership ability of
on longevity in baseball
marble shooting and nickname of
mentioned as possible manager of Dodgers
as minor leaguer
Mitchell and
in the navy
negotiates with MacPhail
as one of the “Gold Dust Twins,”
popularity of
reputation as league’s best shortstop
retirement of
Robinson and
second at bat in perfect game
Snider and
third at bat in perfect game
in World Series of 1941,
in World Series of 1955,
Reichart, Charlie
Reiser, Pete
Reserve clause
Reynolds, Allie
Richards, Paul
Richardson, Bobby
Richman, Arthur
Rickey, Branch
Berra and
Campanella and
Gilliam and
Hodges and
lectures on “Dodger way,”
negotiates with Furillo
Reese and
Robinson and
Snider and
Rickey, Branch, Jr.
Rizzuto, Phil
Roberts, Robin
Robertson, Charlie
Robeson, Paul
Robinson, Jackie
Alston and
appears before House Un-American Activities Committee
in the Army
athletic abilities of
attitude towards race relations, vs. Campanella’s
batting accomplishments of
becomes outspoken on racial issues
childhood of
death of
debuts for Dodgers at Ebbets Field
deterioration of health in later years
Dressen and
Durocher and
fading abilities in 1955-1956,
in the field during perfect game
first at bat in perfect game
Gilliam and
Jackie Jr. and
moves to third base
movie of life of
paid by Hodges to catch pop flies
personality of
petition incident and
playing style of
plays for Kansas City Monarchs
plays in minor leagues
pressure endured by
Rachel (wife) and
racism faced by
Reese and
religiousness of
retaliation tactic of
retirement of
Rickey and
screamed at by Martin
second at bat in perfect game
on Snider not running out groundballs
Snider on
as social activist
spiked by Slaughter
strike rumor incident and
tells Campanella about Rickey’s plan
tension between Campanella and
third at bat in perfect game
weight problems of
wins Rookie of the Year in 1941,
Robinson, Jackie, Jr.
Robinson, Jerry
Robinson, Mallie
Robinson, Rachel Isum
Roe, Preacher
Rose, Pete
Rosen, Al
Rozelle, Pete
Rudd, Irving
Runge, Ed
Ruth, Babe
Ryan, Nolan
Sain, Johnny
St. Louis Dispatch
Salvini, Jenny
Sanchez, Raul
Savitt, Alan
Scales, George
Schoendienst, Red
Schulte, John
Schwartz, Art
Score, Herb
Scully, Vin
Selkirk, George
Shaughnessy, Frank
Sheehan, Jack
Sheehan, Tom
Sheehy, Pete
Shotton, Burt
Shuba, George
Silvera, Charlie
Sisler, George
Skowron, Moose
Slaughter, Enos
in the army
base running of
batting accomplishments of
becomes outfielder
on Carey’s throwing arm
childhood of
“country” nickname of
death of
disciplined lifestyle of
elected to Hall of Fame
in the field during perfect game
first at bat in perfect game
focus on statistics of
as hard-nosed player
Helen (wife) and
Hulo (wife) and
hustle of
infected with tularemia bacteria
Josephine (wife) and
“mad dash” home in World Series of 1946,
Mary (wife) and
as minor leaguer
post-1956 career of
resented by Yankees
retirement of
Ruth (wife) and
as St. Louis Cardinal
second at bat in perfect game
self-confidence of
spiking controversy with Robinson and
Stengel and
strike rumors concerning Robinson and
third at bat in perfect game
on third strike to Mitchell in perfect game
throwing arm of
traded to Kansas City
traded to Yankees
Vickie (wife) and
in World Series of 1946,
Slaughter, Gaye
Slaughter, Helen Spiker
Slaughter, Hulo Powell
Slaughter, Josephine Begonia
Slaughter, Lonnie Gentry
Slaughter, Mary Peterson Walker
Slaughter, Patricia
Slaughter, Rebecca
Slaughter, Rhonda
Slaughter, Ruth Rohleder
Slaughter, Sharon
Slaughter, Vickie
Slaughter, Zadok
Smith, Al
Smith, Mayo
Smith, Red
Snider, Beverly Null
Snider, Duke
on Amoros
athletic ability in high school
attitude of
batting accomplishments of
Beverly (wife) and
as broadcaster
camaraderie with teammates
childhood of
on closeness of team
compared with Mantle and Mays
disappointment in performance during World Series of 1949,
as Dodger fan in teen years
Dressen and
elected to Baseball Hall of Fame
failing health in later years
in the field during perfect game
first at bat in perfect game
first visit to Yankee Stadium
Furillo and
on ground balls
on Hodges
lack of success in first days on the Dodgers
lashes out at Dodger fans
as Major League Player of the Year in 1955,
memorabilia shows and
as minor leaguer
moodiness of
in the navy
on Pinelli’s comment about third strike to Mitchell in perfect game
post-1956 career of
propensity to feel sorry for himself
reaction to sportswriters’ criticisms
receives nickname from father
refuses to sign Walker’s petition against Robinson
requests number
Rickey and
on Robinson
second at bat in perfect game
sent down to minors
signs with the Dodgers
taught baseball fundamentals by father
tax fraud and
third at bat in perfect game
Thomson’s pennant winning home run and
traded to New York Mets in 1963,
traded to San Francisco Giants in 1964,
on wearing Dodger uniform
in World Series of 1952,
Snider, Florence
Snider, Kevin
Snider, Ward
Soar, Hank
Southworth, Billy
Speaker, Tris
Specter, Arlen
Sporting News, The
Sports Illustrated
Stainback, Tuck
Stanky, Eddie
Stark, Abe
Steinbrenner, George
Stengel, Casey
bats Larsen seventh during 1956 season
Bauer and
Berra and
Carey and
Collins and
on Cox
on DiMaggio (Joe)
incomprehensible remarks of
on Larsen’s car accident
McDougald and
managerial style of
Mantle and
Martin and
replaces Larsen in second game of Series
selects Larsen to start game
Slaughter and
use of Larsen during 1956 regular season
warms up Ford in the ninth inning of perfect game
Stephens, Vern
Stirnweiss, Snuffy
Stobbs, Chuck
Stoneham, Horace
Sukeforth, Clyde
Swoboda, Ron
Terranova, Anthony
Thompson, Fresco
Thomson, Bobby
Toot Shor’s
Truman, Harry S
Turley, Bob
Turner, Jim
Vander Meer, Johnny
Veeck, Bill
Vernon, Mickey
Versalles, Zoilo
Wackenbush, Andy
Waitkus, Eddie
Waldman, Suzyn
Walker, Dixie
Walker, Harry
Walker, Rube
Walker, Stelle
Ward, Preston
Washington Post, The
Webb, Del
Weiss, George
Wendler, Doc
White, Sammy
Williams, Dick
Williams, Ted
Wills, Maury
Wolff, Bob:
on Collins’ batting stances
on crowd cheering in sixth inning
on the crowd in the ninth inning of perfect game
on crowd noise in eighth inning
on drama in eighth inning
hired by Gillette to broadcast World Series
on Maglie’s pitching
on Mantle’s catch in the eighth inning
on Mantle’s long-distance home runs
on Mantle’s storytelling ability
on Martin in fifth inning
on Martin’s intensity
on McDougald as “thinking man’s” player
on McDougald’s fielding play in seventh inning
on Mitchell striking out
on not mentioning the words “no hitter” in seventh inning
on Reese in the fifth inning
on Robinson being most exciting player
on Slaughter’s fly ball in seventh inning
top of the sixth inning comments by
Woodling, Gene
Wynn, Early
Yost, Eddie
Young, Dick
Yvars, Sal
Zimmer, Don
Zimmerman, Roy
Lew Paper
is a graduate of the University of Michigan and Harvard Law School and holds a master’s degree in law from Georgetown University Law School. He has held a variety of positions in the public and private sectors, including a fellowship with Georgetown University Law School’s Institute of Public Interest Representation, Legislative Counsel to Senator Gaylord Nelson in the United States Senate, and Associate General Counsel at the Federal Communications Commission. He is the author of
John F. Kennedy: The Promise and the Performance
Brandeis: An Intimate Biography
Empire: William S. Paley and the Making of CBS
; and
Deadly Risks
(a novel). His articles and book reviews have appeared in numerous publications, including
The New York Times
The Washington Post
The New Republic
, and
The American Scholar
. He currently practices law in Washington, D.C.

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