Perfect Fit: Book 4 of the Fated Hearts Series (34 page)

Read Perfect Fit: Book 4 of the Fated Hearts Series Online

Authors: Aimee Nicole Walker

Tags: #Fated Hearts Series, #Book 4

So, seeing the two of them looking happy was worth the teasing they gave us. “Someday you’ll fall in love too, Wise Guy, and you’ll want to do things like smooch and hug that person.”

“Uncle Jag and I will make kissy noises at you when you do too,” Miller added. An eye roll was Lucas’s response, but the smile never left his face. “Remember what I said about your behavior today. No running. No touching everything in your sight. You will be polite and respectful.”

“Yes, Uncle Miller,” they echoed from the backseat.

Miller pointed his finger at me. “That goes double for you.”

“Yes, Miller,” I said, imitating the kids and making them giggle loudly.

We all ended up liking the same overpriced, yet sexy as sin, SUV. It was charcoal gray with black leather interior and totally badass – like something Batman might drive if he ever became Batdad. Miller let me take the kids to the Y in it while he met with Vanessa to decide what to do about Darryl and Destiny’s belongings. They were still at Darryl and Destiny’s house when we got done so I took Lucas and Lily to meet baby Grace.

I didn’t know a person could look exhausted and exuberant at the same time, but that was the only way I could describe how Chase and Gray looked when they let us in their house. They had bags under their bright, sparkly eyes and tired, yet happy, smiles.

“Nice wheels,” Gray said then bumped fists. “Plenty of room in there for more passengers.” He gave me an impish smile as if the thought would scare me. Ha!

“So you’ll understand if I consider my visit to my littlest client as billable hours?”

“Very funny,” Gray said before he turned to Lucas and Lily. “What else have you guys been up to today?”

“Uncle Jag took us to the Y so we could swim for a bit,” Lucas told him.

“I bet you could use a snack,” Gray offered. “We have fresh chocolate chip cookies from Gram.”

“Yay!!” The kids skipped after Gray into the kitchen and I took a seat next to Chase on the couch, who was feeding his daughter.

“Hey there, Gracie Lou.” I kept my voice soft because it looked like she was just about to drift asleep.

“Dang it,” Chase said without venom. “I owe Gray twenty bucks. He swore up and down that you’d be the first one to call her that.”

“We don’t have to tell him.” I suggested.

“Too late,” Gray said as he entered the room with a tray full of drinks and a large platter of cookies. He set the tray down and looked at me. “I already heard what you called our baby girl.” He turned to Chase and said, “I’m willing to let you pay me in trade instead of cash.”

“Yeah?” Chase sounded hopeful.

“Mmm hmmm,” Gray replied suggestively. “You let me nap for an hour and we’ll call it even.” Gray smiled wickedly while Chase groused something under his breath.

“I can’t believe I’m about to offer this, but why don’t both of you head on up for a nap and the munchkins and I will take care of baby Grace. She’s asleep,” I nodded to the bundle in Chase’s arms, “so you should be sleeping too. I’ll turn on the Nickelodeon channel and Lucas and Lily will be asleep after a few minutes from all of the exercise today.”

“Seriously?” Gray sounded shocked that I’d offer. He looked like he wanted to be suspicious that I was joking, but was too tired to spend the energy on the effort.

“It’s been a while since I changed a diaper, but I’m sure the technique is still the same. I understand her girl bits are different than the boy bits, but the concept is the same – wipe off any poop or pee, powder their butts, and close up the new diaper.”

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Chase said as he gently leaned over and placed their daughter in her bassinet. “She sleeps pretty sound for about an hour to ninety minutes.”

“Get some sleep, take a hot shower, and I bet you’ll feel brand new. Miller texted me and said they’d be a few hours longer before they finished up and I don’t have any place that I need to be. I want to be here and help,” I modified, this time directing my words at Gray.

“Thank you,” Gray said sincerely before they went upstairs.

I turned on the TV to the kids’ favorite channel when they came back out after eating their snack in the kitchen. I kicked my shoes off and got comfy as I ate my snack on the couch like a big boy and watched cartoons until Lucas and Lily fell asleep. Little Grace slept through it all and didn’t wake for nearly two hours. By that time, the guys had napped, showered, and it looked like they fooled around a little too. They either had sex or smoked a joint because they were looking pretty damn mellow as they made their way down the stairs. I knew that neither one of them did drugs so that left only one thing.

“Shut up,” Chase said when he caught sight of the smirk I wore on my face.

“I didn’t say anything,” I said defensively. I gave him my most innocent expression, which only made Chase laugh at me.

“Thank you for staying and letting us rest,” he said once I started to put my shoes on.

“It was my pleasure. I need to wake my little sleeping angels up or they won’t sleep tonight.” I saw the smile on Gray’s face and realized that I referred to Lucas and Lily as mine. It seemed natural and right to me and I didn’t second guess my words. “Vanessa is staying with us tonight so that Miller and I can go on a date.”

“I hope you guys have a great time,” Chase said as he walked us to the door. “I’m so very happy for you, JJ. I’m proud of you too. I’m glad that everyone else is getting to see the guy I’ve known all these years.” This time his hug was not accompanied by a snarling growl from his husband. All of that was behind us as we both built our new lives with our families.

“Thanks for never giving up on me, Chase. Your friendship was a life saver and I mean that.”

We still beat Miller and Vanessa back to our house, but not by much. The kids were so excited to see her that they talked over one another to try and speak to her. I used the distraction to lead Miller upstairs so he could talk to me. I could feel the tension rolling off of him in waves. He shivered beside me as we entered the bedroom so I guided him to the bathroom where we could take a hot shower together.

Once under the spray, I began rubbing the tight muscles in his shoulders, back, and arms. I knew he was struggling to keep it together, but I didn’t think holding it in was the answer. I turned Miller around and pulled him into my arms. All the pain he had felt from being in Darryl and Destiny’s house released in a torrent of tears.

“We don’t have to go out tonight, Bones. We can stay in and take it easy.” I rubbed my hands up and down his back while he rested against me.

“Darryl wouldn’t want me hiding from life and giving in to my sadness that he’s gone. He’d want me to enjoy every damn second I have on this great big rock. We’re going out tonight, Jag. You gave me exactly what I needed just like you always do. I want to go out to dinner with you and maybe catch a movie or make out in our new car.”

“I, um, kind of planned something for 7:00 p.m., but it probably won’t take long. We can eat dinner before my surprise and then catch a movie afterwards if you want. I shouldn’t have made these plans tonight. I should’ve known that today would be very difficult for you. I’ll reschedule the surprise.” My sudden case of nerves had me prattling on and on until Miller’s laughter penetrated my mind.

“Whoa, you’re really wound up about this surprise.” Miller shook his head slightly. “Don’t you know by now that I’ll love any surprise that you give me? Whatever you have planned will be exactly what I need.”

Our evening started at Gruff’s, our favorite steak and seafood restaurant. We agreed that date nights meant that we talked about other things besides the kids. As much as our world now revolved around them, it didn’t mean they had to occupy our thoughts and conversations 24/7. Our conversation never lulled, because we had so many common interests. I knew nothing about archeology and anthropology, but I loved to hear his passion for his job. He listened just as raptly to me talk about my job and hopes for much needed changes to assure that all people were equal in the eyes of law.

We skipped dessert in order to make our surprise on time. Miller looked at me oddly when I pulled into a coffee shop. I turned the car off and removed my seatbelt. “There’s your surprise,” I said pointing over to the tall blonde standing next to her SUV.

“She’s really pretty, Jag, but she’s not my type.” He looked into my eyes and smiled wickedly. “I like them tall, dark, handsome, and with a cock.” He reached over and slid his hands between my thighs. “You’re my type.”

“You don’t recognize her, Bones?”

“Of course, I do. She’s that realtor with the billboards all over the place. She looks pretty and nice, but I bet she’s a real tiger. We better watch our wallets,” he said as he slipped off his seatbelt. “It’s freezing balls out here and there she stands like it’s no big deal. Ice in her veins, Jag. Don’t fall for her telling you that there are multiple offers on the place either just so we offer more money. Don’t look her in the eyes or you’ll be buying a house before you know what hit you.”

“That’s the plan.” I leaned over and kissed him softly. “Come on, Bones. I’ll protect you from the scary realtor.”

Cynthia greeted us with a kind smile and ushered us into her warm SUV so she could take us over to look at the house that Miller and I both felt was perfect for our family. She kept the conversation light and friendly while she drove us over to the house. Contrary to what Miller said, I didn’t get the impression that Cynthia was a high-pressure saleswoman. Her reputation was that of a realtor who listened to what you wanted and worked very hard to find the perfect home for her clients. That was why I chose her, even though she was not the listing agent for the property. Cynthia greeted the attendant at the gate by name, so it was obvious she spent a lot of time there.

“Wow,” I said as we pulled up to the house. “It’s better in person.”

“I know right?” Cynthia sounded as happy as I did. “Wait until you see the inside. If you’re serious about the house you’ll want to make an offer quick, because it won’t stay on the market for long.”

Miller elbowed me lightly in the ribs and widened his eyes as if to say he told me so. “Don’t sound so overeager,” he warned between gritted teeth, drawing a laugh from both Cynthia and me.

“You two are too damn cute,” she said. “I’m going to unlock the door and let you guys look around on your own. It’s vacant right now so you can take your time and check it out to make sure this is your forever home.” She looked back at Miller before she got out of the car. “I don’t have the place wired for sound so it’s okay if you show your excitement inside the house. It will be your secret,” she said gesturing back and forth between Miller and me. “I’ll also let you in on a little secret. I think you could offer the sellers thirty-five thousand dollars less and they’d accept your offer. As wonderful as this home is, it’s overpriced and their listing agent knows it.”

Miller turned a little pink over being called out, but I laughed my ass off. I’d definitely be buying a house from Cynthia, even if it wasn’t this one. I nudged him and nodded my head in the direction of the front door. “Let’s go check it out, Bones.”

True to her word, Cynthia unlocked the door and let us in and then returned to her SUV. We took our time looking at each and every room. We didn’t say much, because I think we were just overwhelmed with the rightness of the moment. There wasn’t a single room that I couldn’t see us in and if that didn’t mean this was our place then I didn’t know what did.

Our private tour ended on the third floor space that I referred to as the media room. I could easily see the four of us sitting on the couch and watching our favorite movies while eating popcorn. Miller and I turned and faced each other at the same time. The emotion I saw in his eyes matched the feelings inside me that had my heart thumping wildly in my chest.

“Let’s go tell Cynthia that we’ve found our forever home,” Miller said to me before he pressed his lips to mine to seal the deal.

February rolled into our lives like a hurricane and the result was a scattered mess, but unlike with a hurricane, it was a beautiful mess. Jag and I were approved for our loan to buy the house together. We listed our individual homes and both received offers within days of Cynthia listing them. So, we had two houses to box up and figure out what we were keeping and what we were donating to the Habitat for Humanity store with very little time to do it.

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