Read Perfectly Obsessed Online

Authors: Ellie R Hunter

Perfectly Obsessed (18 page)

Chapter Twenty-One



“Tell me again, do you think it went well from your point of view?” I ask, for the tenth time since our visit began.

He chuckles and squeezes my hands in his.

“Babe, it went as well as can be expected. You should have seen Calvin. He was acting like we were friends. All smiles and handshakes. It was brilliant.”

I can hardly contain my excitement. Weeks or days is all we’re looking at if his parole is granted. I will really have him home.

“I’m seriously contemplating busting you out of here if it isn’t granted, I need you home.”

“Hey, don’t think like that. I’m coming home, babe.”

His confidence and faith in the near future makes it easier to go along with him. He makes everything seem like it is set in stone.

“The first thing I’m going to do is lock us in the flat and not let you out till we have made up for lost time,” he whispers, across the table.

Sexual tension sweeps over us and the heat that hasn’t been dowsed since the last time he touched me, burns deep inside me.

It has been so long since we were together, it is a little nerve racking. I want him, need him desperately but doubts creep in. What if he remembers me differently?

“What’s wrong?” he asks, noticing my hesitation.

“What if you don’t like the way I am now?”

He snorts loudly and a little pissed off, “Have you got warts and boils under your jumper or something?”


“Then nothing has changed, babe, I loved the way you were then and I’m pretty fucking sure I’ll love you the same when I get out. Don’t ever question my love for you.”

I knew I was being silly.

“You’re right, it’s just been a long time for both of us.”

“It was worth it. Missing out on this time with you was for a good reason. As much as I hate being away from you, I won’t ever regret what I did.”

Now we’re hopefully coming to the end of this nightmare, I have to agree with him.

“Time’s up, say your goodbyes.”

The guard calls and a piece of my heart chips away, like it does every time I have to leave him here. Once he’s out, I have no doubt it will fully repair but until that time I have to deal with it.

We both stand and briefly hug before we get broken apart.

“I’ll call you as soon as I hear any news,” he tells me, kissing into my neck.

“Love you.”

“Love you too.”


I haven’t got used to making this trip to the prison, I never would but the ride home isn’t a numbing pain that overtakes my body anymore. I step off the bus near the café and I notice a man who I have seen a few times in the pub staring at me. I keep my eyes in front of me and keep walking, intending to go home. Waiting at the crossing, I peak through my hair to see he is now standing beside me.

“You’re Cammie, right?” he asks.

I nod lightly and keep quiet.

“It must be hard with Drake in the nick?”

I take a deep breath and try to sound like he isn’t bothering me.

“It’s not as bad as I thought it would be,” I lie.

“Why don’t you let me take you out for a drink, try and cheer you up?” he offers.

“I’m okay thanks,” I smile, falsely.

The green man flashes and I cross the road with him still keeping to my side. The café comes into sight and I choose to go in rather than go straight home.

“C’mon, one drink won’t hurt. I’m a mate of Drake’s. He’ll appreciate me looking out for you,” he carries on.

I don’t know all of Drake’s friends but I do know that Stan is the only one he trusts with me. This guy out right gives me the creeps and I feel like he doesn’t just want a drink with me.

“Like I said, I’m fine but thank you for the offer.”

“You heard her, thanks for the offer now fuck off.”

I spin round to find Stan close behind us. Where the hell did he come from?

The guy beside me, chuckles and swiftly disappears.

“Who was that?” I ask Stan.

“Vermin. If he comes near you again, let me know.”

“Sure,” I agree without hesitation.

Ever since Stan burst my protection bubble as he called it, I have been more on alert of my surroundings and the people who strike up conversations with me.

“Come on, I’ll walk you home.”

Chapter Twenty-Two - June 2005



There are two types of doors that you will always remember the sound of no matter how long you live. First, the metal door slamming shut trapping you in every night. Second, the main door to the prison closing behind you as you step onto the street as a free man. No longer am I a convict deemed a risk to society but a free man.

I lied to Cammie when I told her my release date, I didn’t want her coming to this place again even if it was to meet me when I was released. I want to surprise her.

Lighting a cigarette and storing the pack in my jacket pocket, I don’t bother looking back at the cage that has kept me away from my girl for two and a half years. I throw my bag over my shoulder and walk towards civilisation.

I choose to take the bus like Cammie has done and take in any changes that have occurred while I was locked up.

After the second bus ride I’m fuming that she put herself through this every month for me. I left her more than enough fucking cash for her to jump into a taxi and that’s what I did. I throw cash at the driver and give him my address. I only plan on dropping my bag off then taking my girl away from that café. Now I am home, she won’t be going back there, unless it is as a customer. Half an hour later the taxi driver stops outside my building and I am left speechless.

Numbly, I get out of the taxi and with the driver already paid and tipped he drives away.

What the fuck is going on? The building I have lived in for over eight years is half demolished and by the looks of what is left, it was burnt out. Cammie mentioned fuck all about a fire, she didn’t mention any of this. How long has it been like this? Then I know, since Christmas. That is when I had to start writing to Marg’s address. Is that where Cammie has been living for the last six months?

Before I let my temper get the better of me I pull out my cigarettes and light one up. I tear my eyes away from where I used to live and head to the café. I want answers and I want them now.

I pick up my pace and inhale the cigarette deeply before flicking it onto the ground. The familiar ding as I open the door makes me smile. It brings back so many memories all at once.


Marg sees me as soon as I walk in and rushes over. She is wrapped around me before I can put my bag down.

“What are you doing here? You said you weren’t out till tomorrow,” she beams, pulling away.

“I wanted to surprise her,” I smile back.

My brief moment of reconnecting becomes short lived and agitation of not knowing anything comes back to me.

“Where’s Cam and why is my building half standing?” I demand.

“Don’t be angry with her, I wasn’t sure about her when you first brought her here but she has surpassed any doubts I may have had. That girl has done you proud.” Marg admonishes my tone.

She bends over a table and scribbles down something on her notepad.

“Marg, what the fuck is going on?”

I’m losing my shit and this cryptic bollocks isn’t getting me anywhere fast.

She hands over the piece of paper and says, “Go here, it isn’t far. She’s there now, she took the day off to make sure everything was ready for you tomorrow. Hold on.”

She leaves me reading an address I think I recognise and goes out the back. She returns in no time handing me a key.

“You’ll need this to get in.” she says, ushering me out the door.

“Don’t tell her I’m coming,” I warn Marg.

“I wouldn’t dare.”

The address she has given me is only a few streets over from the café and it doesn’t take me long to find it.

The building looks newer than the one I rented and walking through the hall and up the stairs, it is a lot cleaner.

Flat six is one of two on the top floor and loud music booms out on the other side of the door. My entire body rushes as I slide the key in the lock. Within seconds this will be real and she will be in my arms. Only, when I turn the key the door doesn’t open. I try again but it’s no good, she must have it bolted on the other side.

I knock on the heavy wooden door and wait. When it looks like she can’t hear, I knock again. Fuck this music, I remind myself she isn’t expecting me and simply can’t hear me. I wait for a lull in between songs and bang hard on the door repeatedly until I hear her call out she is coming.

My blood pumps around my body like a tidal surge and my mouth goes dry. I have been dreaming of this moment and for the first time in my life, I’m nervous.




As soon as the sun was up this morning so was I. I have one day till Drake comes home and my plan is to stay as busy as I can until that time arrives. So far today, I’ve been to the laundrette and washed all the bedding and towels, scrubbed down the kitchen and the bathroom. All I have left to do is the dusting and vacuuming. Before I leave tomorrow, for the last time to catch the bus to meet Drake I will run the duster around again and everything will be perfect. Leaving me plenty of time tonight to try and tame my curls into something sleek and to have a pamper session. I remember the last time he was released from prison, we spent the night together and it was the beginning of us. It feels like a lifetime ago since that night.

Nothing can take tomorrow away from us and today, nothing will wipe my smile away. Less than twenty-four hours to go.

I’ve had the music on full blast since I returned from the laundrette and to hell with what the neighbours think. Stan will probably complain soon. I have to put up with banging and shouting from the other tenants so they have no right to complain today.

When the banging on the door begins as expected I ready myself to give whoever is here to complain a piece of my mind.

I turn the stereo off and throw open the door. With my hair untamed and piled on top my head, wearing my leggings that have seen better days and an oversized hoodie I do not expect to see Drake braced against the door frame looking at me with a smile that sets me on fire.

I’m unable to move, paralysed where I stand three steps away from him.

He’s here.

He is so close I can smell the light scent of soap and cigarettes on him yet, I still can’t move. I don’t realise I’m not breathing until my lungs begin to burn.

“How? When?...”

My mind is racing a mile a minute and every question I want to ask all comes out in one.

I nearly lose my mind when he steps through the door and throws his duffle bag on the hall floor. He’s here, right here in our home that I have spent months preparing. I remain speechless until he grabs my thighs and lifts me giving me no choice but to wrap my legs around his waist

As soon as we connect I come alive. Every emotion I have suppressed for over two years sprays over us like a shower and my mouth moves around his neck and up to his cheek as his lips chase my neck and collarbone. Our lips meet each other and the hunger overrides us both.

“I need to be with you first then you’ve got some talking to do.”

“I’m ready for you Deveroux, in every way.”

I knew he would have questions and just because I wanted to keep the answers away from him before, now he is here I will tell him every truth.

“Where’s the bedroom in this place?” he asks, biting down on my neck.

I slide down him and lead him through to our new room.

“This is a new bed, it’s been waiting for you to come home and christen it,” I smile, pulling the hoodie over my head.

Drake is before me in the blink of an eye.

“Let me,” he says, huskily.

He moves closer and unclips my bra. It falls to the floor and Drake follows it dropping to his knees.

Hooking a finger each side of stomach, he pulls down my leggings and underwear as one and I step out of them eagerly.

He looks memorised letting his eyes roam every inch of my body. I struggle to get a deep breath when I feel his hand roam from my knee up my thigh and gingerly trace my centre before leaning forward and lightly spreading kisses across my stomach before standing and kissing my mouth.

“I think you’re overdressed, Drake Deveroux.”

“I should remedy that, shouldn’t I.”

His grin is croaked and I feel like crying. Now he is here, I somehow miss him more. I tried to remember every plane of him, but the croaked smile, I forgot.

A stray tear falls and he notices.

“What are you crying for?” he whispers, concerned.

“Nothing,” I try to laugh around the sob, “I’ve just missed you so much.”

He pulls me against him and holds me tightly.

“I’m home now, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.” He promises.

He’s in my arms, I can feel his heart beating strongly through his chest. I can smell and feel him but it doesn’t feel enough.

“Baby, I’m home,” he says, again and I take a deep breath.

“Then take me to bed, I need you, Drake.”

“It will be my fucking pleasure.”



I’m happy and content to lay beside Drake silently, trailing my nails back and forth across his chest. He is happier to start talking.

“Why are we living here now?”

“Do you remember when I walked out on one of our visits?”

He stiffens beside me and makes a non-committal grunt that I take for a yes.

“After our phone call, I got back to find the building on fire. I called Stan and went to the café while he found out what was going on.”

I went on to tell him every detail I could remember and he listened without interrupting me.

“And before you say anything, I made sure Stan wouldn’t tell you. It really wasn’t his fault he didn’t.”


I roll my eyes.

“I didn’t want you worrying about me over nothing…”

“It was hardly nothing babe, our home was on fucking fire,” he growls.

I lean up on my elbow and force him to look at me.

“You told me I was stronger than I thought I was, you were right. I wanted to do this, I didn’t want you worrying from prison knowing you couldn’t do anything. I stayed with Marg for a couple of weeks before this place became available and I’ve spent months getting it ready for you to come home.”

He jerks his chin and remains quiet. I leave him to process everything I have told him and rest my head in the nook of his arm and chest as he wraps his arm around me.

Lazy minutes pass and he climbs out of bed. I lose my breath at the sight of him, bold as brass the man walks across the bedroom to the wall surrounding the drawers and wardrobe naked. I will never get enough of him. 

He is looking at the photographs I had framed and asked Stan to hang for me.

I decide to give him the confidence he gives me and I lose the sheet as I too climb out of bed and stand behind him wrapping my arms around his waist, planting soft kisses on his shoulder blades where one half of an angel’s wing is tattooed.

“Weren’t these in the fire?” he asks, covering my arms at his front with his.

“They were, but thankfully I always kept the camera in my bag so I had them printed again,” I tell him, moving my lips across to his other tattooed winged shoulder blade. I can’t get enough of him. I need to be touching him.

“We look good together,” he chuckles, “I’ve never seen how we look together like this before.”

“I’ve loved having them around me while I sleep. Now it’s your turn,” I say, sliding around his hard, toned body to face him.

“Turn?” he genuinely looks dumbfounded as if he could have nothing to possibly explain. 

“Turn to talk. Don’t you think I should have known that you got Stan to follow me about like a lost puppy behind my back?”

I expected him to look guilty that I found out about it, this gorgeous man before me just shrugged and acted like I was over reacting.

“I wasn’t here so he was. You’re lucky I didn’t make you move in with Marg till my release. I thought this would be a more comfortable option for you. How long have you known about our deal?” he asks, holding me in his arms and slowly pushing me back towards the bed.

“Since the fire, that’s how I knew how to keep him quiet. He told me how you’d kill him if I got hurt so I told him I would purposefully put myself in danger if he did.”

His lips pull up to one side and he almost looks proud. He chuckles softly before pulling me in his arms completely.

“I shouldn’t pay him for not telling me, whatever you said to him, he should’ve told me,” Drake points out.

“How much are you paying him?”

“I told him if he watched you like a sister and you came to no harm I would give him thirty grand when I got out.”

Thirty grand. Sometimes life passes me by in such a blur I keep forgetting the world I live in now. A world where you pay someone thirty thousand pounds to watch your girlfriend while you are in prison. So much money to give away, I don’t know whether I am insulted or delighted?

“He deserves it. I came to no harm and he did it for such a long time. Does he get extra for banging my best friend?” I laugh, landing on my back on the bed after being gently coaxed down by Drake.

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