Read Phantom Riders MC - Hawk Online

Authors: Tory Richards

Phantom Riders MC - Hawk (15 page)


I did as she asked, feeling very vulnerable standing naked in someone else’s house. After locking myself in my room, I went and took a long, scolding shower. I hadn’t even thought about shampoo and soap, but there was an assortment to choose from. Lavender had always been my favorite, and before long the bathroom was steamed up with the pleasant scent. Twenty minutes later I was dry and wrapped up in a soft, terry robe, and lying on the bed in exhaustion over everything that had happened.


I closed my eyes. I needed to cut and color my hair. Instead, I let the quiet surrounding me calm my frayed nerves, sooth my weary body and overworked senses, and eventually claim my tired mind.


I don’t know how long I slept. The first time I woke just long enough to eat and drink something, before allowing myself the luxury of sleep again. The next time I opened my eyes it was to the early morning light filtering through the split in the heavy drapes. Did I close them? I didn’t remember. All I knew was that I felt totally rested and full of energy.


My gaze lit on the stack of clothes folded neatly on the foot of the bed. Minnie must have had a key, because I’d locked the door the night before. I left the bed, went to the bathroom and then came back out and went to the mirror over the dresser. I fingered my curls, frowning. I hadn’t cut my hair in a long time, it was way past my shoulders and most of the time it was a wild mess. I’d never colored it either, but I guessed there was a first time for everything. Most redheads didn’t like their hair color, but I loved mine.

Grabbing the bag, I dug out the scissors and hair color. How short did I need to go? Very, I decided.  How would I look as a spiked blond? It didn’t matter. It was something I had to do. If I could alter my appearance enough to go unnoticed, I would be able to move around more freely, and without the concern of being captured. Sighing, I picked up the scissors and brought them up.


“Cut one lock of hair and I promise you won’t be able to sit down for a fucking week.”


I screamed and turned around. Hawk was sitting in the chair and I hadn’t even noticed him! He was pissed, his taut jaw twitched, and the coldness in his steely gaze revealed to me how angry he was. I could practically see the waves rolling off him, like the kind that you see on the road when you’re driving on a hot, sunny day. He may as well have been breathing fire, if his fisted hands were any indication of his rage. The thought crossed my mind that maybe he would kill me himself and save Dane the hassle.


He got up and came to me, and all I could do was react. Fear was a strong emotion, but stronger still was the will for self-preservation. The scissors were still clutched in my hand and without thinking I raised my hand and brought it down in a stabbing motion. “No!” I cried out, throwing myself at him. “I’m not going back with you!”                                                                                                                             

I’m not sure what I thought I was going to do. Hawk was a giant next to me and I couldn’t hope to match his strength, but if I could slow him down enough to get away, I would do it. I ignored his animal like growl of outrage, but I couldn’t ignore the pain of his grip around my wrist when he stopped my downward motion in mid-air. The next thing I knew I was fighting him like a wild animal, backed into a corner. I refused to go down without trying to hurt the man who’d hurt me.


“Let me go, Hawk! How could you? How could you?” I threw all of my weight against him but it was like going up against a stone wall. He easily held my hand with the scissors, shaking my wrist violently until the scissors went flying. “Bastard!” I screamed, leaning forward and biting him on the arm.


“What the fuck—”


“Kill me now because I’m not going back with you!” I spat, jerking and pushing against him.


“That can be arranged,” he snarled. “Stop!”


I brought my knee up, but he twisted before I could connect with his balls. I raked my nails down his face with my free hand, until he grabbed it and brought both arms behind my back. Enraged by my helplessness and how easy he countered my every move, I leaned forward and bit him on the chest this time. He snarled like a wounded bear and captured both my wrists with one of his hands to that he could bury his other hand in my hair. He grabbed the wild mass and yanked my head back roughly. Our gazes clashed with the mutual desire to conquer and subdue.


“Audra, stop before you get hurt!” Hawk warned.

A laugh escaped me. “Go to hell!” I kicked him in the shin, broke one of my wrists free from his hold, and began to punch him with it. “How much is he paying you, Hawk? How much?” I hit him in the face. “You tricked me into thinking I could trust you!”


His growl revealed his frustration, and I could tell that he’d reached his limit. He grabbed me by the front of my robe and threw me onto the bed. I bounced a few times before I was up and on my knees and facing him like a wild lioness. I was breathing fast and my heart was pounding so hard I could feel it in my chest. “I saw you two together! Did you think I was just going to calmly go with him?”


That little ray of sunlight coming in through the separated curtain landed on something on the bed, drawing my gaze there. The scissors! I snatched them up and threw myself at Hawk. Without thinking my hand shot forward and I winced at the feel of them slicing into his side. Blood instantly appeared.


“Son of a bitch!” he roared, grabbing the scissors from me. “What the fuck is your problem?” He threw his great weight down on me, pinning my arms above my head.


My first insane thought was about the blood getting onto Miss Minnie’s covers, and then,
hadn’t he been listening to me
? I twisted and bucked, feeling tears of hopelessness fill my eyes. It was a losing battle, but what hurt the most was Hawk’s betrayal. “I’m not going back with you, Hawk.” I could hear the defeat in my soft tone. “I know what you’re planning.” I sobbed, hating my weakness in front of this man.


Hot blood dripped down onto me, and it was then that I realized my robe had come undone and that I was practically naked beneath him. I felt flushed with heat from the battle, cold inside at what losing was going to cost me. I stilled, knowing it was no use, letting the tears slide down the side of my face. As my breathing slowed, so did Hawk’s. His hands relaxed against my wrists a little, but not enough for me to slip away. Our bodies were completely flush, our breaths almost one. He was hard, I could feel his cock pounding forcefully between my thighs, right against my pelvis.


A half-sob, half-chuckle escaped me. “What are you planning to do, get in a last fuck before you turn me over to Dane?”


“So you do know Covacks,” he said. It was a statement, not a question. The fact that he didn’t address his predicament meant that he was in control.
As usual.
I hated him for that control.


“Who?” I honestly didn’t know who he was talking about. “The man I saw you talking with back at the club?”


“You know damn well that’s who I’m talking about.” He lifted the top half of his body off mine a little so I could breathe easier.


“His name is Covacks?” Hawk confirmed with a sharp nod. “I only know that he’s an associate of Dane’s. I’ve seen them together before.” I felt totally defeated. “Why, Hawk?” I asked softly, holding his gaze. “Why do you want to give me to a man who’s going to bring me back to Dane?”


“You got all that out of Covacks’s showing up at the club?” His thumbs wiped at the tears lingering at the corners of my eyes, something so unlike Hawk that it took my breath away. “Covacks has more than one associate, baby.”


I thought about what Hawk was saying. It hadn’t occurred to me that he and Covacks might also know each other. The only thought that had crossed my mind when seeing Covacks was that he’d been sent there for me. The fact that Hawk had the same kind of associates as Dane was a little frightening.


“You mean you and Covacks?” Hawk nodded. “You weren’t going to give me to him?” He shook his head. “Oh.”


“Oh,” he repeated. “You’re a pain in my ass.” With that he rolled off me onto the bed, hissing with the movement.


The sound reminded me that I’d cut him. “Hawk!” I rolled onto my side and got to my knees. We were both covered in blood. “Oh my, God! I’m so sorry!” I carefully lifted the edge of his t-shirt to see the damage. Thank God the cut wasn’t very big, but the amount of blood flowing told me that it could be deep. It was hard to tell.


“You meant business.”


I glanced up to see his eyes on my breasts. The intensity of his gaze made my nipples tingle. He looked hungry. What was worse than a wounded animal? An aroused animal, and that’s what Hawk was. He aroused everything inside me.


Everything about him was feral, dangerous, and it turned me on. More than it should. But our libidos would have to wait. The man was bleeding like a stuck pig. The robe I was wearing was ruined now, so I slipped it off and removed the wide belt. “Hold this against your side,” I instructed.


The scissors were new, but that didn’t mean that they were clean. I slipped off the bed and went to the bathroom in hopes of finding something to flush out the cut with. I got lucky when a search turned up a small first aid kit beneath the sink. As I was walking back to the bed I tried not to notice how thoroughly Hawk’s gaze traveled over me. Ignoring the wetness between my legs was even harder. Hawk hadn’t moved from his position, and I couldn’t help but zero in on the bowed erection behind his zipper. I kneeled down next to him, opened the kit, and pulled out the peroxide.


“Since I’m playing nurse again I’ll check the wound on your arm, too.” I remembered seeing it bleeding after I bandaged it the other day, and, knowing Hawk, he’d just ignored taking care of it. Just as I was about to douse his side he grabbed my wrist. My gaze moved up to meet his. I waited.

“When you’re done I’m going to fuck you.”


Sweet Jesus, the man had a way with words! I caught my breath, feeling my pulse throb. What was it with him treating anger and violence with lust? Sex seemed to calm his madness. “Then my work will be for nothing,” I said reluctantly.


.” His gruff, no-nonsense tone let me know that he was dead serious about that. We were fucking, one way or another.


I bit my bottom lip to keep from smiling, totally turned-on. “Minnie—”


“Miss Minnie is across the street with her cronies getting her usual morning breakfast.”


His tone revealed that he knew the older woman.  I should have figured. Solon was a small town. Everyone probably knew everyone, and there were no secrets.


“You’ll bleed all over her sheets.” I felt compelled to show at least a little restraint.


His sexy-as-hell-grin told me that he wasn’t buying it. “A little late for that.”


He was right. I just looked at him.


“Run out of excuses?”


“I’d have thought you’d want to punish me rather than fucking me for running away.” I was stupid for reminding him.


“Oh, don’t worry, baby. You’ll be punished for being a pain in my ass.” How could he make it sound more like a promise than a threat? “You have a choice, Audra. Fuck me now, or take your punishment now. I can promise you, you’ll wish you’d fucked me first.”


The bastard was serious! And here I was trying to be sensitive to his wounded condition. Yeah, right. The man was impossible, and intuitive enough to know that I wanted him. “What if you bleed to death?”


His sexy grin didn’t take the sting out of his next comment. “Then we’re both dead.”




Chapter 17




Jesus, she was going to do me in one way or another. Her fucking nudity was a sure-fire way to cure a lot of things, including the pain behind a knife, or scissors, wound. I wasn’t surprised that she’d cut me, hell, she’d been mad enough. But fuck, looking at the sexy sway of her large tits, with their rock hard nipples, and her juicy snatch, was the only thing on my mind. That and how fast I could get inside her.


How could she think that strutting around completely fucking naked wouldn’t get to me?


My dick was a solid bar of concrete muscle in my jeans, and it was damned uncomfortable. She poured a generous amount of peroxide into my wound, and then dabbed at it with some cotton. I noticed that she was avoiding my eyes. I grinned. I had a solution for that.


“Undo my fucking jeans, Audra.”


Her gaze shot up to mine. Fuck, she was sexy. That shy, sultry look she had going on was cute but it wasn’t going to stop me. Her hands faltered.


“Let me bind your wound first.”


“Audra—” I said warningly. “Take my dick out. I need you fucking on it now.” I wanted to grab her by the hair and force the issue because God help her I was about to lose my shit. “Audra—” Something in my tone must have finally registered with her, because she shifted her focus to me.


“Please, Hawk. I feel bad enough as it is. Let me bind you and then I’ll ride you as long as you want.”


I could see that she was turned-on, the eyes didn’t lie but the other emotions shifting across her face were hard to define. I groaned, wondering when I’d fucking lost control. I then lifted my hips off the bed so she could pull the belt beneath me. I barely gave her time to position it over the cut and tie it off before snarling, “
, Audra.”


My dick was going to fucking break right through my pants if she didn’t move.


I didn’t appreciate her teasing smile. If I came before she got to it I wouldn’t be fucking happy. That’s how close I was. Between the anger of chasing her ass down, the heat of our fight, and her fucking cutting me, I was on the border. Fighting always got me riled and ready for fucking. It was the only thing that calmed the beast inside me.

Audra wisely undid my jeans, parted the material, and pulled my dick free. It was standing straight up, red hot and dripping. As she stared at it she made the mistake of licking her lips. That did it for me. The desire to have her mouth wrapped around my dick was surpassed only by the desire for her to take me inside her tight body. A savage growl erupted from me as I grabbed her by the waist and lifted her high above my cock. I didn’t need to tell her what to do next.


Sounds of deep satisfaction vibrated through the room as I thrust up and buried my dick as far as it would go. Keeping my hands on Audra’s hips, I held her still for a minute, forcing back the need to come. Ironic, considering that was my main goal. But I wanted her to fuck it out of me, wanted to fucking feel her juicy cunt swell and clench around me while it milked the cum from my balls.


“Hawk—” A muted sigh that revealed her heart.


Fuck, no! I didn’t want to hear that softness in her tone, that emotion that said more than words. I didn’t want her feeling anything but my fucking dick in her body and the mind-blowing pleasure that followed. Falling for me would be Audra’s biggest mistake. It would ruin her. That was one of the reasons I didn’t kiss. Kissing was too intimate, and promised more than I could give.


I released her hips, deciding to ignore what I’d heard because there was something more important on my mind right now. “Ride me, baby.”


She began to move her hips. I closed my eyes and groaned, swelling inside her already. It wouldn’t take long. As Audra picked up speed I opened my eyes to watch her bouncing on my dick, feasting on her large tits, and then moved my gaze slowly down her luscious curves. I watched my dick disappear inside her body, mesmerized by the slapping of our flesh and the creamy wetness pooling where we were connected. Her thighs clenched my hips, holding on as I thrust up.


“Fucking hell, woman, you have a tight pussy,” I snarled, feeling it clench around me like a vice. “I’m gonna come so hard the force is going to blow you off my dick.”


“Is that a promise?” she teased, grinding down on me. She lifted her arms and pulled her long hair up off her neck. It was a sexy move.


I reached for her tits, taking the heavy globes in my hands and squeezing them until she moaned and closed her eyes. She threw her head back, and her flushed expression twisted, nostrils flaring with lust. Tweaking her nipples caused her eyes to snap open, but they were clouded with smoky heat. They locked onto mine. Her small tongue came out to lick her lips.


“Come on, baby.” I lowered my hand to her pussy, burrowing a finger to find her clit. It was extended and I gave it the attention it needed. I pinched and pressed against it. “Fucking put some cum on my dick.”


Audra gasped and gave a little quiver.

“Your cunt’s squeezing my dick good,” I growled, feeling my orgasm approaching quickly. “Make some room for my cum because here it comes, baby!” One final plunge, so deep I came up against a barrier, and I was exploding like a fucking geyser inside her. “Fuuuuuuck!” I roared pinching her clit as my dick spilled inside her.


Audra stiffened, and then cried out, “Oh, God!” And I knew she was coming. All of a sudden there was more wetness then her cunt could hold. I held her down tightly, and cum still leaked out. The warm stickiness with an aroma all its own coated my balls, causing my dick to release more of my seed. It was a powerful orgasm, claiming more than just my cock. At that moment the woman on top of me owned me as much as I fucking owned her.


I was fucked.


As we slowly came down from the orgasmic bliss I let Audra collapse against me. I was still inside her and I wanted to remain there as long as possible, enjoying her heat while being tucked away in the best pussy I’d had in a long time. My heart felt like it was going to pound right out of my chest, and I knew that it was keeping beat to the blood pumping through my veins. This woman was dangerous to me in more ways than one.


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.


“God, Hawk, that was… intense.”


Yeah, it fucking was. The release had taken care of more than one problem for me. I didn’t think Audra would understand the need, the overwhelming urge to fuck that men like my brothers and I possessed. Sex soothed the pounding, rage-filled adrenaline that rushed through our bodies so that we could act halfway human. It was the outlaw life we chose, driving us to live every day as if it were our last, taking what we wanted in the moment.


I gripped the back of her hair and pulled her head up, glaring into her smoky eyes. She was flushed a pretty color, her rapid breathing still rushing through her parted lips. When I saw her gaze go to my mouth I clenched my jaw. I knew what Audra wanted. Fuck, if I were honest with myself, I wanted it, too. But I couldn’t bring myself to cross that line.


“We need to go.”


She nodded slowly, a sad little smile covering her mouth as she carefully moved off of me. “Just let me clean up and dress.” She turned and disappeared into the bathroom.




I sat up, realizing that I’d never taken my jeans off. Cum coated my limp dick and the hair surrounding it. I inhaled deeply, filling my lungs with the unmistakable smell of sex. I left the bed and walked to the dresser, lifting my shirt. The belt Audra had wrapped around me seemed to be holding up. There was no sign of blood. I was doing up my zipper when she emerged from the bathroom. She went directly to a stack of clothes I hadn’t noticed before.

“How did you find me, Hawk?”


She was pulling up her cut offs.


“It wasn’t hard. The clerk at the grocery store.”


“Oh.” She slipped her shirt over her head.


She wore no under things, just a pair of shorts that revealed more than they probably should have, and a thin tee. The thought crossed my mind that we should pick up some clothes for her while we were in town. “Just so you know the people here feel like they owe us. We’re on friendly terms and help the community.”


“In case I try to run again?” Audra asked with a smile.


I shrugged. “Save you the trouble. Besides, you’re safer if you stay with us.”


“Do I have your word that you won’t turn me over to Dane or any of his men?”


Her comment pissed me off. “Look, I told you, as soon as we sort out shit at what’s going on, we’ll let you go.”


Audra’s light laughter caught me off guard. “You mean once you find out that I’m not a threat to your club. I’m not stupid, Hawk.”


“No, you’re just sexy as fuck and I want to keep you around a little longer.” I dug into my pocket for some money, peeled off a couple of hundreds, and put them on the dresser top. “That should cover the ruined sheets and robe. You ready?”


She nodded. “It doesn’t take me long.”


“Come on. We’ll stop and pick you up a few things before we head back.” I opened the bedroom door and entered the kitchen, my brows shooting up when I saw Miss Minnie sitting at the small table with her arms crossed and looking like a mad mother hen.


“Well, now. Bout time you two came out,” she said, getting to her feet. She glanced past me at Audra. “Is he the trouble you’re running from? Because if he is, I’ll tell you right now, Jed Bodine,” Her gaze snapped back to me, “You’re not taking her with you.”


I winced at the sound of my real name. There weren’t many who had the guts, but I’d known Miss Minnie since I was a kid, had grown up two houses down from hers until I joined the club and moved out to the club house. Christ, the woman had babysat me on more than one occasion.


“Relax, Miss Minnie, Audra wants to come with me.” Audra moved up next to me. “Don’t ya, baby.”

Miss Minnie’s doubtful eyes focused back on Audra. I knew the old bird would remain stubborn until she was convinced that I wasn’t stealing Audra for my own devious means.


“It’s okay, Miss Minnie,” Audra finally spoke up, amusement clearly in her tone. “Jed isn’t the one I was running from.” My gaze swung to hers when she said my name. Her smile grew. “He’s actually my savior.”


Among other things.


Miss Minnie raised a brow, obviously not sure if she wanted to believe what she was hearing. After going back and forth between me and Audra, and ultimately coming to a conclusion, a smile finally broke out on her mouth. “Well, okay then. I guess you’re off the hook. Sit down and I’ll fix you some breakfast.” She turned, opened a cupboard next to the stove, and pulled out a fry pan.


“No thank you.” I grabbed Audra’s hand.


“Maybe next time?” Audra suggested as I pulled her past the old lady.


“Well—” I saw surprise register on her face out of the corner of my eye. “Are you sure?”


“Thank you for your kindness, Aunt Minnie,” Audra said as we rushed from the house. “It was nice meeting you.”


Aunt Minnie’s, “Likewise, dear,” faded away as we closed the door and rushed down the steps.


I mounted my bike and waited for Audra to climb on behind me. Once her arms were wrapped around my waist I revved the engine, peeled out of the driveway, and headed toward the second-hand store down the street. I knew they had clothes because some of the club girls bought their stuff from there, boasting that some of the items had never been worn. Five minutes later I was pulling up in front of ‘Yesterday’s Goods’ and kicking down the kickstand.


“Come on, babe. Let’s find you some clothes.”


“I don’t have money—”


I shot her a
shut the fuck up
look and pushed her in ahead of me with a hand at her back. I’d been in the store a couple of times, but not for clothes. Being over six and a half feet tall limited my options when it came to clothes shopping. A quick scan showed me several racks at the back of the store, next to a door with a sign on it that said “changing room”. I directed Audra there.

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