Read Philip Larkin Online

Authors: James Booth

Philip Larkin (104 page)

   James Booth,
Philip Larkin: The Poet’s Plight
(Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005), Appendix, pp. 202–3.
   DX/329, inventory p. 584.
   John Betjeman, ‘On a Portrait of a Deaf Man’,
Collected Poems
(London: John Murray, enlarged edn, 1973), p. 96.
   ‘The current of his feeling failed: he became his admirers.’ W. H. Auden, ‘In Memory of W. B. Yeats’, in
The English Auden
, ed. Edward Mendelson (London: Faber & Faber, 1986), p. 241.
   Note in an early draft of ‘The Building’. DPL/1/8/2.


1. Unpublished or partly published material

Larkin family papers, Hull University Collection, The History Centre, Hull, U DLN/1–6. (Letters to Eva Larkin, U DLN/6).
Larkin, various papers, Hull University Collection, The History Centre, Hull, U DP, U DPL.
Letters to Kingsley Amis, The Huntington Library, California, AMS 353–428.
Letters to Monica Jones, The Bodleian Library, Oxford, MS. Eng. c.7403–c.7445.
Letters to James Sutton, Hull University Collection, The History Centre, Hull, U DP/174/2.
Pictures, photographs, ornaments, etc. from 105 Newland Park, Hull University Collection, The History Centre, Hull (Philip Larkin Society deposit), U DX/329.
Workbook 1 (1944–50), British Library, Add. MS. 52619.
Workbooks 2–8: Hull University Collection, The History Centre, Hull, U DPL/1/2–8.
Workbook containing drafts of poems from 1975–6, Emory University, Atlanta, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Library (MARBL).

2. Publications of Larkin’s work

All What Jazz: A Record Diary
(London: Faber & Faber, 2nd edn, 1985).
‘Biographical Details: OXFORD’, parts 1 and 2,
About Larkin
23 (April 2007), pp. 5–13, and
About Larkin
24 (October 2007), pp. 4–19.
The Complete Poems of Philip Larkin
, ed. with an introduction and commentary by Archie Burnett (London: Faber & Faber, 2012).
‘Country Beauty’ (‘Verlaine’),
About Larkin
36 (October 2013), pp. 4–5.
Early Poems and Juvenilia
, ed. A. T. Tolley (London: Faber & Faber, 2005).
Further Requirements: Interviews, Broadcasts, Statements and Book Reviews 1952–1985
, ed. Anthony Thwaite (London: Faber & Faber, pbk edn with two additional chapters, 2002).
A Girl in Winter
(London: Faber & Faber, 1975 edn).
High Windows
(London: Faber & Faber, 1974).
‘An Incident in the English Camp’,
About Larkin
12 (October 2001), pp. 5–10.
Incidents from Phippy’s Schooldays
, ed. Brenda Allen and James Acheson (Edmonton, Canada: Juvenilia Press, 2002).
(London: Faber & Faber, 1975 edn).
‘Larkin’s Dream Diary 1942–3, Part 1’ and ‘Part 2’, ed. Don Lee,
About Larkin
27 (April 2009), pp. 5–13, and
About Larkin
28 (October 2009), pp. 5–13.
Larkin’s Jazz: Essays and Reviews 1940–84
, ed. Richard Palmer and John White (London and New York: Continuum, 2001).
‘Larkin’s Second Dream Diary’, ed. James Booth,
About Larkin
32 (October 2011), pp. 6–7.
The Less Deceived
(Hull: Marvell Press, 1955).
Letters to Monica
, ed. Anthony Thwaite (London: Faber & Faber/Bodleian Library, 2010).
‘Letters to my Mind’,
About Larkin
34 (October 2012), pp. 5–9.
The North Ship
(London: Fortune Press, 1945; first Faber & Faber edn 1966).
The Oxford Book of Twentieth-Century English Verse
(London: Oxford University Press, 1973).
About Larkin
11 (April 2001), pp. 13–23.
Philip Larkin: Collected Poems
, ed. Anthony Thwaite (London: Marvell Press/Faber & Faber, 1988, revised 1990).
Philip Larkin: Collected Poems
, ed. Anthony Thwaite (London: Marvell Press/Faber & Faber, 2003); excludes poems first published in 1988.
Philip Larkin: Poems
selected by Martin Amis (London: Faber & Faber, 2011).
Philip Larkin Reads and Comments on
The Whitsun Weddings
, Listen Records, ‘The Poet’s Voice’, ed. George Hartley (Hull: Marvell Press, 1965).
Philip Larkin Reads The Less Deceived
, Listen Records, ‘The Poet’s Voice’, ed. George Hartley (Hull: Marvell Press, 1958).
‘Poem for Penelope abt. the Mechanical Turd’, in Susannah Tarbush, ‘From
Willow Gables
to “Aubade”: Penelope Scott Stokes and Philip Larkin: Part 1’,
About Larkin
25 (April 2008), pp. 5–11, at p. 11.
Required Writing: Miscellaneous Pieces 1955–1982
(London: Faber & Faber, 1983).
Selected Letters
, ed. Anthony Thwaite (London: Faber & Faber, 1992).
‘Single to Belfast’, in Andrew Motion,
Philip Larkin: A Writer’s Life
(London: Faber & Faber, 1993), pp. 196–7.
‘Story 1’,
About Larkin
10 (October 2000), pp. 4–20.
Trouble at Willow Gables and Other Fictions
, ed. James Booth (London: Faber & Faber, 2002).
The Whitsun Weddings
(London: Faber & Faber, 1964).
‘The Winter Palace’,
About Larkin
33 (April 2012), front cover.
‘Worksheets of “At Grass”’,
11/12 (1973/4), pp. 91–103.
XX Poems
, privately printed, Belfast, 1951.

3. Bibliography and Concordance

Bloomfield, B. C.,
Philip Larkin: A Bibliography 1933–1994
(London: British Library and Oak Knoll Press, revised and enlarged edn, 2002).
Watt, R. J. C.,
A Concordance to the Poetry of Philip Larkin
(Hildesheim: Olms-Weidmann, 1995).

4. Memoirs and Recollections

Amis, Kingsley,
(London: Hutchinson, 1991).
——, ‘Oxford and After’, in Anthony Thwaite (ed.),
Larkin at Sixty
(London: Faber & Faber, 1982), pp. 23–30.
Booth, James, ‘Glimpses’ (interview with Monica Jones),
About Larkin
12 (October 2001), pp. 21–6.
Brennan, Maeve, ‘Philip Larkin: a biographical sketch’, in Brian Dyson (ed.),
The Modern Academic Library: Essays in Memory of Philip Larkin
(London: Library Association, 1988), pp. 1–19.
The Philip Larkin I Knew
(Manchester: Manchester University Press, Larkin Society Monograph 3, 2002).
Dawson (Arnott), Winifred, ‘The Day I Met Monica’,
About Larkin
31 (April 2011), pp. 5–7.
Dyson, Brian (ed.),
The Modern Academic Library: Essays in Memory of Philip Larkin
(London: Library Association, 1988).
Fowler, Margaret, ‘Larkin’s Library Recollected’,
About Larkin
32 (October 2011), p. 11.
Hamburger, Michael,
Philip Larkin
(London: Enitharmon Press, 2002).
Hartley, George (ed.),
Philip Larkin – A Tribute: 1922–1985
(London: Marvell Press, 1988).
Hartley, Jean, ‘Larkin, Love and Sex’,
About Larkin
30 (October 2010), pp. 6–8.
Philip Larkin, the Marvell Press and Me
(1989; London: Sumach Press, 1993).
Hughes, Noel, ‘The Young Mr Larkin’, in Anthony Thwaite (ed.),
Larkin at Sixty
(London: Faber & Faber, 1982), pp. 17–22.
Iles, Norman, ‘Our Group’,
London Magazine
, December/January 1999/2000, pp. 26–7.
Keating, Peter, ‘Monica’, in
Autobiography Tales
(Edinburgh: Priskus, 2013, pp. 77–155).
Moon, Brenda, ‘Working with Philip Larkin’,
About Larkin
8 (October 1999), pp. 5–11.
Phillips, Moira, ‘Larkin Recollected’,
About Larkin
33 (April 2012), p. 11.
Raban, Jonathan,
(London, Collins Harvill, 1986).
——, ‘Philip Larkin’, in
Driving Home:
An American Scrapbook
(London: Picador, 2010).

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